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This paper implements the technique suggested by Den Haan (J Monet Econ 46:3–30, 2000) to investigate contemporaneous as well as lead and lag correlations among economic data for a range of forecast horizons. The lead/lag approach provides a richer picture of the economic dynamics generating the data and allows one to investigate which variables lead or lag others, and whether the lead or lag pattern is short term or long term in nature. This technique is applied to monthly sectoral level employment data for the USA and shows that among the ten industrial sectors followed by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, six tend to lead the other four. These six have high correlations indicating that the structural shocks generating the data movements are mostly in common. Among the four lagging industries, some lag by longer intervals than others and some have low correlations with the leading industries. These low correlations may indicate that these industries are partially influenced by structural shocks beyond those generating the six leading industries, but they also may indicate that lagging sectors feature a different transmission mechanism of shocks.  相似文献   


This paper examines the relationship between India’s quarterly overall GDP, manufacturing GDP and services GDP and the corresponding monthly data on overall manufacturing and services PMI for the period January 2006 to July 2014. The objective is to see if the two overall PMIs are related to the level and quarterly growth rate of overall GDP and its chosen components. Considering the quarterly time series nature of the data set, the HEGY equation of Hylleberg et al. (J Econom 44:215–238, 1990) extended by adding the PMI variables as exogenous regressors is used as the regression mode to relate a GDP level/growth rate variable to the two overall PMI variables. The results show that the three GDP level variables, but none of the GDP growth rate variables, have significant positive correlation with services PMI, but not with manufacturing PMI. Finally, the marginal effect of services PMI on manufacturing GDP level is found to be the largest, followed by that for overall GDP level and services GDP level.


Summary We apply the Variate-Difference-Method to yearly Austrian data from 1956 to 1975 to test the permanent-income-hypothesis byM. Fiedman.First we determe the degree of the polynomial, which is sufficient to eliminate the trend (i.e. the permanent part) from time series of disposable income. Then the permanent income variable is constructed in two alternative ways: first, as a polynomial in time and second bySheppard's smoothing formulae. Transitory consumption is identified with the residuals of the consumption function. A correlation analysis shows that, transitory income and consumption are correlated, if permanent income is determined by a trend polynomial, while this is not the case ifSheppard's smoothing formulae is used to estimate permanent income.Consumption functions are specified for total consumption, durables and non-durables and eleven sub-groups of total private consumption. The results indicate that autocorrelation can considerably be reduced by usingSheppard's smoothing formulae.  相似文献   

We estimate the respective contributions of institutions, geography, and trade in determining income levels around the world, using recently developed instrumental variables for institutions and trade. Our results indicate that the quality of institutions trumps everything else. Once institutions are controlled for, conventional measures of geography have at best weak direct effects on incomes, although they have a strong indirect effect by influencing the quality of institutions. Similarly, once institutions are controlled for, trade is almost always insignificant, and often enters the income equation with the wrong (i.e., negative) sign. We relate our results to recent literature, and where differences exist, trace their origins to choices on samples, specification, and instrumentation.  相似文献   

This paper studies the implications of the distinction between the liquidity-preference and loanable-funds theories of interest for exchange-rate and interest-rate dynamics in the context of a model similar to ones analyzed by Dornbusch (1976) and Frenkel and Rodriguez (1982). With focus on the overshooting phenomenon, the short-run behavior of the exchange rate and the interest rate, relative to their long-run values, is studied with respect to a monetary shock. It is shown that the two theories may imply substantially different impact-effects on endogenous variables and that the adjustment paths of these variables will vary between the two theories.  相似文献   

We examine the information content of a unique set of macroeconomic, bank-specific, market and credit registry variables as regards their ability to forecast non-performing loans using a panel data set of nine Greek banks. We distinguish between business, consumer and mortgage loans and investigate their differences with respect to their optimal predictors. The quasi-AIM approach (Carson et al. in Int J Forecast 27:923–941, 2010) is utilized in order to take into account heterogeneity across banks and minimize estimation uncertainty. In addition, we calculate a number of forecasting measures in order to take into account the policy makers’ preferences. We find that market variables, specifically the supermarket sales, confidence indices for the services and construction sector and the business sentiment index represent good forecasting variables for most categories of NPLs. In addition, industrial production is the optimal predictor for consumer NPLs and imports for business NPLs. Finally, bank-specific variables represent top-performing leading indicators for business NPLs. Our results have significant implications for stress-testing credit risk in a top-down manner and for supervisory and macro-prudential policy design.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the relationships between two sets of three variables: Swedish real exports, Swedish real GDP, and foreign real GDP in one set; and Swedish real exports, Swedish total factor productivity, and foreign real GDP in the other set. The foreign real GDP facing Sweden is proxied by total OECD real GDP minus Sweden's real GDP. Multivariate tests for integration and cointegration show that the variables in each model are cointegrated. We also perform Granger causality tests on these variables in our examination using the Toda-Yamamoto procedure. We discover bi-directional causality between Swedish real exports and Swedish real GDP (or Swedish total factor productivity). Foreign real GDP is shown to Granger cause Swedish real exports, but no significant causation of foreign real GDP on either domestic GDP or total factor productivity was found. A change in foreign real GDP thus appears to affect Swedish output and productivity only indirectly, through changes in Swedish exports. JEL classification:F41, F43, C30, C32  相似文献   


In this paper we consider the asymptotic properties of the Instrumental Variables (IV) estimator of the parameters in a linear regression model with some random regressors, and other regressors that are dummy variables. The latter have the special property that the number of non-zero values is fixed, and does not increase with the sample size. We prove that the IV estimator of the coefficient vector for the dummy variables is inconsistent, while that for the other regressors is weakly consistent under standard assumptions. However, the usual estimator for the asymptotic covariance matrix of the I.V. estimator for all of the coefficients retains its usual consistency. The t-test statistics for the dummy variable coefficients are still asymptotically standard normal, despite the inconsistency of the associated IV coefficient estimator. These results extend the earlier results of Hendry and Santos (Oxf Bull Econ Stat 67:571–595, 2005), which relate to a fixed-regressor model, in which the dummy variables are non-zero for just a single observation, and OLS estimation is used.


Open Source Software projects base their operation on a collaborative structure for knowledge exchange in the form of provision or reception of information, expertise and feedback on the creation of source code. Here, we address the direction of these knowledge flows among projects throughout social networks and their impact on project success. We identify the roles of membership or contribution that individuals play within projects. We found that connections through contributors who bring their knowledge to the project, improve project success, and that connection through members, who transfer their knowledge towards other projects, enhance project success. Finally, we found that ties through shared membership and contributions hamper project success. The analysis of knowledge flows and their impact on project success imply a translation of returns from investment in social capital, where investment takes the shape of knowledge flows and the returns mean the projects’ diffusion over the network.
Clara E. GarcíaEmail:

This paper aims to examine the impact of firm size, industry concentration and the length of production on industry speed of price adjustment. To motivate the paper, an industry pricing model in error correction form is derived from firm pricing behaviour. As a new development, firms are assumed to have price adjustment costs that are a function of their size. The empirical model is estimated using two‐digit Australian manufacturing industry data for the period 1994:3 to 2006:1. The results suggest that the industry speed of price adjustment is positively related to firm size and negatively related to industry concentration and the production lag. Implied values for industry speeds of price adjustment are generally small when compared to other country industry studies. However, the industry average median lag of 7.1 quarters indicates a slightly faster speed of price adjustment than the estimate for the Australian consumer price index by Dwyer and Leong (2001 Dwyer, J. and Leong, K. 2001. Changes in the determination of inflation in Australia 144. Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Paper 2001‐02 [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

This paper analyses female working time taking into account restrictions on hours. Moreover, we compare two different specifications of employment opportunities. The first one assumes that the probabilities of receiving different job offers are constant whereas in the second one we incorporate the hypothesis that these probabilities depend on individual characteristics. The model is estimated using a sample of Spanish women from the Encuesta Piloto sobre Ganancias y Subempleo (1990). The results suggest that incorporating job restrictions is a valuable extension and that individual variables affect the availability of job offers.JEL Classification: J22This paper is based on the second chapter of my Ph. D. thesis defended at the University of Oviedo in December 2000. I am very grateful to Víctor M. Fernández and Jaume García for their valuable help and to Emla Fitzsimons for her linguistic revision of the text. I am also grateful to two anonymous referees for their suggestions that have significantly improved this paper. Any remaining errors are my responsibility. Financial support from the Banco Herrero is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the implications of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) accession of eight Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) on their share of EMU-12 imports. Overcoming biases related to endogeneity, omitted variables and sample selection, our results indicate that the common currency has boosted intra-EMU imports by 7%. Under the assumption that the same relationship between the explanatory variables and imports will hold for EMU-CEEC trade, we intend to predict the future impact of the Euro. Our findings suggest that except for the least integrated countries, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania, all CEECs can expect increases in the EMU-12 import share.
Julia Spies (Corresponding author)Email:

Devaluation has been traditionally promoted as an effective tool for increasing exports and improving the external position of the devaluing country if a nominal devaluation results in expenditure switching. In this article, our aim is to model the relationship between currency devaluations and output for Fiji. Following the approach in Bahmani et al. (2002 Bahmani-Oskooee, M, Chomsisengphet, S and Kandil, M. 2002. Are devaluations contractionary in Asia?. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 25: 6981. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), we extend the traditional model by incorporating other monetary and fiscal policy variables. We achieve our goal by using the recently developed bounds testing approach to cointegration and the autoregressive distributed lag model and find that devaluation is expansionary in the case of Fiji.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a three-dimensional model that combines two different types of spatial interaction effects, i.e. endogenous interaction effects via a spatial lag on the dependent variable and interaction effects among the disturbances via a spatial moving average (SMA) nested random effects errors. A three-stage procedure is proposed to estimate the parameters. In a first stage, the spatial lag panel data model is estimated using an instrumental variable (IV) estimator. In a second stage, a generalized moments (GM) approach is developed to estimate the SMA parameter and the variance components of the disturbance process using IV residuals from the first stage. In a third stage, to purge the equation of the specific structure of the disturbances a Cochrane–Orcutt-type transformation is applied combined with the IV principle. This leads to the GM spatial IV estimator and the regression parameter estimates. Monte Carlo simulations show that our estimators are not very different in terms of root mean square error from those produced by maximum likelihood. The approach is applied to European Union regional employment data for regions nested within countries.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions This study reports two primary findings. First, the typical cable franchise relationship appears to be characterized by substantial regulatory lag. While long-term franchise contracts may involve a significant amount of day-to-day interpretation and modification, the interpretation and modification are not sufficient to ensure that the contractual terms of trade are consistently at market. In terms of pricing, channel capacity, community programming channels, and franchise fees, the terms of trade confronted by cities prior to franchise renewal are significantly less favorable than the terms of trade found in post-renewal contracts.Second, periodic franchise renewals appear to be a relatively effective means of mitigating regulatory lag and adjusting the contractual terms of trade to market. The terms of trade obtained by cities conferring renewal contracts are roughly, although not entirely, equivalent to the terms obtained by similarly situated cities concurrently issuing initial franchise awards.The conclusions to be drawn from these findings are twofold. First, the existence of regulatory lag in cable franchise relationships may be desirable. From a dynamic efficiency perspective, that is, regulatory lag may provide the regulated firm with an appropriate incentive to undertake risks, reduce costs, and/or improve productivity (Vogelsang 1988). In addition, because most of the capital assets associated with a cable system have economic lives of 10 to 15 years (Webb 1983), it may be inefficient to continually attempt to adjust the terms of trade in a franchise relationship to market (Schmalensee 1979).Second, while continuous regulatory oversight may have undesirable economic consequences, periodic contract renewals show promise as an effective means to ensure that regulatory authorities continue to promote the interests of a public utility's consumers. If designed perhaps to correspond to the points in time at which the public utility needs to rebuild or upgrade its plant, contract renewals may serve to push regulators to periodically examine whether the terms of trade offered by the public utility are at market. Without such encouragment, public utility commissioners may be content to sit back and do nothing (Joskow 1974, 298–299) so long as none of the actors in the regulatory process are complaining.  相似文献   

Long-run parameters of money demand functions for Switzerland's M2 and M3 aggregate are estimated and their stability investigated. For both aggregates a single stable cointegrating vector is found. Around these long-run relationships a single-equation model for m2 and a single-equation model for cpi is built respectively for M2 and M3, and both estimated models are found to be stable. Testing forecast performance, the cpi model seems to be superior to the m2 model, providing some positive signs that the M3 model is stable in the sense that it does not suffer from a structural break during the period of estimation.We would like to thank Jürgen Wolters and two anonymous referees for their comments and Neil Ericsson, David Hendry, Katarina Juselius, Helmut Lütkepohl, Grayham Mizon and the other participants of the Workshop on Money Demand in Europe, Berlin, October 10–11, 1997, where an earlier version of the paper was presented, for their suggestions. The data may be obtained from the internet, http://wotan.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/oekonometrie/engl/data.html. The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Swiss National Bank.  相似文献   

John Taylors rule for setting interest rates provides a framework for studying the global monetary policy generated by individual countries pursing their own policy goals. The study reflects the global nature of monetary policy by modeling an aggregate short-term interest rate as a function of measures of worldwide inflation and the GDP gap. Multiple specifications are estimated to correspond to past studies of the U.S. relationships between these variables. The authors find that Taylor rule is a useful tool for characterizing the global monetary environment as his equation provides a good fit to the data in every specification explored by the authors. However, the international response to inflation is slightly less robust despite claims of inflation targeting by the bulk of the larger economies in the sample.  相似文献   



The method of instrumental variables (IV) is useful for estimating causal effects. Intuitively, it exploits exogenous variation in the treatment, sometimes called natural experiments or instruments. This study reviews the literature in health-services research and medical research that applies the method of instrumental variables, documents trends in its use, and offers examples of various types of instruments.  相似文献   

Summary We study equilibria in which agent's belief are rational in the sense of Kurz [1994]. The market is formulated by specifying a stochastic demand function and a continuum of producers, each with a quadratic cost function who must select their output before knowing prices. Holding Rational Beliefs about future prices, producers maximize expected profits. In a Rational Belief Equilibrium (RBE) agents select diverse forecast functions but each one is rational in the sense that it is based on a theory which cannot be rejected by the data. It is shown that there exists a continuum of RBE's and they could entail very different patterns of time series for the economy and consequently different aggregate levels of longterm volatility. Since the model contains exogenously specified random variables, the difference in the level of long-term volatility of prices among the different RBE's arises endogenously as an amplification of the volatility of exogenous variables. The paper derives exact bounds on the possible levels of such amplification.This research was supported by NSF Grant IRI-8814954 to Stanford University. The author is thankful to Steven N. Durlauf and Carsten K. Nielsen for useful comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

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