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Short reviews     

Leedale, M. 1988: Working Paper No. 108 — Intervention and the East London Clothing Industry. Oxford Polytechnic School of Planning, £4.00 plus 85p p. & p.

Lemaitre, J. (ed) 1988: Long Term Unemployment: Which Way Out? Brussels: Elise Publications, 10/Ecus/BF440 + BF50 postage.

Stewart A. 1968: Planning Homes and Jobs: The Sheffield Report Sheffield City Council, £10.00 including postage.

Association of County Councils, Association of District Councils, Association of Metropolitan Authorities. Stimulating Local Enterprise, the local authority role. £5.50 including postage.

Anglo German Foundation and Otto-Blume-lnstitut fur Sozialforschung und Gesellschafts politik, 1988, Local Labour Market Policies in Britain and Germany, London: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. 17 Bloomsbury Square. London WC1A 1LP, £4.50.

Watson, J. (ed), 1989: An Introduction to Political Economy & Planning: Four Interesting Essays, Anglia Higher Education College.

Report for the Commission of Bishop's Council of Diocese of Birmingham, 1988: Faith in the City of Birmingham. Exeter. Paternoster Press, £3.50.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Action for Training and Employment Rights, 1991: Paradise Lost or Regained? A community group study of the impact of Celtic F.C. on the economy and environment of the east end of Glasgow. From: 9 Chalmers Gate. Glasgow G40 2EL £2.00  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Ken Worpole 《Local Economy》1993,7(4):383-384
Wynne, D. (ed.) 1992: The Culture Industry: The arts in urban regeneration. Aldershot: Avebury, £30.00 cloth.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Centre for Employment Research, 1990: Ethnic Minority Businesses and Employment in Greater Manchester. Manchester: Greater Manchester Economic Development Officers Ltd, no price stated.

The National Economic Development Council, 1990: Working for Pleasure -Tourism and Leisure Tomorrow. London: NEDO, £15.00 Report, £35.00 Conference Papers.

John Freeman, Frank Gaffikin and Mike Morrissey, 1989: The Irish Economies: A Common Future? Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union, Belfast. No price given.

Morrissey, H. 1989: Women in Ireland: The Impact of 1992. The Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union.

Gorman. G. 1989: School-Industry Links. London: Kogan Page.

Brewster, C. and Teague, P. 1989: European Community Social Policy-Its Impact on the UK. Institute of Personnel Management, £30.00 cloth.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Simon Clarke, 1988: Keynesianism, Monetarism and the Crisis of the State. Edward Elgar, £35.00 hardback.

Ivan Turok, 1989: Development Planning and Local Economic Growth: A Study of Process and Policy in Bracknell New Town. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Progress in Planning, Vol 31, Part 2, £18.50 paper.

Turok, I. and Richardson, P., August 1989: Supporting the Start-Up and Growth of Small Firms: A Study in West Lothian. Strathclyde Papers on Planning No. 14, no price stated.

Centre for Local Economic Strategies, January 1989: Channel Tunnel: Vicious Circle. Pilot Study: The Impact of the Channel Tunnel on the North of England. Research Study Series No 2, £10.00.

Institute for Employment Research, 1989: Review of the Economy and Employment 1988/89. Two volumes. Coventry: Warwick University, no price stated.

Social Audit Network News (SANE) Ray Hudson, 1989: Wrecking a Region. London: Pion, £49.50 hardback.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Davison, A. and Seary, B. 1990: Grants from Europe: How to Get Money and Influence Policy. London: Bedford Square Press, published in association with ERICA, £7.95 paper.

Paton, R. and Hooker, C., 1990: Developing Managers in Voluntary Organisations. Sheffield: The Training Agency, Moorfoot, Sheffield, S1 4PQ, free of charge.

Walton, P. 1990: Job Sharing: A practical guide. London: Kogan Page Ltd, £6.99 paper.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Northern Ireland Economic Council, 1990: The Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland: Selective Financial Assistance and Economic Development Policy. Report No 79. Belfast: NIEC (available on request).

Northern Ireland Economic Council, 1990: The Private Sector in the Northern Ireland Economy. Report No 82, Belfast: NIEC, free of charge.

Lewis, B. and Edge, J. (eds) 1990: That's My Business. Castleford: Yorkshire Art Circus, £6.50 paper.

Chauhan, V. 1989: Beyond Steel Bands 'n' Samosa: Black Young People in the Youth Service, Leicester: National Youth Bureau, £5.95 paper.

Gaffikin, F. and Morrissey, M. 1990: Northern Ireland: The Thatcher Years. London: Zed Press, no price stated.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Centre for Leisure end Tourism Studies, Polytechnic of North London, 1989: A Study of Arts and Employment in Islington. For London Borough of Islington, no price stated.

Centre for Leisure and Tourism Studies, Polytechnic of North London, 1990: Study into the Premises Heeds and Problems of Crafts Firms in Clerkenwell. For London Borough of Islington, no price stated.

CLES 1991: Challenging the TECs - First Year Interim Report of the CLES TEC/LEC Monitoring Project. CLES, Alberton House, St Mary's Parsonage, Manchester M3 2WJ, £20.00 paper

Rajan, A., 1990: 1992: A Zero Sum Game. London: Industrial Society Press, £27.50 cloth.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Bynner, J. and Roberts, K. (eds), 1991: Youth and Work: Transition to Employment in England and Germany, London: Anglo-German Foundation, £17 paper. Available from BEBC, 15 Albion Close, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH12 3LL

Brah, A. and Shaw, S. 1992: Working Choices: South Asian Young Muslim Women and the Labour Market, Sheffield: Department of Employment Research Paper No 91, free.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Greater Manchester Low Pay Unit, 1991: The Good Employer: A Guide to Employing People. Available from 23 New Mount Street, Manchester M4 4DE, £5.00 paper.

Healey, P. 1990: From Shipyard to Housing Estate - the Transformation of the Hebburn Riverside 1979-1989. Department of Town and Country Planning, University of Newcastle, £8.50 paper.

Cameron, G., Moore, B., Nicholls, D., Rhodes, J. and Tyler, P. (eds) 1990: Cambridge Regional Economic Review, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Lawless, P. 1989: Britain's Inner Cities. London: Paul Chapman, £9.95 paper.

Leedale, M. and Beaumont, B. 1989: City Grants-Application Appraisal and Evaluation. Oxford Polytechnic School of Planning, Working Paper No. 117, £3.50 + 85p postage and packing.

Leo Klaassen, Leo van den Berg and Jan van der Meer (eds) 1989: The City: Engine behind Economic Recovery. Gower, £35.00 cloth.

Cross, D. and Whitehead, C. (eds), 1989: Development and Planning 1989. Newbury, Berks.: Policy Journals, £19.50 (plus £2.50 p).

Phil Blackburn and Richard Sharpe (eds), 1988: Britain's Industrial Renaissance? The Development Manufacture and Use of Information Technology. London: A Comedia Book, Published by Routledge.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books Reviewed in this article: Great Britain And Ireland A. Curry and E. Matthew, eds., Concepts and patterns of service in the later middle ages, I: the fifteenth century Peter Clark and Raymond Gillespie, eds., Two capitals: London and Dublin, 1500–1840 David Hickman, ed., Lincoln wills, 1532–1534 Jill Barlow, ed., A calendar of the registers of apprentices of the city of Gloucester, 1595–1700 Todd M. Endelman, The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000 Madge Dresser, Slavery obscured: the social history of the slave trade in an English provincial port Thomas Sokoll, ed., Essex pauper letters, 1731–1837 Richard Rodger, The transformation of Edinburgh: land, property and trust in the nineteenth century Bernard Cronin, Technology, industrial conflict and the development of technical education in nineteenth–century England Glyn Jones, The millers: a story of technological endeavour and industrial success, 1870–2001 Jeffrey Hill, Sport. leisure and culture in twentieth–century Britain Thomas Gibson, Road haulage by motor in Britain: the first forty years Alan F. Wilt, Food for war: agriculture and rearmament in Britain before the Second World War A. Hinds, Britain's sterling colonial policy and decolonization, 1939–1958 George Symeonidis, The effects of competition: cartel policy and the evolution of British industrial policy General Paul Cartledge, Edward E. Cohen, and Lin Foxhall, eds., Money, labour and land: approaches to the economies of ancient Greece Thomas J. Sargent and François R. Velde, The big problem of small change Patrick O’Brien, Marjolein ’t Hart, Derek Keene, and Hermann Van der Wee, eds., Urban achievement in early modern Europe: golden ages in Antwerp, Amsterdam and London Stephen L. Harp, Marketing Michelin: advertising and cultural identity in twentieth–century France Tom Scott, Society and economy in Germany, 1300–1600 Jon Cohen and Giovanni Federico, The growth of the Italian economy, 1820–1960 Ken Albala, Eating right in the Renaissance Patrick Griffin, The people with no name: Ireland's Ulster Scots, America's Scots Irish, and the creation of a British Atlantic world, 1689–1764 Laura Rigal, The American manufactory: art, labor, and the world of things in the early republic Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Looking for work, searching for workers: American labor markets during industrialization Wyatt Wells, Antitrust and the formation of the postwar world Charles Levenstein and Gregory F. DeLaurier, with Mary Lee Dunn, The cotton dust papers: science, politics, and power in the ‘discovery’ of byssinosis in the US Timothy Curtis Jacobson and George David Smith, Cotton's renaissance: a study in market innovation Gerardo della Paolera and Alan M. Taylor, Straining at the anchor: the Argentine Currency Board and the search for macroeconomic stability, 1880–1935 Iain McCalman, Alexander Cook, and Andrew Reeves, eds., Gold: forgotten histories and lost objects of Australia Lou Taylor, The study of dress history Luis Suarez–Villa, Invention and the rise of technocapitalism Gordon Boyce, Co–operative structures in global business: communicating, transferring knowledge and learning across the corporate frontier  相似文献   

Book reviews     
book reviews in this articles Janet Cooper, ed., A history of the county of Essex, IX: the borough of Colchester John Walmsley, ed., Charters and custumals of the abbey of Holy Trinity Caen, 2 Donald Woodward, Men at work: labourers and building craftsmen in the towns of northern England, 1450-1750 J. Goodacre, The transformation of a peasant economy: townspeople and villagers in the Lutterworth area, 1500-1700 Richard Roberts and David Kynaston, eds., The Bunk of England: money, power and influence, 1694-1994 Dror Wahrman, Imagining the middle class: the political representation of class in Britain, c.1780-1840 John Burnett, Idle hands: the experience of unemployment, 1790-1990 Charlotte Erickson, Leaving England: essays on British emigration in the nineteenth century M. H. Port, Imperial London: civil government building in London, 1851-1915 Jane Lewis, The voluntary sector, the state and social work in Britain Helen Jones, Health and society in twentieth-century Britain (London and New York) Helen Mercer, Constructing a competitive order: the hidden history of British antitrust policies Anthony J. Nicholls, Freedom with responsibility: the social market economy in Germany, 1918-1963 Anthony J. Nicholls, Freedom with responsibility: the social market economy in Germany, 1918-1963 Anthony J. Nicholls, Freedom with responsibility: the social market economy in Germany, 1918-1963 Niek Koenig, The failure of agrarian capitalism: agrarian politics in the United Kingdom, Germany Halil Inalcik and Donald Quataert, eds., An economic and social history of the Ottoman empire, 1300-1914 D. K. Fieldhouse, Merchant capital and economic decolonization: the United Africa Company, 1929-1989 Gene Smiley, The American economy in the twentieth century A. J. H. Latham and Heita Kawakatsu, eds., Japanese industrialization and the Asian economy Toshito Suzuki, Japanese government loan issues on the London capital market, 1870-1913 Richard H. Grove, Green imperialism: colonial expansion, tropical island Edens and the origins of environmentalism, 1600-1860 Forrest Capie, Charles Goodhart, Stanley Fischer, and Norbert Schnadt, The future of central banking: the tercentenary symposium of the Bank of England Roy Porter and Mikulá? Teich, eds., Drugs and narcotics in history  相似文献   

Book reviews     
D. A. E. Pelteret, Slavery in early mediaeval England from the reign of Alfred until the twelfth century Edward Miller and John Hatcher, Medieval England: towns, commerce and crafts, 1086-1348 Maryanne Kowaleski, Local markets and regional trade in medieval Exeter Rosemary Horrox, ed., Fifteenth-century attitudes: perceptions of society in late medieval England Anthony Fletcher, Gender, sex and subordination in England, 1500-1800 Tim Harris, ed., Popular culture in England, c. 1500-1850 Margaret Spufford, ed., The world of rural dissenters, 1520-1725 John Guy, ed., The reign of Elizabeth I: court and culture in the last decade David L. Smith, Richard Strier, and David Bevington, eds., The theatrical city: culture, theatre and politics in London, 1576-1649 Richard Grassby, The business community of seventeenth-century England M.J. Braddick, Parliamentary taxation in seventeenth-century England: local administration and response Adrian Wilson, The making of man-midwifery: childbirth in England, 1660-1770 Kathleen Wilson, The sense of the people: politics, culture and imperialism in England, 1715-1785 David Hancock, Citizens of the world: London merchants and the integration of the British Atlantic community, 1735-1785 David R. Green, From artisans to paupers: economic change and poverty in London, 1790-1870 Cyril Ehrlich, First Philharmonic: a history of the Royal Philharmonic Society Patrick Joyce, Democratic subjects: the self and the social in nineteenth-century England Keith Laybourn, The evolution of British social policy and the Welfare State, c. 1800-1993 Bill Lancaster, The department store: a social history W.W. Knox, Hanging by a thread: the Scottish cotton industry, c. 1850-1914 C.H. Lee, Scotland and the United Kingdom: the economy and the Union in the twentieth century Eric M. Sigsworth, A respectable life: Leeds in the 1930s Timothy R. Whisler, At the end of the road: the rise and fall of Austin-Healey, MG and Triumph Sports Cars John D. Fudge, Cargoes, embargoes and emissaries: the commercial and political interaction of England and the German Hanse, 1450-1510 Pamela H. Smith, The business of alchemy: science and culture in the Holy Roman Empire Daniel Roche, The culture of clothing: dress and fashion in the‘ancien regime’ Göran Hoppe and John Langton, Peasantry to capitalism: western Östergötland in the nineteenth century Charles Feinstein, ed., Banking, currency and finance in Europe between the wars David Conroy, In public houses: drink and the revolution of authority in colonial Massachusetts Peter Temin, ed., Inside the business enterprise: historical perspectives on the use of information Historical atlas of Canada: R. Cole Harris, ed., Vol. i: From the beginning to 1800; R. Louis Gentilcore, ed., Vol. 2: The land transformed, 1800-1891; D. Kerr, ed., Vol. 3: Addressing the twentieth century, 1891-1961 Laird W. Bergad, Fe Iglesias García, and María del Carmen Barcia, The Cuban slave market, 1790-1880 Linda Cooke Johnson, Shanghai from market town to treaty port, 1074-1858 Olive Checkland, Shizuya Nishimura, and Norio Tamaki, eds., Pacific banking, 1859-1959: East meets West Tessa Morris-Suzuki, The technological transformation of Japan from the seventeenth to the twenty-first century J. Komlos, ed., The biological standard of living on three continents: further explorations in anthropometric history Forrest Capie, Tariffs and growth: some insights from the world economy, 1850-1940 John A. James and Mark Thomas, eds., Capitalism in context: essays in economic development and cultural change in honor of R.M. Hartwell Theodore M. Porter, Trust in numbers: the pursuit of objectivity in science and public life  相似文献   

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