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Drawing on the information search perspective of the consumer behaviour literature, this study assesses the predictors of teacher information search. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the case of personal finance instruction is examined. Findings suggest three levels of involvement in information search among personal finance teachers. Participation in continuing education courses, combined with a heightened interest in personal finance, were the strongest predictors of a high‐information strategy. The findings speak to the usefulness of continued teacher training that is sensitive to information acquisition behaviour.  相似文献   

There exist to-day several teaching aids, models, and courses for consumer education in West German schools. Nearly all of them show a predominance of cognitive educational objectives. The objectives of the country's public consumer policy include not only the diffusion of economicknowledge, however, but also the teaching of rationalbehaviour in the household and in the market as well as the creation of a critical attitude towards the consumption-oriented society. This raises the question of whether cognitively oriented teaching of economic knowledge, apart from its presumed effect on theoretical understanding, has the desired impact on relevant behaviour and attitudes. It was attempted to answer the question by means of an empirical study of the effects of a course which can be viewed as typical for consumer education taught in West German schools. In a field experiment concerning ca. 400 pupils of about 11 years of age (ca 200 in an experimental group and ca 200 in a control group) it was examined which effects this form of teaching had on consumer relevant knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. Surprisingly, no effect could be shown with respect to any of the three groups of variables. The authors' tentative explanation is that the area of consumption does not, for children of this age, have the relevance necessary to elicit in the content of the course. For these children the course (and most others) is too exclusively oriented toward cognitive goals. On the basis of some current attitude theory the authors argue in favour of an educational strategy which places much more emphasis upon affective goals.  相似文献   

Historically, home economics (HE) in general, and the consumer education sections in particular, have been criticized for transferring norms and values of conservative elites to the masses. This is in stark contrast to contemporary theoretical views of a modern HE aimed at educating emancipated and critical citizens, and also to modern curricula that emphasize the consequences of consumption rather than dogma. A previous study has indicated that formally unqualified teachers see the transfer of consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum as an important objective of HE teaching, a practice that is questionable from a democratic perspective. This follow‐up study investigates to what extent formally qualified HE teachers show intentions to transfer consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum to students, using content analysis of 201 survey responses from Swedish qualified HE teachers and comparing to data from a previously published study on formally unqualified teachers. It is concluded that the qualified teachers demonstrate intentions to transfer unsupported norms and values, though, to a lower degree than unqualified teachers. The results are interpreted by adopting a values education perspective on HE. This indicates that the observed emphasis on norms and values could be seen partly as a lack of a proficient professional metalanguage among the teachers, and partly as a consequence of the focus on developing a pre‐defined moral of consumption in HE literature. The implications on how to develop HE teacher education to reduce norm and value transfer intentions are discussed based on the empirical findings and the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The aim of consumer education has been mainly to teach and educate students to act as informed, rational and prudent consumers. This perception of consumption as reasoned behaviour or action is inadequate in the late modern society, where consumerism is first and foremost characterized by globalization, cultural change and the liberation of the individual. The results of a research study involving Danish pupils aged 12–19 years present a picture of consumption connected both to material and non‐material aspects of life. Consumption as such has a significant impact on and meaning for the individual: it becomes a means by which human beings communicate and interact. Consumption is part of children's and young people's education and socialization, and plays a role in the development of identity and self‐image. Institutional consumer enlightenment and the education of students in school stand in contrast to informal consumer socialization and the education of individuals. The aim of formal consumer education may be described as ‘educating for critical consumer awareness and action competence’. However consumer education finds itself in the dilemma between ‘consumership’ and ‘citizenship’. This pilot study is aimed at understanding consumer socialization in order to improve formal consumer education and to reflect on how empowerment becomes part of consumer education.  相似文献   

This study has been planned to determine the need for consumer education by secondary school students. A total of 300 secondary school students (150 female, 150 male) living in central Ankara in different regions with respect to socio‐economic status participated in the study. Consumer education is defined as the management of economic resources, consumer behaviour concepts, relating to consumption, level of knowledge about consumer rights and responsibilities and environmental sensitivity. On the basis of this study, almost half the adolescents draw up a budget plan and carry out market research before shopping. Also, almost half of them put quality first when choosing goods and cost is of secondary importance. More than half of the students save money for unexpected outlay. Nonetheless, adolescents do not know about consumer rights and responsibilities, nor do they have sufficient information about consumer law and the concept of protecting the environment. More than half of the students stated that they need consumer education courses as part of their curriculum.  相似文献   

Excessive household debt contributed to the worst recession in decades. Insights about borrowing and spending behavior can inform economic recovery forecasts, policy decisions, and financial education. This study identifies life cycle and credit attitude as key determinants of who uses debt. Younger households are more likely to borrow for consumption, as are those who believe that it is all right to borrow to purchase luxury goods or cover living expenses. Furthermore, households that condone borrowing for these purposes have a higher consumer debt burden. Debt capacity (or creditworthiness) and financial discipline are also significant factors in determining household debt use.  相似文献   

A convenience sample of 27 European Union (EU) citizens and two Romanians residing in the Scottish Central Belt took part in in‐depth interviews to explore a wide range of consumer decision‐making scenarios which ranged from borrowing and saving to impulse buying and ‘value for money’ choices. The aim of the research was to identify and assess how well educated young EU consumers perceive the consumer education process and the precise nature of consumption specific skills. Given the focus of the present paper on consumer judgement, the role of values received particular attention. The Schwartz Value Inventory served as a conceptual framework for analysing the responses. The results show that the family in its role as primary creator of values was considered the most important agent in the consumer education process because it establishes a routine pattern of decision making. Further support from social networks in the wider community and real‐life experience through trial and error were cited as equally significant for acquiring useful consumer skills. There was consensus that the influence of schools was limited to providing generic citizenship education rather than specific consumer studies classes. The findings of this study point to the need for changing the current focus of consumer education and consumer policy from an emphasis on training the vulnerable consumer to a more inclusive agenda which concentrates on value education for all market players including producers and marketers.  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption is one of the major goals of the affluent European societies in their quest for sustainable development. A key player in sustainable consumption is the sustainable or green consumer. The aim of this study was to examine the profile of the Greek green consumer based on the study and empirical analysis of engagement in selected 3R (reduce – reuse – recycle) activities. In addition, the attitudes on certain issues related to sustainable consumption of the consumers were examined and analysed. Empirical analysis is based on the use of a cross‐section data set. An extensive survey of 300 Greek consumers via a questionnaire was carried out in the first trimester of 2008. The sampled households were located in five of the main and most representative regions of Athens, with respect to the socioeconomic characteristics (sex, age, income group, education level) of their residents. Respondents were asked to answer questions examining the 3R concept on daily issues such as solid waste generation and water and energy consumption. Empirical results are based on the estimation of regression models. Econometric models are estimated for each question explaining engagement in 3R activities. Empirical results suggest that sociodemographic characteristics do specify engagement in 3R related activities. In particular, age and income are the most influential factors that determine this engagement. In addition, our study reveals that four out of five Greek consumers identify global climate change as the most important issue of our time. However, only one in five of the respondents are willing to change their lifestyle in order to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of our everyday activities; compared with men, women are more willing to do so. One in two consumers report that eco‐friendly products are more expensive than standard ones. However, when questioned as to whether they would pay a higher price for products with less environmental impact, almost four out of five responded favourably.  相似文献   

This study entailed a content analysis of Canadian university consumer courses offered in 14 human ecology, home economics or related programmes using the Classification System for Consumer Concepts (Classi)1. Both the baseline data and the refined research methodology fill a gap in the literature as there has not been an examination of consumer studies university courses or curricula in Canada. The three aspects of consumer education (decision making, resource management and citizen participation) are evident in the collection of 58 courses. However, a small number of the 154 Classi concepts received an inordinate amount of coverage in the course outlines leading one to conclude, rightly so or not, that many relevant concepts are under or totally unrepresented. Focus seemed to be on: (a) consumer decision making and marketplace behaviour (especially consumer behaviour); then (b) family and household resource management (especially financial planning); rather than (c) activism, advocacy and protection. Preliminary analysis suggests that the courses seem to be preparing graduates for careers in consumer studies (applied science) and consumer science (basic science) more so than consumer affairs.  相似文献   

A number of states require or are considering the required teaching of consumer education in secondary schools. However, almost all previous research has found no difference in consumer economic competency between students who had taken a consumer education/economics course and students who had not taken the course. This research was conducted in a state that requires consumer education of all students to see if there was a change in competency level and attitudes toward business. Potential differences in types of courses used to meet the state requirements were also investigated. The basic finding is that students who took a course specifically designed to present consumer education topics did improve their consumer economics competency and developed a more positive attitude toward business.  相似文献   

Consumer logistics provides a fresh perspective for the study of household consumption. As consuming households participate in the distribution of products and services, they engage in consumer logistics — the movement and handling of goods and people that is performed by consumers to facilitate consumption. This article characterizes the consumer logistics system in conceptual fashion to provide a basis for future research into the structure and process of consumer logistics at the household level. It then illustrates the system through a model of the consumer logistics process based on empirical evidence, and finally provides implications of this conceptual development for consumer studies research.  相似文献   

Results from a consumer survey of households in Louisiana and Texas suggest that socioeconomic factors affect consumption decisions on new food products, quail, alligator, or deer meat. Specifically, consumption of, or interest in consuming new food products are statistically associated with marital status, age, education, household size and income, race, religon, and occupation. The above-referenced socio-economic characteristics are all statistically associated with consumption decisions on qualiy and alligator meat, except for marital status and household size. Race and occupation are statistically associated with the consumption of, or interest in consuming deer meat.  相似文献   

Consumer education is an integral part of the European Community's consumer policy. It plays a key role in consumer empowerment, helping consumers gain the skills, attitudes and knowledge they need to be able to gear the choices they make as consumers to their economic interests and to protect their health and safety. In its policy statement, the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection states that the European Community is aware that joint measures at national and Community levels should be more structured, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness. This paper aims to set out the current policy and strategic context for consumer education and empowerment in the UK; review the role of UK government bodies and other agencies concerned with developments; review recent literature; present the results of interviews with an extensive range of key stakeholders and the results of a survey of service heads for trading standards throughout the UK. It will consider implementation, partnership, resources, ideas and opportunities. The research found that the agenda for consumer education in the UK is at an interesting stage of development. The Enterprise Act 2002 gives the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) a statutory power to carry out educational activities. Consumer education is also moving up the agenda in the trading standards service. In addition, the teaching of citizenship in English schools is already stimulating new developments in consumer education. The paper will consider the need for organizations like these to work together to build on these policy developments and ensure that consumer education gains the profile it needs to influence consumer attitudes and behaviour.  相似文献   

Consumer education is an important EU and United Nations priority. In most countries’ formal education systems, it is not a single discipline in its own right, but a cross‐curricular subject involving many areas of the school curriculum. Adult consumers are expected to be critical and informed consumers but may not know how to acquire the appropriate skills. The formal school system in many countries has failed to deliver these skills and values and adults need consumer education through both formal and informal means. With increasingly varied societies consumer education will help to produce active socially responsible citizens and citizenship is an essential element of the delivery of consumer education to adults. It is particularly important that consumer education should reach the vulnerable groups in society. Increasing globalisation and business power necessitate ethical and sustainable business practices; an informed, educated and empowered consumer will strengthen the market place to the benefit of both consumers and business. Unlike school education, adult education across Europe is fragmented with a mixture of formal education, including training for vocational qualifications, continuing and community education, and informal education, an essential contributor to life‐long learning delivered through media, women's groups, consumer groups and many other large and small organisations. The issues have been addressed by the EU Socrates supported CEA (Consumer Education for Adults) project which has 10 partners from 7 European countries drawn from non‐government organisations, teacher training and adult education institutions, universities and research institutes. The project has produced a training manual for adult consumer education, a training module, piloted in Vienna, which includes a handbook of teaching materials and a video, and has initiated a dialogue between consumers, consumer educators, business and producers.  相似文献   

An important step in promoting sustainable purchase behaviour is to explore the understanding of responsible consumerism from the consumers’ point of view. For this purpose, a study among 1040 German consumers was carried out using a two‐pronged approach. First, open‐ended questions were used to explore the characteristics of sustainable food consumption in general as well as the willingness and meaningfulness of a low‐meat diet from the consumers’ point of view. After that the interactive structure behind the term was studied using a quantitative empirical method. As standard of evaluation the four underlying socio‐demographic factors gender, age, wealth and education are used. Apart from the consumers’ financial situation, the applied statistics show significant correlations of the propensity for sustainable consumerism to each of the above factors. Women, middle‐aged and well‐educated consumers show a greater tendency to purchase environmentally and socially sustainable products. Accordingly, the suitability of socio‐demographic factors is confirmed in this study. The open‐ended questions fathom what attributes consumers connect with sustainable food consumption, in particularly with regard to the consumption of meat. It is clear that attributes that affect consumers directly and attributes which can be directly influenced by their actions are better perceived by the consumer. Altruistic factors or abstract aspects of food consumption (e.g. climate protection) are generally of less significance. Conversely, factors which concern the value added chain, like for example, origin and processing, have priority. To conclude, the findings enable the identification of the variables determining the sustainability construct. This allows policy makers to develop customized incentive systems. Similarly, private sector stakeholders are enabled to adapt marketing activities and their product mix to consumer demands.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of developments in consumer education in the European Union and to present future directions for policy and research. The article responds to a call for more consumer education and the promotion of sustainable consumption. It makes a case for the benefits of studying the dynamic multi‐country process of developing coordinated consumer education curriculum and resources involving academics, government officials and non‐governmental organizations, ultimately affecting millions of students. The review of select initiatives, questions posed and subsequent recommendations highlights the complexity of the issues surrounding economic viability and the pedagogical and social value of transnational consumer education initiatives.  相似文献   

Research considering the effects of leadership training and development is underresearched. However, leadership behaviour can generate greater levels of performance and satisfaction. In this study, the effect of a group reflective learning programme for school leaders is examined. The study questions whether leadership development, using a group reflective learning programme that focuses on coaching skills, can influence teacher perceptions of the organizational learning climate. Gaining a deeper insight in factors influencing organizational learning climate is important because organizational learning climate is associated with job motivation, job satisfaction, positive working conditions and the optimizing of training outcomes. Hence, a positive organizational learning climate can contribute to organizational performance, in the case of primary education delivering quality education to pupils. Based on a sample of 289 teachers, it turned out that school leaders’ participation in the group reflective learning programme resulted in a significant increase of teachers’ perceptions of the organizational learning climate. The results are inspiring for scholars, policy makers and practitioners.  相似文献   

There is little disagreement as to the importance of the global dimension in business education, but many business schools have found it difficult to integrate it into their curricula. Current attempts involve either requiring a separate international business course or modifying existing core courses to include international modules. In this paper the authors argue that it is both more practical and educationally sound to integrate international examples into courses to reinforce concepts presented in a domestic context. The paper concludes with several such examples successfully used by the authors in Finance courses over the past few years.  相似文献   

This paper reports on two case study examples of schools identified from Gloucestershire primary schools as showing particularly good practice in developing the concept of a Health Promoting School. The schools were selected from research projects linked to the Growing Schools programme for promoting children's understanding of food production and consumption, and the Gloucestershire Food Strategy for promoting healthy eating patterns in school children. Examples of curriculum development and associated pedagogy, school organization for democratic involvement of all its participants, and practical changes in the provision of eating choices are presented. These illustrate how integration of critical thinking and changes to the schools' provision of choices for healthy eating patterns can influence children's understanding and behaviour towards diet and health. The key factors that influenced such changes in the schools are identified as: clear leadership with vision from the head teacher, community involvement, ownership of processes of change by all participants, critical thinking as a focus for processes of learning; integrated practice to link experience and understanding, and the school acting as a model for good practice in health and environmental matters.  相似文献   

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