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人工智能在提高经济与发展效率的同时,也引起了人们对失业风险的担忧。基于就业公平的视角,本文从就业的地区公平、行业公平以及群体公平三个视角分析了人工智能时代下就业公平可能面临的挑战。研究表明,人工智能可能会加剧我国就业的地区间、行业间以及群体间的不公平。鉴于此,需加强公共就业服务均等化,发挥公共就业服务的就业支持功能,促进就业的地区公平;需增强失业保险的发展性与调剂性,发挥失业保险的就业促进功能,促进就业的行业公平;需提高就业救助的独立性与完整性,发挥就业救助的就业保护功能,促进就业的群体公平。  相似文献   

我国就业歧视普遍存在的一个重要原因,是社会普遍缺乏公平就业和反就业歧视的意识。建立以平等、公平为基础的反就业歧视社会意识和文化,从以人为本的人权观和价值观出发,消除就业歧视的思想根源,是最终实现真正公平就业,消除就业歧视的前提和必要条件。  相似文献   

"公平"作为社会稳定之基,"就业"作为民生之本,在两会中,两者再次引起代表们的广泛关注.本研究正是立足于实际,采用问卷调查的方法,以490名在校民族大学生为被试,系统考察了少数民族大学生社会公平感与其就业信心的关系.结果表明:(1)少数民族大学生社会公平感与其就业信心之间呈显著正相关.(2)回归分析显示社会公平感中的权利公平和分配公平两个维度对就业信心有非常显著的正向预测作用.(3)家庭经济状况显著影响少数民族大学生的社会公平感和就业信心.本研究为国家建立健全社会公正体制,促进社会公平,提升少数民族大学生就业信心,解决当前大学生就业难等问题提供了实证依据.  相似文献   

关于就业的公平与效率的统一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从公平与效率的关系问题入手 ,指出这是围绕着市场化改革进程的一大难题 ,当市场在资源配置中起决定性作用时 ,就业的效率与公平之间的对立性似乎成为矛盾的主要方面 ,文章就就业的市场公平、机会均等及其实现等方面对就业的公平与效率的统一进行了论述  相似文献   

涂萍 《中国就业》2007,(11):47-50
就业公平是《就业促进法》的一条重要原则。在大力促进就业、建设社会主义和谐社会的新的发展时期,科学分析并正确处理就业公平问题,既有利于扩大就业和人的全面发展,也有利于提高效率和经济活力的竞相进发.更有利于社会的公平、正义、和谐与进步。[第一段]  相似文献   

作为"后挤进"《就业促进法》的章节,公平就业反映了社会各界的呼声,也反映了法律对于民众意见的尊重,是政治进步和文化进步的体现。公平的就业环境和平等的劳动权利是"和谐就业"的基础。  相似文献   

教育对就业的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提要本文首先从我国的教育现状,产业结构和劳动力资源之间的结构性矛盾,来说明发展教育不仅是提高就业质量,扩大就业规模的根本途径,同时也是实现包括教育公平、就业公平在内的社会公平的内在要求;其次从提高教育效益,促进就业发展的角度提出政策建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

当前,我国正在大力构建社会主义和谐社会。公平就业是和谐社会的基本要求之一,因为就业权益的实现是保障劳动者其他各项合法权益的基础和前提,实现比较充分的就业是社会和谐稳定的重要保障。我们应该加强对就业歧视问题的研究和思考,努力消除就业歧视,积极创造公平、和谐的就业环境。  相似文献   

冷雪艳 《财会通讯》2011,(7):150-152
如何树立正确的公平观尤其是如何构建我国的制度公平,关系到我国和谐社会的顺利建成,对于促进我国经济社会协调发展具有不容忽视的作用。但就我国目前情况来看,大多数非正规就业者普遍面临着比正规就业者更大的就业风险和更多的生存困境。正是从这种不公平的制度现状出发,本文以西方公平理论为基础,并结合我国的现状,提出了关于建立和完善我国非正规就业制度公平的政策建议。  相似文献   

2014年2月21日,中国就业促进会发布《网络创业就业统计和社保研究项目报告》,从网络创业就业状况、网络就业人员社保状况等多个层面进行了数据分析以及披露。网络创业为残疾人等就业困难人员提供了公平就业的平台,带来了更多公平的发展机会。许多在传统就业渠道难以就业的残疾人,通过网络创业实现了就业。本文节选了《网络创业就业统计和社保研究项目报告》(附件)中三位残疾人网络创业的典型案例,着重分析了其创业特色、成功经验、面临问题及对策建议,以期对残疾人网络创业、就业带来有有益思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

许从付  陈琳 《价值工程》2010,29(2):168-169
大学毕业生求职受到不公平待遇,侵害了大学生公平竞争和平等就业的权利,对其心理上造成的伤害是无法愈合的。就业歧视是高校扩招政策市场化程度较高的企业的经营意识催生的结果。就业歧视必然带来社会的正义问题,因为它违反了法治原则,是一种就业机会的不平等,腐蚀了政治系统合法性的基础,侵犯了基本的人权。  相似文献   

处于转型期的中国劳动力市场农民工的就业取向符合人力资本论和新移动经济学理论。四川地震促使农民工大量回川导致沿海地区"民工荒"问题的加剧,与农民工的经济行为,就业意识,就业决策的变化以及农民工打工渠道,外出打工成本,家庭收益,打工环境等个人的就业取向相关。当前,在全球金融危机和国内经济发展的影响下,四川劳动力市场的变化和农民工务工流的去向选择,正在改变中国劳动力市场,使之形成新的格局。  相似文献   

This article applies a labor process analysis to the issue of employment rights in the particular context of gender inequality and unlawful discrimination in the recruitment process. It criticizes conventional perspectives on employee rights for their failure to examine critically managerial power and prerogative and its implications for gender inequality. The article outlines two particular labor process theories of gender divisions and inequality. In exploring the strengths and weaknesses of these more critical perspectives, the article highlights the analytical significance that they ascribe to power asymmetries in the labor process and labor market. Building on this perspective, the analysis then presents empirical data on gender discrimination in the selection practices of contemporary UK organizations. The research material reveals how gender discrimination can be reproduced, rationalized, and resisted. These empirical findings are theorized through a combined labor process analysis of power, knowledge, and identity in recruitment practices. We conclude that labor process analysis facilitates our understanding of the deep-seated barriers that continue to impede the protection of employee rights in workplace practices.  相似文献   

I analyze the job separation process to learn about gender differences in job separation rates and employment stability. An essential finding is that employer-employee data are required to identify gender differences in job separation probabilities because of labor market segregation. Failure to recognize this may potentially lead to statistical discrimination. Three important empirical results are obtained from the analysis. First, women have higher unconditional job separation probabilities. Second, there are no gender differences in job separation probabilities for employees working in similar workplaces. Finally, women's employment stability is relatively low because they are more likely to move from a job and into unemployment or out of the labor force, and less likely to make job-to-job transitions.  相似文献   

郭占霞 《价值工程》2014,(25):199-200
劳务派遣是近年我国人才市场根据市场需求而引进开发的新的人才服务项目,是一种跨地区、跨行业的新用人方式。一方面它可以降低企业用工成本,缓解一定的就业压力,但另一方面,使劳动者的权益难以得到保障。本文依据现行法律规定,结合企业实际,分析贯彻落实劳动合同法,切实保障派遣员工的合法权益。  相似文献   

By utilizing the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) and a measure of occupational prestige (OCCSCORE) as a labor market outcome, the authors examine variations in the degree of labor market discrimination faced by several ethnic and racial groups in the United States between 1880 and 1990. Results demonstrate that the sharpest decline in labor market discrimination against blacks occurred between 1960 and 1980. For black males the extent of labor market discrimination was greater in all census years in IPUMS after 1880 until 1970, evidence contradicting the conventional expectation that market-based discrimination will decline progressively over time by dint of competitive pressure. Finally, after replicating George Borjas' "ethnic capital" exercise, the authors pool the 1880, 1900, and 1910 data to determine the relative magnitude of a group's gains and losses in occupational prestige due to group advantage or disadvantage in human capital endowments and due to favorable or unfavorable treatment (nepotism or discrimination) of those endowments in the labor market. The authors then examine statistically whether the group human capital advantage or disadvantage and group exposure to nepotism or discrimination at the turn of the century affects labor market outcomes for their descendants today. Results indicate strong effects of the past on present labor market outcomes. Hence, the essence of the study is the statistical demonstration that there are significant and detectable effects on current generations of the labor market experiences of their racial/ethnic ancestors.  相似文献   

Empirical research on gender pay gaps has traditionally focused on the role of gender-specific factors, particularly gender differences in qualifications and differences in the treatment of otherwise equally qualified male and female workers (i.e., labor market discrimination). This paper explores the determinants of the gender pay gap and argues for the importance of an additional factor, wage structure, the array of prices set for labor market skills and the rewards received for employment in favored sectors. Drawing on our previous work we illustrate the impact of wage structure by presenting empirical results analyzing its effect on international differences in the gender gap and trends over time in the gender differential in the U.S.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent and type of state dependence in labor market outcomes for young low-skilled Australians. Our model allows for three labor force states, employment, unemployment and out of the labor force, and for observed and unobserved heterogeneity. We find evidence of occurrence dependence, but no lagged duration dependence. A past employment spell increases the probability of employment in the future, but the length of the spell does not matter. A past spell of unemployment undoes the positive benefits from a spell in employment. Interpretations of these effects and implications for labor market policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural change and competition are profoundly affecting the way labor markets work in China, especially in rural areas. The rapid growth of jobs in township and village enterprises during the 1980s was forged largely by market forces and with little government oversight. Similar pressures are now playing an increasing role in urban markets, but the difficulties of state enterprises have made the transition more difficult. The inflexibility of the urban labor market has several negative effects on the performance of urban enterprises, especially SOEs. One of the problems it creates is over-staffing in SOEs, which is largely due to their failure to adjust employment with respect to efficient labor demand. The massive lay-offs that took place since 1995 demonstrate the seriousness of the over-staffing problem in the state sector of China's industry. Government officials estimate that 15 to 20 percent of state enterprise employees could be released from their companies without affecting output. This study investigates the differences in the speed of employment adjustment between state, collective, and township-village enterprises in China. Using panel data from a sample of Chinese enterprises during 1986-1990, our empirical results indicate that the speed of adjustment in production workers might be the slowest in the state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

Controversy over labor market policy often centers on achieving a balance between preventing worker exploitation, and avoiding loss of productivity or employment through excessive regulation. Although the literature documenting the impact of labor market regulation on employment is extensive, there is a dearth of evidence on the impact of such policies in low‐income countries (LICs). Since it is easier for workers, especially women, to slip into the informal sector in LICs, regulations are likely to have stronger impacts on formal employment in these countries (but lower impacts on unemployment). We systematically reviewed available research from countries that are, or were until recently, LICs. Most studies document that more stringent labor regulations are associated with lower formal sector employment and higher informal sector employment. We also conducted a metaregression analysis of the impact of minimum wages on formal and informal employment. After controlling for publication bias, higher minimum wages are associated with lower formal employment and a higher share of informal workers.  相似文献   

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