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The attitudes of elementary school children towards school lunch among three Asian countries, namely Japan, Korea and Thailand, were compared. More school children in Japan felt that their teachers gave them advice during the school lunch programme. Japanese and Korean teachers advised their children to eat as much as possible of the lunch. Korean children may be a little more obedient with regard to heeding the advice. However, few teachers in Thailand gave the children advice over eating lunch, and the Thai children looked forward to and enjoyed the school lunch. The different responses between Thailand and other two countries may be attributed in part to the differences in the teachers' instruction in the programme. Elementary school teachers, especially in Thailand and Korea, have to take more classes in food and nutrition in universities or colleges, and positively take part in the school lunch programme.  相似文献   

In Finnish secondary schools, nutrition education is integrated mainly in home economics and health education lessons. The aim of this research was to describe the content and pedagogical style in food‐ and nutrition‐related texts in secondary school textbooks. Textbooks are important learning tools in education in so far as they reflect current pedagogical thinking and the objectives set in the national core curriculum. The study data consisted commonly used home economics (n = 4) and health education (n = 3) textbooks. Nutrition contents of the textbooks were compatible with the national core curriculum. The scope of nutrition education in health education textbooks was health centred, whereas home economics textbooks considered also cultural and environmental aspects of nutrition education. All textbooks considered adolescents' current nutrition issues. The pedagogical style was usually participative in exercises and neutral informative in a plain text; however, a considerable amount of text was written on using a persuasive style. Overall, textbook pedagogical style supported the constructivist idea of learning, and textbooks can be a positive agent for change as we strive towards a better nutrition health in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Children come into contact with food in different places and contexts, i.e. ‘foodscapes’. The aim of the paper was to study what knowledge children construct regarding food and meals in the foodscape at school and how they do so, focusing on the school meal context. Observations, interviews and focus group interviews were used. The children appropriated ideas and understandings from the adult world and society as a whole and used it among their peers in the school meal situation. This included the adoption of institutional commensality, the telling of stories about food, and the classification of foods in dichotomies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in Tromsø relating to nutrition; whether pupil behaviour and attitudes regarding nutrition had changed in the tenth grade compared with the eighth grade; and whether this was linked to pupils’ home economics lessons in grade 9. In total, 606 adolescents (321 boys and 285 girls) were studied on two different occasions – 2002 and 2005. A food frequency questionnaire focusing on 16 different food and beverage groups was used. It investigated knowledge and attitudes, the amounts of food items consumed and the socio‐economic situation of the participants and their families. The study produced interesting findings. The boys had surprisingly low knowledge of fruit and vegetables that did not change in a positive direction, between the eighth and tenth grades. The change among the girls was very small and therefore this study concludes that the teaching of home economics had no significant influence on the pupils’ knowledge of and attitudes towards eating fruit and vegetables. The study of home economics does not appear to enhance adolescents’ skills and attitudes to the extent expected from the curriculum. But there are gender differences at both grades. Changes in the home economics course are necessary to improve children's and adolescents’ knowledge and attitudes. Increased focus on the scope and variety of teaching methods will be a key to improvement. Future research is required to understand the potential of the home economics curricula to change adolescents’ knowledge about and attitudes to home economics in Norway.  相似文献   

Historically, home economics (HE) in general, and the consumer education sections in particular, have been criticized for transferring norms and values of conservative elites to the masses. This is in stark contrast to contemporary theoretical views of a modern HE aimed at educating emancipated and critical citizens, and also to modern curricula that emphasize the consequences of consumption rather than dogma. A previous study has indicated that formally unqualified teachers see the transfer of consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum as an important objective of HE teaching, a practice that is questionable from a democratic perspective. This follow‐up study investigates to what extent formally qualified HE teachers show intentions to transfer consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum to students, using content analysis of 201 survey responses from Swedish qualified HE teachers and comparing to data from a previously published study on formally unqualified teachers. It is concluded that the qualified teachers demonstrate intentions to transfer unsupported norms and values, though, to a lower degree than unqualified teachers. The results are interpreted by adopting a values education perspective on HE. This indicates that the observed emphasis on norms and values could be seen partly as a lack of a proficient professional metalanguage among the teachers, and partly as a consequence of the focus on developing a pre‐defined moral of consumption in HE literature. The implications on how to develop HE teacher education to reduce norm and value transfer intentions are discussed based on the empirical findings and the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that obesity linked with reduced exercise contributes to health problems, and that, conversely, individuals who embark on weight reducing diets may become deficient in key nutrients. It is often advocated that these problems, which can be grouped together as poor dietary practice, be tackled through education. This study attempts to examine the relationship between nutrition education and lifestyle behaviours in a select group of third level students. The Irish Home Economics curriculum aims to teach secondary school pupils about nutrition and lifestyle practices conducive to health. However, the attitudes and lifestyle practices of those teaching this subject have never been examined in Ireland. The purpose of the present 4‐year longitudinal study, whose first year findings are presented here, is to investigate the nutrition and lifestyle knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a cohort of Irish student home economics teachers over the 4 years of their Bachelor of Education (Home Economics) degree course. The study was designed to explore possible changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices over the course of their professional education. Nutritional knowledge was measured using a 220‐question adapted version of the test devised by Parmenter and Wardle. Attitudes were measured using a questionnaire adapted from the Pan‐EU Survey on Consumer Attitudes to Physical Activity, Body‐weight and Health. Food, alcohol consumption and exercise were measured using a 7‐day reported dietary/exercise diary. Nutrient intake data were determined using dietary analysis. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured and body mass index (BMI) calculated. When starting college, student home economics teachers have broadly similar anthropometric, dietary and lifestyle characteristics to those of their contemporaries. Mean BMI was identical [24.4 kg/m2 (SD 4.3)] to that reported in the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS) for those aged 18–35 years, although energy intakes were significantly higher in the cohort of student teachers (P = 0.000). Thirty‐eight per cent were overweight or obese vs. 33.6% in the NSIFCS. Only 17% (n = 6) of students achieved an intake of 300 µg/day of folate as recommended by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and only one the recommended intake of non‐starch polysaccharides (18 g/day). One in three students in this study smoke (16 of 48) and alcohol consumption was high. Only one student was very active. Students scored a mean of 55% (SD 8%) on the knowledge test, with similar scores attained for specific aspects of nutritional knowledge (i.e. food groups, constituents of foods, current dietary advice, nutrients, lifestyle practices). However, knowledge of nutrition definitions was weaker with a mean score of 31% (SD 8.6%). Students had a positive attitude towards food choice, the link between food and health and control over their own diet. Similar attitudes towards exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption were displayed despite students perceiving themselves as not having a balanced diet, having insufficient exercise and having regretted something done as a result of consuming alcohol. They appear to display optimistic bias in relation to health risks. These findings provide baseline data for the longitudinal study and indicate that those choosing to pursue a career as a home economics teacher in Ireland have similar nutritional and lifestyle characteristics to those of their contemporaries.  相似文献   

The authors provide an initial integrative framework for understanding the large, diverse, and growing domain of wellness literature related to business education. The terminology, research, and typical outcome measures of three key perspectives—individual, organizational, and societal—are presented. In addition, current applications of wellness concepts in business education programs and courses are reviewed. The foundation and guidance needed for understanding the importance of and structure for teaching and researching wellness in business education are provided, as are specific conclusions and recommendations for the development of the field.  相似文献   

中高职课程衔接既是现代职业教育体系建设的核心,也是其基础.中高职课程体系衔接模式要基于以下五方面进行选择:以职业生涯为目标,明确中高职教育衔接的专业定位;以工作任务为引领,确定中高职教育衔接的课程设置;以职业能力为核心,确立中高职教育衔接的课程内容;以典型服务为载体,设计中高职教育衔接的教学活动;同时,以岗位标准为参照,强化中高职教育衔接的技能训练.  相似文献   

Every pre‐school child requires an adult to purchase and provide a variety of foods, to help ensure a balanced selection is included in the diet to avoid any nutritional deficiencies. Children under 5 years have a greater demand for nutrients and energy to support the body's requirements for growth and development than at any other time throughout their life cycle. The paper critically reviews the main factors that influence food choices made by parents on behalf of their pre‐school child. Dietary deficiencies in inner city areas remain a challenge for the government, educators and health professionals. A particular concern is iron deficiency as the prevalence of anaemia is common especially in British pre‐school children from various family backgrounds. Poor parenting skills often exacerbate the problem, especially the early introduction of pasteurized cow's milk, poor weaning practices and lack of dietary knowledge. Therefore, improving education and understanding about the importance of iron could potentially improve dietary iron intake. Phase 1 of the study was completed in West Bridgford area of Nottingham in the UK. This part of the study aimed to determine parental knowledge with regards to the feeding of their pre‐school child. A questionnaire and a 3‐day diet history method were employed. These methods enabled the diet adequacy of the pre‐schoolers to be analysed by NetWISP software. This study highlighted that iron deficiency remains a cause for concern and should be further addressed. The Sure Start programme is a possible means of education as it has the potential to access parents from all socio‐economic classes. The programme can support and empower parents to become healthier consumers. Good dietary habits, established early in life, contributes to a positive start, and can be advantageous to individuals throughout their lifetime. Such long‐term changes will help contribute to a healthier nation that the government envisages for the future.  相似文献   

Home injuries are a significant public health problem in developed and developing countries. To support future policies for reducing their occurrence and controlling their consequences, this study investigated the home injuries situation in Italy in 1999, using a nation-representative sample. The weighted correspondence analysis showed four different patterns of injury and seven profiles of the people most exposed to them. As results of this study falls were followed by bumps and cuts requiring specialist assistance then burns. Women were the most exposed to burn and fall risks and men to the risk of cuts and bumps. Among the elderly and children, falls and bumps leading to fractures, wounds or other consequences were frequent. The risks were highest for people with a lower level of education. Bumps and cuts were prevalent among unmarried and with the highest education level subjects. These injury risks were higher for young males. Cuts in adults doing do-it-yourself jobs had the worst consequences, while domestic work cuts generally did not need medical treatment. Burns occurred almost exclusively in the kitchen (90%) and did not need specialist assistance. Because home injuries are largely preventable, an efficient public health policy could promote and disseminate home safety culture.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional studies were conducted in conveniently selected schools in Ghana, Guatemala, and the USA to quantify and compare the percentage of body weight carried by students in their backpacks as well as assess parental knowledge of the backpack weights and contents. Mean backpack weights varied significantly by country and increased significantly with increasing student grade. In the USA, girls significantly carried heavier backpacks (p <.0001). The backpack loads represented an average of 7.7% (95% CI = 7.4–8.0), 9.7% (95% CI = 9.2–10.2), and 9.4% (95% CI = 9.1–9.8) of student body weights in Ghana, Guatemala, and the USA, respectively. No student in Ghana carried a wheeled backpack in contrast to 6% and 2.8%, respectively, in Guatemala and the USA. In Ghana, 4.1 and 73.6% of parents were reported to be aware of their children's backpack weights and contents, respectively, compared to 21.9 and 57.5% in Guatemala, and 7.7 and 55.3% in the USA. Backpack loads respresent a significant percentage of the body weights of students in all three countries. The vast majority of parents are unaware of their child's backpack weight.  相似文献   

法学教育的分层以及社会对法律人才的多样性需求,决定了法学本科教育、法学研究生教育、法律硕士教育的目标分别是通识教育、学术教育、职业教育,而不应以通过司法考试作为其目标。司法考试的部分内容需要纳入法学教育的环节,法学教育者须关注司法考试中部分试题答案所反映的基本观点,避免出现"知识即权力"的现象。为优化法学教育结构,我国宜取消法学非普通高校教育、专科教育及非正规教育;要求只有完成了正规高等院校法学本科以上学历教育者方可参加司法考试;司法考试应该减少选择题并加大主观题的考察力度,并且增加口试。  相似文献   

众所周知,医疗卫生支出不仅关系到一个国家社会福利政策的规划,还对经济增长具有不可忽略的促进作用。然而,现有文献对于医疗卫生支出与经济增长关系之间的研究结论却是众说纷纭。鉴于此,本文根据医疗卫生支出的支付主体,将其分为政府医疗卫生支出和居民医疗卫生支出,并通过建立双向固定效应模型对公私医疗卫生支出对经济增长的影响进行分析。结果显示:从全国平均水平来看,政府医疗卫生支出每增长100%,带动经济增长12.08%,居民医疗卫生支出每增长100%,带动经济增长15.85%;但与此同时,考虑到不同地区的经济发展非均衡化时,政府医疗卫生支出和居民医疗卫生支出带动经济增长的效应差异甚大,其中政府医疗卫生支出对经济增长呈现“倒U型”效应,而居民医疗卫生支出对经济增长呈现“阶梯型”效应。  相似文献   

People are becoming more health conscious nowadays, but most of them are not able to adopt a lifestyle with adequate physical exercise and a healthier eating pattern. Many attempt to compensate by taking ‘health foods’. Despite the recent economic recession, the functional food market is expanding rapidly in Asian countries. Recent statistics indicate a huge increase in weight loss and functional food product advertising expenditure in Hong Kong and other Asian countries. In a large scale survey conducted by the Hong Kong Consumer Council on advertisements, it was found that 85% of the medicines, health food and therapies sampled contain questionable claims and misleading messages, which was the second most problematic category of the survey. In addition, young people do not understand much about modern food processing, in particular with regard to low energy and functional foods, and they know very little about modern food marketing strategies. The situation is potentially detrimental to consumer welfare, especially to the younger generation. This study was conducted to reflect critically on implications of the issue on the health and well‐being of young people in Hong Kong. Attempts are made to explore directions for designing relevant and effective education programmes to empower young people's abilities in understanding food advertising strategies and making informed decisions on food choice. This paper begins with a critical review of the current situation with regard to Hong Kong. Then, the results of an interview survey and a questionnaire survey on pre‐service and in‐service teachers’ perception towards misleading food advertising and labelling are reported. The situations at schools are defined and problems faced by teachers in providing relevant consumer education programmes to students are identified. Finally, some prospective foci for further investigation of this important issue, with a view to developing students’ critical skills in evaluating claims offered in food advertisements, will be considered.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了我国高等学校内部权力资源的分配具有情境性和模糊性的特点,更由于“双肩挑”现象的存在使得权力主体的判定难度增加,所以在实践策略上,应该淡化两种权力——学术权力与行政权力“异同”的比较,提倡依据具体情境的不同,正确行使权力,做出最为合理决策的权变观点。  相似文献   

加强大学生主流意识形态教育,是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,是保持社会稳定与和谐的中心工作和关键环节,是构建和谐校园,建设先进校园文化的重要前提,是高校和谐发展条件下大学生和谐成长的需要。  相似文献   

本文从地缘政治的角度分析了中国和伊朗之间的贸易问题。新时期中伊两国的贸易合作有着非常广阔的发展空间,但同时也存在许多不可避免的问题。我们应该抓住机遇,突破"瓶颈",多角度、多方位地看待中伊贸易的发展,扬长避短,积极推动与伊朗的能源合作,在此基础上努力开展其他经济项目的合作,促进我国同伊朗经济贸易的快速全面发展。  相似文献   

A two‐phase study was conducted in the Mopani and Vhembe Districts of the Limpopo Province of South Africa to identify types of small‐scale businesses used by households to improve their income. The study sample was made up of 240 households from 16 villages and members from 16 organizations working with households in small‐scale, business‐related activities. Phase one of the study collected data on the types of small‐scale businesses carried out by households and organizations assisting them. Phase two developed training manuals and offered training to households. The findings revealed that self‐employment from sales of prepared and processed foods provided the main source of income for most households. Clothing and needlework and housing and art/craft were also used by families to generate income. Problems experienced included lack of technical/management skills, lack of marketing/business skills, inadequate operational funds, low profit margins, unavailability of raw materials and competition from big businesses. The findings highlighted the importance of consumer science‐related skills in poverty alleviation programmes targeting low‐resource households.  相似文献   

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