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Governments in many developing countries endorse sustainable tourism, despite associated practical limitations and challenges as a development strategy. Using the case of Cambodia, this paper illustrates how sustainable tourism issues in a developing country may be better understood through a systematic review of scattered relevant peer-reviewed and grey literature. This can help in identifying emergent themes and challenges, gaps in knowledge, and opportunities for future research. Analysis of 77 documents on Cambodia's sustainable tourism revealed themes and challenges relating to: (1) an emphasis on nature-based tourism (ecotourism); (2) calls for greater community engagement for sustainable outcomes; (3) stakeholder perceptions and values as drivers of tourism success; (4) cultural heritage as a key tourism attraction; and (5) foreign investment shaping Cambodia's tourism future. Unequal emphasis is given to key government policies for tourism development and there is limited practical guidance on how to realise a vision of sustainable tourism. There is a lack of consideration of how the socio-economic and cultural context affects sustainable tourism. The evidence suggests that sustainable tourism in Cambodia is questionable until fundamental economic, social capacity and policy issues are addressed, along with greater emphasis given to the tourism system's demand side.  相似文献   


Cambodia has been perceived as one of the major destinations for development in the southeast Asia region. Information regarding the country and its attractions have been difficult to obtain. This study investigated the opportunities and barriers the Cambodian tourism industry now faces.  相似文献   

Community-based ecotourism (CBET) is presented as a tool for conservation and sustainable development by conservation practitioners and development agencies, but is reported to have achieved little. Several scholars argue that many problems stem from inadequate power relationships between external actors and local communities, leading to low community participation. This study opens a debate on governance and social enterprise in CBET by examining a bottom-up approach to community-based ecotourism based on a small-scale CBET initiative in an amenity-poor remote indigenous community in Papua New Guinea. This initiative is unique in the following aspects: it was initiated by a community member; external assistance was advisory only; no external financial assistance was given; and it has taken place in a non-monetised economy. Participant observation and in-depth interviews with local key informants were used to identify community-defined positive/negative impacts and community participation processes. Overall, there was substantial support for the project; it contributed to community welfare, generated economic benefit, had positive conservation outcomes and from the viewpoint of the community had no adverse cultural impacts. One of the keys for success was the development of a strong community agency that led to high community participation and individual rather than the community ownership.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the historical development of the Cambodian political economy and the role of tourism in shaping it since the early 1990s when Cambodia opened its door to the world. The paper provides a general overview of tourism products and the government's policies in tourism development in Cambodia and then examines the perceived impacts of tourism on socio-economic development. It is argued that tourism plays an important role in socio-economic development and national identity promotion, but that proper management of tourism is required to control the spread of HIV/AIDS and child sex tourism.  相似文献   

Philippine tourism growth is largely driven by visits to natural attractions. Addressing concerns on sustainability, environmental conservation, and local community involvement has become increasingly challenging. We identify the critical players in the industry and create a value chain framework for Philippine ecotourism that incorporates the quadruple bottom-line strategy to understand how sustainable tourism is being practiced among value chain participants. Findings have implications in the pursuit of sustainable ecotourism development in the country.  相似文献   

生态旅游情境下,解说是实现环境教育的重要媒介。解说的拟人化设计使解说内容以更具亲和力的方式展现出来,可给游客带来更好的环境教育效果。基于此,本研究采用网络问卷的情景实验法,以解说方式是否拟人化、游客认知风格差异的双因素完全随机实验设计,探究解说方式的拟人化对游客环境教育效果的影响机制。结果表明:(1)解说方式在视觉与听觉上的拟人化,对于游客的环境教育效果均有显著影响;(2)游客认知风格在拟人化解说与游客环境教育效果中的调节作用,在视觉层面上得到了显著表现,听觉层面则无显著差异。本文探究了解说方式拟人化与游客认知风格的交互作用对游客环境教育效果的影响,补充了环境教育研究中仅关注解说内容而忽视其展示方式的不足,同时考虑了不同特征游客的多样化、个性化的解说需求,为完善生态旅游解说设计、提升旅游的环境教育效果提供了参考。  相似文献   


The annual tourism growth rate in Cambodia is among the highest in the world; however, tourist industry impact on Cambodian's economy is quite low. The purpose of our study is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Cambodian tourism market so that a framework can be established to help the country's policy-makers formulate strategies to use its resources effectively to create sustainable tourism competitiveness. This study used the perspective of tourism experts in the industry and Ministry of Tourism in Cambodia, and academia in the tourism field to evaluate Cambodian tourism competitiveness relative to its major competitors in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) based on nine categories: endowed resources, created resources, supporting factors, destination management, situational conditions, demand condition, technology, openness and market performance indicators benchmarked from previous research. The results showed that Cambodia has a lot of endowed resources, but lacks supporting resources and factors to achieve tourism competitiveness.  相似文献   

Theories on community participation in ecotourism development advocate obtaining maximum levels of both community control and benefit to achieve sustainable tourism. This paper explores issues in community-based ecotourism development in a small, remote community in western Mongolia. It assesses the community's desire to develop ecotourism, their understanding of the issues involved and the feasibility of the process in a poor herding community, where 63% are herdsmen, frequently absent with their herds. Using responses from 100 participants together with interviews with key stakeholders, it describes and analyzes the difficulties in establishing community participation and ecotourism implementation. Findings revealed that long-term viable community-based ecotourism development in remote areas requires close collaboration and sustained support from trusted community leaders and from knowledgeable and committed outside stakeholders. Approaches need to be carefully tailored to local circumstances, not “one size fits all”. Key areas of concern were environmental and cultural, including fears that their tradition of hospitality might be compromised, perceptions of the local NGO's benefits to the community and local, often naïve, expectations of ecotourism development. Despite fears, over 90% of those interviewed were willing to participate in an ecotourism project in this high-risk, unforgiving economic and climatic setting.  相似文献   


This paper reports a study of the Manesht- and Ghelarang-protected area in Iran. The study sought to identify ways in which sustainable tourism policies could be generated that aid the natural and human environments. From surveys and questionnaires completed by tourists, residents, and officials, an initial set of 10 areas of weakness, 9 strengths, and 6 opportunities were identified. Using these classifications combined with mapping techniques that included maps of topography and flora, a subsequent Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution analysis identified potential future policies that require infrastructure development and reinforced pro-environmental policies to address the problems currently being experienced.  相似文献   

Interacting with children is one of the most popular activities among volunteer tourists, yet volunteer tourism research rarely is informed by insights from childhood studies. This paper shows how a greater understanding of the socially constructed nature of many assumptions about children and childhood, as well as a more accurate understanding of child development processes, can deepen understanding of the phenomenon widely referred to as orphanage tourism. Issues to be addressed include the definition and delineation of orphanage tourism, motivations for and consequences of orphanage tourism, and the anti-orphanage tourism campaign. Main points will be illustrated with excerpts from a content analysis of volunteers’ testimonials, blogs and other online sources.  相似文献   

This paper examines and finds synergies between indigenous tourism and ecotourism in Australia. Both were recognised in the 2003 Tourism White Paper as drawcards for international tourists; Tourism Australia markets both as two of the country's seven key visitor experiences. Despite this, and the proven need to assist indigenous peoples’ socio-economic position, the indigenous tourism sector remains relatively immature. The paper, using a mixed-methods approach, including in-depth discussions with 26 indigenous tourism businesses, examines this problem and suggests ways forward. The results indicate that between 50% and 70% of indigenous tourism businesses are located in remote or very remote areas and utilise the environment to a substantial degree. Communities, couples and families dominate ownership patterns. Only 25% operate on a full-time basis. However, indigenous operators do not necessarily see themselves as being “ecotourism” businesses, despite their concern for and care of country. Very few are accredited: the ecotourism accreditation process is complex and expensive with guidelines based upon Westernised views of nature. Major changes in accreditation practice are suggested along with education and support for indigenous tourism businesses to ensure a stronger relationship between indigenous tourism and ecotourism and to improve Aboriginals’ socio-economic status.  相似文献   

旅游地理研究的跨文化、跨学科、跨领域研究已经成为一种新的趋势,如何推动多元文化、多元学科、多元领域的交叉研究,成为旅游地理研究亟待解决的关键问题。基于此,本文主要围绕旅游地理研究的跨文化、跨学科和跨领域视角展开,从宏观层面讨论了旅游地理研究跨文化交流的重要性,从学科层面论证了跨学科研究对于旅游地理现象的解释力,从领域层面分析了跨领域研究对于探讨旅游发展新趋势的独特作用。研究表明:中国旅游地理研究的重点应在于坚持开放性、包容性、多元性的精神,紧密结合新时代中国经济社会发展实践,发展具有中国特色的旅游地理学。  相似文献   

The credibility of contemporary ecotourism is threatened by the global dominance of a model that minimally fulfils the three core criteria – nature-based attractions, learning opportunities, ecological and sociocultural sustainability – that characterise this sector. A more rigorous ‘comprehensive’ model is better capable of fulfilling ecotourism’s potential to achieve sustainable outcomes, but only if this model embraces both the hard and soft dimensions of the sector. Based on the latter premise and informed by the principles of complexity, knowledge sharing and interdisciplinarity, we propose the development of an international network of protected areas ‘ecotouriums’ that is designed to stimulate positive socioeconomic change within local communities and maintain and improve the ecological health of protected areas. Cornerstone themes that enable the ecotourium concept are research and education, ecological health, community participation and development, and partnerships.  相似文献   

刘逸 《中国生态旅游》2022,12(3):343-357
在全球化和互联网高速发展的时代背景下,旅游经济活动的空间格局和行为逻辑发生剧烈的转变。本文从旅游经济活动的地理属性出发,对旅游经济活动的地理研究进行回顾,重点评述了国际旅游地理学界所做的多次探索,并对核心问题的理论依据与逻辑进行阐述。研究发现:当前研究尚未明晰旅游活动的基本地理逻辑,理论框架较为模糊,且过度依赖新经济地理中的演化理论,研究边界和研究问题尚未清晰。基于此,本文以经典的旅游系统论为理论框架,提出旅游经济地理现象研究的3个关键理论问题:(1)旅游空间粘性影响下的旅游市场空间生产机制;(2)流动范式的地理逻辑带来的新型人地互动关系;(3)弱关系空间组织下的旅游目的地经济发展一般机制。本研究所做的尝试,有助于提升旅游地理理论的解释力和适用性,也有助于推动主流经济地理学对旅游话题的关注。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们都认为旅游业是极富韧性的产业。在过去几十年中,旅游业虽然遭受了许多打击,但是依然呈现增长的态势。国际旅游地理研究也呈现蓬勃发展的态势。2020年以来的全球新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对旅游业产生了巨大的影响,旅游地理研究也发生了相应的改变。本文对近十年来旅游地理学研究的主要领域进行了回顾,探讨在Covid-19影响之下,该学科于未来几十年中主要关注的问题。本文指出即便在全球疫情的严峻形势下,旅游地理方面长期关注的许多关键问题仍然具有重要的现实意义,例如旅游的影响、作用及其与可持续发展目标的关系,旅游与气候变化,近几十年及未来几十年旅游的地理尺度变化等。疫情影响下,旅游地理会更多地关注如何实现“更好的旅游业”、迅速崛起的旅游服务数字化和社交媒体对旅游业的影响以及旅游业的韧性。从与地理学的其他分支学科相比被边缘化,这场全球疫情以多种方式表明,休闲和旅游业从来都不是边缘产业,而是一个重要的经济产业,它不仅有助于人们的社会福祉,也有助于提升人们的幸福感。  相似文献   

The current study, using a confirmatory factor analysis, developed a multi-item scale consisting of 3 dimensions that exhibited necessary reliability and validity. Based on this Nature-Based, Eco- and Sustainable Tourists (NES)-scale, and by utilizing a cluster analysis, the study identifies 4 distinct segments among a sample of the Norwegian population: nature-based tourists, ecotourists, sustainable tourists, and mass tourists. The analysis shows that while the ecotourists make up the largest segment, the mass tourists represent the smallest segment. Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the resulting 4 segments are later compared on the basis of their environmental concerns. The findings suggest that the ecotourists are the most environmentally concerned whereas the mass tourists are the least environmentally concerned. Finally, based upon the overall findings of the study, a new inductive model is developed. This model highlights the interaction between different types of alternative tourists and mass tourists, by showing, inter alia, that nature-based tourism has over the years become a form of mass tourism. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the attitudes of tourists towards a conceptual planning approach, which combines elements of ecotourism with themed and simulated attractions for sustainable tourism development in desert areas. Based on a survey of 453 tourists, the study examines respondents' preferences regarding the suggested contents and facilities of tourist attractions to be developed in the Israeli desert area of the Negev. The findings indicate that the respondents do not necessarily see contradictions between the seemingly irreconcilable ecotourism elements and themed simulations. They expressed clear preference for the development of sites with appropriate infrastructure and themed simulations that preserve local nature and culture. The findings are discussed within the frameworks of ecotourism, post-modern tourism, and tourism development in desert areas.  相似文献   

以武陵源世界遗产地社区女性居民社会网络作为研究对象,通过问卷调查法和半结构访谈法,对武陵源区袁家界村、龙尾巴村和马儿山村女性居民采取抽样问卷、滚雪球式访谈等方法,进行定量数据与定性分析相结合的研究,对网络规模、网络中心性和网络密度的数据进行分析发现,武陵源世界自然遗产地不同位置社区女性居民的社会网络规模、社会网络连接和社会网络结构均存在明显差异,表明生态旅游的参与程度与女性居民的社会网络存在高度相关性,直接影响社会网络规模、连接和结构。生态旅游影响下女性居民的社会网络存在以下特征:(1)女性居民社会交往范围逐步扩大,社会网路规模明显增加;(2)女性居民社会关系逐渐多元化,社会网络关系连接日益丰富;(3)女性居民获得了异质性信息和资源,社会网络结构渐趋稳定;(4)女性居民旅游增权权益明显,推动女性社会网络不断优化。  相似文献   

The advance of Internet technology is having a profound impact on the traditional modes of selling tourism products and contributing to the growing importance of online marketing of the travel and tourism industry. In the case of ecotourism, studies examining Internet-based ecotourism marketing are still limited. This study aims to examine how ecotourism business is marketed through the Internet by focusing on Thai ecotourism business. Subjects investigated are travel business members listed on the website of the Thai Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Association (TEATA). Data are qualitatively analyzed using content analysis to examine marketing and ecotourism web-based context promoted through the Internet. The results indicate that the travel companies examined in this study provide a variety of products and services to meet the diverse travel needs and preferences of tourists. When examining the web-based ecotourism marketing, most businesses provide insufficient marketing and ecotourism information to promote ecotourism experience. In particular, ecotourism messages they provide are only partially aligned with ecotourism principles. Recommendations are given for improving online ecotourism marketing to better satisfy tourists' needs and expectations.  相似文献   

中国旅游地理学发展历程与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1978年以来,中国旅游地理学研究呈现“理论框架逐渐完善、应用研究不断加强、研究方法更加成熟、新技术应用广泛、多学科综合研究、国际学术交流扩大”等发展特征。基于旅游地理学的最新研究成果与发展态势,结合国家和社会需求,本文探讨了新时期中国旅游地理学需要重点关注的科学议题,包括旅游地域系统时空格局及其演变、差异化自然人文环境下的旅游业发展机制、旅游业生态文明建设与旅游资源保护利用、旅游客流和行为地域规律与新发展格局、旅游业与区域发展的时空关系和制衡机制、中国旅游业高质量发展的地理因素、旅游地域多源信息融合与决策支持系统构建。  相似文献   

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