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脚踏实地,有条不紊,Hector Ruiz带领AMD步入正轨在与英特尔公司的马拉松式竞争中,首席执行官 Hector Ruiz领导AMD公司进入良好状态。 Hector Ruiz对挑战并不陌生,但是当他2002年接替Jerry Sanders出  相似文献   

光伏电站接入电网,必然会对系统电压、潮流产生影响。根据某地区周围电网的情况,给出了其光伏电站接入系统的设计方案。基于光伏发电模型实测数据掌握了光伏发电系统的出力变化,利用MATLAB软件编程进行牛顿-拉夫逊潮流计算,对比光伏电站接入前后电压、潮流变化;根据投运光伏电站数据,得到光伏电站接入电网对电压、潮流的影响。  相似文献   

An empirical test of oligopsony power is developed, where the conjectural and supply elasticities are estimated simultaneously. A Generalized Leontief profit function is used to represent the production structure. The test is applied to the Swedish pulpwood market. Support is found for the hypothesis that the degree of market power varies over time.We acknowledge a research grant from the Swedish Council for Forest and Agricultural research.  相似文献   

新能源出力具有的随机波动性特点,使其不能像常规电源一样输出稳定可控的功率。大规模新能源并网必然会对电力系统的安全稳定运行带来挑战。随着新能源装机容量的快速增长,为了使新能源的建设速度与电网建设及负荷发展相适应,减少弃风弃光现象,对当前阶段的新能源接纳水平做出准确的评估显得尤为重要。以某省份实际运行情况为例,考虑了调峰、网架输送能力等制约新能源接纳能力的主要因素,提出了一种基于省内各地区功率平衡的最大新能源接纳能力评估方法,为各地区新能源的装机规模与建设时序提供参考。  相似文献   

伴随着农电管理体制改革的进行,农电部门职责范围已发生变化,为切实加强农网改造后的用电管理,把这项“德政工程”真正落到实处,张家口供电公司选择了部分供电分公司,就农改前后的情况进行了调研,提出了农网改造后用电营业管理工作的初步设想。   一、农网改造前用电管理的基本情况   机构及人员设置。张家口所辖各县全部为直供县,分公司下设用电股和乡站股,用电股负责用电业务的职能管理和对上的业务往来,乡站股对乡电管站进行业务指导及管理,负责农村用户用电的抄收、线路维护及故障处理等工作。各分公司根据当地实际情况分…  相似文献   

并联电容无功补偿对电网电气参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据"十一五"规划,在整个"十一五"期间单位GDP能耗要下降20%左右。这一规划目标在全社会掀起了大力提倡降耗节能的高潮。电力企业一直重视降耗节能,其中并联电容无功补偿是电力企业节能降耗的主要措施之一。目前关于并联电容的研究大都集中在优化的目标和手段上面,而忽略了电容器的投入对电网中其他节点电气参数的影响方面的探讨和分析。通过实例分析,说明了并联电容器的投切对整个网络的电气参数都有影响,即并联电容器的投入不仅对补偿节点的电压和无功注入产生了影响,而且对电网中节点间的支路功率损耗产生影响,同时也对电网元件对地支路的功率损耗产生影响。  相似文献   

McLean B 《Fortune》2006,154(6):82-4, 86-8, 90 passim

文章深入分析了传统检修存在的问题及弊端,联系实际阐述了实施状态检修的必然性和科学性。  相似文献   

以研究电力市场化过渡阶段电源建设项目业主招标制度为核心内容,详细分析论证了我国电源建设投融资特点,项目全过程以及各阶段风险分担和规避等相关问题,并重点分析讨论了电源建设业主招投标方案的综合评价方法及软件系统的功能设计等问题。  相似文献   

通过供应链管理提高电力企业的竞争力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了供应链管理的概念,认为它是一种合作竞争理念,并指出供应链管理是电力企业参与市场竞争的有利武器,对提高企业竞争力意义重大。  相似文献   

This paper explores the under-consumptionist idea that market power can preclude the existence of a full employment equilibrium within the framework of the modern theory of economic growth. It is shown that the introduction of market power can indeed eliminate the full employment equilibrium. In an attempt to assess the importance of this possibility maximum values for the market power parameters consistent with a full employment equilibrium existing are computed. In some plausible cases these maxima are uncomfortably low suggesting that market power has significant potential for causing unemployment.  相似文献   

Alice 《中国纺织》2004,(10):56-58
<中国纺织>:苏拉宣称苏拉成功要素之一就是技术革新领先,那么苏拉如何看待技术创新在市场竞争中的重要性?苏拉怎样做到在纺纱设备技术创新方面始终保有绝对优势?  相似文献   

徐州供电公司是江苏省电力公司所属特大型供电企业,其前身是成立于1950年的徐州电业局,目前拥有万名员工.担负徐州市区域和国家“西电东送”、华东地区和江苏“北电南供”的重任。近几年来.公司每年在向徐州地区供电100多亿千瓦时的同时,外送电力每年近300亿千瓦时.并担负着连云港、淮安、宿迁境内500千伏变电站的检修以及输电线路的运行维护任务.为地方和区域经济建设提供了可靠的电力保障。  相似文献   

Some implications of Hyde and Perloff's paper on whether monopoly power can be measured are considered. It is concluded that measuring monopoly power requires a long-run view, with a focus on the implications of product differentiation, and a reliance on accounting data.  相似文献   

同步电动机励磁电流计算与用电系统功率因数提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
同步电动机励磁电流大小分析计算是同步电动机运行中非常重要的一个问题.首先对控制调节励磁电流的必要性和可能性进行详实说明,然后巧妙利用同步电动机和直流电动机的共性问题,得出同步电动机励磁电流的计算方法.励磁电流的初步求得,不仅可以改善供电系统性能,也为用户正确、有效使用同步电动机提供理论依据,对企业降低经营成本、节能降耗...  相似文献   

Market definition and market power are central features of competition law and practice but pose serious challenges. On one hand, market definition suffers decisive logical infirmities that render it infeasible, unnecessary, and counterproductive, and the practice of stating market power requirements as market share threshold tests is incoherent as a matter of empirics and policy. On the other hand, market power is often probative of the desirability of liability, yet the typically assumed functional relationship is unexplored and often implausible. These latter deficiencies are addressed through a ground-up analysis of the channels by which market power can be relevant. It is important to explicitly and simultaneously consider both anticompetitive and procompetitive explanations for challenged practices and to attend to the magnitudes of the social consequences of correct and mistaken imposition of liability in order to identify the various ways and senses in which market power bears on optimal decision-making.  相似文献   

We investigate whether more competition in the banking industry necessarily results in a higher probability of banking failures, as it is often suggested. In our model borrowers face a moral hazard problem, which induces banks to choose between costly monitoring and credit rationing. We show that investment decreases with the lending rate and increases with monitoring effort. Since incentives to monitor are enhanced by market power, the relationship between market structure and investment is ambiguous. In the presence of non-diversifiable risk and decreasing returns to scale, more investment implies higher failure rates. As a result, the relationship between market power and banking failures is ambiguous.  相似文献   

随着电力市场的开放和"竞价上网"的实施,电力行业的竞争将会日益激烈.面对有限的需求市场,电力企业若要保证企业的经济效益,就必须开展市场营销.本文将根据现有市场情况,简单介绍儿种在市场营销中采用的营销策略.  相似文献   

Performance is the primary concern of industrial channel members; yet, marketing researchers have focused their attention, not on performance, but on other aspects of channel relations: power, control, and conflict. This study investigates performance and the sources of the power-performance relationship in an industrial distribution channel.  相似文献   

The author argues that telecommunications efforts too often tend to stress distant connections. The local informative contacts are important, and should be given a chance in future systems. The argument presented to support this view includes the specific example of the TERESE project (Telecommunications and Rural Development in Sweden). This publically funded project uses narrowband communication, including computer conferencing, to stress economic and social identity in a region in the far north of Sweden. Details of continuing regional efforts are given.  相似文献   

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