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在公民的单位角色失落后,社区空间引起了人们的重视.而目前城市社区研究多关注于社区自治、社区机制体制创新、社区参与、社区权力、社区服务等方面内容,对社区公共空间这种物质基础与社区发展之间的关系问题很少有人做研究.社区成员是社区发展的主体,只有社区成员充分参与到社区活动中来社区才能得到真正意义上的发展,公共空间则是居民参与社区事务的一个重要渠道,在一定意义上说公共空间开辟的程度决定了社区成员对社区事务的参与,进而影响到社区发展. 相似文献
地方理论在城市休闲空间研究中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文浅议了地方理论的构成体系,并以休闲空间为着落点,架构了休闲空间研究中的地方观解构体系,初步提出了休闲空间研究中的方法论体系、微区位视野观、地方资源强化观、地方文化造化观、地方再生活化观等,从而有助于丰富和完善地方理论的理论内涵和实践内涵. 相似文献
多城市空间组合体是21世纪最为重要的区域经济现象和经济力量,包括城市经济学、空间经济学、区域与城市规划学等多学科分支的区域科学,对多城市组合体的界定、成长和空间结构演化等进行了很多研究,但在区位差异、城市功能互补以及各学科理论整合等方面还有进一步拓展和深化的空间。 相似文献
要以马克思主义的历史眼光充分认识创先争优理论研究的重大意义?。进一步深化创先争优理论研究,不断提高党建理论研究水平。运用创先争优理论成果,更好地指导创先争优实践。 相似文献
城市更新是城市空间不断适配人本需求发展变化的社会实践过程。研究以“人本”视角为导向,结合对我国城市更新实践的历程回顾和中西方人本思想溯源,提炼出主体中心、需求平衡、矛盾权变、发展应机四项人本思想核心价值,并据此建构出以主客系统要素适配、主体需求辩证响应、主体矛盾多维调解、主客周期适变协同为行动路径的城市更新行动理论,以科学指导新时期我国城市更新的空间实践,满足人民群众对美好生活的需求。 相似文献
Brendan James Gray Suzanne Duncan Jodyanne Kirkwood Sara Walton 《Entrepreneurship & Regional Development》2014,26(5-6):401-430
South Pacific island states are at the forefront of climatic changes that have precipitated severe environmental events. These small countries also face economic and social challenges that require entrepreneurial solutions. We develop a model of how external factors and chance events impact on sustainable opportunity recognition and exploitation in this context. We assess the efficacy of this model in an in-depth study of Women in Business Development Incorporated, a non-governmental organization that helps women and families in Samoa to establish sustainable enterprises. Our findings make a significant contribution to the emerging literature on entrepreneurship, sustainability and resilience in at-risk communities by showing how key organizational capabilities are necessary for coping with exogenous shocks in this context. The findings have important implications for research, policy and practice. 相似文献
This paper adopts a communities of practice approach to examine how the introduction of a groupware application in a UK pharmaceuticals company enabled and constrained knowledge working. We will refine the analysis by distinguishing between participation that is undertaken in what is referred to as political enclaves, and participation that takes place in safe enclaves. We will discuss how the deliberate intervention of some employees moderated some of politicising, and facilitated increased participation. The paper concludes by suggesting ways in which existing theoretical conceptualisations of information systems and knowledge work may be expanded to consider socio-political issues in more depth. 相似文献
Javier Ruiz‐Tagle 《International journal of urban and regional research》2013,37(2):388-408
Discussions about socio‐spatial integration in the US have been primarily focused on research into residential segregation. The treatment of these two concepts as opposites has had two consequences. First, most policies for integration have been based solely on concepts of segregation. Second, the intensive criticism directed at integration flows more from those policies than from its conceptual meaning. This article develops a framework for socio‐spatial integration. It does this first by outlining an understanding of segregation and the complexities of its treatment, then by making a distinction between policy applications and the conceptual meaning of integration. This review shows that, rather than suiting a linear approach, socio‐spatial integration can be expressed as a multidimensional relationship that may work independently and at different scales. Socio‐spatial integration is then exposed as the opposite of social exclusion, of which physical proximity between different social groups is just one dimension. Two lines of research are proposed: first, a repositioning of integration as a progressive aspiration and a critique of naturalist conceptions; second, a balancing of the weight of spatial proximity among the different dimensions of integration. 相似文献
依据对天津市两个居住区进行参与观察和个案访谈所获得的田野材料,通过比较研究的方法,揭示了社区的阶层化现状,勾画出不同社区居民之间的社会分层和不平等状况。并进一步指出,缩小城市区位差异、减少城市中的居住隔离不仅牵涉自然资源和社会资源的公平分配和使用,同时也关乎个体发展的代际公平。 相似文献
大城市社会空间结构演变及其治理——以上海市为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着市场化改革的深入,当前中国大城市社会空间正呈现重构与分异的演变趋势,同时也带来许多城市社会问题.以上海为例,在分析当前中国大城市呈现的社会空间结构演变的特征基础上,分析了可能产生的负社会效应,并提出了一些城市空间治理的对策建议. 相似文献
滇西地区具有独特的山地城市形态结构.这种独特的结构要求在山地城市景观体系建构上,体现出整体景观、边缘景观、重点景观的优化组合.通过对滇西地区的景观环境体系、绿化网络等建设实践的分析,为该地区及相似地区的可持续发展提供有益借鉴. 相似文献
首先从理论上阐述高职教育既要突出操作性、职业性特点,又必须体现高等教育一面的正确性。以此理论作为指导,采用实验方法,确定高职人才培养目标、培养方式,进行货代课程整体设计,组织实施,效果评价。课程和岗位契合度提高.学生胜任工作能力增强,对教师和学生的要求更高。培养更适合高等职业技术教育培养目标的高等应用型、技术型人才。 相似文献
社区治理中的政府定位——以杭州市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社区治理必须树立现代治理理念.政府与社区组织之间存在着相互依赖关系,必须彼此交换资源、合作互动、持续协调才能顺利实现各自目标.目前政府与社区组织在社区治理中的关系尚未理顺,政府职能转变进程的滞缓和主导性强势行为直接影响了社区治理的效果.要改变现状,政府必须正确定位,摆脱自身社会管理的重负,采取积极有效措施加快培育发展社区自治组织,使之有能力以主体姿态参与社区治理,实现社会管理社会化. 相似文献