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This paper provides a framework for retailer pricing and ordering decisions in a dynamic category management setting. In this regard, the key contributions of this paper are as follows. First, we develop a multi-brand ordering and pricing model that endogenizes retailer forward buying and maximizes profitability for the category. The model considers (i) manufacturer trade deals to retailers, (ii) ordering costs incurred by the retailer, (iii) retailer forward buying behavior, and (iv) both own- and cross-price effects of all the brands in the category. Second, we use this model to compare differences in ordering and pricing decisions, and in profits, resulting from using a category management versus a brand-by-brand management approach. Our approach allows us to derive implications in a dynamic setting about the impact of interdependence among the brands upon decisions on pass-through of trade deals and retailer order quantity. We show that category management results in noticeably higher profits versus brand-by-brand and cost-plus (markup) approaches. Further, our results suggest an interaction between a brand's own-price effect and its cross-price effect emerges. If the cross-price effect for a brand is low - that is, the brand takes away relatively few sales from the other brands - the retail pass-through should increase with that brand's own-price effect. On the other hand, when the cross-price effect is high, the retail pass-through decreases with the brand's own-price effect.  相似文献   

Should manufacturers of products such as automobiles and household appliances offer cash rebates to all consumers at the time of purchase, or offer trade deals to retailers? The authors conduct an analytical inquiry that shows that choosing between these two types of price promotion critically depends on the consumer sensitivity to both regular and promotional prices. More specifically, when consumers are more (less) sensitive to promotions than to regular prices, manufacturers are better (worse) off offering trade deals (consumer rebates) rather than consumer rebates (trade deals). Consistent with traditional predictions found in the economic literature, either of the two promotions can be offered indiscriminately if consumers make no difference between promotional offers and regular-price reductions. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

As global trends regarding increased mergers and acquisitions continue, small local retailers must learn how to fend off these strong attackers. We assess key services strategies when small-local retailers compete against large-national retailers in industrialized (USA) and developing world (black South African township) retail settings. Of key interest is how theories generated from industrialized world research apply in developing world settings. We found that small retailers fend off large national retailers using virtually identical strategies regardless of the level of economic development.
Noxolo-Eileen MazibukoEmail:

Prior research suggests that adoption decisions are primarily based on product features and experiential opportunities, like trial and observation. Our research follows inquiries that identify anticipated regret (AR) as an emotion integral to consumer decision making. Prior research and current retailing practice assume that AR can be alleviated by compelling product attribute-based rationales for immediate purchase. These rationales often take the form of direct attribute comparisons between the current best and the future technologies. Counter-intuitively, we find that giving consumers attribute-based justifications for immediate purchase produces a uniform level of AR and purchase delay regardless of the perceived rate of innovation (PRI). However, under conditions of low PRI and no justification, AR decreases significantly. A clear implication of our findings is that firms marketing current technology should not rush to provide consumers with justifications for immediate upgrade since such communications will remind consumers of what they might miss if they adopt now, resulting in increased AR and purchase delays. Instead, we suggest that retailers focus promotional efforts on highlighting the hedonic benefits consumers experience by adopting today.  相似文献   

我国批发与零售环节的地位、作用与演变趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘星原 《财贸经济》2004,(10):66-70
本文研究了我国市场经济体制下批发与零售环节地位与作用的演变趋势,对比、分析、描述与探讨了近年来我国批发与零售环节销售业务的数据及其总量、结构、演变趋势和原因等.在此基础上,提出了如下观点:批发环节不会在流通市场化过程中消亡,而是呈现出淘汰、整合、创新与发展的趋势;我国传统"批发环节主导零售"的地位,正在发生"批发环节服务于零售环节与用户"的根本性变化,而零售环节在商品流通渠道中的主导地位与作用越来越明显;由商品自然属性和社会属性的差异性决定,商品流通渠道向多样化的构成方向演变,批发环节已不是商品流通过程的必经环节.  相似文献   

Extreme cherry pickers are customers who seek price deals and excessively avail themselves of deep discount offers, which generates negative profits for retailers. This study uses market transaction and primary consumer survey data to provide insights into the determinants, prevalence, and profit impacts of such behavior in the frequently purchased goods market. We find that the extreme cherry picking segment is small (about 2% of all shoppers), but its relative value varies across stores, and consumers manifest this behavior only in secondary stores. An inverse U-shaped relationship marks consumers’ opportunity costs for cross-store price search and likelihood of extreme cherry picking behavior. Finally, we also find that a loss leader promotional strategy adds to retailers’ bottom lines, despite the pure loss generated by extreme cherry pickers.  相似文献   

The allegiance of a particular customer, and the distribution across customers of strength of affiliation to a store are important indicators of store health. It is therefore important to understand the extent and determinants of shopper mobility among competing retailers. While shoppers often patronize many stores, they typically have a primary affiliation to a “main store” that captures the majority of their purchases. We examine, in detail, the tendencies of shoppers to transition away from the current main store and adopt another in its place. That is, rather than study all types of store switching behavior, we focus on the decision to change primary allegiance. The model is established in a discrete time hazard framework and estimated as random-effects probit. Data from 548 households taking 88,945 shopping trips among five stores are used to calibrate the model.We find that state dependence is prevalent with nearly three quarters of the shoppers showing progressive attachment to their current main store. Interestingly, this finding is not simply driven by location (i.e., because shoppers are captive to a single store based on geographical distance). More likely, shoppers are unwilling to give up the benefits of store-specific knowledge of assortment, layout and prices. Second, the decision to transition from a current main store is not influenced by temporary price promotions on a common basket of items: Shoppers will cherry-pick, but this alone does not cause them to change primary allegiance. The majority of transitions occur across competing stores of the same price format, which suggests “format loyalty” is an important aspect of shopper behavior. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity, we find little relationship between observable demographics and the transition probability. We do, however, find that shoppers who spend more per trip are less likely to change main stores, as are less frequent shoppers. Implications for retail management strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Managing price expectations through product overlap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How should a retailer think about the decision to carry, price, and promote products that overlap with another store when such overlap is predicted to intensify price competition and drive down product prices? The existing research suggests that retailers should look to carry an ever-increasing percentage of unique or non-overlapping products [J. Marketing 61 (1997) 38; Marketing Sci. 19 (2000) 83], thereby eliminating the ability to compare prices across stores.We challenge this recommendation, arguing that overlapping products allow one type of retailer—the higher end retailer—to signal the fairness of its prices and foster a more favorable price image than might otherwise exist. In a laboratory study, we show that, for higher end stores, the existence of overlapping products can significantly increase perceptions of pricing fairness and subsequent store choice, even when those overlapping products are no cheaper in the focal store than in a competing store.  相似文献   

Our study aims to analyze the role of store format in retail competitive interactions, specifically, the relationship between growth, location strategy, and market response. To assess this relationship, we propose an extension of the classic models of spatial interaction, which incorporate the asymmetric competitive effects linked to the concept of store format. An empirical application allows us to confirm greater spatial rivalry within store formats (intra-format) than between store formats (inter-format). This implies a certain hierarchical organization when consumers select a retail store, first choosing the type of store at which they will shop and later a particular store within this format. The results are important for retailers who want to configure an optimal network of store locations as well as public administrators who must regulate commercial activity.  相似文献   

There are several explanations as to why warehouse clubs charge membership fees and how the fees play a role in the competitive landscape of the retail grocery market. We provide another insight into the nature of the membership fee using a model of price competition between a warehouse club and a supermarket. We show that the warehouse club's membership fee is an optimal competitive reaction to the supermarket's promotional activity. The more frequent the promotion is, the lower is the membership fee. However, the larger the promotion depth is, the higher is the fee. We show that the cherry-picker segment plays a key role behind these results. Our analysis not only provides a justification of warehouse club membership fees by discovering its duality with the cherry-picker segment but also gives managers several guidelines on yearly fee and retail price decisions.  相似文献   

For grocery retailers in Europe, intense competition from hard discount formats like Lidl and Aldi is an established part of the competitive landscape. Due to the highly competitive retail environment, traditional retailers’ private label (PL) tiers are now set to become the new battle ground in this competition. This study analyzes how PL tiers (i.e. economy, standard and premium) affect the competition between discounters and traditional retailers. We use a representative UK household panel dataset (2009–2010) for the ready-to-eat cereal and canned soup category, and estimate a demand model for the choice between national brands (NBs) and PL tiers across the top-7 UK retailers. Using our demand estimates, we conduct several counterfactual experiments that predict consumer responses to different strategies of traditional retailers and discounters in their fight for the consumer. In particular, we compare the effectiveness of three types of PLs offered by traditional retailers to fight discounters: economy PLs versus standard PLs versus premium PLs. We find that premium PLs are not very effective strategies for traditional retailers to fight with discounters. On the other hand, economy PLs manage to steal some market share from discounters, but as a downside they also cannibalize traditional retailers’ standard PLs. Standard PLs seem the most effective tool to fight with discounters, since they steal most market share from discounters (and NBs). From the point of view of the discounters, our results indicate that discounters benefit from a further increase in their NB offerings (assortment depth) as well as from a price cut in their own PLs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact of a service process improvement in front-end retail operations on the waiting experiences of shared customers, that is, those customers who patronize a retailer as well as its competitors. Our findings from two studies—a field study and a controlled laboratory experiment—suggest that while customers’ waiting time perceptions are independent across competing firms, their waiting time satisfaction is interdependent. As a result, the impact of a retailer's service improvement initiative that reduces waiting times is not merely local to the retailer but propagates to its competitors through its shared customers. Specifically, such an improvement not only raises shared customers’ satisfaction with the focal retailer, it also concurrently lowers their satisfaction with the retailer's competitors. By implication, current approaches that assess the impact of a service process improvement by just measuring the difference in customer satisfaction before and after the improvement may be underestimating the true impact of such improvements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of geographical differentiation in store location decisions of firms in the retail discount industry. Using a novel data set that includes the store locations and accompanying market conditions for all stores belonging to the Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Target chains, we study the factors that influence the entry and location decisions of these firms. The model involves an incomplete information game between the three players where each firm has private information about its own profitability. A key feature of our modeling approach is that it permits asymmetries across firms in the impact of exogenous market characteristics and competitive interaction effects. Variations in the exogenous firm specific characteristics, such as the distances from the market to firms’ headquarters and the nearest distribution centers, serve as exclusion restrictions and provide the source for model identification. Parameter estimates of the payoff functions are used to predict the equilibrium market structure under a variety of market conditions that provide insights into the competitive landscape of the industry. Results show that all firms exert a strong negative impact on competitors when they are in close proximity, but the effect decreases with distance to rivals suggesting strong returns to spatial differentiation in this industry. Target stores fare well under competition except when these competitors are in close proximity. Wal-Mart’s supercenter format is found to be the most formidable player as it substantially impacts competitors even at a large distance. We also find significant asymmetries across players in their response to market conditions and competition interactions.
Vishal SinghEmail:

本文运用产业内贸易指数、贸易竞争力指数等指标对我国高新技术产品进行了实证研究,对提高我国高新技术产品的国际竞争力提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

We address the problem of estimating retail business potential at alternative sites, with concern for assessing performance relative to potential in existing markets and for identifying the best sites for expansion into new markets. At question is the utility of information typically used in formal retail patronage models, in comparison with additional information considered important by retail executives. Relevant data are gathered from secondary sources and intensive in-store surveys are conducted to produce a portfolio of information about neighbourhood demographics, store ambience, variety and quality of products and services, relative prices of selected products, etc. for stores in a retail grocery chain and competitive stores in the chain's markets. We experiment with alternative statistical models for store performance to determine the consequence of restricting the types of data available when constructing the models. Our findings suggest that while information about store location and surrounding areas, store characteristics and competitive position are all required to obtain the best assessment for business potential at a site, a few key variables on each dimension offer the bulk of explanatory power. Further, the spatial-locational variables affect all measures of store performance in intuitive directions, whereas the effects of other variables differ according to performance measure and reflect the store's market position.  相似文献   

中国内外资零售企业竞争态势比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以限额以上零售企业为样本,采用静态比较分析的方法,从基本情况、财务结构、盈利能力和工资福利等方面进行比较和分析。以探求当前我国内、外资零售企业的真实竞争状况和动向,并对我国内资零售企业如何把握和参与竞争提出相关建议。最后指出零售业自由化和全球化的最终赢家是PK台下的观众:中国的消费者和老百姓。  相似文献   

Managing the shipment of goods to consumers is one of the central aspects of retail competition on the internet. In this article, we analyze internet retailers’ shipping strategies using data from the internet book retailing industry. We find that, controlling for a variety of observable firm characteristics, firms with lower product prices offer lower shipping fees and higher quality shipping in terms of average delivery time, compared to firms with higher product prices. These patterns cannot be readily reconciled with a large class of models of competition under perfect consumer information. Theories based on imperfect consumer information can explain the findings better.
Han LiEmail:

We examine how product and pricing decisions of retail gasoline stations depend on local market demographics and the degree of competitive intensity in the market. We are able to shed light on the observed empirical phenomenon that proximate gasoline stations price very similarly in some markets, but very differently in other markets. Our analysis of product design and price competition between firms integrates two critical dimensions of heterogeneity across consumers: Consumers differ in their locations and in their travel costs, as in models of horizontal differentiation. They also differ in their relative preference or valuations for product quality dimensions, in terms of the offered station services (such as pay-at-pump, number of service bays or other added services), as in models of vertical differentiation. We find that the degree of local competitive intensity and the dispersion in consumer incomes are sufficient to explain variations in the product and pricing choices of competing firms. Closely located retailers who face sufficient income dispersion across consumers in a local market may differentiate on product design and pricing strategies. In contrast, retailers that are farther apart from each other may adopt similar product design and pricing strategies if the market is relatively homogeneous on income. Using empirical survey data on prices and station characteristics gathered across 724 gasoline stations in the St. Louis metropolitan area, and employing a multivariate logit model that predicts the joint probability of stations within a local market differentiating on product design and pricing strategies as a function of market demographics and local competitive intensity, we find strong support for the central implications of the theory.
P. B. Seetharaman (Corresponding author)Email:

This study seeks to determine retail recovery patterns after a natural disaster and to provide useful information for areas recovering from a major disaster. The New Orleans metropolitan area serves as the primary area studied in this research due to Hurricane Katrina's status as the most costly natural disaster in the history of the United States. Eight additional cities that were impacted by natural disaster were also investigated in order to compare and contrast the retail recovery rate ofthese cities to New Orleans across 10 retail categories. The Yellow Pages telephone book and the United States Census of Retail Trade were utilized to determine recovery rates and the existence of possible patterns of recovery in each of the 10 retail categories. The analysis also includes a provision for population shifts due to the respective disasters. The results, which demonstrate both consistencies and inconsistencies across the disaster recovery areas, are discussed and future direction for retail recovery research is advanced.  相似文献   

经济全球化使市场空间已经超出国家竞争政策①的管辖空间,健全的全球经济竞争政策对于保证国际经济关系的稳定性和多边贸易体制的有效性是十分重要的。本文首先分析市场全球化与世界垄断形成之间的关系,然后分析了现有多边贸易体制和国家竞争法②域外适用面对企业限制竞争行为的局限性,最后分析了世界贸易组织在竞争政策中的应有作用。  相似文献   

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