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Corney, M. 1990: The Black Hole in Britain's Training System; Training for People in Employment: Robinson, P. 1989: Stagflation; Lessons from Other Places; and Meacher, M. 1990: Adopting the Employment Principle: A Green Paper. All published by the Campaign for Work. The price of the first is £4.00, the second £5.00 and the third £3.50.


Bingham, R. D., Hill, E. W. and White, S. B. (eds) 1990: Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response. Newbury Park, California and London: Sage Publications, £33.25 cloth, £16.75 paper.


Hambleton, R. 1990: Urban Government in the 1990s: Lessons from the USA,

Occasional Paper No. 35, Bristol: School for Advanced Urban Studies. No price stated.


CBI, 1989: Managing the Skills Gap. London: CBI, £10.00 paper; Report of the Vocational Education and Training Task Force, 1989: Towards a Skills Revolution. London: CBI, £20.00 paper; Association of London Authorities, 1990: Training for London. London: ALA.  相似文献   


Howells, J. and Green, A. 1988: Technological Innovation, Structural Change and Location in U.K. Services. Avebury/Gower Publishing, £25.00.

Howells, J., 1988: Economic Technological and Locational Trends in European Services. Avebury/Gower Publishing, £22.50.


Dauncey, G. 1988: After The Crash: The Emergence of the Rainbow Economy. Basingstoke: Greenprint, £6.99 paper.

Ball, C. 1988: If You Think the System is Working. Ask Someone Who Isn't! Bradford: Bradford Metropolitan Council for Voluntary Service, £235 paper.

Marsh, N. 1988: Jobs In Our Cities: Voluntary Employment and Training Projects Under the Urban Programme. London: National Council for Voluntary Organisations. £2.50 paper.


Dyson, K. (ed), 1988: Local Authorities and New Technologies: The European Dimension. Beckenham: Croom Helm, £25.00 cloth.


Sutton, A. S. (ed). 1967: Local Initiatives: Alternative Paths for Development. Maastrict: Presses Universitaires Europeennes (no price stated). Available from European Centre, PO Box 3073, 6202 NB Maastrict. The Netherlands.  相似文献   

“THE POLL TAX” Flannery, Kate, 1987: More than Just a Poll Tax. Centre for Local Economic Strategies, £5.00. MacGregor, Susanne, 1988: The Poll Tax and the Enterprise Culture. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies, £3.95.

“ECONOMIC THEORY AND THE LOCAL ECONOMY” Smith, D., 1987: The Rise and Fall of Monetarism: The Theory and Politics of an Economic Experiment. Penguin, £3.95.

Holland, S., 1987: The Market Economy: From Micro to Mesoeconomics and The Global Economy: From Meso to Macroeconomics, Weidenfeld, £12.95 each.

Green, F. and Sutcliffe, B., 1987: The Profit System: The Economics of Capitalism. Penguin, £5.95.

“THE SERVICES REVOLUTION?” Rajan, A., 1987: Services: The Second Industrial Revolution? London: Butterworths, £27.50.

“ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY IN EUROPE” Joyce, F. E. and Schneider, G. (editors), 1988: Environment and Economic Development in the Regions of the European Community. Aldershot: Avebury/Gower, £18.50 hb.

“POLITICS OF PRIVATISATION” Ascher, K., 1987: The Politics of Privatisation: Contracting Out Public Services. London: Macmillan Education Ltd. £30.00 cloth, £8.95 paper.

“RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING POLICY” Davies, T. and Mason, C., 1986: Shutting out the Inner City Worker. University of Bristol, School for Advanced Urban Studies, £4.30.

Chapman, P. G. and Tooze, M. J., 1987: The Youth Training Scheme in the United Kingdom. Avebury: Gower Publishing Company, £22.50.

“JOB GENERATION RESEARCH” Storey, D. J. and Johnson, S., 1987: Job Generation and Labour Market Change. London: Macmillan.  相似文献   

CAG Consultants, 1988: Economic Development for the People of Norwich. Norwich: City of Norwich, no price stated.

Cooper. H. 1989: The West Midlands Labour Market. London: HMSO, £12.50.

Galt, V. et al, 1988: Skills and Training Needs — Report of a Survey of Task Force Area Residents. Nottingham: DTI Task Force, no price stated.

Gait, V. et al, 1990: The Government's Nottingham Task Force Area Skills Audit — a Follow-up Study, 1990. Nottingham: DTI Task Force, no price stated.

Institute for Employment Research, 1989: People and Skills in Coventry. Coventry: City of Coventry, £14.95 paper.

London Research Centre, 1989: The Eating Skills Survey Report. Ealing: London Borough of Ealing, Planning and Economic Development, no price stated.

P-E Inbucon, 1989: Realising the Potential. Final Report. Rochdale: Rochdale Task Force, no price stated.

Policy Research Unit, 1989: The Wakefield Employment Skills Survey. Wakefield: Wakefield MDC, Economic Development Department, £25.00 for all three volumes.

Policy Research Unit, 1990: The Leeds Labour Force: People and their Skills. Leeds: PRU, Leeds Polytechnic, no price stated.

Policy Research Unit, 1990: Skills in the Community: a Study of Harehills and Belle Isle/Middleton. Leeds: PRU, Leeds Polytechnic, no price stated.

Tinsley Community, 1988: Skills and Unemployment Survey in Tinsley, no price stated, attached to Council minutes.

Training Agency, Wales, 1990/91: Valley Skills. Five volumes, first free, the remaining four add up to £16.50. Cardiff: Intelligence Unit, Department of Employment.  相似文献   

Friends of the Earth (UK), 1989: The Environmental Charter for Local Government. London: Friends of the Earth, no price stated.

Association of Metropolitan Authorities, 1989: Action for the Future - Priorities for the Environment. London: AMA, £10.00.

Local Government Training Board, 1990: The Environmental Role of Local Government. Luton: LGTB, no price stated.

SEEDS (South East Economic Development Strategy), 1990: Green Plan — Interim Report. Stevenage: SEEDS, no price stated.

The Local Authority Associations, 1990: Environmental Practice in Local Government. London: Association of District Councils, £20.00 (£15.00 to local authorities).

Opschoor, J.B. and Vos, H.B. 1989: Economic Instruments for Environmental Protection. Paris: OECD, no price stated.  相似文献   


Finn, D. 1994: A New Partnership? Training and Enterprise Councils and the Voluntary Sector. London: Unemployment Unit, no price given, paper.

Boddy, M. 1995: TECs and Racial Equality: Training, Work Experience and Ethnic Minorities. Bristol: SAUS Publications, £11.50 paper.


Haughton, G. and Whitney, D. (eds) 1994: Reinventing a Region: Restructuring in West Yorkshire. Aldershot: Avebury, £37.50 cased.  相似文献   

“Urban unemployment”

Hasluck, C., 1987: Urban Unemployment: Local labour markets and employment initiatives. London, Longman, £6.95 paper.

“Property and industrial development”

Fothergill, S., Monk, S. and Perry, M. 1387: Property and Industrial Development London: Hutchinson, £12.95 paper.


Breheny, M. J. and McQuaid, R. W. 1987: The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey. London: Croom Helm, £35.00.

Monde, C. (ed), 1986: Science Parks -- Their Contribution to Economic Growth. Birmingham: UK Science Parks Association, £15.00 paper.

“American perspectives”

Bergman, Edward M. Editor 1986: Local Economies in Transition: Policy Realities and Development Potentials. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, $40.00 cloth, $16.95, paper.

“Marginal regions”

O'Cearbhaill, D. and Cawley, M. (editors) 1986: New approaches to the development of Marginal Regions, 8th International Seminar on Marginal Regions in association with University College Galway, 3 Vote: no price stated.

“Training without jobs”

Finn, Dan 1987: Training Without Jobs:New Deals and Broken Promises:From Raising the School Leaving Age to the Youth Training Scheme. London: Macmillan £6.95.

“The coopera tive workplace”

Rothschild, J. and Whitt, A. J. 1986: The Cooperative Workplace: potentials and dilemmas of organizational democracy and participation. USA: American Sociological Association Rose Monograph Series, Cambridge University Press. No price stated.

“Opposition to plant closures”

Maunders, A. 1986: A Process of Struggle. Aldershot: Gower £20.00 cloth.

“Property data”

Investment Property Databank, 1987: The IPD Annual Review 1987 London, £45.

“Urban economic development”

Hausner.V. A. (editor) 1987: Critical Issues in Urban Economic Development. Volume II. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £22.50 hardback.  相似文献   

“LOCAL ECONOMIC REGENERATION IN SCOTLAND” Hugh Morison, 1987: The Regeneration of Local Economies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £19.50 HB.

“'MANAGING' URBAN CHANGE?” Department of the Environment, 1988: Managing Urban Change: A Report on the Management Training Needs of Urban Programme Project Managers. HMSO, £7.20

“WORKER CO-OPERATIVES” Mary Mellor, Janet Hannah and John Stirling, 1988: Worker Co-operatives in Theory and Practice. Open University Press, £25.00 cloth, £8.95 paper.

“COPING WITH RECESSION” Harris, C. C. 1987: Redundancy and Recession in South Wales. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, £29.50 hardback.  相似文献   

“URBAN ECONOMIC CHANGE” Victor A. Hausner and members of the ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme, 1987: Urban Economic Change: Five City Studies. Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25.00.

“ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY” Robinson, F., Wren, C. and Goddard, J., 1987: Economic Development Policies-An Evaluative Study of the Newcastle Metropolitan Region. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £8.95 paper.

'URBAN REGENERATION ISSUES” London Strategic Policy Unit, 1987: Land for Industry: The need for industrial land in London until 1990. London: LSPU, no price stated.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Re-using Redundant Buildings: Case Studies of Good Practice in Urban Regeneration. HMSO £11.95.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Managing Workspaces: Case Studies of Good Practice in Urban Regeneration. HMSO £11.95.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Greening Crty Sites: Case Studies in Good Practice in Urban Re-generation. HMSO £11.95.

“VIEWS FROM THE DISTRICTS” Association of District Councils, 1987: A Blueprint for Urban Areas, Volumes 1 and 2. London: £12.00.

Association of District Councils, 1987: Economic Development Initiatives and Innovations: Best Practice Paper No. 6 (Revised). London: £4.00.  相似文献   

Short reviews     

Leedale, M. 1988: Working Paper No. 108 — Intervention and the East London Clothing Industry. Oxford Polytechnic School of Planning, £4.00 plus 85p p. & p.

Lemaitre, J. (ed) 1988: Long Term Unemployment: Which Way Out? Brussels: Elise Publications, 10/Ecus/BF440 + BF50 postage.

Stewart A. 1968: Planning Homes and Jobs: The Sheffield Report Sheffield City Council, £10.00 including postage.

Association of County Councils, Association of District Councils, Association of Metropolitan Authorities. Stimulating Local Enterprise, the local authority role. £5.50 including postage.

Anglo German Foundation and Otto-Blume-lnstitut fur Sozialforschung und Gesellschafts politik, 1988, Local Labour Market Policies in Britain and Germany, London: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. 17 Bloomsbury Square. London WC1A 1LP, £4.50.

Watson, J. (ed), 1989: An Introduction to Political Economy & Planning: Four Interesting Essays, Anglia Higher Education College.

Report for the Commission of Bishop's Council of Diocese of Birmingham, 1988: Faith in the City of Birmingham. Exeter. Paternoster Press, £3.50.  相似文献   

“LOCAL EMPLOYMENT PLANS” Norwich City Council, 1987: Taking Norwich into the 1990s. Norwich, free.

Bristol City Council, 1987: Bristol: An Employment Plan. Bristol, £1.00.

Reading Borough Council, 1987: Creating Opportunities: A Programme for Jobs in Reading. Reading, no price stated.

Cleveland County Council, 1987: Unemployment Strategy. Middlesbrough, free.

Sheffield City Council: Employment and Economic Development Department 1987: Sheffield Employment Matters. Issue 1. Sheffield, £10 for 3 issues.

Lancashire Enterprises Ltd, 1987: Annual Report 1986-87. Preston, free.

“ETHNIC MINORITIES AND YOUTH TRAINING” Malcolm Cross and Douglas Smith (editors) 1987: Black Youth Futures: Ethnic Minorities and the Youth Training Scheme, National Youth Bureau. No price stated.

“HOMEWORKING” Allen, S. and Wolkowitz, C., 1987: Homeworking: Myths and Realities. London: Macmillan, £25.00 cloth, £7.95 paper.

“STRATEGY FOR RETAILING” Montgomery, J., 1987: Trade Winds — the changing face of retailing and retail employment in the South East — an alternative strategy. South East Economic Development Strategy, Daneshill House, Danesgate Street, Stevenage, Herts. No price stated.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Simon Clarke, 1988: Keynesianism, Monetarism and the Crisis of the State. Edward Elgar, £35.00 hardback.

Ivan Turok, 1989: Development Planning and Local Economic Growth: A Study of Process and Policy in Bracknell New Town. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Progress in Planning, Vol 31, Part 2, £18.50 paper.

Turok, I. and Richardson, P., August 1989: Supporting the Start-Up and Growth of Small Firms: A Study in West Lothian. Strathclyde Papers on Planning No. 14, no price stated.

Centre for Local Economic Strategies, January 1989: Channel Tunnel: Vicious Circle. Pilot Study: The Impact of the Channel Tunnel on the North of England. Research Study Series No 2, £10.00.

Institute for Employment Research, 1989: Review of the Economy and Employment 1988/89. Two volumes. Coventry: Warwick University, no price stated.

Social Audit Network News (SANE) Ray Hudson, 1989: Wrecking a Region. London: Pion, £49.50 hardback.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Centre for Leisure end Tourism Studies, Polytechnic of North London, 1989: A Study of Arts and Employment in Islington. For London Borough of Islington, no price stated.

Centre for Leisure and Tourism Studies, Polytechnic of North London, 1990: Study into the Premises Heeds and Problems of Crafts Firms in Clerkenwell. For London Borough of Islington, no price stated.

CLES 1991: Challenging the TECs - First Year Interim Report of the CLES TEC/LEC Monitoring Project. CLES, Alberton House, St Mary's Parsonage, Manchester M3 2WJ, £20.00 paper

Rajan, A., 1990: 1992: A Zero Sum Game. London: Industrial Society Press, £27.50 cloth.  相似文献   

“REDUNDANT SPACE?” Green, Howard and Foley, Paul, 1986: Redundant Space, A Productive Asset Harper & Row, London, on behalf of the Small Business Research Trust, £14.95.

“SMALL FACTORIES” Perry, M., 1986: Small Factories and Economic Development. Aldershot: Gower, £22.50.

“COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES” Willett, R. 1985: Village Ventures. Rural Communities in Action. Rural Voice/Bedford Square Press, £3.25

Alexander, T. 1986: Value for People, Adult Education and Popular Planning. Popular Planning Project, Clapham-Battersea Adult Education Institute, 116 Battersea Park Road, London, £2.50

Ashby, P. 1986: Trade Unions and the Community, Working for Jobs. Bedford Square Press/N.C.V.O.£2.50

“COMMUNITIES IN BUSINESS” Centre for Employment Initiatives/Community Initiatives Research Trust, 1986: Communities in Business. London: Centre for Employment Initiatives, £6.95 paper.

“LONDON TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY” London Strategic Policy Unit, 1987: Britain's Industrial Renaissance? The Development, Manufacture and Use of Information Technology. London: L.S.P.U.

“EUROPEAN EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVES” Martinos, H., 1986: Employment Creation in Local Labour Markets — Four Case Studies (ILE Notebooks No 5). Paris: OECD, price FF 60.00

“CHALLENGING THE MSC” Benn, C. and Fairley, J. Editors: 1986: Challenging the MSC on jobs, training and education. London Pluto Press, £5.95 Paperback.

“SMALL FIRMS” Scott, M., Lewis, J., Gibb, A., Faulkner, T.; Editors: 1986: Small Firms Growth and Development Gower, £19.50  相似文献   

”THE GEOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC CHANGE“ Martin and Rowthorn (eds), 1986: The Geography of De-industrialisation. London: Macmillan, £30 cloth, £8.95 paper.

Champion, A. G. et al, 1987: Changing Places. London: Edward Arnold, £7.95 paper.

“WHAT FUTURE FOR THE LOCAL STATE?” Simon Duncan and Mark Goodwin, 1988: The Local State and Uneven Development. Cambridge: Polity Press, £8.95 paperback.


(1) All Change: A study of Bus Transportation Planning, Deregulation and Privatisation in seven towns; Consultant Dr P. A. Stanley; March 1987.

(2) After Chernobyl: A safe energy policy for the South East; Consultant Adrian Atkinson; May 1987.

(3) Troubled Waters: Water services in the South East Region; Consultants Dr J. Rees and Dr M. Synott; May 1987.

(4) Jobs Plan Workshop [W.P.2]; Oxford City Council; May 1987.

(5) Opportunities for energy conservation in Brighton and Harlow council housing stock: G. Matthews, S. Hodgkinson and M. Fergusson.

(6) Defence Electronics Conference [W.P.1]; Stevenage DC; November 1987.

(7) British Rail Services in the Southampton Area (W.P.3]; Consultant Helen Dawson; February 1988.

(8) Right Lines?: A study of British Rail Services in the South East; Consultant Helen Dawson; September 1988.

(9) South-South Divide; SEEDS 1987.

All published by SEEDS, The South East Economic Development Strategy.

“INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING — PROCESSES AND POLITICS” Irene Hardill, 1987: The regional implications of the restructuring in the wool textile industry. Aldershot: Gower, £25.

Bo Strath, 1987: The politics of deindustrialisation. The contraction of the West European shipbuilding industry. London: Croom Helm.  相似文献   

Likierman, A. 1988: Public Expenditure: Who Really Controls it and How? London: Penguin, £4.99.

Helm, D. (ed) 1989: The Economic Borders of the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, £35.00 cloth, £15.00 paper.

Collard, D. (ed) 1989: Fiscal Policy: Essays in Honour of Cedric Sandford. Aldershot: Avebury, £35.00 cloth.

Hare, P. (ed) 1988: Surveys in Public Sector Economics. Oxford: Blackwell, £37.50 cloth.  相似文献   


Employment Institute, 1991: Improving Britain's Industrial Performance. London: Employment Institute, £4.50 paper.

Beynon, H., Hudson, R. and Sadler, D. 1991: A Tale of Two Industries: The Contraction of Coal and Steel in the North East of England. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, £9.99 paper.


Murray, R. 1991: Local Space: Europe and the New Regionalism. Manchester/Stevenage: CLES/SEEDS.


Michael Fass and Richard Scothorne 1990: The Vital Economy - Integrating Training and Enterprise. Fountainhall, Edinburgh: Abbeystrand Publishing £7.99 paper.


Hodge, M. 1991: Quality, Equality, Democracy: Improving Public Services. London: Fabian Pamphlet 549, £3.50 paper.  相似文献   

John Allen and Doreen Massey (eds), 1988: The Economy in Question. London: Sage Publications, £8.95 paper.

Doreen Massey and John Allen (eds), 1988: Uneven Re-Development: Cities and Regions in Transition. A Reader. London: Hodder and Stoughton, £7.50 paper.

Kevin Morgan and Andrew Sayer, 1988: Microcircuits of Capital: “Sunrise” Industry and Uneven Development Oxford: Polity Press. £35.00 cloth.  相似文献   

'WOMEN IN BRITAIN TODAY' Beechey, Veronica and Whitelegg, Elizabeth (Editors), 1986: Women in Britain Today. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, £20.00 hardback, £6.95 paperback.

'WOMEN AND TRAINING' Wickham, Ann. 1986: Women and Training. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, £6.95 paperback.

'ALL WORK AND NO PLAY?' Deem, R. 1986: All Work and No Play? The Sociology of Women and Leisure Milton Keynes:Open University Press, £20.00 hardback, £6.95 paperback.

'ANY ADVANCE ON MONETARISM?' Tomlinson, J., 1986: Monetarism: Is There an Alternative? Oxford: Blackwell, £22.50 hardback, £6.50 paperback.

'LOCAL AUTHORITIES ACTION ON INDUSTRIAL CLOSURES' Local Authority Associations, 1986: Crisis and opportunity: local authorities' response to decline of major traditional industries. Available from ACC, ADC or AMA, £5.00 incl. p. and p.

'DEVELOPING THE SOCIALLY USEFUL ECONOMY' Bodington, S., George, M. and Michaelson, J., 1986: Developing the Socially Useful Economy. Macmillan, £9.95 paperback.  相似文献   

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