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This article critically analyses how the entrepreneurial ecosystem and institutional environment influences the development of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship. There is a dearth of empirical research on African entrepreneurship ecosystems and complementors that produce innovations in the informal sector. We address this gap, by examining why and how informal businesses operate and evolve. Based on a qualitative approach, interviewing 20 business owners in Nigeria, two focus groups meeting with 5 and 7 business associations leaders, respectively, we examine the role of institutional environments, how entrepreneurs operate and overcome the barriers to entrepreneurship. The results reveal a model of determinants of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship ecosystem comprising formal/informal rules, access to market, and family as important elements that act as a means to effective knowledge flows, networking, capital, and resources sharing.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to argue that the emergence of a diverse and dominant software (SW) services industry in India is facilitated to a large extent by the range of policies and initiatives undertaken by the Indian State. In addition to a series of sector-specific policy initiatives and promotional schemes, the positive interplay among the trade, technological and tariff policies did contribute to the emergence of the SW services sector. The authors also argue that the overall liberalisation project initiated in the early 1990s, by way of initiating a distinct export orientation to economic thinking, did contribute to the sector's emergence.  相似文献   

Given the severe impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on business activities, this study presents a systematic framework to examine the effect of the perceived effectiveness of e-commerce platforms (PEEP) on consumer's perceived economic benefits in predicting sustainable consumption. This study adopted uses and gratification theory to base the conceptual model while adding a boundary condition of pandemic fear. The primary research method of this study is a quantitative survey and analysis. Using a sample of 617 online consumers with PLS analytical technique, this study finds a positive moderating effect of pandemic fear on the relationships among PEEP, economic benefits, and sustainable consumption. The contribution of this study is its examination of how economic benefit mediates the PEEP and sustainable consumption relationship which is dependable on the levels of pandemic fear. Implications for managers and theory are also discussed.  相似文献   

It has long been debated whether integration speed positively or negatively contributes to acquisition performance. Drawing on the resource‐based view, this study addresses this controversy in the literature by investigating how integration speed for specific categories of strategic resources affects the integration process by capturing the expected value of an acquisition. With six in‐depth case studies, it concludes that the relationship between integration speed and acquisition performance cannot be understood quantitatively; instead, the focus should be on the interaction between integration speed and three broad groups of strategic resources (managerial, customer‐oriented, and supplier‐oriented) post acquisition. The study further finds that the understanding of integration speed should not be from a stand‐alone viewpoint but rather from a dynamic perspective—a viewpoint combined with time of integration. The findings of this study also complement the existing understanding of integration by extending the knowledge of task integration and its interaction with human integration. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

近年来,发达国家为应对经济全球化的不确定性,纷纷推出了“再工业化”战略,其本质是通过国家行动重新打造以新兴产业为牵引的高价值制造业战略,核心是通过政府、企业、大学、科研机构和社会团体合力打造国家级创新平台,推动本国优先领域先进技术迅速商业化。本文总结了美国、德国、英国、法国、日本、韩国等发达国家在推进本国先进制造业前沿技术成果转化与应用推广方面搭建的创新平台的建设经验,以期为我国建设未来创新平台提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Digital platforms have been developing fast which transform the benefits and costs of rapid internationalization of firms on them. Employing transaction cost economics perspective, we argue that the transaction attributes of asset specificity, transaction uncertainty, and transaction frequency, have all changed fundamentally in digital platform-based transactions. They render the organizational learning in rapid Internet exporting to counterbalance the diseconomies of time compression caused by the lack of organizational absorptive capacity. By using the three attributes as underlying mechanisms, we hypothesize that the expansion speed of exporters on digital platforms reduces exit hazards of the exporters. We further hypothesize that digital signals on product quality strengthen the main effect. As for digital infrastructure, we recognize its competing effects and make curvilinear moderating hypotheses. Survival analyses based on 353,636 entries of real transaction records from a digital exporting platform have provided robust findings. This study highlights the importance of examining how the digital platform reshapes the transaction attributes and internationalization-performance relationship.  相似文献   

区域创新生态系统是深入实施国家重大区域发展战略的重要支撑。本文从区域创新生态系统视角出发,聚焦高质量发展,分析了我国良性区域创新生态系统的基本建设特征,并立足于创新生态系统建设剖析了现阶段我国区域高质量发展面临的问题,最后从优化人才激励政策、筹划高端平台、完善服务体系和营造创新氛围等方面,提出深入推进我国高质量发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(4):421-434
Product platforming—using technology subsystems or components that are shared within and across product lines—is a proven way to increase the effectiveness of innovation processes in established companies and startups alike. Yet, embracing the product platforming strategy turns out to be difficult in practice, particularly within the context of global, diversified companies. In this article, we examine the strategies and challenges of implementing product platforms across multiple business segments and multiple geographies. Using the experience of global LED industry leader Signify, we explore the challenges of global platforming and the technological, organizational, management process transformations needed for success. We also examine how platforming strategies change as manufacturers enter the world of connected things.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the rate of software diffusion and piracy. Literature suggests that tolerating some piracy can be justified since it speeds up software diffusion. The question is, how much should be tolerated? Using innovation diffusion models of software adoption by legal buyers and pirates, answers to this question are obtained for the three scenarios of monopoly, multiple generations of software and competitive markets. Results include, for example, that a monopoly should start with minimum protection of its software but well before the product has diffused half way, impose maximum protection and maintain it thereafter. The results provide important strategic guidelines for firms in the software industry for managing piracy.  相似文献   

基于三螺旋理论的创新生态系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在基于三螺旋理论的创新生态系统中,相互平等的合作伙伴——政府、大学(科研机构)、产业(企业)之间日益增加的相互作用与融合导致三类主体在功能上实现部分重叠,加之相互合作产生的创新战略与创新实践,在科技服务业的推动下,与创新支持组织一起构成创新群落,实现创新驱动发展。当前,科技体制改革的关键是使三重螺旋互动发展,充分发挥国家高新技术产业开发区在创新型国家建设中的核心载体作用,构建科技金融、风险投资、服务中介等支撑体系。  相似文献   

Faced with a proliferation of initiatives like corporate accelerators, entrepreneurial ecosystems see emerge new spaces that we can call entrepreneurial micro‐ecosystems. A micro‐ecosystem is a local open system interacting with the entrepreneurial ecosystem and driven by an actor or group of actors capable of fostering dynamics of innovation and entrepreneurship. The literature has tended to focus on the macro and meso levels leaving behind the microlevel and the strategies implemented by the actors that could lead to the creation of micro‐ecosystems. In this study, we consider corporate accelerators, still little studied, as entrepreneurial micro‐ecosystems. We propose to take a structural and strategic approach in order to better understand the attributes and the strategies put in place by these actors from a multilevel approach. A qualitative study was conducted on a corporate accelerator and the results reveal the importance of strategic attributes in terms of legitimacy, coopetition, and business model.  相似文献   

The rising participation of for-profit corporations in the development of open source software raises the question of why corporations are motivated toward this engagement. The increased participation is an observable phenomenon; many researchers and practitioners assume that the practice of community sharing does not improve the bottom line, but rather believe the practice is altruistic in nature. Our intuition is that participation offers tangible and intangible benefits to corporate participants. We show this by exploring a variety of models in game theory and use game theory as a methodological lens to explain the rationality of corporate participation in open source software development. Since game theory has evolved to include rational- and emotional-based reasons, we explore such lenses as cooperative games, metagames, coopetition, and Drama Theory. Our research question, “Why do for-profit corporations participate in the development of open source software?” was broad enough to adopt several useful perspectives to understand our data. One useful lens was game theory. In this article, we examine interview responses and field study data from corporate members of open source communities to determine how they justify devoting time and effort to community engagement. Our study makes a contribution to open source software literature by revealing that numerous rational and emotional reasons exist for corporate participation in open source software development.  相似文献   

现有各种空间、地面网络节点的互连互通,在一定程度上可满足特定应用需求,但由于各节点在空间、物理以及功能的局限,限制了天基信息高效传输、融合以及按需地应用。分析了天基信息网络的发展趋势,提出了网络架构构想,并对主要关键技术的研究方向进行了梳理。在空间核心节点上采用软件定义的多功能载荷平台,并基于软件定义网络(SDN)架构和空间容中断网络协议构建天基信息网络。通过资源虚拟化、处理多元化、应用无阻化的方式,保障天基信息网络适应信息按需定制和高效共享等应用需求。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):120-149
This paper presents an analysis of some major historical trends in inter-firm R&D partnering in the international software industry during the period 1970–1999. Our research demonstrates an overall growth pattern of newly made R&D partnerships and reveals the important role played by leading firms. We also examine the emergence of various R&D networks in the software industry, indicating the change from sparse and disconnected inter-firm R&D networks to dense and well-connected networks since the second half of the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an empirical study into the export problems of small computer software firms in Finland, Ireland and Norway. The study suggests that finance-related problems present exporters with the greatest difficulties and that these problems often intensify with increased international exposure. It also reveals that marketing-related factors tend to decline as firms become more active in export markets. The paper concludes that export policy-makers should seek to address these problems by improvements in training—particularly, in the area of export finance—and by providing a better financial infrastructure, in order to improve the international capabilities of small software firms.  相似文献   

基于核心企业视角的企业技术创新生态系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在归纳国内外关于核心企业理论与企业技术创新生态理论的相关研究基础上,通过分析已有的企业技术创新生态系统结构模型的不足,提出了基于核心企业视角的企业技术创新生态系统结构模型.其中包括:核心企业、技术研发与产品应用、创新生境和创新平台四个部分,并结合生态学理论,深入探讨了各结构部分的内涵和其相互作用关系,阐明了企业技术创新生态系统与自然生态系统在结构上的相同和差异.  相似文献   

The theory of the multinational enterprise (MNE) suggests that the subsidiaries of MNEs possess firm-specific advantages (FSAs) that can overcome their liability of foreignness (LOF). It also suggests that subsidiaries can gradually decrease their LOF over time as they learn more about the host country environment and develop better connections to local business networks. Accordingly, subsidiaries should outperform local firms not only at point of entry but also (and increasingly so) in the long run as LOF decreases. This paper challenges this received wisdom by using case-study methodology to argue that LOF may not decrease over time and, meanwhile, the FSA gap between local firms and subsidiaries may narrow. We focus on two types of FSAs (asset and transaction ownership) and three sources of LOF (complexity, uncertainty, and discrimination) to develop a theoretical framework for analysing the dynamic relationships between LOF and FSAs and show how local firms can outperform foreign subsidiaries over time. We use the case of the Chinese management software industry to illustrate the framework. Our findings have important implications for MNEs competing abroad as well as helping to explain the emergence of strong competition from local firms.  相似文献   

“十三五”国家创新规划发布以来,我国软件行业取得了巨大的进展。科研软件作为软件行业中的一个细分分支,是科学研究中不可或缺的工具,是引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革的关键力量。因此有必要摸清我国科研软件发展现状和突出问题,研究影响科研软件发展的关键因素。本文通过梳理国家基金委资助项目、国家发布的相关政策、行业现状、人才队伍结构等情况,结合科研软件研发和使用者的特点,分析了科研软件发展中存在的问题,提出了科研软件发展建议等,以期为科研软件的发展及创新提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

We study the link between the elasticity of factor substitution, long-run growth and the speed of convergence in the one-sector convex growth model. Technology is such that the marginal product of capital is bounded away from zero leading to endogenous growth. In particular, we consider the CES, VES and Sobelow production functions. We show that for two economies differing uniquely in initial factor substitutability, the economy with the higher initial elasticity of substitution will feature a higher long-run growth rate and a higher speed of convergence, irrespective of the specification of the production function.  相似文献   

Manufacturing firms located in high-cost production locations have developed a series of complex inimitability strategies in response to intensive competition from low-cost producers. This paper draws upon the resource-based view of the firm to explore inimitability, as a strategy firms deploy in response to imitation. The analysis is based upon in-depth interviews with lock, jewellery and whistle manufacturers located in the West Midlands, UK. Many of these firms have been transformed into niche manufacturers whose competitiveness is based around a process of customisation through a co-production relationship with customers, the delivery of service experiences and a continual process of design-intensive innovation.  相似文献   

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