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在WTO农业谈判中,关税减让模式的选择一直是一个重要议题。各成员国基于自身的利益主张不同的关税减让模式,不同减让模式的减让效果存在很大的差异。本文从分析关税减让的效果入手,根据建立的多指标效果评价体系,对乌拉圭回合模式、协调减税法、直线减税法、瑞士公式和Harbinson模式等5种关税减让模式进行效果模拟评价,可以为决策者比较和判断农产品关税不同减让模式的减让效果提供技术支持。  相似文献   

我国农产品的进口关税水平及税率结构安排   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乌拉圭回合谈判后,关税成为各国保护农业最主要的贸易壁垒形式。本文深入分析了加入WTO前后我国农产品的关税水平及税率结构。分析结果表明,加入WTO后,我国农产品市场的准入程度提高很快,具体表现为:农产品关税平均水平下降快;实行关税配额管理的农产品品种减少,配额扩大;农产品关税中不存在关税高峰现象;但不同加工程度的农产品存在明显的关税升级现象,对加工品的有效保护率明显高于名义保护率。  相似文献   


Drawing on interviews with 12 agriculture show winners across a range of different food industries, this report provides a preliminary analysis of the role that agricultural show awards play in branding and marketing food products for commercial sale. In keeping with findings from previous studies, show awards were found to be regarded by producers as prestigious, signifying product excellence. Further, the assessment of the quality of products, the opportunity to receive expert feedback on new products, and a comparative, competitive effect of the show system was found to provide a mechanism to improve quality, helping to support industry standards and foster a culture of innovation. Show awards were identified as especially important in supporting small-scale entrepreneurial endeavors that depend on niche marketing strategies. However, winning awards was shown to contribute more to perceived brand equity of products rather than actual economic gain. To strengthen the impact of show success, participants indicated the need for increased consumer awareness of the meaning of the awards. The authors identify key future directions research could take to maximize the impact of agricultural award systems on the businesses of competitors.  相似文献   

农业标准化与农产品质量分等分级   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文从标准化的概念入手,明确了农业标准化的内涵和作用,在分析农业标准化和农产品质量分等分级的国际经验基础上,结合我国农业标准化工作的实际,指出农业标准化并不等同于食品安全,应将其工作中心转向农产品质量分等分级管理,并以此降低农产品市场的交易费用,规范市场秩序,促进市场竞争,也为农产品期货市场、批发拍卖市场的运行奠定基础。  相似文献   

Overall, only a small proportion of geographic-specific production (for the selected commodities) are in areas that are highly specialized in that commodity. The large proportion of production in nonspecialized regions suggests that other production opportunities do exist. Thus, a “decoupled” agricultural policy would not necessarily mean that producers receiving a decoupled “government payment would be constrained by geographic factors to continue their original production pattern. We recognize, however, that others may wish to select different commodity groups when analyzing the availability of production alternatives. We suggest that census data do provide one way for determining the extent to which a decoupled” agricultural policy may in effect lock in the existing production pattern.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a theoretical study focusing on a comparative evaluation of the welfare effects of a preferential tariff reduction for agricultural exports from less developed countries versus a generalized tariff reduction. The results are derived using a diagrammatic approach. The analysis is developed within a partial equilibrium framework with one commodity, three large countries (importing developed country, exporting developed country, developing country), fixed exchange rates and zero transportation costs. The theoretical model makes provisions for a country to switch from being an exporter to being an importer, or vice versa, as the equilibrium price changes. Three alternative policy scenarios are analyzed: the imposition of a non-discriminatory tariff, a preferential tariff reduction, and a generalized tariff reduction. Two alternative definitions of the welfare functions are used. One is based on consumers' and producers' surplus, the other adds domestic income and changes in foreign exchange earnings/expenditure. Some methodological implications of the specific model used are discussed, along with the impact, in terms of welfare, of the policy scenarios considered.  相似文献   

公益性农技推广的市场化营运:必要性与路径选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文针对我国公益性农技推广效率低下问题 ,提出了在公益性农技推广体系中引入市场机制 ,实行公益性农技推广国家投资与市场化营运有效对接的思路 ;探讨了公益性农技推广市场化营运的具体路径 ,如政府间竞争、合同承包、消费者自由选择等。  相似文献   

我国农产品物流体系建设与制度分析   总被引:89,自引:3,他引:86  
本文从分析农产品不同于工业品的物流特性入手,揭示这些物流特性所包含的制度含义,然后以现行生鲜农产品物流体系为例,分析其制度结构和促使潜在利润形成的外在性变化,指出制度创新将推动我国农产品物流体系的演进。  相似文献   

绿色食品加工,就是以绿色农、畜等产品为原料所进行的食品加工过程。发展绿色食品加工产品,对于防范风险、满足消费者需求、提升企业效益、增加农民收入等具有重要作用。而结合现阶段绿色食品加工发展实际来看,还存在质量监管体系、产品工艺水平、产品原料供应以及品牌竞争力等方面的问题。对此,本文就完善质量监管体系、提升产品加工工艺、稳定原料供应以及发挥品牌价值效应提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

从国土面积与人口上看,智利是一个小国,但却是果品出口大国和品牌建设强国。智利进行战略结构调整,积极参与全球市场,通过专业集群化生产,以销定产,建立质量控制计划,出口市场多元化。政府签订多边与双边协议,引进发达国家人才与技术,强有力的出口促销等手段.打造本国强势国际农产品品牌,使本国农产品在国际市场上的竞争力得到大幅度提升,成为农产品出口增长最快的几个国家之一。  相似文献   

本文通过对四川省凉山彝族自治州优势农业资源的全方位调整研究和比较分析,确定了凉山州若干优势农业资源,并针对当前凉山州优势农产品开发中存在的问题,提出合理定位、充分利用优势农业资源、突出开发重点和建立科技支撑体系等建议.  相似文献   

中国农产品出口贸易结构和变化趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文从中国农产品出口的现状入手,主要从农产品出口的种类结构、国外市场结构、国内区域结构3个方面分析中国农产品出口贸易结构的变化.结果表明,中国农产品出口在国内外贸易格局中仍发挥着巨大作用,但农产品出口的种类结构不太合理;农产品出口市场主要集中在亚洲,出口呈现多元化倾向;农产品出口的国内区域主要集中在东部地区,近几年中国农产品出口的省际差异有所扩大.  相似文献   

农产品品牌识别系统及品牌组合战略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章首先阐述了品牌价值的来源和基础,分析了品牌价值的形成过程和品牌识别系统的内在联系,然后从我国农业和农产品的特点角度讨论了农产品品牌的识别系统要素及其相互关系以及品牌组合战略,为农产品品牌塑造、品牌规划和品牌价值建立和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

We examine the incentives of atomistic producers to differentiate and collectively market products. We analyze market and welfare effects of alternative producer organizations, discuss circumstances under which they will evolve, and describe implications for the ongoing debate between the EU and the United States. As fixed costs of development and marketing increase and the anticipated market size falls, it becomes essential to increase the producer organization's ability to control supply to cover the fixed costs associated with the introduction of differentiated products. Counterintuitively, stronger property right protection for producer organizations may enhance welfare even after a differentiated product has been developed.  相似文献   

本文从发展现代农业的角度,分析无公害农产品开发与农业标准化的关系,认为无公害农产品开发推进了农业标准化进程,并提出创新标准体系、建立健全市场准入制度、建立电子商务系统、实行地域性整体推进等加快无公害农产品开发和农业标准化实施进程的建议.  相似文献   

农产品行业协会:现状、问题与发展思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在对农产品行业协会发展现状分析的基础上,阐明了农产品行业协会所存在的立法缺失、发挥作用的空间狭窄、基础薄弱等问题,并对此提出了推动农产品行业协会发展的思路:合理定位政府职能,加大政府对农产品行业协会的扶持力度,加强协会自身建设。  相似文献   

Pesticide Free Production™ (PFP™) is a new crop production strategy that has emerged in the Canadian prairies. Emphasis is placed on substituting human capital for chemical inputs in field crop production. Consumer response to the introduction of food products containing PFP™ inputs is unknown. A consumer survey was developed and implemented to assess what food products consumers would purchase if available in a PFP™ form and what factors affect demand for PFP™ food products. Results from a probit model suggest strong consumer interest in food products containing grains and oilseeds produced in a PFP™ cropping system. Respondents concerned with pesticides in the environment and/or food products, who would switch grocery stores to purchase a PFP™ food product, who were less than 36 years of age, had higher average household income and who would pay a premium for a PFP™ food product were more likely to choose food products with PFP™ ingredients.  相似文献   

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