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“产品不易被消费者接受”一般有两种表现:其一是这种产品在整体上都不被消费者所接受,其二是这种产品不被个别消费者接受。要想改变这种局面,就需要企业、销售人员做深入的调查研究,根据调查结果采取相应的策略。 一、了解消费者不接受你的产品的原因 1.企业因素 首先,一味相信调研结果。可口可乐公司准备在百年庆典时推出一种新口味的可乐,他们首先  相似文献   

冯凯 《市场周刊》2006,(3):46-46
现代企业对销售团队看重的是业绩结果,而这往往会让销售人员感觉自己处于一个只被关注业绩而没有人性化的团队中。  相似文献   

阮立军 《销售与管理》2006,(7):I0015-I0019
王经理是A公司的区域销售经理,带领着一支比较优秀的销售团队,每年都能完成销售任务。  相似文献   

一个合理的考核制度,对调动销售人员的积极性和创造性起着关键作用。大多数企业采用的唯销量考核办法弱化了考核的牵引功能,容易将考核引入利益分配博类的死胡同里,同时也会引发销售人员的许多短期行为和相应的管理难题。一个好的考核制度要能够提高团队合作精神、工作热情、创新能力、学习精神、对企业的忠诚度和责任感。尽管不同企业有不同的现实,不同企业可以有不同的标准,但定量考核与定性考核相结合,过程考核与结果考核并重是共同的原则。绩效考核与薪酬激励设计有效统一是实现考评功能的关键,薪酬体系的激励性和公平性是以绩效考核为前提的。在销售管理实践中,薪酬体系究竟应该如何设计,应该具体情况具体分析,问题的解决可能最终来自于实践的摸索,当然也不能低估现成模式的可借鉴作用。如果说考评是对销售人员施加压力,那么激励更多的是传递动力和拉力,团队文化、团队建设、在职培训越来越成为比物质奖励更加有效的激励措施。  相似文献   

<正> 大多数销售人员是"半路出家的和尚",对市场营销"这本经"似懂非懂,没有"师傅领进门",全靠销售人员自己参悟,很难"修成正果",长此下去,销售人员难免会心生去意。"和尚"越来越少,企业这个"庙"的"香火"自然难以旺起来。企业如何帮助销售人员学会市场营销"这本经"?笔者根据自己在企业的从业经验,提出解决方案如下:  相似文献   

除了要顾及行业特点、销售模式、优秀员工招募的难易程度甚至企业文化等因素,销售人员薪酬政策制定最关键的是要考虑企业发展周期。[编者按]  相似文献   

美文 《工商之友》2003,(1):23-23
无可争议的营销大师彼得.德鲁克经常在著作和讲座中指出:“通常20%的销售人员完成80%的销售额。销售人员应在个性方面具有一些无可争议的和可敬的特点。这些个性方面的特点是在挑选销售人员过程中应该考虑的关键因素。下面是在销售方面取得成功的十个诀窍。  相似文献   

吴全宏 《商》2012,(20):78-78
在人力资源管理的实践中,各级领导或人事管理工作者如果灵活管理团队很重要,管理团队是企业的必修课,管理团队要处理好人、管理和沟通的关系,就能充分调动下属或人才的积极性,使人尽其才、才尽其能,从而使工作效能达到最优。  相似文献   

王慧彦 《中国市场》2007,(41):110-111
过去简单粗陋的包装严重影响了商品的内在品质,近年来,许多因素促使包装成为一项重要的营销工具。本文从包装设计的要求和如何充分发挥包装的促销功能出发,介绍了产品包装设计应遵循的原则,并列举了几种当前企业经常使用的包装策略。  相似文献   


In this paper, we focus on how the stock markets in Africa have responded to the reform process. We identify three main types of reforms implemented in these markets since the 1990s, namely revitalization of the regulatory framework, modernization of trading systems, and relaxation of restrictions on foreign investors. We invoke market microstructure theory to hypothesize the expected response of the markets in terms of efficiency and volatility to the three types of reforms. Econometric methods are applied to test the hypotheses on a sample of ten stock exchanges, for the period 1988:01-1999:12. The evidence generally suggests that there are benefits of investments to improve market microstructure. For example, a comparative analysis across the sample demonstrates that markets with advanced trading technology, tight regulatory system and relaxed foreign investors' participation show greater efficiency and lower market volatility. Although direction of causality between efficiency and volatility varies across the markets, in general, we infer that reforms, which reduce volatility, reap higher efficiency. However, in some markets, the effects of the reforms are too recent to show any clear response pattern.  相似文献   


Fueled by increasing global mobility, there is an ever-growing need for expatriates. This increasing demand poses many challenges for organizations to motivate their employees to successfully complete international assignments. This study addresses this issue by offering a new perspective on how effective leader communication may serve as a tool to increase expatriates’ cross-cultural motivation and boost their chances of success. All three dimensions of motivating language are proposed to have the ability to enhance an expatriate’s cross-cultural intrinsic motivation, as well as his or her cross-cultural self-efficacy. The implications of the framework, as well as future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

How Online Product Reviews Affect Retail Sales: A Meta-analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A growing body of research has emerged on online product reviews and their ability to elicit performance outcomes desired by retailers; yet, a common understanding of the performance implications of online product reviews has eluded us. Scholars continue to navigate an array of studies assessing different design elements of online product reviews, and various research settings and data sources. We undertake a meta-analysis of 26 empirical studies yielding 443 sales elasticities to examine how these variables relate to retail sales. Building on well-established meta-analytical methods, we address the following questions: How does review valence influence the elasticity of retailer sales? What about review volume? For which product types and usage situations do online product reviews have a greater impact on retailer sales elasticity? Which types of online reviewers and websites exert the greatest influence on retailer sales elasticity? Our study answers these important questions and provides a much needed quantitative synthesis of this burgeoning stream of research.  相似文献   

Advertising research still has to make a major contribution, both theoretically and practically, providing a satisfactory answer to the question: how does advertising influence sales? This article tackles the problem by providing a thorough analysis of the causal relationship between advertising and sales, the strength of the effects and the occurrence of time lags. Time series data for advertising and sales are related to each other in a quantitative model to provide an answer to the question of how advertising contributes to sales. The method presented is applicable to other related studies and information can thus be accumulated about the usefulness of the model.  相似文献   

李文 《国际市场》2005,(12):64-66
投资,对于企业来说,是扩大生产经营规模,提高盈利能力,增强企业实力的基本手段。投资项目一般都具投资金额大、期限长、风险高、不可逆等特点,企业进行的扩大投资,一旦失误,将给投资主体造成无以挽回的经济损失。“投资失误是吞噬人类财富的最大黑洞”,因此,投资者和经营者都十分重视投资决策的分析。可以说,投资决策是否精准是投资是否会成功的关键。  相似文献   

如何有效地开展网上调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用互联网进行市场调查是一种非常有效的方式,我们常常可以看到许多网站上都设置在线调查表。用以收集用户反馈信息。网络市场调研的目的是收集网上的购物和潜在顾客的信息,充分利用网络的优势,加强与消费的沟通、理解并建立友谊,改善营销以便更好地服务于顾客。而要达到这一目的的前提是让更多的顾客访问你企业的站点,这样市场营销调研人员可以有针对性地制作网上调研表,顾客可以发回反馈并参加交互调查和竞赛。从而掌握更多更翔实的市场信息。  相似文献   

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