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Previous research finds that the analysis of sacrifice ratiosnamely, identifying disinflation episodes, calculating the sacrifice ratio, and looking at its determinantschanges substantially when one moves from headline to core inflation. This paper examines whether similar findings are obtained when examining benefice ratios, and we find arguably even greater differences. Specifically, we see that headline inflation identifies far more inflationary episodes since the 1990s than core inflation does. Furthermore, Jordan’s (1997) argument that the speed of inflation is a negative and significant determinant of benefice ratios does not hold when we move from headline to core inflation, both within the U.S. and also across the OECD. We also find strong evidence that the initial level of GDP at the onset of an inflationary episode matters. In particular, output gains from accelerating inflation appear only to be beneficial for OECD countries that start with a low level of GDP. Conversely, countries that start with a high level of GDP should not pursue additional output gains from allowing a rise in inflation.  相似文献   

This paper measures sacrifice ratios for all countries in the world over an approximately forty year time period, in addition to exploring the determinants of worldwide sacrifice ratios. We test the most commonly-cited determinants: the speed of disinflation, openness, inflation targeting, central bank independence, and political factors for both OECD and non-OECD countries. We find that the speed of disinflation is the most important determinant of OECD sacrifice ratios, but puzzlingly has no effect on non-OECD nations' disinflation costs. Instead we find evidence that greater central bank independence and more openness are associated with lower non-OECD sacrifice ratios. We also find that the ratio of government debt to GDP – a variable that is not important when it comes to OECD countries – is highly significant for non-OECD economies. Specifically, we find that higher indebtedness is associated with lower sacrifice ratios in non-OECD nations, suggesting that greater levels of debt do not lead to higher expectations of inflation. Furthermore we find evidence that the negative impact of debt on non-OECD sacrifice ratios is being driven by middle income economies.  相似文献   

This paper contains a benefit-cost analysis of disinflation. The analysis measures the costs of disinflation by "sacrifice ratios"—the output lost during a disinflation-induced recession. The benefits of disinflation are from recent research that associates lower inflation with higher GDP growth rates. The analysis calculates sacrifice ratios and the growth effects of disinflation and critiques the methods that economists typically use to calculate these benefits and costs. The estimates are quite fragile but nevertheless show that the lost output from a disinflation-induced recession typically will be recouped in 10 to 15 years.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the comparison of sacrifice ratios as an indicator for structural dispersion within the euro area over the period 1972–2003. Estimates of the sacrifice ratio, defined as the cumulative output cost arising from permanent inflation reduction, are obtained using structural VAR models. Results from sub‐period analysis as well as 10‐year‐period rolling estimates lead to two main conclusions. First, empirical evidence displays a recent increase in the average sacrifice ratio, which can be linked to the simultaneous decrease in the average inflation rate: this negative relationship between the initial level of inflation and the cost of disinflation can be seen as a justification for the choice of an inflation objective close to 2% for the European Central Bank (ECB) rather than a target of perfect price stability, potentially very damaging. Second, we cannot provide evidence of any reduction in European sacrifice ratio dispersion, which would suggest that the nominal convergence triggered by the Maastricht Treaty did not involve a true reduction of structural differences. It is likely to be a problem in the stance of a single monetary policy, because structural differences imply asymmetric responses of real national economies to the same monetary impulse.  相似文献   

A First Assessment of Some Measures of Core Inflation for the Euro Area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Core inflation plays an important role in the deliberations of monetary policy-makers. In this paper we evaluate a number of measures of core inflation constructed using euro-area data. In addition to the traditional exclusion-type core measures, we examine two newer ones, documenting their properties and evaluating their performance in terms of their ability to track underlying or trend inflation in real time. We focus on core measures derived from the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) as the European Central Bank has chosen to define its mandate for price stability in terms of this index, and because this is the only index of consumer prices that is compiled in a comparable manner across all members of the European Union. We document significant excess kurtosis in the cross-section distribution of price changes in the euro area, and show that several categories of prices are more volatile than those typically excluded from traditional measures of core inflation. Contrary to what one might expect, traditional measures of core inflation are not significantly less volatile than headline measures. We document the superior performance of alternative measures of core inflation in tracking trend inflation on average, but show that none of the various measures of core gave significant advance warning of the pickup in trend inflation at the beginning of 1999.  相似文献   

The flattening of the Phillips curve is a vigorously investigated phenomenon in many advanced economies. Still little evidence has been presented for emerging, small open economies facing persistently low inflation. In this paper I address this issue through rigorous estimation of a substantial number of stylized, open-economy hybrid new Keynesian Phillips curves for Poland. I find robust evidence of the flattening of the Phillips curve and the rising impact of external factors for both headline and core inflation. I conclude that during excessive disinflation in Poland the flattening of the Phillips curve can be partly explained by the underutilization of labour, whereas the stronger impact of global factors on core inflation suggests strengthening indirect effects. The changes in the estimated parameters indicate that the macroeconomic cost of bringing inflation back to the desired target has increased. Further identification of the reasons behind the flattening of the Phillips curve in an emerging, small open economy should provide useful insights for monetary policy.  相似文献   

This article estimates and evaluates different measures of core inflation for India by employing statistical and econometric approaches. We estimate Wholesale Price Index (WPI) ex-food, WPI ex-food and energy, 20% asymmetric trimmed mean, 63rd percentile and Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) measures of core inflation. The trimmed mean, 63rd percentile and SVAR measures are unbiased, less volatile and highly correlated to headline inflation. The predictive accuracy of the different core inflation measures used in this article is assessed. The overall result suggests that a 20% asymmetric trimmed mean and SVAR measures of core inflation can be useful for the policy purposes.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamic behavior of inflation and unemployment in Spain during the period 1964–1997. In particular, we analyze the implications of high persistence in both unemployment and inflation dynamics for inference regarding the size of Phillips trade-offs and sacrifice ratios in the Spanish economy, in response to a demand shock. To do so we use a Stuctural VAR approach with several identification outlines which give rise to alternative interpretations of the joint unemployment-inflation dynamics. When using a bivariate VAR we cannot reject the existence of a permanent output loss of one-half of one percentage point for each percentage point of permanent disinflation. However, when the VAR is augmented with a third variable, in order to disentangle monetary from non-monetary shocks within the demand class, the evidence favours a lower and marginally permanent trade-off with an output loss of about one-fourth of one percentage point.  相似文献   


This paper attempts a sectoral estimation of sacrifice ratios for India. Two Structural VAR models are estimated using quarterly data for the period 1997–98 Q1 to 2016–17 Q1. The empirical findings suggest that the real cost of disinflation policy is not negligible in India. The estimate of sacrifice ratios in terms of real GDP range from 0.16 to 0.17 depending upon the model employed. The calculation of sectoral sacrifice ratios show that all the three sectors are affected negatively and the largest impact is found in the manufacturing sector followed by the other two sectors, i.e., agriculture sector and service sector. The sacrifice ratio in the manufacturing sector is found to be 1.10 and 0.72 indicating huge negative impact of tight monetary policy. Similarly, for the agriculture sector the sacrifice ratios are 0.40 and the service sector shows sacrifice ratios of 0.36 and 0.37 respectively for different models. Further, from 10-year rolling estimation, we find that sacrifice ratios are time varying. The sacrifice ratio is declining in the last few quarters at the aggregate and sectoral levels indicating that disinflation could be less costly in recent times. However, the high disinflation cost experienced prior to the year 2015 can’t be neglected. So, it is important to take caution while interpreting the results of disinflation cost in India.


This study seeks to test for inflation persistence in Nigeria using the recently developed fractional cointegration VAR model by Johansen and Nielsen (2012) and complemented with univariate fractional integration techniques. The empirical results suggest evidence of high inflation persistence in Nigeria albeit with a lower trend after the global financial crisis. Also, the major classes of inflation – headline, core and food inflation rates, share long run properties regardless of the sample used. This suggests that any policy action directed at a particular class of inflation will have a spill-over effect on the other classes given the strong association among them. The ability to also exploit the fractional cointegration in a multivariate set-up when modeling inflation is a major contribution of this study and ignoring same may lead to wrong conclusions. However, the results are sensitive to the choice of data frequency.  相似文献   


Inflation, calculated as year-on-year per cent change in general price level, represents a combined effect of several types of price changes. The monetary authorities primarily focus to track that part of inflation, which can be effectively monitored and controlled using various monetary instruments. This persistent component of inflation is termed as ‘Core Inflation’, which possesses long-run properties as well as predictive power to forecast inflation. This paper makes use of Quah and Vahey’s definition of core inflation as that component of headline inflation, which has no impact on output in medium to long run and estimates it by placing restrictions on vector auto regression system with inflation and output growth. The analysis is based on monthly data from April 1995 to January 2009. Empirical results showed that in India, during 2006 and 2007, the inflation process was stronger than what headline inflation figures actually depicted and in 2008 the inflationary process has tended to be somewhat weaker than what was observed in headline inflation.


This paper analyses the impact of the disinflation policy timing on the sign and the magnitude of the sacrifice ratio in a modified price and wage staggered model of Blanchard (1986). When wages are updated every four quarters and prices every two quarters, we show that a “cold-turkey” disinflation is associated to an output boom when the policy is implemented during the last period of life of the wage contract and a recession in the other quarters.  相似文献   

In this paper we use multi-horizon evaluation techniques to produce monthly inflation forecasts for up to twelve months ahead. The forecasts are based on individual seasonal time series models that consider both, deterministic and stochastic seasonality, and on disaggregated Consumer Price Index (CPI) data. After selecting the best forecasting model for each index, we compare the individual forecasts to forecasts produced using two methods that aggregate hierarchical time series, the bottom-up method and an optimal combination approach. Applying these techniques to 16 indices of the Mexican CPI, we find that the best forecasts for headline inflation are able to compete with those taken from surveys of experts.  相似文献   

Gert D. Wehinger 《Empirica》2000,27(1):83-107
Price stability being among the primary goals of EMU monetary policy,it should be interesting to analyse thefactors that led to the disinflationarydevelopments of the last years. Using a structural VAR approach withlong-run identifying restrictions derived from an open-economy macromodel, various factors of inflation for Austria, Germany, Italy, the UnitedKingdom, the United States and Japan and the extent to which they havecontributed to inflation are analysed. These factors are energy price shocks, supply shocks, wage setting influences, demand and exchange rate disturbances and money supply surprises. The latter three are also used to calculate core inflation. Within a smaller model for aggregate EMU data, supply and demand influences are analysed. While supply and demand factors have generally contributed to the inflation decline, monetary policy, enhanced competition, low energy prices and moderate wage setting are featuring most prominent in the recent disinflation process.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(3):422-440
This paper examines how central bank credibility affects the merits of a “gradualist” versus “cold turkey” approach to disinflation in a DSGE model in which private agents use optimal filtering to infer the central bank’s nominal anchor. Our analysis is applied to two episodes of sharp and deliberate monetary tightening in the United States – the post-WWI deflation and the Volcker disinflation. For a policy regime with relatively high credibility, our analysis highlights the benefits of a gradualist approach; thus, the aggressive tightening that occurred in 1920–21 did not seem warranted. In contrast, for a policy regime with relatively low credibility (such as the Federal Reserve in late 1980), an aggressive policy stance can play an important signalling role by making the policy shift more evident to private agents.  相似文献   


In this article, the multihorizon predictive power of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve (HNKPC) is analysed by making use of several close- and open-economy specifications for the headline inflation of six developed countries. The key element is the use of direct measures of inflation expectations – Consensus Forecast – embedded in a compact-scale Global VAR (GVAR) environment, becoming the baseline open-economy HNKPC (OE-HNKPC) specification. These OE-HNKPC point forecasts are evaluated using the Root Mean Squared Forecast Error (RMSFE) statistic and statistically compared with several benchmarks, including traditional atheoretical models. Several OE-HNKPC as well as a closed-economy HNKPC (CE-HNKPC) specifications are also analysed. The results indicate that in four out of six countries, the CE-HNKPC is the best forecasting model, whereas for the same countries, a parsimonious OE-HNKPC is the second-best alternative, and in most cases, outperforming traditional statistical benchmarks. The RMSFE is obviously affected by the unanticipated effects of the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), spoiling out the performance of a number of competing forecasts. However, when considering an evaluation sample just before the crisis, both the CE-HNKPC and the parsimonious OE-HNKPC still come out as the best forecasting models. Furthermore, these preferred models also do an excellent job tracking inflation better than the best atheoretical models during the GFC.  相似文献   

The proponents of the ‘opportunistic’ approach to disinflation suggest that, when inflation is close to the target, the central bank should not counteract inflationary pressures. Orphanides and Wilcox (2002) formalize this idea through a simple policy rule that prescribes a nonlinear adjustment to a history-dependent target for inflation. This embodies a regime change in monetary policy, which reacts to inflation only when this is far from the inflation target. Here we study the opportunistic approach in a New-Keynesian model with sizeable nominal and real rigidites in the form of a positive money demand and adjustment costs for investment. We find that the welfare gains delivered by the opportunistic rule arise from the time-varying inflation target, when welfare is measured by a quadratic approximation of household utility. The nonlinear zone of inaction on inflation improves welfare outcomes only when a central bank loss function with the absolute value of the output gap is used, as proposed by Orphanides and Wilcox (2002).  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that goods are highly heterogeneous with respect to the degree of price rigidity. We develop a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model to study the equilibrium determinacy properties of interest rate rules that respond to inflation measures differing in their degree of price rigidity. We find that rules responding to a headline measure, which puts some weight on the inflation of the sector with low price stickiness, are more prone to generate endogenous aggregate instability—in the form of fluctuations driven by self-fulfilling expectations and equilibria where fluctuations are unbounded—than rules that respond exclusively to a core measure, which includes only the inflation of the sector with high price stickiness. We discuss how our results depend on the elasticity of substitution across goods, the timing of the policy rule, and reacting to aggregate activity.  相似文献   

Disinflation, especially if coupled with financial market liberalisation, has implications for public finances because it lowers the revenue from the inflation tax. There might thus be a trade-off between the criteria on inflation convergence and public finances that were set at Maastricht. This paper measures the effects of lower inflation and financial market integration on the revenue from seigniorage for the EC member countries that have in the past relied most heavily on this source of revenues. The main result is that disinflation alone will reduce the revenue from seigniorage by over 2% of GDP in Greece, but much less than 1% of GDP in the other countries considered here. The overall impact of EMU (i.e. disinflation plus financial market integration) is a loss of seigniorage revenues of 2.9% of GDP in Greece and a little over 1% of GDP in Portugal and Spain. Two different measures of seigniorage yield similar results regarding the overall change, but differ regarding the transitional period and the level.  相似文献   

This study analyses monetary transmission mechanism in Turkey using a small structural macroeconomic model. The core equations of the model consist of aggregate demand, wage-price setting, uncovered interest rate parity, foreign sector and a monetary policy rule. The aim of the paper is to analyse the disinflation path, the output gap, the output level, the exchange rate and the interest rate, and also the output–inflation variance frontier of the economy under various scenarios. The first scenario assumes that a standard Taylor rule is implemented as the policy rule. In the alternative scenario, instead of the standard Taylor rule, the MCI, Monetary Conditions Index – combination of the changes in the short-term real interest rate and in the real effective exchange rate in a single variable – is used as a policy instrument. The results indicate that the economy stabilizes much more quickly and shows significantly less volatility under this new setting. Therefore, the paper concludes that the policymakers should consider using MCI as an instrument when conducting monetary policy.  相似文献   

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