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The Great Recession of 2008–2010 affected the global and U.S. economies and its companies more universally than any economic downturn since the Great Depression. This study explores how the Great Recession influenced the marketing decisions of firms and the resulting long-term effects on marketing within business-to-business companies. Empirical evidence from previous recessions suggests that companies should focus on their customers and increase their marketing efforts during a recession. However, many companies typically slash their marketing budgets during economic downturns. Authors found that during the Great Recession, companies reacted differently than in previous recessions with their marketing responses. Authors conclude their analysis by proposing that the Great Recession will have three long-term effects on marketing in business-to-business companies.  相似文献   

全球金融危机爆发的原因及其对中国经济的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国次贷危机引发了肆掠全球的金融危机,其直接原因是美国国内的产业、金融政策错误,以及华尔街的贪婪与金融监管失误,而深层次原因是全球经济失衡与技术创新的周期性。本文应用时间序列模型验证了美国经济衰退对中国对美出口的显著影响,使用GTAP模型估算了全球经济衰退对中国经济的影响,结果显示:纺织、石化、电子等中国主要出口行业产出增长将进一步大幅下降。建议我国通过调整收入分配结构、扶持民营企业发展以扩大内需,并走创新发展道路,以应对危机下世界经济衰退的挑战。  相似文献   

The subprime mortgage crisis which was caused to a large degree by questionable mortgage lending and securitization practices that were furthered by deregulatory policies devastated the economy, led to large scale unemployment, and caused the foreclosure of millions of homes. There is evidence that numerous mortgage companies, financial firms, rating agencies, and high-level professionals were involved in unethical and often fraudulent business practices leading to the most severe economic meltdown since the Great Depression. In spite of the great economic and social harm, there was a lack of criminal sanctions against those companies and individuals, who were involved in creating the crisis that reached even global dimensions. This article analyses the reasons for and the possible social impacts of the lack of criminal sanctions against those who crossed the line between unethical and criminal business practices.  相似文献   

外部需求衰退与代工企业自创品牌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际需求衰退的背景下,我国的代工企业面临着如何在外部需求衰退的约束下实现产业升级的新问题。外部需求衰退固然给代工企业生产经营带来困难,但这一外生冲击也在开拓市场、突破进入壁垒、获取营销渠道等方面给其自创品牌带来机遇。此外,代工企业品牌策略的成功还取决于企业自身效率、学习能力、资本和技术积累等多种因素。文章用韩国三星电子在亚洲金融危机中实现品牌成长的案例进行了说明,并分析了代工向自创品牌的转化条件。  相似文献   

张舸 《北方经贸》2009,(8):43-45
从2006年春李开始逐步显现并在2007年席卷美国的次贷危机给中国经济造成了很大的影响,首当其冲的是金融领域。2008年中国经济虽在国民经济的各个领域都有所下滑,但纵观全局,此次金融危机给金融领域造成的冲击更为严重,而对中国实体经济尚未造成严重的影响,通过对上市公司业绩的实证分析,来说明这一观点。由此提出政策性建议,政府 关键词:  相似文献   

两次金融危机下我国能源国际贸易的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当1998年亚洲金融危机已经逐渐脱离人们关注之时,时隔10年,2007年美国次贷危机爆发,以迅雷不及掩耳之势蔓延到全球。2008年,此次金融危机在世界范围内愈演愈烈,波及数个领域。能源产业也未能逃过此劫。我国是一个能源消费大国,随着我国经济的快速发展,对石油、煤和天然气的需求也逐渐增加,同时能源的对外依存度也不断提高。当前金融危机对能源企业,尤其是石油行业的影响巨大,对其产量、价格和进出口贸易等都产生了深刻影响。石油作为国家的一种非常重要的战略储备,关系国计民生。因此,当前经济背景下,我国石油产业如何在"危"中寻找"机",积极开展新一轮的能源国际贸易,对于推进石油产业和整个能源产业的发展具有重要意义。本文通过将当前经济形势对我国能源的国际贸易带来的影响与10年前亚洲金融危机的背景进行对比,揭示本轮金融危机下我国能源国际贸易面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

Today, more than ever, retailers need to analyze the key solvency (liquidity) and efficiency financial ratio measures that affect how well their firms perform and to engage in long-term activities that will lead to improved results. Clearly, the recent ‘Great Recession’ has had a significant negative impact on retailers worldwide. Yet, an important question remains largely answered: Was the retail industry a major contributor to the events leading up to the economic crisis or was it an affected bystander shaken by the recession? This paper addresses the question for US retailing, the largest retail economy in the world. Although there has been considerable research on some aspects of the performance of the industry and individual firms, no prior studies exist that comprehensively examine the financial ratio performance of the totality of US retailing over time. Here, the financial performance of US retailers in 54 different sectors is analyzed for the 1982–2007 period using a model and data derived from Dun & Bradstreet's annual Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios. Results show that for many financial measures – such as the current ratio, liabilities to net worth, return on sales (profit margin), return on assets, financial leverage, and return on net worth – US retailing's financial performance has been in a steady decline for decades. The model introduced here is largely validated.  相似文献   

A growing body of research shows evidence that financial economics played a significant role in recent financial crises, such as the subprime mortgage crisis, Enron and Long-Term Capital Management. This track record is a wake-up call for managers and investors who employ financial economic models. This paper demonstrates how financial economics decouples market prices from the valuation by customers and resource owners in a systematic way. As an organization principle, financial economics replaces value-driven investment by a theory-driven ruling of anonymous financial markets – a scenario warranting the title “financial socialism”. Implications for customer valuation, financial accounting, and a maxim for the sound application of financial economic models are presented.  相似文献   

We explore how advertising managers of financial services organizations have responded to the repercussions of the Great Recession in their advertising strategies. To this end, we compare print ads for financial services that appeared in six magazines at two periods in time: 2005, prior to the Great Recession and 2010, after the end of the Great Recession. We content analyzed 755 prints ads and found major differences in the advertising strategies from prerecession to postrecession, particularly in the type of appeals. We further examined these strategic shifts by audience focus (business-to-business and business-to-consumer) and gender focus (male, female, or both).  相似文献   

The worldwide financial crisis and the need to understand the conditions leading up to it and the associated responses highlight the importance of money in organizations. Yet, money is undertheorized in management theory and considered uninteresting or “inert” (Mitchel & Mickel, 1999 ). In contrast, related social sciences and organizational practices provide rich insights into the socially contingent and expressive qualities of money. This paper proposes a new multidimensional framework for analyzing money as a social construct and suggests how it can be used to theorize and research the collapse of financial markets and the Great Recession. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机发生近3年之时,美国国会于2010年7月15日终于通过了美国新金融监管法案,即所谓的《多德-弗兰克法案》。文章系统综述和分析了该法案的出台背景、主要内容和历史维度及对中国金融监管的启示,即保护消费者利益是金融监管的首要任务;保持松紧适度的金融管制是金融稳定发展的核心;固守商业道德根基是银行金融机构可持续发展的根本等。  相似文献   

通过对美国次贷危机与金融创新关系的再反思,分析金融创新在美国次贷危机中所扮演的角色,重申金融创新的积极作用,提出金融创新在我国金融体系发展中的重要策略和原则:金融创新必须在合理的范围内进行,遵循"风险可控、成本可算"的原则,进一步完善金融监管体制,并要处理好金融创新与金融监管的关系。  相似文献   

Personal consumption expenditures accounted for some 70 percent of GDP prior to the Great Recession. The normal role of consumers in U.S. economic modeling was as recipient of all practical consumer goods and services production. Much of the increase in consumer spending was fueled by greater use of debt, through new forms of leverage such as low cost loans secured by home equity. During the recent recession, two forces combined for a perfect storm: the first was untested financial innovation (subprime mortgages) leveraging the second, an asset bubble (housing markets). In addition, revolving credit card borrowing peaked in mid-2008. This paper uses an innovative Retail Employment Index to help describe recent consumer behavior and presents a simple means of representing consumer retail spending within the constraints of the “new normal.”  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发国际金融危机后,引发了全球对影子银行的关注,中国也不例外。同时,影子银行的迅速发展改变了传统的货币政策传导机制,弱化了货币政策效应,亟需加强金融监管。本文从影子银行的规范分析出发,通过分析影子银行在中国的发展现状、规模、特征与价值分析,提出了加强影子银行监管的对策建议。  相似文献   

We investigate the extent of earnings management during the financial crisis of 2008 (The Great Recession). Based on a large sample of 14,000 observations across 15 years, our results show that firms managed earnings less aggressively during the crisis. We also show a severe decline in firm value and profitability during the crisis. Our results are consistent with the notion that, during the crisis, firm performance was so far below the target that no amount of earnings management would have been sufficient to reverse the poor earnings picture. As a result, managers were less motivated to manage earnings. Furthermore, the crisis serves as a convenient excuse for poor performance, lessening the motivation and necessity for managers to manage earnings. Additional analysis including fixed‐effects regressions, propensity score matching, and GMM dynamic panel data estimation shows that our results are robust and are not driven by unobserved heterogeneity. Further analysis documents similar findings for the Dot‐com crisis in 2001 and the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997–1998.  相似文献   

种种迹象表明,美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机远未结束,国际金融动荡将继续波动不稳.尽管我国金融市场相对封闭,开放程度不是很高,但是,此次美国次贷危机对我国金融市场产生的影响也不容小觑.我国政府应强化金融风险意识,在经济增长过程中必须控制风险;加强对房贷业务的管理,稳健发展房贷市场;积极稳妥地推进金融创新,加强对金融衍生产品的风险管理,在推进金融创新中提升风险管理能力;建立完善的信息披露机制,规范贷款业务,提高我国监管部门的风险判断能力和监管能力.  相似文献   

美国次贷风波席卷全球,引发了更深层次的金融风暴。剖析次贷危机和金融风暴的本质有助于探索化解这场全球性金融危机的有效途径。深入分析可以发现次贷危机起源于疯狂的虚拟资本和荒谬的金融衍生品,金融监管的缺失和非对称信息使得危机愈演愈烈;次贷危机从美国向全球蔓延形成了"负外部性金融溢出"效应,外围国家正在承受金融全球化带来的风险转移。文章提出"金融创新半径"的概念,指出惟有遵循金融资源配置的客观规律才是金融创新的理性归宿;一切金融危机,其实质都是货币的危机,只有建立新的国际货币体系,加强人民币在国际货币体系中的地位和作用,才能共同走出"斯蒂格利茨陷阱"。  相似文献   

Chinese capitalism cannot be captured by theoretical frameworks and concepts such as the ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ approach. Despite its integration into the world economy and the financial crises, the country has kept a stable Leninist basis of formal institutions. The case of financial services shows: (i) a resilience of the sector to the ‘Great Financial Crisis’ of 2008 and (ii) the use of the crisis as an opportunity. Examining the control of Chinese financial services shows that private interests and the regulatory authorities are intimately linked to the state apparatus and that there is no radical break in sight with China's unique blend of party state-led capitalism.  相似文献   

The literature offers no clear evidence on the effect of independent directors on firm value. We argue that, during stressful times, firms may need more and better expert advice to navigate a crisis. Outside independent directors can provide such advice. So, the role of independent directors may be more pronounced during a stressful time. Consistent with this notion, we find that independent directors significantly improved firm value during the Great Recession of 2008. Specifically, a rise in the percentage of independent directors by one standard deviation would have improved firm value by 4.29% during the Great Recession. Outside the crisis period, however, our results do not show that independent directors increase firm value. Further analysis confirms the results, including random‐effects regressions, propensity score matching, instrumental‐variable regressions, as well as falsification tests. Our results are crucial as they demonstrate that the role of independent directors is different during stressful times than it is during normal times.  相似文献   

Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain were all hit by the economic downturn in the course of the financial crisis and have been struggling with national debt crises and recession. A problem common to all of these countries is the collapse of national demand. Foreign trade might seem a logical way to restore economic strength, but little is known about the international competitiveness of these countries’ industries. This paper sheds light on their export structures using the revealed comparative advantage indicator.  相似文献   

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