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我国信用卡产业目前仍处于初步发展阶段,人均信用卡拥有率与发达国家还有较大差距。作为满足消费领域和支付领域多重金融服务需求的商业银行零售业务产品,信用卡业务市场发展空间还很大。2009年对国内信用卡产业来说是发展的转折年,以市场份额扩张为主的粗放式发展已到拐点,国内信用卡产业进入了一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

伴随我国社会经济的快速发展,信用卡作为一种先消费后还款的小额信贷支付工具获得了迅猛的增长。在经过几年跑马圈地式的发展后,我国信用卡产业也暴露出重规模不重质量、业务收益能力低甚至亏损的问题。以购车分期贷款为代表的信用卡衍生业务的兴起,使得信用卡逐步演变成一种综合性的消费产品,推动国内信用卡市场进入了精细化经营阶段。本文分析了当前国内信用卡的衍生业务及其发展思路,并针对业务的风险管理问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王志斌 《时代金融》2008,(4):118-121
<正>信用卡业务由于其在零售银行业务领域的战略制高点地位,一直是国内外商业银行的必争之地,随着国内信用消费环境的日益成熟,我国信用卡行业近几年得到了突飞猛进的发展,在国内商业银行零售业务战略转型中发挥了不可替代的作用。然而,在信用卡产业的表面繁华之下也埋藏着隐忧,突出表现在信用卡信用风险管理技术、方法和制度环境建设大大滞后于业务发展要求,风险管理基础薄弱,手段单一,同质化竞争倾  相似文献   

近两年,受国内消费需求拉动以及商业银行转型发展等因素影响,各发卡行纷纷加大信用卡大额分期业务拓展力度,业务范围涵盖购车、家装、教育等领域,且业务范围呈不断扩大的趋势,不仅带动中间业务收入快速增长,而且助推信用卡产业快速发展。但从风险角度审视信用卡大额分期业务,由于其与信用卡循环信用业务存在较大差异,决定了大额分期具有不同的风险内涵。在信用卡大额分期业务快速发展的同时,发卡行有必要做好发展规划及前瞻性风险防控工作,以更好地促进信用卡整体业务健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

国内信用卡业务在蓬勃发展的背后,客户重叠度较高,整体行业利润率较低、风险防控能力不够强等问题日益显现.中国光大银行信用卡中心总经理戴兵认为,现阶段,在初步实现了规模发展的目标之后,国内信用卡产业应该朝"质量发展"的目标转变.未来,信用卡市场的竞争将围绕精细化运作展开.  相似文献   

自1985年国内推出第一张信用卡,我国的信用卡产业已先后经历了市场自发阶段、金卡工程实施后的政府推动阶段、国际标准信用卡全面启动及快速发展阶段三个阶段,目前已进入了竞争白热化的爆炸式增长期.  相似文献   

回顾2014年,国内信用卡产业在创新与变革中前行。金融IC卡多元应用的深入带来了巨大的潜在客群,境外消费市场的高速发展吸引了行业各方加速布局,基于移动互联网的近场、扫码等支付的推广应用,为信用卡在便民消费领域的深度渗透提供了有利契机。与此同时,国内经济增速放缓,信贷类业务逾期增加,违约风险向信用卡行业蔓延;利率市场化导致的资金成本上升,对信用卡业务的资产配置能力、风险定价能力提出了更高要求;而随着外资银行进入国内中高端信用卡领域,市场竞争则更趋白热化。2014年,农业银行信用卡中心围绕客户体验提升这一核心,加快重点产品的推广和多元商户网络构建,致力于塑造优势品牌,坚定推进业务转型发展,主要发展指标实现了稳健增长。  相似文献   

随着商业银行在信用卡市场的大量投入,信用卡营销竞争已呈白热化,同时也极大地推动了信用卡产业的发展,信用卡品牌理论研究也随之深入展开.但从品牌实践看,目前国内信用卡营销的品牌诉求点大部分还停留在友好服务和金融创新阶段,部分银行开始进入市场定位阶段.  相似文献   

<正>当前,国内信用卡市场竞争激烈,部分银行经营理念粗放、服务意识不强、风险管控不到位,使得信用卡行业面临"增长困境""粗放发展""不均衡发展"等问题。2021年12月16日,银保监会发布《关于进一步促进信用卡业务规范健康发展的通知(征求意见稿)》(以下统称"信用卡新规"),旨在"净化"国内信用卡市场,推动国内信用卡市场立足新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,提高信用卡业务惠民便民服务质效。  相似文献   

目前我国信用卡产业的发展环境,正在发生明显的积极变化,具备了一些相应的特征,而行业管理体制与制度的适应性、前瞻性和延续性不强,信用信息的资源培植和价值开发尚处于起步阶段,相关法律体系的完备性不足等是我国信用卡产业发展存在的主要问题.我国信用卡产业未来发展的思路和措施主要是:成立独立核算、专业管理的信用卡业务中心,产业经营管理实行高度专业化分工,监管原则由单一的控制风险向合理控制风险转化,健全银行卡法律体系等.  相似文献   

由于我国经济快速的发展势头已经吸引了越来越多的外国投资者的注意,而中国企业也开始争夺国际市场的竞争,对外贸易经营活动产生大量的商务接待以及有关的商务洽谈.但是因为传统的商务英语教育方式的影响,大家还是倾向于注重英语单词和语法和句子反复实践.这样的话对我们交流的开展极为不利.  相似文献   

当前的国际经济一体化发展步伐逐渐加快,各行各业的企业和组织之间的合作交流日渐增多,其中涉及到不少跨国商务谈判。由于各个国家之间的企业经济效益为最终目标,追求他们的经济利益,因此在资源有限的情况下,他们的经济利益必然有冲突,这样就让彼此间商务谈判显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

由于我国经济快速的发展势头已经吸引了越来越多的外国投资者的注意,而中国企业也开始争夺国际市场的竞争,对外贸易经营活动产生大量的商务接待以及有关的商务洽谈。但是因为传统的商务英语教育方式的影响,大家还是倾向于注重英语单词和语法和句子反复实践。这样的话对我们交流的开展极为不利。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和市场环境的变化,商业银行的IT部门已经从以前不起眼的配角演变成越来越重要的角色:小到日常业务处理、账务核算,大到整个企业的经营管理、业务创新和决策支持,无一不体现了信息技术的应用成果。但是,银行业务和IT都有自己特有的语言和思维方式,如何实现两者的融合已经成为提升银行竞争力的关键之一。为此,记者采访了转型后的国家开发银行股份有限公司(以下简称“开行”)营运中心主任王中,请这位曾工作在业务战线又转入IT领域的业内人士为我们解读现代商业银行中业务与IT的融合问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic general equilibrium model where labor effort is imperfectly observable and there is unemployment in equilibrium. In contrast to shirking models in the efficiency wage literature, detected shirkers are not dismissed. Instead, they face a monetary punishment because they forgo an increase in their compensation. Estimated versions of the model can generate the high variation in employment and low variation of real wages observed over the business cycle, and are consistent with existing qualitative evidence about the responses of the economy to fiscal policy shocks.  相似文献   

When Chris Sullivan and three friends opened the first Outback Steakhouse in March 1988, in Tampa, Florida, they were hoping it would be successful enough to spawn a few more and maybe some other kinds of restaurants as well. Since then, their chain of Australia-themed restaurants has grown to some 900 locations and counting-plus another 300 or so "concept" restaurants that operate from under Outback's corporate umbrella. Growth like that doesn't happen accidentally, Sullivan says, but it certainly wasn't part of the original plan. In this first-person account, Outback's chairman describes the organization's formula for growth and development, which is consciously rooted in the founders' belief in putting people first. They've created an organizational model in which field managers make most of the decisions, garner the rewards, and live with the consequences. Specifically, the founders believe that the most effective way to make customers happy is to first take care of the people who cook for them, serve them, and supervise operations at the restaurants. Outback servers have fewer tables to worry about than those at other restaurant chains; the cooks have bigger, cooler, better-equipped kitchens; and the supervisors work their way up the ranks toward an equity stake in the restaurant or region they run. There are no administrative layers between field managers and the executives at headquarters. Giving employees good working conditions and the chance to become owners has proved to be good business: Turnover among hourly employees is low, and Outback and its subsidiaries opened 120 restaurants last year, increasing sales by 20.1%. The company must grow in order to keep offering career opportunities to its workers; in turn, those opportunities ensure that Outbackers remain committed to making customers happy and the company successful.  相似文献   

尚德公司的董事长兼CEO施正荣,缀在一家名不见经传的公司后面的一个名不见经传的名字, 在新年伊始不到两周的时间里,国内各大财经媒体就迫不及待地给他贴上2006年中国新首富的标签,这一极富戏剧性的市场传奇究竟是如何发生的呢?尚德公司经营的是什么“宝贝”产品竟有如此财富魔力?名不见经传的施正荣又到底是因何而荣登2006年中国新首富的宝座? 1月23日,对于新年新首富施正荣来说,是个有纪念意义的日子:这一天,根据美国纽交所当日“市价”计算,持有尚德公司6800万股的他总计拥有29.512亿美元(约合人民币238亿元)的  相似文献   

林伟 《理财》2006,(3):16-21
尚德公司的董事长兼CEO施正荣,缀在一家名不见经传的公司后面的一个名不见经传的名字在新年伊始不到两周的时间里,国内各大财经媒体就迫不及待地给他贴上2006年中国新首富的标签,这一极富戏剧性市场传奇究竟是如何发生的呢?尚德公司经营的是什么宝贝产品竟有如此财富魔力?名不见经传的施正荣又到底是因何而荣登2006年中国新首富的宝座?[编按]  相似文献   

The argument that uncertainty about monetary and fiscal policy has been holding back the recovery in the U.S. during the Great Recession has a large popular appeal. This paper uses an estimated New Keynesian model to analyze the role of policy risk in explaining business cycles. We directly measure risk from aggregate data and find a moderate amount of time-varying policy risk. The “pure uncertainty” effect of this policy risk is unlikely to play a major role in business cycle fluctuations. In the estimated model, output effects are relatively small because policy risk shocks are (i) too small and (ii) not sufficiently amplified.  相似文献   

Making business sense of the Internet   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For managers in large, well-established businesses, the Internet is a tough nut to crack. It is very simple to set up a Web presence and very difficult to create a Web-based business model. Established businesses that over decades have carefully built brands and physical distribution relationships risk damaging all they have created when they pursue commerce through the Net. Still, managers can't avoid the impact of electronic commerce on their businesses. They need to understand the opportunities available to them and recognize how their companies may be vulnerable if rivals seize those opportunities first. Broadly speaking, the Internet presents four distinct types of opportunities. First, it links companies directly to customers, suppliers, and other interested parties. Second, it lets companies bypass other players in an industry's value chain. Third, it is a tool for developing and delivering new products and services to new customers. Fourth, it will enable certain companies to dominate the electronic channel of an entire industry or segment, control access to customers, and set business rules. As he elaborates on these four points, the author gives established companies a systematic way to sort through the risks and rewards of doing business in cyberspace.  相似文献   

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