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Executive Summary
After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) conducted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009. We standardized the samples and enlarged the scale to present an in-depth landscape of the current conditions of and intention for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises as China adopts the "Going Global" strategy to encourage outbound investment, and the development of outbound investment by comparing the results of this survey and the previous two surveys.  相似文献   

1. Characteristic of the supervision mode of "Local Declaration & Port Clearance"
This new mode means that the consignor, consignee or agent (hereafter referred to as "declarant") could choose any competent customs under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou Customs to make declaration and go through the formalities of document-checking and duty-paying, and then finish the cargo-examination and cargo-release at the customs office of entry or exit. The new mode separates the declaration of declarant and the examination of customs. Therefore, it saves the cost on declaration and transportation and inures to the management of customs.  相似文献   

On 23 December 2008, the National De- velopment and Reform Commission ("NDRC") and Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM") of People's Republic of China jointly issued Catalogue of Foreign Investment Advantageous Industries in Central and Western China ("Central and Western Catalogue"), which became effective on 1 January 2009. Tnis marks the second revision to the Central and Western Catalogue since its first promulgation in 2000 (the previous revision occurred in 2004).  相似文献   

After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) conducted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009. We standardized the samples and enlarged the scale to present an in-depth landscape of the current conditions of and intention for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises as China adopts the "'Going Global" strategy to encourage outbound investment, and the development of outbound investment by comparing the results of this survey and the previous two surveys. This survey was also intended to find out Chinese enterprises' opinions on and demand for the "Going Global" policies and service system adopted by the Chinese government.  相似文献   

After thirty yeas "going out" of China overseas investment, we learn from our failed lessons and also successful experience. Chinese enterprises are now standing at a new starting point of "going out". China is transforming from ."capital input power" to "capital output power". With the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission of ER.C., the first China Overseas Investment Fair hosted by China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association was convened on November 3rd-4th in China World Trade Center, Beijing. With forceful and orderly preparation since the beginning of 2009, "COI Fair" aims at providing professional service for Chinese enterprises overseas investment, in forms of both exhibitions and forums.  相似文献   

Resources and environment are the fundamentals for the survival and development of cities. As illustrated in "City Management Efficiency Indexes of China's 200 Cities and Provinces" (CMEICN 2007), the average index of environmental efficiency of 171 cities in Chinese mainland is 0.1672, calculated by the discharge amount of industrial liquid water and the discharge amount of industrial smoke,  相似文献   

After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) con-ucted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009.  相似文献   

Yuan Geng, who created the Shekou Mode, is a pioneer in 30 years' history of China opening to the foreign, and a practicer of the policy by Deng Xiaoping of "Shenzhen Special Zone should break a way for China". The success of Shekou Mode provided a vane to the rapid development of economic zones and development zones in China, and the "growing up" of China. Referring to Yuan Geng, some say he is a capitalist, some say he is pioneer, and some say he is a star of reform, and so on. To carve a real picture let's go near to him and share the valuable memories.  相似文献   

The Chinese government has drafted a series of measures to revive flagging exports of autos and auto pans made by domestic companies, The National Development and Rcform Commission, the central economic planning agency, released the policy of "Directives on Promoting the Healthy and Sustainable Growth of Domesticallymade Auto Products" in Deccmbcr 2009.  相似文献   

Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited ("Standard Chartered China") announced the launch of the 4th "A Legend of the Future-China's Leading Enterprises of Tomorrow Award" ("SME Awards") on June 10, 2009, in Beijinng. Against the backdrop of the-glo-bal-fina-n-cial 'ts-unami, the 4th SME Award aims to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ride out the financial storm and thrive despite the adverse economic environment.  相似文献   

In recent years,with the rapid development of China's economy,more and more Chinese enterprises have actively begun to participate in international competition,and exerted such tremendous influence that they are playing an increasingly significant role in international trade and cooperation. But since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2007,the road for Chinese domestic  相似文献   

浅析我国企业品牌营销的对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在市场竞争中,品牌意识决定着品牌形象的文化品位和档次,反映了企业的追求和精神境界,成为制胜的关键。迄今,我国很多企业还没有树立起正确的品牌意识观,出口产品品牌化程度及品牌价值低,致使产品销路不畅。我国企业应根据自身的条件与特点,提升品牌竞争意识,实施品牌营销战略,只有把"中国制造"变成"中国品牌,"才能在国际市场上占有更大份额,夺取佳绩。  相似文献   

中国绿色食品产业和企业出口的迅速发展,对促进“三农”发展发挥着越来越重要的作用。但企业规模偏小,AA级产品和驰名品牌少,市场定位针对性不强及进入战略、方式选择不当等问题。制约着企业向国际市场的进一步开拓和社会经济效益的提高。本文认为,我国绿色食品企业必须加强市场定位分析。提高产品质量和企业信誉,同时鉴于选择投资式进入战略的条件尚不成熟,成本较高,比较适宜选择贸易式和契约式进入方式开拓国际市场,并以渐进式拓展国际市场,其具体方式主要有五种,即在国外注册、认证方式、联盟方式、契约方式、合资方式、境外设点方式等。  相似文献   

论加入WTO后我国企业的专利管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专利管理对企业发展的意义非同等闲 ,然而国内企业对此重视得还很不够。面对入世以后国际竞争的压力 ,我国企业应当树立并强化专利管理的意识 ,建立专门的专利管理机构 ,使专利管理成为企业日常管理工作的一部分 ,并且根据市场形势与自身特点选择适合自己的专利战略。只有这样才能在专利管理上与外国企业作一抗衡 ,遏制他们在中国的专利圈地运动 ,并进而主动出击 ,尽可能夺取国际市场上的竞争优势  相似文献   

熊小奇  邵娟 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):130-133
当前,中国海外R&D活动存在"主体性"缺位、大企业跨国R&D活动与中小民营科技企业之间存在体制性阻隔、海外R&D微观主体的低层次性及其在国际R&D联盟中被"边缘化"等问题。上述问题严重制约海外R&D投入效益及对外投资国际竞争力的提升。为此,应加强中国海外R&D主体结构的转型升级,构建大企业与中小科技型企业海外R&D互动机制,大力培育"小巨人"跨国公司,并使其逐步成为中国海外R&D的微观主体。  相似文献   

随着中国企业国际化的发展,国际采购必将为中国企业国际竞争力的提高与可持续发展作出越来越重要的贡献。国际采购不仅是企业的运作职能,更是企业的战略职能。运作层次国际采购向战略层次国际采购的发展可以划分为不同阶段。本文采用案例研究方法对不同阶段中国企业国际采购的特征进行实证分析。研究结果表明,中国企业国际采购发展的初级阶段主要是追求海外供应的高质量和高技术,随着国际采购阶段的深入,中国企业国际采购能力建设将更为完善,将追求更为多样化的战略利益。中国企业国际采购所面临的硬性成本与外部障碍的重要性下降,软性成本和内部障碍越来越重要。对于国际采购发展程度较高的企业,内部障碍对企业国际采购能力建设提出了更高的要求。但软性成本的阶段性特征表现得不明显,文化与商业习惯差异是比较普遍的软性成本,其他软性成本类型主要与企业特征或行业类型有关。  相似文献   

关于江苏企业“走出去”的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在经济全球化条件下,企业"走出去",在国际市场占有一席之地,企业才能扩展自己生存与发展的空间.目前,江苏省国有大中型企业体制僵化,企业在缺乏技术优势和持续创新能力以及缺乏资金实力的情况下.难以真正"走出去",无法应对快速变化的海外市场.江苏省应优先推动民营、私营企业"走出去",优先推动对外承包工程和劳务输出,优先推动大中型企业到发达国家设立技术开发机构,鼓励大中型企业投资、收购海外高科技中小企业,把"引进来"和"走出去"结合起来,充分利用国内外两个市场、两种资源,提高江苏经济的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

依据波特"钻石体系"对产业竞争力关键因素的描述,结合石油技术服务产业的特殊性,总结了石油技术服务产业的竞争力特征,并基于此构建了石油技术服务企业国际竞争力要素模型。在对国内外石油技术服务企业综合实力主要指标对比研究的基础上,提出了现阶段培育国内石油技术服务企业国际竞争力的战略方向和策略选择。  相似文献   

文君 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(3):13-15,80
在通信制造业的国际竞争中,国际竞争潜规则的运用愈演愈烈,并呈现出多样化的发展趋势.为了培育我国通信制造业的跨国公司,需要研究协助相关企业参与国际竞争的政策策略,从我国的实际情况出发,建立一套完整的支持"走出去"的政策体系,增强提高国际竞争力的国家手段,推动有实力的中国企业"走出去".  相似文献   

透析温州民营企业"走出去"模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业国际化经营主要从两个方面入手,即出口贸易与境外投资。温州民营企业“走出去”的模式有:合作出口式走出去、创建境外专业市场、国际连锁专卖、国外设立研发中心、与国际巨头强强合作、海外设立生产基地六种。温州民营企业理性地选择“走出去”模式,从产品输出到重视品牌输出,将“引进来”与“走出去”巧妙地结合起来等,表现了其特有的理性与成熟。  相似文献   

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