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无论是从世界主要国家的立法来看,还是具体分析我国的政府采购合同,现代意义上的政府采购合同是兼具公法和私法的属性。但随着世界经济全球化与贸易自由化的发展,政府采购以贸易自由、非歧视和透明度为原则的国际立法趋势,将对国内立法及其性质认定造成一定影响,政府采购合同的行政性将越来越受到限制。  相似文献   

本文认为对私法自治的限制仅处于从属地位,它是为私法自由的正当实现而提供保障的。因此,我们应该最大程度地保障当事人的私法自治,最小范围地界定其限制范围。除为了维护国家利益和社会公共利益之外,基于其他原因而产生的限制应逐渐取消。  相似文献   

历史的商法与现实的商法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

私法与公法的二元划分,其最基本的价值论意义就在于揭示了保障权利和限制权力二者之间的法治状态。市民社会与政治国家作为一种社会理论的研究进路,为公法和私法的界分提供了坚实的社会基础。在现代法治理念之下,私法自由和国家强制的划定,都需要遵循如下基本原则:人们的自由领域应当获得优先确认,若要对该领域施加强制,则必须通过严格的法律程序予以正当化论证之后才能确定。只有这样,才能实现私法自治与国家强制之间的动态平衡。  相似文献   

陈嘉 《经济研究导刊》2012,(26):169-170
环境人格权是环境保护需求在人格权法中的反映。传统人格权法不利于保护公民的环境利益,民法应当规定环境人格权。依托于民法理论、环境保护理念和实践、私人利益保护目标,从环境人格权的概念入手,探讨了环境人格权制度的特征、内容和及私法保护问题。  相似文献   

论公私法划分与市场体制的演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
市场经济是法治经济,而法治社会的建立和法制的完善则是一个在政府积极推进,社会与国家博弈以及社会交易等各种因素合力推进中逐步发展的制度演进过程。本文从比较西方公私法的划分以及在实践中的作用的角度,从法理学层面对我国社会主义市场经济法制建设的基础和制度安排作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

劳务类、经贸类条约以及中国国内法下的外商投资、海员外派制度内含的公法规则和私法规则会发生互动作用,对海员外派机构的主体资质和权利义务产生交织影响。2014版上海自贸区负面清单仍未明确海员外派机构的法律定位,反而令其面目更为模糊,使其外资准入多轨制问题悬而未决。应注意到中国加入的不同性质国际条约间的相互影响,抓住契机解决国际条约在自贸区内的适用问题,在理顺各种法规规章关系的基础上对负面清单下海员外派机构的法律地位作出明确规定。  相似文献   

邹志臣 《经济纵横》2006,(12):49-52
由于行政契约兼具公法和私法双重性质,所以,必须对其进行公法和私法的双重调整。而在调整过程中无论是公法中的一些原则还是私法中的原则必须因行政契约的性质而适度改变.  相似文献   

有限责任公司之特征引发“对世”的所有权和“私法公法化”的股权优先权的博弈,不能纵容所有权的恣意,也不能夸大股权优先权的无限制适用。股权优先权依托公司章程、诚实信用原则、私法公法化等制度和理念而存在。股权优先权的适用范围和所受到的限制也必然要依照上述理念的指引而得到正确确认。  相似文献   

由于行政契约兼具公法和私法双重性质,所以,必须对其进行公法和私法的双重调整。而在调整过程中无论是公法中的一些原则还是私法中的原则必须因行政契约的性质而适度改变。  相似文献   

民法保护是商业秘密法律保护的重要组成部分,对于保护商业秘密权利人的合法权益,维护正常的市场竞争环境,建立和谐的市场竞争秩序,具有十分重要的作用。在民法保护中,应当准确界定商业秘密的权利归属,合理划分侵权诉讼的举证责任,明确商业秘密被侵权时可采取的法律保护形式,依法判定侵权人应当承担的民事法律责任。  相似文献   

会计监管兼具公法和私法的特征,是用公法的调节方式调节私法领域内的关系.监管权是一种复合性的公权力,有其自身的不足,因此监管必须适度.我国目前的会计监管存在着监管机构权力过度膨胀、权责不对等、多头监管导致权力之争以及民事诉讼机制的缺失等问题.在构建我国的会计监管框架时有必要融合公法和私法两种手段.  相似文献   

Tarlok Singh 《Applied economics》2017,49(36):3579-3598
This study tests the Ricardian equivalence theorem (RET) and examines the responsiveness of private saving to public saving in India. Most estimators do not provide support for the empirical validity of RET and long-run cointegration between public and private saving. The increases in household saving (HHS) seem to have been engendered by the provision of saving incentives, institution of saving schemes, self-driven motivation to save, and the precautionary accumulations induced by uncovered uncertainties in incomes, rather than by Ricardian behaviour of households. The self-imposed aversion to debt and debt bequest, borrowing and liquidity constraints, and the intertemporal smoothing of consumption have been the added catalysts that contributed to the increases in HHS. The households with binding borrowing constraints, inadequate or no insurance and uncovered uncertainties in incomes seem to have been saving more to pay for higher inflation-tax. The fiscal consolidation and generation of public saving are essential to reduce the tax burden (both explicit through fiscal taxes and implicit through inflation-tax), minimize the likelihoods of economic and financial crises, and maintain the internal and external value of domestic currency.  相似文献   

Thirteenth-century England was a commercial backwater whose trade was dominated by foreigners. To accommodate and encourage foreign merchants, England modified its legal system by creating legal institutions that were available to both domestic and foreign traders. Among the most important of these institutions were streamlined debt collection procedures and mixed juries composed of both Englishmen and foreigners. By introducing institutions that treated locals and foreigners equally, England created a level playing field that enabled English merchants to become increasingly prominent in the later Middle Ages. England's ability to modernize its law was facilitated by the secular nature of English law, the representation of merchants in Parliament, and legal pluralism. Medieval England contrasts sharply with the early modern Ottoman Empire. The latter created special institutions for foreign merchants, which eventually put Ottoman Muslims at a competitive disadvantage.  相似文献   

The importance of estimation techniques that allow for nonrandom selection of workers into the public and private sectors has been established in the theoretical and empirical literature. A separate body of work has explored the contribution of cognitive and other basic skills to earnings. This article brings together these two strands of empirical literature using Adult Literacy and Lifeskills (ALL) survey data for Norway and Bermuda. In the case of Norway, results from both Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and a switching regression model agree that cognitive skills are rewarded more in the public sector and that, in both sectors, the main effect is the direct effect of skills on earnings. In the case of Bermuda, however, switching regression estimates are substantially different with respect to the how skills affect earnings; furthermore, controlling for cognitive skills changes the nature of selection and, hence, the estimates of sector wage differentials.  相似文献   

反垄断法私人实施的法经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反垄断法的实施分为公权实施和私人实施两种,美国反垄断法私人实施的情况比较普遍,我国传统上看重的是公权力的实施作用,而忽略私人力量对反垄断法的实施.反垄断法私人实施在经济学上要满足几个条件,如信息不对称、激励机制、成本/效益最大化.通过对美国反垄断法私人实施条件的分析,指出了我国目前反垄断法私人实施的不足和有待改进的地方,如起诉主体、激励机制的设计以及私权与公权力之间的协助关系.  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》就依法治国提出许多新的思想观点,从实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的高度阐述依法治国的重大意义,把习近平总书记的系列重要讲话精神首次作为依法治国的指导思想,从依据宪法法律治国理政和依据党内法规管党治党两方面阐明了党依法执政的新内涵,提出了"人民是依法治国的主体和力量源泉"的新论点,全面阐述了依法治国的重大任务。  相似文献   

We measure the tax advantage of public firms over private firms, which operate at municipality level in the German household solid waste disposal industry. Public firms with sovereign duties pay no taxes, but equivalent private firms have to. In a simple risk-free setting, we develop a measure of the percentage difference of the charges of both types of firms demanded under their respective tax treatments. We model a cost-covering public firm and a net present value maximizing private firm. For sensible model parameters from the German waste disposal industry the private firm has to demand an about 16% to 18% higher charge. The by far biggest impact on the measure has the value added tax, with revenues as a much larger tax base than profits. Tax savings, which directly affect pre-tax profits, only alleviate the disadvantage bit. There is some evidence that at least one type of private firms—that is, private law firms that are also majority privately owned, are productive enough to overcome the tax advantage of public firms and be able to charge a lower price than public firms.  相似文献   

《环境保护法》为我国的环境改善、资源保护事业发挥了重要作用,但随着环境问题的不断突出、环境理念的逐步更新, 《环境保护法》远远不能适应现实发展的需求.环境基本法在环境保护领域具有统领、整合等诸多功能,虽然《环境保护法》存在着不同的争论,但仍应当定位于基本法,按照基本法的要求来审视和完善《环境保护法》,既要在宏观理路上提升其基本法的地位,又要在基本制度上进行具体创新,以满足强烈的环境保护诉求,为环境保护起到全面协调的功效.  相似文献   

This paper shows the existence of mixed-strategy equilibria for games with private and public information under general conditions. Under the additional assumptions of finiteness of action spaces and diffuseness and conditional independence of private information, a strong purification result is obtained for the mixed strategies in such games. As a corollary, the existence of pure-strategy equilibria follows. I am very grateful to Yeneng Sun, Nicholas C. Yannelis and M. Ali Khan for helpful discussions and suggestions. I also wish to thank an anonymous referee whose comments led to many improvements in the paper.  相似文献   

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