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网络技术的开发应用大大改变了信息的分析与接受方式,由此也改变了人们的生活,工作,学习和交流。自从Internet进入商业社会以来,企业积极地利用这一新技术变革着经营理念,经营组织,经营方式及方法,网络营销应运而生,随着Internet的不断开通和完善,企业的营销活动获得了新的契机,同时也向传统的营销理念抽了挑战,预示着一个新的营销时代一网络营销即将到来。 相似文献
网络技术的开发应用大大改变了信息的分析与接受方式,由此也改变了人们的生活、工作、学习和交流。自从Internet进入商业社会以来,企业积极地利用这一新技术变革着经营理念、经营组织、经营方式及方法,网络营销应运而生。随着Internet的不断开通和完善,企业的营销活动获得了新的契机,同时也向传统的营销理念提出了挑战,预示着一个新的营销时代一网络营销即将到来。 相似文献
随着互联网技术的发展,律师们都纷纷开始通过网络营销的方式将法律服务销售出去。但是有别于有形产品,律师服务存在其特殊性。本文通过对目前律师网络营销的方式进行一一分析,希望能给律师网络营销提供一些思路和解决方案。 相似文献
本文探讨了网络营销的主要发展模式,并论述了不同网络营销模式和理论的不同点,进而分析了网络营销的发展趋势. 相似文献
互联网技术在企业经营中的应用 ,创造了网络营销这一营销新方式 ,以及网络公关这一交往新形式。网络营销应当贯彻“以消费者为中心”的营销价值观 ,应该且能够充分利用网络公关实现企业与消费者之间的双向沟通 ,应当且能够有效利用网络技术为顾客提供高效、便利、优惠、超值的服务支持。 相似文献
由于资金实力薄弱,中小企业无力承担传统广告费,通常对传统广告望而却步,但网络营销借助网络的力量使得中小企业可以跟大企业一样让自己的产品或服务得以“广而告之”,面向受众客户,从而增加产品或服务的知名度,进而增加销售额。介绍四种适合中小企业的基于企业网站的网络营销方法:搜索引擎营销、交换链接、许可Email营销以及网络会员制营销,从而为中小企业进行网络营销提供参考。 相似文献
本论文是作者在北大青鸟学院学习长达半年之久时,为参与一个网络营销平台开发而撰写的,主要讲述了青鸟网络营销学院该平台的开发背景,通过对该背景的分析可以告诉大家网络营销已经成为现代营销的新方式与新理念,具有传统市场营销方式无可比拟的优越性,客观土决定了网络营销必然具有强大的生命力,也必将成为21世纪企业营销的主流,全球企业竞争的锐利武器. 相似文献
网络营销是企业营销实践与现代信息通讯技术、计算机网络技术相结合的产物,是指企业以电子信息技术为基础,以计算机网络为媒介和手段而进行的各种营销活动.它最突出的特点是利用国际互联网开展营销活动. 相似文献
据阿里巴巴网络实名北京地区注册服务商北京紫博蓝科技、北京天地在线及北京易彩互联,就2006年上半年对北京地区1000多家中小企业主进行的关于网络营销应用状况的调查,调查结果显示:中小企业对网络营销拥有较高的信任度并通过其获得显著的回报。67%的中小企业主认为自己的网站产生的直接销售或对线下销售的影响显著。94%的中小企业接入互联网,70%的中小企业主认为网络营销对他们的业务促进非常重要或比较重要。 相似文献
21世纪网络营销必将成为企业成功营销的必备手段之一,而网络营销中出现的诸多道德问题却阻碍着网络经济的发展。因此,企业必须认识到不道德的营销行为给企业带来的利益是短暂的,要想获得长期竞争优势,必须要加强道德建设,并从外部约束机制和内部自律两个方面来解决网络营销道德问题。 相似文献
Purpose: This paper addresses intra-organizational power of international marketing (IM) functions. While IM functions play an important role in firms that operate in continuously changing international environments, their power has been under-explored. Importantly, IM managers need to understand their function’s power and its implications for business performance. Methodology/approach: Drawing on resource-dependency and interaction theories, we contend that IM functions’ power is affected by the power of non-marketing functions and coordination and conflicts with them. Additionally, IM functions’ power should affect international performance. However, contingency factors may change this effect. The empirical study uses data from senior managers of B-to-B international firms. The model is tested using multiple regression analysis and extensive post-hoc tests. Findings: While IM functions are powerful, their power is enhanced by coordination with other functions and is reduced by the power held by non-marketing functions. Surprisingly, conflicts with other functions increase IM functions’ power. Finally, IM functions’ power enhances international performance but its effect is weakened by intra-IM conflicts and differs across hi- and low-tech firms. Research implications: This study provides insights about drivers and outcomes of IM functions’ power based on their relationships with non-marketing functions. Performance consequences of IM power are dependent on contingencies. The study extends knowledge on the under-researched phenomena of marketing power in a B-to-B international context. Practical implications: IM managers should manage sources of relative functional power and unique intra-firm interactions to sustain or promote their power and thus benefit their firms’ international performance. Practitioners recognize mechanisms to control IMs’ power. Originality/value/contribution: The study is the first to focus on the interactions of IM functions with non-marketing functions in B-to-B firms and thus complements prior research on IM, general marketing, and non-marketing functions. 相似文献
本文从信息网络技术对需求、资源、竞争、利润及管理等五个方面,深入分析了信息网络技术对企业经营活动基本要素的影响,阐明了新经济时代市场经营环境和企业经营要素的变化所导致的企业经营思想的五大变化,即在需求方面趋向以个性化的价值认知为导向;在资源方面趋向以全方位的资源整合为手段;在竞争方面趋向以核心竞争力的不断创新为动力:在利润方面趋向以多元化的价值增殖为源泉:在管理方面趋向以跨部门的流程管理为特征。这些变化体现了生产关系对生产力的适应,要求企业在经营实践中必须建立完善的信息系统,加强研发能力,经常梳理其业务组合,建立同顾客及合作者最为便捷的沟通方式,并进行组织系统的重构,建立起以信息管理为基础的管理体系。 相似文献
博客是一个零成本、零技术、零时差、零许可、零编辑的个人意见平台,是继 E-mail,BBS,ICO 之后出现的第四种网络交流方式,其已在政治、企业管理、新闻报道及日常生活等多个方面得以应用。本文在探讨博客及博客营销概念的基础上,提出了企业博客营销的一般模型并就模型实施中应注意的问题进行了总结。 相似文献
One of the greatest problems facing luxury goods firms in a globalizing market is that of counterfeiting. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different types of counterfeiting that take place in thefashion industry and the ethical issues raised. We argue that the problem partly lies in the industry itself. Copying of designs is endemic and condoned, which raises several ethical dilemmas in passing judgment on the practice of counterfeiting. We analyze the ethical issues in a number of different types of counterfeiting encountered in the fashion industry. We conclude with some observations on the general implications for ethics in intellectual property rights. 相似文献
Companies that contribute to charitable organizations rightly hope that their philanthropic work will also be good for the bottom line. Marketers of good corporate conduct must be especially careful, however, to market such conduct in a morally acceptable fashion. Although marketers typically engage in mild deception or take artistic license when marketing goods and services, these sorts of practices are far more morally troublesome when used to market good corporate conduct. I argue that although mild deception is not substantially worrisome with respect to the marketing of most goods and services, it is a far greater moral blunder to use such methods in the marketing of good corporate character. These erode trust and demonstrate alack of adequate respect for the moral good. In light of these concerns, I suggest that such practices must be re-examined when applied to the marketing of corporate character and good conduct. Finally, I develop a revised set of ethical guidelines that are needed in order to address the problems peculiar to the marketing of morally praiseworthy behavior. 相似文献
The paper examines the ethics of electronic monitoring for advertising purposes and the implications for Internet user privacy using as a backdrop DoubleClick Incs recent controversy over matching previously anonymous user profiles with personally identifiable information. It explores various ethical theories that are applicable to understand privacy issues in electronic monitoring. It is argued that, despite the fact that electronic monitoring always constitutes an invasion of privacy, it can still be ethically justified on both Utilitarian and Kantian grounds. From a Utilitarian perspective the emphasis must be on minimizing potential harms. From a Kantian perspective the emphasis must be on giving users complete information so that they can make informed decisions as to whether they are willing to be monitored. Considering the Internet advertising industrys current actions, computer users and government regulators would be well advised, both practically and ethically, to move to a user control model in electronic monitoring. 相似文献
Recent initiatives in business curricula have included emphases on global business and ethics. This paper combines these issues by comparing the ethical predisposition of business students in New Zealand with their Canadian counterparts. A sample of 360 students indicated that students in both countries generally hold high expectations for the behaviour of both business and consumers. Of the 28 scenarios evaluated, five exhibited significant differences between the two groups. In four cases, students from New Zealand expressed less tolerance for the questionable business practices, and in the other one the situation was reversed. Despite the relative congruence of attitudes exhibited by the students of the two countries, the fact that differences do exist is testimony to the increased risk inherent to international business. 相似文献
对甘肃省河西地区232家中小企业进行实地调研,并进一步利用所收集到的相关数据进行归纳分析发现,河西地区中小企业经营者对企业营销道德的认知仍然处于相对较低的水平,而市场竞争的巨大压力又迫使企业在实践中履行营销道德,导致其实践相对走在了认知的前面;河西地区中小企业经营者对营销道德内涵的认知与西方企业营销道德的内涵维度相比,存在六个相似的维度,同时也存在不同之处;77%的被调研企业表示,企业营销道德与其营销绩效之间存在正相关关系。基于此,为更好地提高企业营销道德认知水平与践行力度,理论界应加大企业营销道德理论研究力度;通过正面引导和社会监督来增强企业践行营销道德的意识;建立道德营销的制度体系,加强道德文化建设。 相似文献
ABSTRACTThis study examines the impact of entrepreneurial marketing on innovative marketing in small- and medium-sized companies producing industrial tools and mechanical parts. The statistical population of this study consisted of all owners and workers of industrial tools and mechanical parts around the world. The sample size includes 195 people who were chosen through simple random sampling method and Cochran formula. This is a correlational research and the data were collected using a questionnaire designed by theoretical foundations and Likert scale. The validity of the tool was confirmed using the opinions of experts and specialists and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha (0.891). Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results show that value creation that includes creating value for customers through the products and services, and marketing activities and technology has the greatest impact on innovative performance. Also, innovation, which includes innovative strategy, management believes in innovation, and using new methods to carry out activities, is in the next place. Among the factors, the leverage of resources, which include the financial and human forces, has the least effect on innovative performance. 相似文献