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The purpose of this article is to examine the factors affecting consumer attitudes toward cloud computing in the United States and Australia. The technology acceptance model and social cognitive theory are utilized to test relationships between technology acceptance model constructs (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) with individual characteristics that are shaped by environmental factors as part of social cognitive theory (consumer innovativeness, security concerns, performance expectations, and social networks) on consumer attitudes toward adopting cloud computing services. Consumers in the youth segment are used to test the hypotheses in two different countries (the United States and Australia). The results of the analysis indicate similarities and differences related to behavioral intentions and adoption behavior toward cloud computing services. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

基于消费者接受理论的移动商务成功因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来中外移动商务呈现快速发展势态,以手机为终端的无线接入用户迅猛增加。B2C移动商务的成功主要取决于消费者的接受和使用。为此,从消费者接受问题的相关理论出发,结合B2C移动商务的消费者接受模型,研究B2C移动商务的成功影响因素,并从操作层面上提出相关成功因素的具体内涵。  相似文献   

Recent appropriation of mobile devices to deliver health services is transforming the health care landscape, offering reduced costs and increased access for service providers and consumers. This article examines factors influencing consumers' decisions to adopt mobile health (mHealth) services through a comparison of three behavioral intention models. A national web-based survey of 482 French adults indicates that the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) more fully, though less parsimoniously, explains consumers' acceptance of mHealth services. This research provides insight into the usefulness of the MGB in improving understanding of the determinants of behavior situated at the intersection of health, service, and technology.  相似文献   

在技术接受模型的基础上加入了认知可信度因子,由计划行为理论和改进的技术接受模型构造出整合技术接受模型,采用结构方程模型方法对影响消费者移动服务使用意愿的因素进行实证研究。研究结果显示,知觉有用性、知觉易用性、认知可信度、知觉行为控制和感知成本在解释行为意图时有正向显著影响,可解释67%的变异量。  相似文献   

A survey of 229 supermarket shoppers found low initial acceptance of cosmetically scarred oranges. Acceptance rose substantially after information was provided about reduced pesticide use. The findings reveal a substantial market for cosmetically imperfect produce when accompanied by consumer education regardless of the consumers' demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

Application of nanotechnology in the agrifood system and the rising number of nanofood products on the market are creating concerns among consumers and other stakeholders. These concerns and other potential barriers to the commercialization of agrifood nanotechnology products may limit the ability to capture its full potential. Understanding the emerging trends and the links between underlying values, expressed attitudes, and actual behaviors involving consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology is important for governance, risk regulation, and the achievement of the full potential of agrifood nanotechnology. The purpose of the study was to use systems mapping to examine and analyze critical links between consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology and factors such as trust, stakeholders, institutions, knowledge, and human environmental health risks. The study used a meta-analysis of the risk perception literature and solicited the opinions of experts to develop the systems map. Factors affecting consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology are dynamic, complex, interactive, and interdependent, and consumer decisions to accept agrifood nanotechnology were found to be the results of complex feedback structure. This study suggests several consumer policy and programmatic levels in the system toward enhancing consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology products where warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate consumer preference for the novel red-fleshed apple genotypes. The information presented provides us with insight into consumer propensity to accept a new variety with radical visible innovative attributes and societal demand for a more sustainable production. The survey was carried out on the population of a province in central Italy, where there is consumer demand for organic and high-quality foods. The consumers’ opinions contrasted greatly and can be divided into two groups. Over one quarter of the respondents declared that they did not like the innovative fruit. The cluster analysis and CHAID analyses were performed on the consumers’ responses to determine sample groupings. Three clusters were identified among the consumers with positive opinions, enthusiastic, health-conscious, and unmotivated illustrating how the hierarchical level of preferences of the potential consumers of the red-fleshed apple fruit are triggered by various motivations. The surveys also pointed out that most consumers of the sampled population were not biased against research activities producing innovative food products. A large number of consumers, especially women, declared that they were willing to pay a higher price considering the increased nutritional value of red-fleshed apple fruits. By examining the broad context of this study, decision-making researchers and operators of the fruit industry will be able to make informed and realistic predictions concerning possible future scenarios and to determine the possible effects and desirability.  相似文献   

信息时代技术飞速发展,人类需要更强大的信息处理能力,云计算技术应运而生同时迅速流行,与之相辅相威的云存储也得到了广泛的关注和支持。但云存储自身的数据安全问题阻碍其推广应用,成为制约云存储发展的首要问题。云存储的安全问题也不仅仅是传统安全能够完全解决的,这其中涉及到一些新的关键技术和管理技术。本文介绍了云存储的相关概念及优势所在,揭示了其脆弱的安全性,并对云存储安全中的数据加密存储与检索、密文访问控制等关键技术进行了分析,最后提出了一些提高安全性的措施。  相似文献   

云计算是当前互联网领域的一个热点,也成为业界、学界广泛讨论的前沿技术。云计算在其技术不断成熟、应用领域逐渐广泛的发展过程中,对传媒业也产生了非常深远的影响。文章主要通过文献研究、案例分析的方法,讨论了云计算对传统媒体商业模式、成本及效警、与数字媒体融合等方面的影响,并发现了云计算的出现将为传统媒体带来新的生机,同时也可能改变现有的传媒格局。  相似文献   

This study provides a framework that captures the antecedents of mobile internet adoption and the willingness to pay for such service. The theory of reasoned action and components of a theory of innovation adoption were integrated into a research model of consumer adoption of the mobile internet. The hypothesized model included service quality perceptions (fixed internet and mobile technology service), beliefs about mobile internet, and individual difference variables to explain intention to adopt mobile internet. An online questionnaire was used to gather data. The results showed that beliefs and quality perceptions play a significant role in influencing intentions to adopt mobile internet. In particular, beliefs about mobile internet are positively related to the adoption; quality perceptions of fixed internet are found significant to negatively influence adoption intentions, but positively relate to willingness to pay for using mobile internet. Mobile service usage, and peer influence are found non-significant to influence adoption intentions. Fixed internet usage was found negatively affect adoption intentions. Computer skills, knowledge of mobile internet and career mobility are all found positively related to the adoption. In addition, innovation driven consumers are more likely to adopt mobile internet, and intention to adopt plays an important role in shaping actual mobile internet use. Implications of results and directions for future research are examined.  相似文献   

This study considers a number of factors that could influence consumer acceptance of interactive information systems in complex service marketing situations. Further, it investigates the potential relevance of various theoretical perspectives to research involving new communication media such as videotex and teletext. Technical characteristics of the medium, which determine its degree of interactivity, are found to affect user perceptions of the medium's ‘personalness' or ‘social presence’. Characteristics of both the medium and the user are found to affect consumer acceptance of an interactive medium in a financial services setting.  相似文献   

This study examines Chinese consumers’ acceptance and price willingness to pay for organic fluid milk. We used questionnaire data gathered in 2014 to analyze the impact of price and milk knowledge, as well as consumer age, gender, education and income on organic milk choice. The results indicate that: 1) young females with a strong educational background have shown the strongest consumption desire for organic milk; 2) those who shop for the family tend to support organic milk and are willing to pay more for the milk; 3) shoppers with more disposable income are willing to pay a premium price for organic milk.  相似文献   

This study tests five potential drivers underlying the acceptance of SMS advertising. After developing a scale to measure behavioral responses to SMS advertising, the relationships between the acceptance of SMS advertising, intention to receive SMS advertising and behavioral responses to SMS advertising are tested. A convenience sampling method was employed. Survey questionnaires were distributed across Western Australia. The return yielded 203 usable questionnaires from the respondents. Several factors emerge as significant drivers of acceptance of SMS advertising including utility of SMS advertisements, context of SMS advertisements and attitudes to advertising in general. Contrary to expectation, control over SMS advertisements did not emerge as a significant driver for acceptance of SMS advertising. Trust in advertisers and laws did not emerge as a significant driver of the acceptance of SMS advertising among Australian respondents. Advertisers who pursue consumer acceptance should strive to build utility and context considerations into their SMS campaigns. Future research opportunities include testing the drivers of SMS advertising to further investigate the impact of control and trust on acceptance of SMS advertising in other countries where the SMS advertising has not been explored yet.  相似文献   

云计算为未来的教育方式,提供了革命性的发展思路。基于云理论的新型"云端教育",可以实现优秀教育资源共享,提供灵活、开放、不受时间地域限制的教育形式,是发展信息化教育的最强有力武器。  相似文献   

云计算带来了个人数据经常性的跨境传输,给传统隐私保护法律的管辖权提出了空前的挑战。传统隐私法律管辖权主要遵循"属人"、"属地"以及"设备所在地"原则,而云计算给"属人"、"属地"、"设备所在地"原则的使用都带来了困惑,也不能很好地解决"二次传输"的问题。应根据云计算的特点设计新的隐私保护法律管辖权理论,以"属人"原则为主,改限制存储地点为限制向第三方披露,采取加密方式保护云计算中的个人数据。  相似文献   

Many organizations have chosen groupware to support the communication activities of their work groups, yet relatively little is known about users’ reactions to and acceptance of this emerging information technology. Further, there has been limited field experience to justify investments in groupware, and rules of thumb about its implementation are difficult to find. This article describes the first part of a multiple‐stage study of acceptance of groupware, in organizational settings. Our ultimate goal is to explain or predict acceptance of groupware, however, the purpose here is to understand what constitutes acceptance. Based on an electronic survey on individuals’ acceptance of groupware in three Fortune 500 companies, we examine the relationship among the usage of groupware technology, the subjective ratings of users’ satisfaction with using the technology, and the perceived benefits of using the technology. The results agree with the earlier findings of Hiltz and Johnson [1] that a multidimensional concept of acceptance is required to properly study the acceptance of new communication technologies.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of 193 Milwaukee food shoppers to determine their experiences and opinions relating to item price removal (IPR) in supermarkets. The principal findings were that opinions of IPR were related to experiences with shopping in IPR environments, extent of price comparison behaviors, and certain demographic variables. Most of the respondents thought retailers should supply a price-marking instrument to shoppers. A majority of the respondents who had not shopped in an IPR store said they would switch stores if their current store removed prices. However, only one-quarter of the respondents who had shopped in an IPR store changed stores and price removal was of secondary importance in this decision. Overall, respondents were evenly split on the need for legal controls in IPR, but respondents who had not shopped in an IPR store and who were from disadvantaged households (with regard to age, income and/or education) were more likely to see a need for legal controls. The findings of this study and ones conducted in other cities suggest that the primary public policy issue is not whether or not item prices should be removed. Rather, the issue is what is the best method of providing shoppers with price comparison information.  相似文献   

Online reviews by users have become an increasingly important source of information. This is true not only for new users of goods or services, but also for their producers. They extend the insight into the acceptance of new goods and services, e.g. at the point of sale, from a mere sales and usage quantity oriented point of view to a cause and effect oriented one. Since online reviews by consumers of many goods and services are nowadays widespread and easily available on the internet, the question arises whether their analysis can replace the more traditional approaches to measure technology acceptance, e.g., using questionnaires with TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) items. This paper tries to answer this question using IKEA׳s mobile catalogue app as an example. For comparisons reasons, data on the acceptance of the current version of this catalogue is collected in four different ways, (1) as answers to batteries of TAM items, (2) as assignments to pre-defined adjective pairs, (3) as textual likes and dislikes of users (simulating online reviews), and (4) as publicly available (real) reviews by users. The source for (1)–(3) is a survey with a sample of respondents, the source for (4) an online forum. The data is analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) for TAM modeling and text mining for pre-processing the textual data. The results are promising: it seems that data collection via surveys can be replaced – with some reservations – by the analysis of publicly available (real) online reviews.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is: (1) to expand upon prior research into general online content, (2) to analyze the acceptance and rejection factors of Internet advertising messages, and (3) to examine the moderating role of brand trust in this process. The results show that, when displaying intentions relating to the acceptance of online advertising, brand trust is not a significant influencing variable. However, when studying the intent to reject a message, brand trust does act as a barrier against the negative effect of irritation, while when this trust does not exist, irritation exercises a significant negative effect on advertising value.  相似文献   

This study integrates e-shopping quality, enjoyment, and trust into a technology acceptance model (TAM) to understand consumer acceptance of e-shopping. Online surveys with college students (n = 298) were conducted. E-shopping quality for apparel products consists of four dimensions: web site design, customer service, privacy/security, and atmospheric/experiential. A structural equation model reveals that e-shopping quality determines perceptions of usefulness, trust, and enjoyment, which in turn influence consumers' attitudes toward e-shopping. Consumer perceptions of usefulness and attitude toward e-shopping influence intention to shop online, while perceived ease of use does not influence attitude toward e-shopping. Shopping enjoyment and trust play significant roles in consumers' adoption of e-shopping. This study provides important implications for e-tailers whose web site developers must keep in mind that customers are not only web users with trust/safety and information needs, but also shoppers with service and experiential needs.  相似文献   

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