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Results from a split‐sample survey of the US population reveal consumers prefer meat products carrying origin information to unlabelled alternatives. Consumers are largely unaware of origin labelling laws and are indifferent to an important aspect of the implementation of current mandatory country of origin information rules in the US. In particular, consumers value meat products labelled ‘Product of North America’ approximately the same as ‘Product of United States’. Despite the similarity of these two labels, they have vastly different implications in terms of trade and segregation costs. Our results suggest that a transition from one label to the other is equally satisfying for the consumer while being less costly for processors and more acceptable to trade partners.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of country of origin and other marketing factors on perceived price premium and purchase intention of dairy products. Applying factor analysis and 2-step cluster analysis, the article finds that there are 4 segments in the Thailand dairy market. The respondents in each segment perceive quality of products from 6 countries (or regions) differently. Three segments that consider country of origin have their evaluation of price premium and purchase intention of products from each country higher than the remaining segment. The applications to market strategy of international food companies and agribusiness industries are discussed.  相似文献   

杭州市住宅价格空间分异:基于特征价格的两维度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:从特征价格的视角,构建城市住宅价格空间分异的两维度分析框架,并对杭州市住宅市场进行实证研究。研究方法:文献资料法和计量分析法。研究结果:住宅特征对住宅价格影响程度的差异性以及住宅特征空间分布的不均匀性,导致了住宅价格的空间分异。研究结论:基于特征价格模型的分析框架是有效且合理的。  相似文献   

For beef exporters, one of the important questions in the Korean beef market is why Korean consumers are willing to pay almost three times more for domestic Korean beef than they pay for imported beef. To answer this question, we surveyed 1,000 shoppers in Seoul, Korea, and conducted a conjoint analysis on consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for country equity of domestic vs. imported beef and quality attributes of marbling, freshness, genetically modified organism (GMO)‐free feed ingredients and antibiotic‐free production. Among all factors contributing to the price differentials, the most important factor seems to be the country of origin followed by the use of GMO feeds and antibiotics in beef production, marbling grade and freshness. This study finds that Korean consumers value origins of imported beef approximately $14/lb less than the Korean origin. Korean consumers’ valuation of beef quality and country of origin differs by some demographic groups: older vs. younger generations, homemakers vs. non‐homemakers and consumers who prefer to purchase packaged beef vs. consumers who prefer to purchase butcher shop beef. Our empirical findings suggest that the top priority for beef exporters who wish to increase sales and value of their beef in the Korean market must be to counter Korean consumers’ strong ethnocentrism by improving the value of their country of origin.  相似文献   


The legality of U.S. country of origin labeling (COOL) laws for agricultural products has been challenged by foreign countries. Isolating the reasons why consumers support COOL can help determine the efficiency of COOL as a policy. Therefore, this study investigated why consumers have a desire for COOL. Data were collected through an online survey with 566 U.S. participants. Results of a bivariate ordered probit model indicate that as consumers are more ethnocentric and more pessimistic about the safety of their food, they are more likely to support COOL for sugar and for sugar in soft drinks. Thus, policies designed to inform the public about the safety of foreign commodities could reduce their desire for COOL. Evidence is also provided that highly ethnocentric individuals support COOL in an effort to “buy American” products.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects on prices of nutrition and health claims for foodstuffs, in addition to other attributes, using fruit beverages as a case study. The model estimation is based on revealed purchasing behaviour for fruit beverages in the north‐east of Italy. Applying an hedonic price model, the price of a product is explained as a function of product attributes. The model estimate identifies the implicit retail‐market‐level price of specific attributes such as nutrition and health claims, ceteris paribus. Nutrition and health claims significantly affect retail prices. Our findings suggest that retail price response to nutrition and health claims differs in relation to other product attributes, showing a strong reduction of price variation among flavours when such benefits are claimed on the label.  相似文献   

Up to 60 per cent of potable water supplied to Perth, Western Australia, is extracted from the groundwater system that lies below the northern part of the metropolitan area. Many of the urban wetlands are groundwater‐dependent and excessive groundwater extraction and climate change have resulted in a decline in water levels in the wetlands. In order to inform decisions on conserving existing urban wetlands, it is beneficial to be able to estimate the economic value of the urban wetlands. Applying the Hedonic Property Price approach to value urban wetlands, we found that distance to the nearest wetland and the number of wetlands within 1.5 km of a property significantly influence house sales price. For a property that is 943 m away from the nearest wetland, which is the average distance to the wetland in this study, reducing the wetland distance by 1 m will increase the property price by AU$42.40. Similarly, the existence of an additional wetland within 1.5 km of the property will increase the sales price by AU$6976. For a randomly selected wetland, assuming a 20 ha isolated circular wetland surrounded by uniform density housing, the total sales premium to surrounding properties was estimated to be around AU$140 million (AU$40 million and AU$230 million).  相似文献   

Riparian buffers, the strips of vegetation along banks of rivers and streams, have been proposed as a key instrument to protect water quality in the United States. Riparian buffers impose a restriction on the use of private property limiting harvest and development, but buffers can also provide for aesthetic and recreational benefits that may accrue to property owners. With data from the Neuse River Basin in North Carolina, this study attempts to provide empirical evidence on the effect of a mandatory buffer rule on the value of riparian properties. Spatial autoregressive hedonic models are estimated within a quasi-experimental framework using the imposition of the buffer rule as the treatment and nonriparian properties as a control group. Results indicate that a riparian property generally commands a high premium. We find no evidence, however, that the mandatory buffer rule has had a significant impact on riparian property values when compared with the control group.  相似文献   

The retail market for seafood is dynamic with substantial competition both amongst retailers and between private labels and national brands. New product attributes are added in attempts to differentiate products and to attract consumers. Credence attributes, in particular those related to eco‐labels and fishing method, have become more common. But little is known about how these and other credence attributes are valued in the retail market. In addition, little is known about price differences between private labels. To estimate the value of these attributes, weekly in‐store observations of selected frozen whitefish products were conducted in seven UK retail chains in the city of Glasgow. An estimated hedonic model shows a substantial price premium for fishing method (line‐caught), a premium for both home (Scottish) and non‐home country of origin (Icelandic) and a premium for the Marine Stewardship Council eco‐label. An uncertified eco‐label owned by a large seafood manufacturer leads to reduced price. The study also reveals substantial price differences between private labels for whitefish. The results contribute new insights regarding opportunities for differentiation by credence attributes which may lead to more sustainable and effective resource use along the value chain for frozen whitefish.  相似文献   

Using data from one of Australia's largest thoroughbred auction houses, we investigate the price determinants of thoroughbred yearlings sold at auction. We include novel key variables to construct hedonic pricing models and examine the relative role of stud fees compared to the wide range of attributes in the pricing of yearlings. We find that the price effect of stud fees is influenced by the value buyers place on both the characteristics of sires and the characteristics of sire side siblings. The findings imply that the quality of dams a sire has been matched within the breeding market has consequential effects on yearling prices through the sire's stud fee and progeny.  相似文献   

Several consumer studies have shown considerable market potential for sustainable meat products, however, their markets shares are still marginal. In Germany, the sustainable aspects “organic,” “local origin,” and “animal welfare” are of special interest. To obtain a precise overview of potential target groups for these meat categories and their choice of store format, 620 German consumers were surveyed on their attitudes toward sustainable meat production and their shopping behavior. First, target groups based on consumers’ attitudes were identified by cluster analysis, taking into account possible overlaps. Consumers were also clustered by their store format choice and their preferred type of meat packaging. A cross tabulation of the results then provided insights into which store format and type of meat packaging is preferred by the target groups for sustainable meat products. Due to overlaps found in the target groups, the existence of important subgroups was shown. Amongst the target groups, only a slight preference for unpackaged meat products was found. Basically, the offer of sustainable meat products appears of interest for all store formats, with particular emphasis on supermarkets. The results of this study can support producers and retailers developing new and tailored marketing strategies for sustainable meat products.  相似文献   

研究目的:验证杭州市区内各类教育配套对住宅价格的影响,并定量评估教育设施的资本化效应程度。研究方法:特征价格法。研究结果:教育设施对住宅价格具有正向的资本化效应。小学和初中存在显著的学区效应,小学质量、初中质量每上升1个等级,将给其学区内的住宅价格带来2.3%或2.6%的增幅。幼儿园、高中和大学则通过可达性提高了周边住宅的价格,小区1 km 范围内每增加一所幼儿园,住宅总价上升0.1%;处于高中或大学1 km 范围内,住宅总价分别上升1.8%和2.1%。研究结论:证实了教育设施对住宅价格的正向影响,购房者和投资者愿意为教育质量或可达性支付附加价格。  相似文献   

If budget shares have stochastic trend or seasonality or both, then demand equations based on the assumption of deterministic trend and deterministic seasonality will be mis-specified. We test this proposition by estimating a Linearized Almost Ideal (LAI) demand system for meat demand in the United Kingdom using Harvey's structural time series methodology. We demonstrate that the model specification allowing for stochastic trend and deterministic seasonality performs best in terms of diagnostic tests and goodness of fit measures. It is also shown that the model with stochastic trend is better at out-of-sample forecasting.  相似文献   

某些建材放射性超标已引起有关部门的高度重视和公众的密切关注。要从源头上解决建材放射性超标的问题,必须查清其中放射性的来源,并从地质勘查抓起。  相似文献   

研究目的:对武汉南湖景观的存在对其周边住宅价值的影响作用进行定量化的分析。研究方法:特征价格法。研究结果:在南湖周边700 m的范围内,住宅到南湖的距离每减少100 m可为其带来5.65%的增值,即315.41元/m2(以亿房网上公布的南湖板块住宅房地产均价5582.53元/m2计算)。研究结论:(1) 景观的存在确实会对周边住宅的价值带来正的影响;(2)采用特征价格法能很好地将景观对住宅价值的影响作用进行量化。  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically the determinants of agro‐food firms’ adoption of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label. A unique dataset containing firm‐level cost and production information on the French Brie cheese is used, covering the period 1980–2000. The Brie cheese data are especially relevant as PDO Brie producers have coexisted with other non‐PDO producers since 1981. To evaluate the producers’ incentive to opt for PDO certification, we use a structural switching regression model which incorporates cost and production structure variables. Results show that PDO certification is less attractive the higher the costs of raw materials and the greater the size of the company. PDO Brie cheese production costs are estimated to be on average 40% higher than those for non‐PDO Brie. The PDO production process could be technically inefficient when compared with the unconstrained non‐PDO manufacturing; yet, PDO producers benefit from a price premium on their product which offsets their higher production cost.  相似文献   

Access to transport infrastructure generates a range of benefits to the agriculture sector; many of which are difficult to measure directly. In this study, we use hedonic regression analysis of farm‐level data to examine the contribution of transport infrastructure to the value of farmland traded between 2009 and 2011 through its impact on farm productivity. We show that a one per cent reduction in the cost of transportation between farms and ports leads to a 0.33 per cent increase in land prices, and there is no significant difference between rail and road transportation at the aggregate level. Moreover, the benefits generated by particular types of infrastructure services vary between industries and with farm size, suggesting there are multiple channels through which public infrastructure influences agricultural production. Our findings help to inform future investment decisions in Australia and in other countries by providing new evidence regarding the benefits of existing transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

汪志国 《中国农史》2007,26(2):74-82
安徽素有多灾省之称,1840年鸦片战争以后,自然灾害更是连年不断,频发的自然灾害严重破坏了乡村秩序。文章认为,“人相食”以及“夫弃其妇”、“母弃其子”的行为,是对尊重和保护人的生命这一行为准则的蔑视与侵犯,对人伦关系的一种颠倒;灾害影响到生产、交换、分配、消费等各个环节,从而破坏经济发展的正常轨道,造成整个经济秩序的紊乱;自然灾害为土匪和各种非法组织的出现提供了一张温床,数以万计无以为生的灾民组织或参与的土匪及非法社会组织,严重危害了正常的社会秩序。  相似文献   

按权责发生制要求核算的利润对当前实际经济运行质量的衡量存在一定的局限性 ,应收帐款坏帐的发生会导致企业已有的利润变为乌有。本文就是探讨一种如何从经济业务发生的起点开始寻找一种使坏帐最小的提高经济运行质量的方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of halal meat consumption within a Belgian Muslim migration population using the theory of planned behavior as a conceptual framework, with a focus on the role of self-identity as a Muslim and acculturation in the host country. Cross-sectional data were collected through a survey with 367 Muslims mainly originating from North Africa and living in Belgium. Findings reveal that in general, a positive health attitude toward halal meat predicts the intention to consume halal meat among Muslims. Perceived lack of safety measures or poor belief in the safety controls are shown to be potential barriers preventing Muslim consumers from eating halal meat. Low acculturated Muslims rely strongly on their positive personal attitude toward the health status of halal meat, whereas high acculturated Muslims rely on health attitude, animal welfare attitudes, and safety when intending to consume halal meat. Muslims with a high Muslim self-identity intend to eat halal meat because they believe that it is healthy whereas Muslims with a low Muslim self-identity are rather influenced by religious peers, together with their personal health attitude and availability concerns.  相似文献   

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