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Hasse  Rolf  Weitz  Robert 《Intereconomics》1978,13(11):273-278

Negotiations for an extension of the Lomé Convention of February 28, 1975 (Lomé I) began — almost unnoticed by the public — on July 24, 1978. An analysis of the experiences with the Lomé Convention and the demands and amendments presented by the contracting parties is offered in the following article.


Rolf Hasse  Robert Weitz 《Intereconomics》1978,13(11-12):273-278
Negotiations for an extension of the Lomé Convention of February 28, 1975 (Lomé I) began — almost unnoticed by the public — on July 24, 1978. An analysis of the experiences with the Lomé Convention and the demands and amendments presented by the contracting parties is offered in the following article.  相似文献   

The Lomé Convention with its 63 signatory states in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) represents the centre-piece of the EC's development policy. The current agreement, Lomé II, expires on February 28, 1985, and negotiations on Lomé III already began in Luxembourg on October 6, 1983. The time has therefore come to take stock and to appraise the possible negotiating positions and areas of conflict facing the partners contracting to Lomé III.  相似文献   

Thomas Koch 《Intereconomics》1989,24(6):293-297
A key issue in the talks on the fourth Lomé Convention is the demand of some Caribbean and Central American nations to join the ACP group, so as to benefit from the preferential treatment and financing facilities it enjoys. A specific concern is accession to the Sugar Protocol appended to the Lomé Agreement. The following article deals with the form and developmental implications of this protocol.  相似文献   

Originally concluded in February 1975, the Lomé agreement linking the EEC with some 58 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states expired in March 1980. The relationship was renewed by the Second Lomé Convention signed on October 31, 1979. Our author takes a critical view of this new Convention which will govern relationships between the two groups of countries until March 1985.  相似文献   

The ACP countries and the EU recognise that the present non-reciprocal and discriminatory Lomé preferences must be replaced with WTO compatible arrangements. This means that the agreements conform either to the free trade area provisions of Article XXIV or to the GSP. This article sets out the key elements of ACP preferences and examines the potential advantages and disadvantages for various groups of ACP countries of possible forms of free trade areas and a ‘Lomé-equivalent’ GSP.  相似文献   

Recently the new convention between the EC and the ACP states (Lomé II) which is to succeed the one due to expire on March 1, 1980 (Lomé I), was signed after protracted, tough and tense negotiations which were at times even brought to a halt because the negotiating parties set out from widely diverging target positions1. The following article discusses the most important results of the negotiations and their repercussions on trade, investment and finance.  相似文献   

Something over 20 years after the first Lomé Agreement came into force, most of the ACP countries are still among the poorest in the world. Why have these countries' situations not improved despite the Agreements? Why has their share of total EC imports from developing countries fallen in spite of the tariff preferences they are granted? What conclusions ought to be drawn for future cooperation between the EC and ACP countries?  相似文献   

Rolf Hasse 《Intereconomics》1975,10(8):238-242
The stabilization of export earnings from primary commodities within the framework of the Convention of Lomé was eulogized as a “historic event”, “a gleam of common sense in this world” and an approach to a general solution. How is this agreement to be judged?  相似文献   

After the European Community’s agreement with the Maghreb countries and the Lomé Convention the trump cards have been played in the game of the EC’s Mediterranean policy in the traditional sense. A new game is starting now, and the distribution of the cards is different.  相似文献   

Treydte  Klaus-Peter 《Intereconomics》1977,12(11):301-305

The Convention of Lomé anticipates several basic elements of a possible new international economic order. This relates particularly to the export earnings stabilisation system “Stabex“ whose merits and deficiencies after the first two years of application are discussed in the following contribution.


Since 1975 the Lomé Conventions have granted trade preferences to African exports to the European Union, Africa's main trading partner. The liberalisation of trade foreseen by the Uruguay Round means that these preferences will disappear, leading to net reductions in African exports. What lessons should the countries of Africa draw from this?  相似文献   

The Convention of Lomé anticipates several basic elements of a possible new international economic order. This relates particularly to the export earnings stabilisation system “Stabex“ whose merits and deficiencies after the first two years of application are discussed in the following contribution.  相似文献   

The implications that the internal market could hold for the EC's foreign trade relations are a cause of considerable worry to countries in the Third World. Particularly the ACP countries, for many of whom the EC is their foremost product and import market, fear the possible strengthening of protectionist barriers and a Europe increasingly preoccupied with itself. This article examines the perspectives of EC-ACP trade relations in the light of the Lomé IV agreement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the formulation and change of strategy. To do so the strategies of Pacific Western Airlines, Canada's third largest airline, are tracked from its founding in 1945 until 1984. The paper concludes that the company has maintained a strong loyalty to the basic strategic direction established by its founder, Russell Baker. A comparison is also made between the findings presented here and those from research, in general following the same basic paradigm for making inferences about strategy information. Résumé Le but de cette étude est d'examiner l'élaboration et les changements de stratégie. Pour ce faire, on y étudie les stratégies de Pacific Western Airlines, la troisième compagnie aérienne au Canada, depuis sa fondation en 1945 jusqu'en 1984. L'étude conclue que la compagnie est demeurée très loyale à la stratégie établie à l'origine par son fondateur Russell Baker. Les résultats de la présente etude sont comparés aux résultats d'études menées selon le měme paradigme afin de tirer des conclusions quant aux principes généraux d'élaboration de stratégie. Les auteurs voudraient remercier deux réviseurs anonymes pour leur aide et leur encouragement.  相似文献   

Using John Holland's theory of career development, the paper tests nine hypotheses about the role of personality type in individuals' career choices, career mobility, and career satisfaction. Data were collected from 964 accountants on the impact that personality type has on the following dependent variables: entry into the occupation; satisfaction with vocational choice; job satisfaction; professional commitment; opportunities to develop friendships at work; co-operation with co-workers; tenure in the profession; and intention to change professions. The data suggest that personality type is significantly related to job satisfaction, satisfaction with vocational choice, and professional commitment but has much less impact on entry into the occupation, opportunities to develop friendships at work, co-operation with co-workers, tenure in the profession, and intentions to change professions. Résumé En utilisant la théorie de John Holland sur les plans de carrière, cette étude examine neuf hypothèses relatives au rǒle de la personnalité dans le choix de carrière de l'individu, sa mobilité professionnelle, et sa satisfaction au travail. Les données furent recueillies auprès de 964 comptables pour étudier l'impact du type de personnalité sur les variables dépendantes suivantes: entrée dans la profession: degré de satisfaction du choix de carrière; possibilités de faire des nouvelles amitiés au travail: coopération avec les collègues; permanence; intention de changer de profession. Les données indiquent que le type de personnalité est étroitement lié au degré de satisfaction professionnelle, à la satisfaction quant au choix de carrière, et au dévouement professionnel mais a beaucoup moins d'impact sur le choix de carrière, les nouvelles amitiés développées au travail, la coopération avec les collègues, la permanence, et l'intention de changer de profession.  相似文献   

The paper examines the problem of losses beyond margin in the stock market and Us probable solution assuming that the present regime of margin regulations continues. In Canada, the severity of losses in the stock market has been enhanced by inadequate legislation in the margin-related area, ambiguous rules and regulations of the stock exchanges in this regard, and conflicting court decisions in establishing liabilities for losses due to violations of margin regulations. This paper will focus on the nature of the problems in the above three areas and suggest measures, largely legislative in nature, to reduce the losses incurred by the public through trading in margin accounts. The analysis of losses in margin accounts is supported by two court cases arising out of the 1980–82 recession and high interest rates during this period. Résumé Cette étude examine le problème des pertes boursières engagées au-delà de la marge et sa solution probable en supposant que le présent régime de réglementation des marges se poursuive. Au Canada, l'importance des pertes boursières est accentuée par une législation relative aux marges inadéquate, une réglementation boursière ambiguë et des décisions judiciaires contradictoires quant à la responsabilité des pertes causées par des transgressions des règles sur les marges. La présente étude vise à éclaircir la nature des problèmes dans les trois secteurs précédement mentionnés et à suggérer des mesures de nature principalement législative afin de réduire les penes engagées par le public dans les comptes de marge. L'analyse de ces pertes est appuyée ici par deux causes judiciaires survenues pendant la période de la récession en 1980–82 et caractérisée par taux d'intérět élevés.  相似文献   

This article examines the explosive growth of competency-based, or behavioral, selection programs within organizations. Recognizing this trend, many job applicants have learned to position themselves for selection by leveraging competency-based selection program concepts and psychological factors that influence résumé screening processes and interview decision outcomes. Specifically, there is a growing trend for job applicants to submit behaviorally-focused résumés—that is, résumés which emphasize behaviors required for success in positions—to gain interviews for job opportunities. These behaviorally-focused résumés may position applicants as the ‘right’ candidates for job opportunities, even if they are not truly the ‘right’ candidates for the jobs they seek. As such, it benefits employers to familiarize their hiring professionals with behaviorally-based résumés and competency program theories. Understanding these concepts and the psychology of behaviorally-focused résumés helps hiring professionals evaluate behaviorally-focused résumés more accurately, and minimizes résumé prescreening and selection mistakes.  相似文献   

Marcoux argues that job candidates ought to embellish non-verifiable information on their résumés because it is the best way to coordinate collective action in the résumé ‚game’. I do not dispute his analysis of collective action; I look at the larger picture, which throws light on the role game theory might play in ethics. I conclude that game theory’s conclusions have nothing directly to do with ethics. Game theory suggests the means to certain ends, but the ethics of both the means and ends must be assessed separately before any ethical recommendation can␣be made. Marcoux makes several highly disputable assumptions in order to fit résumés into game theory; his analysis does not take into account the consequences that embellishing has beyond the submission and assessment of␣résumés; his argument depends on his claim that a résumé system in which everyone embellishes is attainable; and finally, his argument relies on an idealization of human␣motivation, rather than abstraction. I conclude that candidates should never embellish their résumés.John Douglas Bishop is a Professor in the Business Administration Program at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. His research interests include both business ethics and ethics and capitalism. He is the editor of Ethics and Capitalism, University of Toronto Press, 2000.  相似文献   

This paper considers a situation in which several distinct classes of customers exist for a single product or service in a fixed, finite planning period. If such a product is also perishable and if backlogging is not permitted, it may sometimes be worthwhile to reject “low-revenue customers” upon arrival, depending on the number of units on hand and time left until the end of the period. The objectives of this study are to derive optimal rationing policies at any state of the planning period and to formulate a procedure for calculating the optimal production quantity at the beginning of the period for various cost (production) functions, given that an optimal rationing policy is to be followed. The approach used is backward-recursion dynamic programming. Résumé Ce mémoire examine une situation dans laquelle plusieurs classes distinctes de clients existent pour un seul produit ou service au cours d'une période de planification déterminée. Si cette denrée est également périssable et que le stockage n'est pas permis, il est parfois avantageux de rejeter les “clients à bas revenus,” tout dépendant du nombre d'unités en main et du temps qui reste avant la fin de la période. Les objectifs de l'éude visent à créer des politiques de rationnement optimal au cours de la période de planification et de formuler une méthode de calcul des quantités optimales de production en début de période relativement à plusieurs fonctions relatives au coǔt (production), compte tenu de l'application d'une politique de rationnement optimal. Il s'agit ici de programmation dynamique à récursivité rétrograde.  相似文献   

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