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魏敏 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2006,5(4):5-10
传统的梯度扩散理论认为,高梯度地区产业总是在不停地向低梯度地区推移,但是我国东、西部地区长期以来存在着差距,尽管出台了许多区域优惠政策,但区域经济水平差距依然很大,梯度推移现象不明显.本文认为其原因是我国区域在梯度推移过程中存在着粘性,并分别建立简单的粘性模型和灰色聚类粘性模型进行分析. 相似文献
新时期流通结构优化升级之再认识 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
过去三十多年的流通改革正是流通结构优化升级的持续过程,但在其中也有一些悬而未决的问题,在国内商品流通领域集中表现为流通规模与流通效率、传统流通与现代流通、流通业态与流通技术、流通经济职能与社会职能之间的矛盾.在新时期的流通结构优化升级中,繁荣市场的功能要适度、稳定市场的功能要重启、新型技术的功能要加强、促进就业的功能要充分发挥.其涵盖的重点问题包括加速流通总体规划和立法、健全流通宏观管理机制、完善大宗商品流通体制、重构工业品批发体系、转变零售业盈利模式. 相似文献
杨新华 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2003,2(2):11-13
经济学应该是经世济人之学,作为社会科学,数理分析及经济理论模型只能是工具,经济理论在促进经济增长的同时,核心是提高全体社会成员的福利水平,这才能体现马克思主义的本质.因此,同构GDP增长理论中的经济因素和社会因素也就成为必然,只有以人为核心的GDP增长理论才能给社会带来福音.那些照搬西方理论的经济学家提出的一系列对策的负面效果从另一方面提供了论据. 相似文献
处在当前的发展背景下,我国更加关注农业发展领域。其中,农户农产品的质量安全是现阶段比较关注的话题。基于此,主要就农户农产品质量安全认知现状及影响因素加以分析,然后结合实际探究农户农产品质量安全认知的优化策略,以期通过此次理论研究有助于提升农户在农产品质量安全认知上的能力。 相似文献
陈多闻 《四川商业高等专科学校学报》2010,(3):29-33
荷兰学派是指在技术哲学领域,以特温特大学、埃因霍温理工大学、代尔夫特大学以及瓦格尼格大学哲学部为代表的荷兰学者们及其相关研究。他们掀起了国际技术哲学界的"经验转向",提出了"技术人工物双重属性"的技术解释学论纲,具体表现在对工程哲学、技术与社会的关系、信息技术、技术文化、技术可持续性等的关注。在国际技术哲学的舞台上,荷兰已有取代美国成为研究中心的趋势。 相似文献
河北省物流业与经济增长关联效应分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过构建GDP和货运总量的关系模型,对河北省物流业与经济增长的关联效应进行分析,结果表明河北省物流业与GDP之间存在着协整关系,其物流能力随时间变化在逐渐增强,对经济增长有着较为明显的拉动作用;但经济对物流业的推动作用还未体现出来。为了解决地区物流供需不均衡的状态,实现经济增长和物流业发展同步增长,河北省需要发挥政府的宏观指导和协调作用,加大资金投入,规范物流业管理体制和法规建设,提高经济对物流发展的推动作用,从而实现河北省物流业的可持续发展和科学发展。 相似文献
建立流浪儿童社会支持体系,帮助这部分儿童重新回归家庭、回归社会,完成正常的社会化过程,是中国社会工作的一项重要内容.立足我国国情和现实情况,分析了流浪儿童的政府、社会群体以及个体三个重要支持系统的功用. 相似文献
流浪儿童的社会支持因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立流浪儿童社会支持体系 ,帮助这部分儿童重新回归家庭、回归社会 ,完成正常的社会化过程 ,是中国社会工作的一项重要内容。立足我国国情和现实情况 ,分析了流浪儿童的政府、社会群体以及个体三个重要支持系统的功用。 相似文献
Thomas E. Barry 《广告杂志》2013,42(4):9-16
Abstract Advertising researchers often assume that the audience reacts to ads homogeneously, but evidence suggests that individuals process ads subjectively on the basis of their membership in groups defined by ethnicity or gender, or their life themes or experiences. The authors examine how one group, heterosexuals, reacts to the portrayals of an out-group, homosexuals, in ads. They find that heterosexuals' emotional and attitudinal responses to a homosexual ad depend on their general attitude toward homosexuality. The effect on attitude toward the brand sponsor is more muted. Practical implications are noted for advertisers facing consumer groups that have diverse opinions on social issues such as homosexuality. 相似文献
《The Journal of consumer affairs》2017,51(1):162-182
This article explores and puts together eight important factors influencing materialism in children aged 8–12 years using a large sample from Spain. An analysis of the relationship of this set of factors with children's materialism using structural equation modeling is provided as well. Results suggest that external influences are more important for Spanish children than family influences. Finally, the article provides a road map for practitioners as well as government agencies, and suggestions for further research. 相似文献
Qu Haoyang 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(23):40-41
1. China’s environmental problems 1) Serious water pollution. Water is most indispensable to people’s life. Contaminated water will seriously affect people’s normal life and cause environmental degradation, putting people in the danger of catching various diseases. Therefore, everyone should save water and make full use of it. However, in China, water pollution is getting worse. China has abun- 相似文献
近年来,印度经济发展迅速,崛起势头强劲,因此有专家预计到2050年印度将成为仅次于中国和美国的世界第三大经济体。就这一问题,本文从印度的自身特点出发,深入系统地分析了其经济崛起过程中的优势和劣势。 相似文献
Previous research has consistently shown that a large number of firms are sufficiently dissatisfied with their bank relationship to have considered switching to an alternative bank. In practice, however, the number of firms which actually switch banks is relatively low. This paper examines empirical evidence from a postal survey of small firms in order to investigate this paradox. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression is used to identify the characteristics which discriminate between a group of firms considering switching banks and two other groups, namely those which had switched banks in the previous three years and those which had not switched banks and were not considering doing so. The paper tests the hypothesis that some small firms may be "informationally captured", in that they are tied into their current bank relationship due to difficulties in conveying accurate information about their performance. The results provide some evidence in support of the hypothesis in that rapidly changing information, particularly changing technology, was a characteristic associated with firms which were considering switching but had not switched. However, there was no significant evidence to support the hypothesis that superior performing firms are more likely to be "informationally captured"; growth and perceived business success were both associated with firms which switched banks. There was strong evidence that the main drivers of the decision to switch or consider switching banks were difficulties obtaining finance and dissatisfaction with the service provided. The results also showed that firms which were considering switching banks tended to use more alternative (non-banking) sources of finance. It is concluded that some firms will resolve difficulties obtaining finance by switching banks, whereas others will use alternative sources of finance depending on the balance between the benefits of switching, such as increased finance, and switching costs including information provision. 相似文献
胡余清 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2008,(6):12-14
马克思主义政治经济学是在批判地继承其前人尤其是古典政治经济学的基础上建立起来的,其资本一般理论更是如此。但马克思主义资本理论与古典经济学资本理论有着本质的区别,这主要体现在对资本本质的认识、资本来源的探讨、资本构成的分析、资本积累的研究等几个方面进行了科学的发展与创新。 相似文献
绿色壁垒的壳层结构及其效应研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
绿色壁垒具有全球性条款、区域性协定和国别性措施三个壳层结构,壳层结构之间和壳层结构内部存在着梯度变化关系,且由外向内依次递增,突破难度依次增大.作为发展中国家的我国产品出口必须有针对性地对这种绿色壁垒的壳层结构实施逐层突破,建立相应的危机预警和防范体系,才能增强其出口产品基于环境的国际竞争力. 相似文献
我国经济增速能够持续回升,内在条件是当前我国经济仍处于快速增长阶段,经济运行的周期性波动已进入复苏阶段,刺激经济增长有充足的内需扩大空间;外部因素是国内大力度的扩张性政策刺激内需快速增长,弥补了出口大幅度下降产生的需求缺口,使经济运行从2009年初的超跌状态迅速向内在增长趋势回归。未来经济增长取决于国内调控政策力度的稳定性与美欧日经济的发展动态。2010年我国经济运行能够实现GDP增长9%、物价涨幅控制在2%以内的良好发展状态。 相似文献
浙江民营经济增长要素的实证分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文从要素投入角度,对浙江民营经济的高速增长进行实证研究.通过对历史数据的计量分析,揭示了制度改进与技术进步是推动浙江民营经济增长的首要因素,资本积累的作用其次,而劳动投入贡献最少.从走势看,近几年浙江民营经济总体呈粗放型增长态势,主要表现为以高强度的资金投入来推动经济的高增加.随着体制优势的不断淡化,以及宏观调控对投资的影响,要继续保持浙江民营经济的快速发展,当务之急,是大力加快技术创新,转变增长方式. 相似文献
新经济增长理论已经引起国内外越来越多的理论研究者的关注。本文运用新经济增长理论,在对安徽及周边省份新经济因素进行初步比较分析的基础上,找出安徽新经济发展中存在的不足和差距,提出振兴安徽经济的几点对策。 相似文献