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Investors' financial risk tolerance is crucial in the formulation of suitable financial advice; in the past, assessment efforts relied on multiple approaches and techniques, but their consistency is still an issue. The authors focus on 2 metrics traditionally proposed (self-assessment and portfolio composition) and test their mutual consistency on a sample of 2,374 investors. The approach allows them to discriminate between inconsistencies due to wrong portfolio compositions and those arising from wrong self-assessments. The authors show that low financial literacy, high income, no children, and incautious economic behavior are commonly associated with such inconsistencies.  相似文献   

在Epstein-Zin-Weil效用函数框架下,用方差风险溢价作为投资者风险厌恶程度的代理变量,并基于股票质量分类和行业分类验证了该做法的合理性。借助CoVAR的分析思想,研究了不同质量股票的不确定性冲击对风险厌恶程度的影响。结果表明:质量越好(差)的股票对风险厌恶程度的影响越大(小),说明股票质量已反映在投资者预期中。  相似文献   

In order to model the subjective uncertainty of a player over the behavior strategies of an opponent, one must consider the player's beliefs about the opponent's play at information sets that the player thinks have probability zero. This corregendum uses “trembles” to provide a definition of the convex hull of a set of behavior strategies. This corrects a definition we gave in [E. Dekel, D. Fudenberg, and D. K. Levine, 1999, J. Econ. Theory89, 165-185], which led to two of the solution concepts we defined there not having the properties we intended. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C72, D82, C610.  相似文献   

It is possible to represent decision makers’ beliefs on the algebra , rather than alone. Doing so allows us to represent decision makers’ perceptions of risk on one part of the algebra, and their perceptions of uncertainty on the other. This paper shows that such beliefs can be updated in a ‘Bayesian’ manner and that the resulting representation of beliefs is reasonable relative to some other approaches. The model of belief formation and decision making is then used to explain some instances of anomalous economic behaviour.  相似文献   

文本选取2009~2015年中国A股上市公司作为研究对象,实证分析现金流不确定性对企业创新产生的影响以及管理者风险偏好的调节作用,研究发现:现金流不确定性对企业创新具有显著的抑制作用;相对于国有企业,现金流不确定性对非国有企业创新的抑制作用更加明显;在董事会规模较大和召开董事会会议次数较多的企业中,现金流不确定性对企业创新的抑制作用明显减弱。与此同时,管理者风险偏好能够产生正向的调节效应,即缓解现金流不确定性对企业创新的不利影响。本文的研究结论表明,管理者适度的风险偏好对企业创新具有积极的影响,而完善的公司治理制度同样有助于提高企业的创新水平。  相似文献   

We develop an experimental method to elicit subjective beliefs about the ordering of mortality risk over different causes of death. The experimental procedure emphasizes incentive-compatibility, so that the individual has a positive financial incentive to respond truthfully. We also consider the extent to which individuals have subjective beliefs for sub-segments of the population that are more accurate than their beliefs about the risks for the population as a whole. We propose several hypotheses concerning the degree of familiarity of the risks, and find that the evidence supports those hypotheses. The evidence also suggests that there is no discernible difference between beliefs elicited using hypothetical or real financial rewards in the elicitation format we use. Our findings restore some confidence in the ability to elicit beliefs about mortality risks, and therefore to get reliable estimates of the monetary value of a statistical life. We dedicate this paper to the memory of J. Clay Lesley, who assisted us in the design and execution of the experiments and was a valued student, colleague and friend.  相似文献   

在技术的风险评估中,人们首先往往要确定环境条件是有风险的,还是不确定有风险的.尤其是在新兴高技术不断涌现的环境下,人们通常没有足够的信息对决策环境做出明确的分类.本文以碳纳米管的风险评估作为案例指出,对高技术的风险评估,关键的要素是技术发展判断和结果预见.因此,在对新兴技术风险进行定量评估的同时,应持有适当的风险怀疑态度,最好能够考虑到不确定性条件下风险评估的决策策略,由此可以划分为风险性条件下的决策和不确定性条件下的决策.两点值得考虑的建议是:第一,加强决策的现实化和逼真度,在某种意义上,可以将决策选择作为现实世界的实验来看待;第二,加强对决策环境定量信息的审议,建立多方叁与的风险评定和决策选择机制.  相似文献   

喻登科 《技术经济》2012,31(8):111-115
提出了一种确定权重区间的方法,即将由多位专家确定的主观权重和用多种方法计算的客观权重相结合,形成权重区间,通过分析主客观权重区间的重合关系,计算权重区间的置信度和精确度,据此对权重区间进行循环优化。最后用算例表明了该方法的科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the choice of a particular functional form based on the objective of the author is called the subjective model selection rule and the choice of a particular functional form using pre-selected model selection criteria is called the passive model selection rule. The objective of the author is the analysis of equilibrium, an efficient input choice, the study of the returns to scale function, the estimation of the elasticity of substitution, and the evaluation of the technical progress. Depending on the chosen objectives, economic restrictions such as the homogeneity, homotheticity, and regularity condition (positivity, monotonicity, and quasiconcavity) can be imposed. Various well-known functions beginning from the Cobb–Douglas (CD) to a globally well-behaved polynomial series are listed and the performances are compared with respect to the possibility of extracting economic interpretation, usefulness for advanced studies, computational easiness, and the potentiality of extending the given function to a more complex function. The isoquants and three dimensional output surfaces are plotted for a series of production functions using the transportation data of Zellner and Revankar (1969). Barnett and Jonas (1983) imposed the sufficient conditions for quasiconcavity of production functions while Gallant and Golub (1984) imposed the necessary and sufficient conditions. The strength and weakness of the above two methods are discussed. These methods are extended for three input cases using the U.S. electric power industry data of Nerlove (1963) and Greene (2008).  相似文献   

清洁发展机制项目开发中的不确定性风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁发展机制(CDM)项目在开发过程中的各个阶段都面临着不确定性风险,不同减排项目类型和减排规模差别较大,如何量化这些不确定性风险以及考虑交易成本后的市场吸引力,对CDM项目各参与方具有重要意义。考虑现有数据基础和可获得性,文章采用概率风险分析方法,对与CDM直接相关的不确定性因素进行研究,并以风电项目和废能回收项目为例,进行量化分析。结果表明,CDM规则日趋复杂化和缺乏可操作性是目前CDM项目开发的主要障碍。因此,未来CDM规则改进的主要方向在于,增加CDM规则的可操作性,减少方法学的复杂性,采用简化、客观的额外性评价方法。  相似文献   

陈建湘 《经济师》2006,(2):10-11
文章从区分纯粹风险和投机性风险,分析了风险的代价与影响,论述了风险管理的过程以及风险管理对企业的可能贡献,最终揭示了风险管理的目标。  相似文献   

The Beckerian approach to tax compliance examines how a tax authority can maximize social welfare by trading‐off audit probability against the fine rate on undeclared tax. This paper offers an alternative examination of the privately optimal behavior of a tax authority tasked by government to maximize expected revenue. The tax authority is able to trade‐off audit probability against audit effectiveness, but takes the fine rate as fixed in the short run. I find that the tax authority's privately optimal audit strategy does not maximize voluntary compliance, and that voluntary compliance is nonmonotonic as a function of the tax authority's budget. Finally, the tax authority's privately optimal effective fine rate on undeclared tax does not exceed two at interior optima.  相似文献   

文章着重分析了风险目标设置对人力资本所有者的激励与约束作用,分析表明目标激励与物质激励相结合的激励方式对人力资本所有者具有较好的激励效果,有效设置目标所产生的激励效果将降低企业的激励成本,提高企业预期收益。在目标设置中以下的几个因素将对激励效果产生影响:人力资本所有者风险偏好、激励工资力度、目标设置对人力资本所有者的激励程度以及代理人的隐性得失。  相似文献   

基于不确定性分布的金融风险审慎管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在研究如何在金融风险测度中对关键性隐患——不确定性进行适度的量化分析以有效增强风险管理的审慎性。首先直观呈现"不确定性"的概率统计表现,分析其引致风险或危机事件的必然性与严重性。进而,以广泛使用的风险管理方法VaR与ES为例全面回顾与分析相应领域的技术发展历程,揭示解决不确定性问题的重要性。由此,基于概率统计领域的国际前沿突破与相应参数估计方法的创新发展,系统性提出兼容无穷可能不确定性分布的风险审慎管理模型GE-VaR与GE-ES,进一步地,通过与公认最有效的风险测度方法相比较,证实纳入概率分布不确定性的风险管理模型的敏锐性与审慎性,以及对中国现阶段高波动率、相对高风险、高不确定性市场特征的适用性。  相似文献   

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