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庚款留美生归国后将"教授治校"、"学术自由"、"学术自治"等现代大学制度的核心观念移植于所在大学;1927年大学区制的试行及流产,极大地促进了美式现代大学制度在中国的确立.蒋梦麟、梅贻琦主政北大、清华,标志着美式现代大学制度在中国的全面建立."教授治学"将学术权力与行政权力分开,更符合高校这种学术机构的管理原则;设"研究教授"与"专任教授"有赖于资金的支持.哥伦比亚大学模式对现代中国大学模式的建立有着较大的影响.现代大学制度的建立翼护了大学的学术独立、人格独立和思想自由精神,有助于阻隔世俗力量、行政权力对大学自治、学术自治的干预和侵扰.但在五四之后的那种狂飚突进年代,传统教育制度中的一些合理因素也在这个"西化"过程中被扬弃、被忽视.  相似文献   

何江 《现代商贸工业》2012,(22):151-152
学术的繁荣往往和学术自由息息相关,学术自由长期以来被许多学者誉为大学生命的真谛之所在。从大学发展的历史来看,大学自产生之日起始终沿着学术自由的轨迹在发展和演进,学术自由是大学存在的根本保障。  相似文献   

夫学术者,聚文脉,续学统,为天地立心,为国家奠基,为民族植根,为子孙后代万世开太平也.时移势易,中国近现代大学应运而生,薪火相传,革故鼎新.国学与西学交融,科技共人文齐辉.此乃思想之宝库,精神之渊薮;文化之摇篮,文明之大纛也.泱泱乎,千古华夏文明源远流长;浩浩乎,百代神州先哲继往开来.……  相似文献   

大学品牌的内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创建一流大学,应该以品牌建设为中心。品牌的本质是识别,包括3个层次:表层、中间层和核心层。学术独立和自由,以学生为中心的营销观,以及服务社会的社会观构成了大学品牌的核心层,大学品牌的建设应该围绕核心层而展开。  相似文献   

校园文化是育人环境的重要组成部分,对于学生的成才具有积极的促进作用.研究型大学对校园文化建设提出了学术性强、社会化程度高、彰显创造性的新要求.但目前,研究型大学呈现校园文化建设趋同化、人文精神教育边缘化的趋势.要建设特色校园文化,研究型大学应采取加强校园精神文化建设、完善现代大学制度、设立学校形象识别系统、营造自由的学术环境等措施,以推进研究型大学综合实力提高.  相似文献   

陈楠楠 《中国市场》2013,(45):197-198
中国高校是否要去行政化以及如何去行政化呢?或许我们可以从美国高校去行政化的道路上得到一些启示。总的来说,大学自治、学术自由和教授治校,是西方包括美国在内的现代大学管理的三项基本原则。美国现代大学之所以能够"去行政化",笔者认为法律确认的大学自治是最基本的前提,没有大学自治,就谈不上学术自由和教授治校。所以中国高校要想去行政化,应该先健全、完善法律制度,以确保大学自治的实行。  相似文献   

"大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善".这里的"大学"有"太学"甚至"无学"之意,指的是学习的境界,也指的是学习的精神.  相似文献   

杨自杰 《中国市场》2009,(22):104-105
大学的核心竞争力不同于企业的核心竞争力,学术竞争力是大学核心竞争力最核心的本质,学术性是大学不同于其他社会组织的特殊本质,大学学术竞争力是指大学利用所掌握的资源创造出新的思想、方法和产品,并且把它们转化为社会价值、经济价值和财富的能力,主要体现为大学学术声誉、学术水平和学术成果。  相似文献   

毛泽东把中国具体实际和马列主义的天才结合,实现了马克思主义在中国的理论飞跃。"统一战线、武装斗争、党的建设",这三大法宝是中国革命胜利的思想武器即"思想的武器",指导中华民族实现民族独立、社会自由发展,为中国特色社会主义道路指明了方向。当今时代我们要挖掘其思想内涵,运用到中国特色社会主义的发展过程之中,构建自由、平等、公正、法治的社会,推动中华民族伟大复兴,实现两个一百年的"中国梦"。  相似文献   

张大力的华育国际,是北大青鸟在北京最早的授权培训中心之一,用两年时间成为了北大青鸟业绩最好的加盟商。羽翼渐丰的张大力不满足加盟商的角色,试图自创品牌。在2004年解除与北大青鸟的授权培训协议后,华育国际陆续成立了11所分校,并且沿袭北大青鸟"教育改变生活"的宗旨,号称"把需要工作的人变成工作需要的人"。独立出来的华育国际以"订单式"培训为卖点,通过铺天盖地的广告向高考落  相似文献   

The paper describes the approach by which ethics are integrated into the undergraduate curriculum at Northern Illinois University's College of Business. Literature is reviewed to identify conceptual frameworks for, and issues associated with, the teaching of business ethics. From the review, a set of guidelines for teaching ethics is developed and proposed. The objectives and strategies implemented for teaching ethics is discussed. Foundation and follow-up coursework, measurement issues and ancillary programs are also discussed.Dr. Bishop teaches in the Management Department of Northern Illinois University's College of Business. He teaches managerial principles, human resource management and strategic management. His research interests have focused on applied human resource issues and managerial ethics, including the professional ethics of human resource managers.  相似文献   

By appealing to the religious imagination Theology can make a distinctive contribution to business ethics. In the first part of the essay I examine what is entailed by appealing to the imagination to reason in ethics: through converging arguments the imagination enables us rationally to interpret reality and to infer obligations. In the following sections I consider the relevance of the religious imagination for business ethics. In the second part I explain the imagination's use of religious metaphor to establish its theological distinctiveness in ethical inquiry. Then in the final part I illustrate Theology's contribution to business ethics by studying the imagination's use of religious metaphor with regard to profit and to third world debt.Gerard Magill has degrees in Philosophy and in Moral Theology, with a Ph.D. He is an Assistant Professor (Theology) at Saint Louis University, teaching Moral Theology and Business Ethics. He is a member of the Faculty Committee for the University's new Center for Business Ethics.  相似文献   

(国家大剧院前)大卫:你好,请问北京大学怎么走?路人甲:这没有直接到北大的公共汽车,你需要换乘。或者先做地铁,再换公交。大卫:太麻烦了。我想打车去,可是找不到出租车。路人甲:哦,长安街上出租车不能停。你走到下个路口,那儿出租车可以停。  相似文献   

经济全球化促进了跨文化交际,中西方文化频繁交流。相异文化的互相影响、互相渗透导致跨文化交流的趋同性。我国高校英语文化教学具有局限性,应进行文化输入中的对比分析,培养学生的跨文化交际能力,以培养“文化意识”达到“文化理解”。  相似文献   

Contribution to the society Zhang Hao owns great opportunity to store intelligence and knowledge, in her early year.Zhang Hao was graduated from Economic Management Department of People's University in 1983 and later finished her study in Advanced Training Program of CEO of Chinese Direct Selling Enterprises in Peking University.  相似文献   

The debate on whether and how to teach business ethics in graduate business programs continues. The authors of this article suggest specific content and processes for a course aimed at giving MBA candidates the awareness, tools, and mental processes necessary to recognize and address ethical issues in decision making. The inclusion of labor law, discrimination issues, consumer protection legislation, securities laws, and an overview of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights coupled with the development of utilitarian, deontological, and egalitarian analysis of ethical issues provides the tools and processes necessary for ethical decision making. These tools and processes are applied in several class experiences using cases, moral audits, and the development of a code of ethics to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values needed in ethical decision making.S. Andrew Ostapski is Associate Professor of Management and Information Systems at the College of Business Administration, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. His teaching and research interests include the legal environment, business ethics, and international business.John E. Oliver, is presently Professor and Head of the Department of Management and Information Systems at Valdosta State University's College of Business Administration.Gaston T. Gonzalez is an Aggregate Professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar and Visiting Professor at IESA both at Caracas, Venezuela. His teaching and research interests focus on strategic management, business transformation through information technology, and the application of system thinking to the institutionalization of ethics in organizations.  相似文献   

This paper describes a flaw in the teaching of issues related to market economics and social justice at American institutions of higher learning. The flaw we speak of is really a gap, or an educational disconnect, which exists between those faculty who support market-based economies and those who believe capitalism promotes economic injustice. The thesis of this paper is that the gap is so wide and the ideas that are promoted are so disconnected that students are trapped into choosing one or the other position (or neither) and are left unable to link the two sides of the discussion. Such an educational process is not one that produces free and reasoned discernment. In this paper, we briefly relate how we came to be aware of the disconnect and its harms. We present evidence that a pedagogical gulf exists within the teaching of markets and capitalism at American universities – faculty interviews, course syllabi, portions of the corpus of material generally referred to as Catholic Social Thought, as well as references to traditional, mainstream economic theory. Further, we give evidence of the confusion and frustration among students this gulf causes. We suggest possible reasons for the gulf–primarily through an investigation of the differences in underlying assumptions and misperceptions that exist between two divisions within universities. We conclude by suggesting a set of curricular changes designed to improve teaching. The authors’ aim is not to change people’s minds. It is to change their teaching. The authors believe that these curricular changes will leave students less frustrated and better prepared for a life of significant service – with improved critical thinking skills.David F. Carrithers is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Finance in the Albers School of Business & Economics at Seattle University. He has taught at Seattle University since 1985, in the areas of corporate and entrepreneurial finance. Mr. Carrithers earned an MBA from the University of Washington in 1984. Dean Peterson is assistant professor of economics at Seattle University. His research interests focus on the history of economic thought. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois in 1994.  相似文献   

The authors propose a model for business ethics which arises directly from business practice. This model is based on a behavioral definition of the economic theory of profit maximization and situates business ethics within opportunity costs. Within that context, they argue that good business and good ethics are synonymous, that ethics is at the heart and center of business, that profits and ethics are intrinsically related.Marist Father Pat Primeaux is a Professor of Theology at Saint John's University, (New York). John Stieber is a Professor of Finance and Economics at Southern Methodist University's Edwin L. Cox School of Business (Dallas). They have collaborated on several articles on the behavioral dimension of economic efficiency. They have also designed and taught courses in business ethics at both the graduate and undergraduate level.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that there are notable parallels between all of the different strands within ethics on the one hand, and accountancy on the other that, in teaching, can be drawn upon to enhance students’ understanding of the latter. Accountancy, part of economics, draws on utilitarian ethics, but not solely so. Accounting, in addition, draws on deontological and communitarian strands in ethics. The article suggests that the teaching of accounting – especially to non-economists – would benefit substantially from highlighting and developing these parallels. Wilfred Dolfsma is both an economist and a philosopher, and holds a Ph.D. in the former from Erasmus University. He is attached to the Erasmus University, Rotterdam at the Business School, as well as MERIT, University Maastricht. He is currently fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. He is corresponding editor of the Review of Social Economy (Routledge). He has co-edited Globalization Social Capital and Inequality (2003, with Charlie Dannreuther), Understanding the Knowledge Economy (2006, with Luc Soete) and Ethics and the Market (2006, with Jane Clary and Deborah M. Figart).  相似文献   

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