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]CPA的个人理财业务包括个人理财咨询(规划)业务和个人理财鉴证业务.要发展我国的CPA个人理财业务需要从以下几方面进行努力:完善<注册会计师法>等法规、中注协应发挥前瞻性作用、会计师事务所要积极开拓个人理财业务、正确对待独立性与客观性的要求、考虑理财服务的职业胜任能力、合理确定收费水平、注意防范CPA的个人理财业务风险、大力培养个人理财业务人才等.  相似文献   

随着社会的富裕、文明、发达,体验式营销应运而生。体验营销的兴起是由于企业在产品质量、服务工作方面已经达到了大多数客户的要求,客户对产品的特色和利益的关注度开始下降,更多地追求更高层次的特色和利益,即体验。论文就体验营销在汽车品牌传播中的应用进行研究分析。  相似文献   

Auction Theory: A Guide to the Literature   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
This paper provides an elementary, non-technical, survey of auction theory, by introducing and describing some of the critical papers in the subject. (The most important of these are reproduced in a companion book, The Economic Theory of Auctions , Paul Klemperer (ed.), Edward Elgar (pub.), forthcoming.); We begin with the most fundamental concepts, and then introduce the basic analysis of optimal auctions, the revenue equivalence theorem, and marginal revenues. Subsequent sections address risk-aversion, affiliation, asymmetries, entry, collusion, multi-unit auctions, double auctions, royalties, incentive contracts, and other topics. Appendices contain technical details, some simple worked examples, and a bibliography for each section.  相似文献   

刘佳薇 《价值工程》2012,31(1):137-138
个人理财业务逐渐成为商业银行业务发展的重点,个人理财业务巨大的市场潜力给商业银行带来的不仅是机遇,同样伴随着风险。我国商业银行个人理财业务存在的风险包括市场风险、操作风险、法律和政策风险、信用风险和声誉风险等,商业银行对于这些风险的预防和管理将直接影响银行的经营成果。  相似文献   

Statistics Canada has measured the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for close to 15 years in industry and more recently in households and it has developed a body of knowledge on the effects of the use of these technologies. While ICTs have long been used in manufacturing processes, the use of computers and networks, and a growing number of ways of accessing networks, are changing the way business is done and lives are led. This paper provides examples of ICT use in private and public institutions, in households, and by individuals. It goes on to illustrate the consequent development of electronic commerce and of other uses of the Internet and concludes with some implications for the development of official statistics in light of policy requirements.  相似文献   

城市空气污染治理的美国立法经验:1943-2014   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪中期以来,美国一直在探索空气污染控制的法律经验。1943年洛杉矶烟雾事件揭开了美国通过州和地方政府治理空气污染的立法历程。由于州和地方政府在治理空气污染中的失败,联邦政府开始介入,并先后颁布了《空气污染控制法》、《清洁空气法》等多部法律,建构起美国治理空气污染的基本法律框架,并取得了显著的治理效果。通过观察美国的经验可知,中国对空气污染的立法控制应当从以下四个方面着手:一是在中央与地方关系的动态平衡中进行空气污染防治立法规划;二是要综合协调,建构多元并存的空气污染防治法律规范体系;三是要提升环境空气质量标准和产业技术标准,做到多种污染物协同控制;四是要注重经济诱导,利用市场机制治理空气污染。  相似文献   

Laboratory Experimental Testbeds: Application to the PCS Auction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper reviews the uses of laboratory experimental economics methods in the background research and implementation of the Personal Communication Systems auctions held by the Federal Communications Commission. The applications began during the rule making process with the testing of broad rules that might be implemented. Data from experiments were systematically used. The methods were used again in the software development process where several important contributions were made. Finally, experiences gained from the study of experimental auction processes were used in the actual management of the first auctions and in interpreting auction performance.  相似文献   

上海要建设成为国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心,要建设成为国际大都市,外籍人士的比例会越来越高。然而,上海的移动通信服务企业几乎还没有专门针对外国人提供特色服务。本文总结了影响顾客满意度的主要方面,研究了移动通信服务中显著影响在沪外籍顾客满意度的关键因素,并对上海的移动通讯企业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents comparisons of labour productivity (value added per hour worked) in market services for the UK, the US, France and Germany in 1993. Market services, defined as (1) Distribution, Hotels and Catering, (2) Transport and Communications and (3) Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, make up 34–43 percent of total employment in the four countries. For productivity in market services overall, the US led the UK by 35 percent in 1993, Germany led the UK by 34 percent and France led the UK by 36 percent. The UK productivity shortfall vis-à-vis Germany and France was wider in market services than in manufacturing.  相似文献   

We construct a family of retaliatory equilibria for the Japanese ascending auction for multiple objects and show that, while it is immune to many of the tacitly collusive equilibria studied in the literature, it is not entirely immune when some bidders are commonly known to be interested in a specific object.  相似文献   

国有股转让定价的谈判与拍卖模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对国有股转让定价的公允性问题,本文运用谈判与拍卖模型进行分析,发现谈判与拍卖都可以产生国有股转让的市场公允价格。但谈判与拍卖相比是一种低效率的交易方式。引入利益相关者进行评标规则的国有股拍卖机制,是国有股转让定价的可行方法。  相似文献   

就业服务指导对就业率影响研究--美国华盛顿州的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解如何对美国华盛顿州就业培训效果进行评估,对中国有效帮助下岗失业人员再就业和低收入人员就业具有相当的借鉴意义。本文的目的是运用非平衡面板数据评估美国华盛顿州就业服务指导和被指导对象个人情况,对25~35岁女性福利受益者就业率的影响。本文提出转移概率(transition probability)模型来解决样本破损、样本更新和时段依赖问题(sample attrition,sample refreshment,duration dependence)。我们的结果表明,只有第一次就业服务对于那些失业人员的就业率有显著的正向影响。我们还发现工作经验越多的越易于找到工作。业人员的就业率有显著的正向影响。我们还发现工作经验越多的越易于找到工作。这些发现说明对失业人员进行的就业培训,可以帮助他们快速找到工作。  相似文献   

培训中心的历史几乎可以与FESCO的成长史划等号,最初,它的名称是“外企教学部”,主要任务是向外国商社的驻华代表提供汉语教学。进入上世纪90年代,在北京外企服务集团有限责任公司成立后,教学中心也改名为“外企培训中心培训部”,服务对象进一步扩展为外企员工,教学内容不再局限于语言类,还包括各种商务管理培训课程。2001年,经过增资的培训部再度将名称简化为“外企培训中心”,越来越多的“准外企人”也成为服务的对象,培训中心的业务内容也丰富为语言和管理培训、职业技能培训以及留学服务  相似文献   

基于知识创新与扩散模型,结合斗南花卉拍卖市场实践背景,以农户异质性认知为切入点构建交易集聚模型,并利用数值模拟分析拍卖市场在农户集聚及资源配置中的决定性作用。研究表明:拍卖市场农户交易集聚是以异质性认知为基础的内生集聚过程,培养农户异质性认知从而克服农户盲目趋同行为有助于市场培育及市场作用发挥;注重农产品多样化而不仅仅关注特定产品的市场规模,更有助于适应中国农户小、散、弱的现状及助推资源集聚;作为第三方主导的市场,市场培育初期利益相关者适当让渡价值,更有利于市场的发展壮大。  相似文献   

Abstract . In 1951 the United States began moving toward an incomes policy, an attempt to end postwar wage and price inflation by linking changes in these prices to gains in productivity. Other countries later followed suit; some countries had already adopted wage and price control policies. The Netherlands moved toward an incomes policy immediately after World War II. Initially, the Dutch program involved wages only, but in the 1970s it became an accepted principle that private professional income should be comparable with the salaries of government officials and civil servants with comparable training and responsibilities. In the Netherlands (as in the United States and, before medicine was socialized, the United Kingdom) health professionals operate on a fee-for service basis and their incomes escalated as a result of both inflation and monopoly power. So they were subjected to the incomes policy. The policy's effectiveness in curbing income escalation cannot be determined with certainty—reliable data are lacking. However, the evidence indicates that the policy failed to achieve its original purpose.  相似文献   

刘绍勇重返东航时,乱糟糟一团麻. 去年12月12日,这位新任东航集团总经理,第一天上班,桌上放着一封催款的律师函.他见到的第一拨东航员工,则是7名手攥着辞职信的飞行员.  相似文献   

文章阐述了噪声对人体产生的主要危害,分析了某通信生产大楼空调室外机噪声声源的特点及传播途径,有针对性地给出了一些降低空调室外机噪声的方法和措施.该生产大楼采用了目前环境污染治理行业前沿的减震、隔声、阻性消声等措施,使生产大楼厂界及周边环境达到相关的噪声标准.  相似文献   

熊银 《价值工程》2013,(20):178-179
根据新个人所得税的相关规定,以工资薪酬为例,提出相应的纳税筹划,对于新个人所得税实施中的问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

金玉 《价值工程》2014,(32):160-161
近年来,银行的零售业务迅速发展,已经成为银行三大支柱业务之一,本文将简述目前个人银行业务面临的机遇与挑战,并对下一步个人银行业务发展方向提出浅薄建议。  相似文献   

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