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客户细分是企业竞争优势的主要来源,准确地进行客户细分是有效实施客户保持策略的基础,保持有价值的客户应按照客户细分情况有效地组织企业资源,以客户为中心提高客户满意度,并以此为手段来提高企业获得利润的能力.  相似文献   

基于优质客户盈利能力的客户保持策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今的客户管理已经不再仅仅局限于树立"客户是上帝"的传统观念,客户也有可能成为"魔鬼",给企业带来坏账、诉讼等,导致企业经济利益流失,单纯地扩大市场份额并不一定能够确保持久的竞争优势.为更好地实现企业价值,现代企业应通过分析客户盈利率来寻找优质客户,通过理解并响应客户的需求和愿望、提升质量与品牌形象、进行感情投资及忠诚营销计划等来维系优质客户.  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场竞争,提高客户的保持率已成为企业所面临的重要课题.为此,管理者要学会对保持客户的选择和分析,更重要的是要掌握选择科学的客户保持策略组合的思路和方法.本文对上述问题进行了深入分析,以期给企业管理者提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中获得客户的广泛认可并提升客户的价值是不容易的,品牌企业不仅要提高产品的质量,更要建立优质的品牌化的销售服务,如果客户有潜在的价值提升空间,则品牌企业应投入一定的资源进行管理,并提供相应的服务来提升客户价值。  相似文献   

刘雯 《商场现代化》2006,(31):10-11
本文从客户生命周期价值的角度,对商业银行零售业务进行了忠诚度阶梯细分和客户关系阶段细分,提出对商业银行客户关系管理策略的几点看法。  相似文献   

旅游行业在我国经历了从行政旅游到商旅出游,再到大众出游的发展过程。伴随着移动互联网的迅速普及与发展,国内在线旅游业风起云涌,一路高歌猛进。国内旅游业竞争激烈,去年携程、去哪儿、途牛、艺龙财报巨亏,但大量的成本投入换得了弥足珍贵的市场份额,促进了在线旅游市场消费习惯养成,让国内在线旅游市场份额达到新的高度。所以,维系良好的客户关系、提升客户的忠诚度对在线旅游企业尤为重要。  相似文献   

随着行业市场化取向改革的积极推进,开展精益营销是提升企业经营能力和客户服务水平的有效途径。文章以客户价值管理为前提,发掘零售终端价值,以提升卷烟零售客户价值体系为核心,具体阐述提升客户忠诚度的方法和内容。  相似文献   

服务业客户流失原因及客户保持策略   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
顾客忠诚是服务业生存和发展的基础,是企业获取利润和持续竞争优势的源泉。但是由于顾客对服务质量不满意、企业营销政策失误及转换成本低等原因常常引起服务业客户流失。为此,企业可通过创新产品策略、超越顾客期望、完善客户关系管理等手段提高客户保持率,增强企业竞争力。  相似文献   

日益激烈的竞争压力促使企业越来越重视客户管理,合理的客户分类作为客户管理的重要基础和关键环节,成为了企业关注的焦点,本文把客户价值作为评价基础,对目前主要的客户分类方法进行了分析和总结,为企业管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

WTO开放以来,国外的很多银行都陆续进入我国,给我国的金融市场造成了猛烈的冲击。商业银行要想在激烈的市场竞争中存活,就要不断抢占客户和市场,对客户价值评价和客户分类进行研究,已经成为了一种必然的手段。通过对商业银行客户价值评价准则的描述,研究分析了商业银行客户价值评价和分类过程中存在的问题,并提出了合理的改进方法,即建立完善的客户价值评价体系;按需分类,更好地为客户服务;以客户满意为宗旨,创新产品种类;建立完备的数据库,让信息资源得以共享。进而增加银行的经济效益,推动我国金融市场的健康、稳定、可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于顾客让渡价值的消费者购物决策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先根据我国电子商务的发展现状,分析了消费者购物决策研究的重要性.在回顾传统的消费者决策模型和网上消费者购物决策模型的基础上,修正了消费者购物决策过程,从顾客让渡价值决定购买行为这一基点来构建购物方式决策模型,最后对该模型的优缺点进行了探讨,并对今后的研究方向作了预测并给予建议.  相似文献   

We study the effects of customer-specific marketing expenses on customer retention and customer profitability in a business-to-business setting. Using data from a company providing hygiene services, we look at the impact of a hitherto unstudied type of expense targeted at individual customer relationships: the offering of free equipment to customers. The data allow tracking the activities performed in more than 4,500 customer relationships over a period of 4 years. Retention rates are higher for customers targeted with free equipment, but this effect results from an interaction with customer size. First-order dynamic panel data analyses show that the impact of targeted marketing expenses on customer dollar profit is positive for large customers, but there is no effect for smaller customers. Thus, targeted marketing expenses seem to be a tool for relationship maintenance rather than customer development: they help in retaining large customers that generate more profit, but they do not seem to work in developing new customers into larger, more profitable ones.  相似文献   

What is your company's customer retention rate? How many customers are price defectors? Have you identified barriers that prevent customers from switching to a competitor? In this article, the author outlines a game plan to increase customer retention.  相似文献   

The image that current and potential customers have of a retail store affects the magnitude of patronage at that store. In attempting to increase store patronage, management of a retail store must look to people who already are customers, as well as to people who are not current customers. The appropriate strategy depends upon the dimensions used by people in their evaluation of the store. The hypothesis is tested that the strategy used for gaining increased patronage from customers may have to differ from that used to gain patronage from noncustomers.Field survey techniques were used to collect data from 225 adult females. Respondents evaluated three large retail department stores, which were believed to have distinct images in the minds of female shoppers, on the basis of a set of 12 semantic scales that represented various store attributes. Each respondent indicated frequency of shopping at each store. The data were analyzed by two different multiple discriminant analyses. For the customer growth strategy, the semantic scale measures were used to develop a discriminant model for each store to determine which attributes would be the best predictors of shopping frequency. The analysis relevant to the strategy of new customer attraction differed. First, shoppers were classified as loyal to one store on the basis of their rates of shopping at each store. Second, the 36 attribute measurements (12 scales for 3 stores) were factor analyzed, and three factors were extracted. Those attributes which loaded highest on each of the factors for each store were used as predictor variables in the discriminant analysis.The results of this study indicate that different marketing strategies may be required for increasing sales to existing customers and attracting new customers. In addition, consumers do not necessarily differentiate similar type retail stores on the same dimension.  相似文献   

Cross-category variation in customer satisfaction and retention   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Perceived quality, expectations, customer satisfaction, and effect of customer satisfaction on repurchase likelihood are found to be higher for products than for services, but repurchase likelihood for products is lower. Retailers have the highest repurchase likelihood and score lowest on the other variables. A set of relevant category characteristics is used to further understand variation in both the levels of these variables and their relationships. Quality, expectations, satisfaction, and satisfaction's effect on repurchase are higher — and repurchase likelihood is lower — when competition, differentiation, involvement, or experience is high and when switching costs, difficulty of standardization, or ease of evaluating quality is low.The author gratefully acknowledges the data provided through the funding of the Swedish Post Office and the support of the National Quality Research Center at the University of Michigan Business School. This research has benefitted from the comments of Claes Fornell, Michael D. Johnson, Donald R. Lehmann, Mary Sullivan, and participants in the Customer Satisfaction Workshop at the University of Michigan Business School.  相似文献   

The growth of the e-commerce sector has highlighted the importance of shipping fees. We empirically study the effects of shipping fees and marketing activities on customer acquisition, customer retention, and average expenditures using data from an online grocer. We find that shipping fees greatly influence order incidence rates and graduated shipping fees significantly affect average expenditures. The analysis indicates that customer acquisition is more sensitive to order size incentives while retention is more influenced by base shipping fee levels. Furthermore, a profitability analysis suggests that shipping policies that provide incentives for larger order sizes may outperform free shipping promotions and standard increasing fees structures.  相似文献   

马勇 《商业研究》2006,(23):97-100
影响“顾客重购倾向”的两种基本因素是顾客满意和顾客遗憾,二者对“顾客重购倾向”的作用机理是完全不同的。可用顾客满意和顾客遗憾这两个顾客心理变量构建一个影响“顾客重购倾向”的“顾客满意———顾客遗憾”矩阵,通过该矩阵企业可以把自己的产品在其中进行对号入座,以便发现企业产品存在的问题,并采取针对性的营销策略来有效控制和影响“顾客重购倾向”。  相似文献   

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