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The paper specifies a disequilibrium model for the aggregate labour market consisting of demand and supply functions for labour, an adjustment equation for wages as well as for prices, a transactions equation and, finally, an equation that relates measured unemployment to vacancies and to excess demand. The model has a more sophisticated treatment of dynamics than earlier disequilibrium models. The parameter estimates and the goodness-of-fit are satisfactory and the model's implications for the behaviour of several important variables are sensible. In particular, excess demand estimates computed in various ways are reasonable.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the estimated speed of price adjustment in a disequilibrium econometric model is likely to be biased if allowance is not made for quantity adjustment inertia on both sides of the market. Furthermore, if the model estimated is static rather than dynamic then, in certain circumstances, an excess demand regime may be mistaken for one of excess supply and vice-versa. In an empirical application to the loan market for the clearing banks in Ireland we can claim to have obtained some support for this belief.  相似文献   

This paper develops necessary conditions for a price adjustment mechanism to achieve local stability at regular competitive equilibria. Two principal questions are: how closely must a locally stable mechanism be tailored to particular excess demand functions, and can any such mechanism be interpreted as a market adjustment process. In response to the first question, a variant of the (local) Newton method, termed the ‘orthogonal Newton method’ is shown to require, in a dimensional sense, the minimal information about excess demand functions. The second question is answered in the negative by proving the non-existence of any locally stable mechanism with the property that the price of any given commodity is not changed when its own market is in equilibrium. These and other results are obtained by using convergent price paths to generate a homotopy between the adjustment dictated by the mechanism and the actual direction of the equilibrium.  相似文献   

It is shown geometrically that a monotone concave preference order can be approximated by orders representable by a concave utility function. This is applied to proving that preferences with ‘desirable’ properties (such as inducing smooth excess demand functions, analyticity, strict convexity) are dense.  相似文献   

This is a review of recent results on the disaggregation problem: given a collective demand function, is it or is it not the sum of individual demand functions, and, if it is, can one retrieve the individual demands from their given sum? There are several variants to this problem, depending on whether one deals with market demand or excess demand, but the general philosophy remains the same: to get interesting answers, i.&nspace;e. to be able to discriminate between those collective demand functions which arise from individual utility maximization and those which do not, one needs microeconomic data (e.pg., the individual allowances).  相似文献   

Non-revealing rational expectations equilibria exist in microeconomic pure exchange economies in which a continuum of uninformed agents have suitably distributed noisy price observations. Slight dispersion in the prices observed by the subset of uninformed consumers is the key condition for continuity (and smoothness) of aggregate excess demand, although individual demands are discontinuous. It leads to equilibria in which markets approximately clear in a strong sense. The equilibria are obtained by applying a fixed point argument to state-dependent excess demand functions.  相似文献   

During the mid- to late 1980s the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer has attempted to reduce the volume of consumer credit extended by increasing interest rates rather than by re-introducing terms controls. This paper presents estimates of demand functions for new credit extended by retailers which was financed by them and repaid by instalments. Following earlier papers, a stock-adjustment model is presented that is extended to allow for credit rationing. The results suggest that the demand for such new credit extended is related negatively to terms control and positively to personal disposable income and expectations. Demand was not found to be related to (a proxy for) the nominal interest rate charged by retailers (although it was found to be positively related to the real rate). The former finding is consistent with questionnaire evidence that consumers are unaware of the interest rate that they pay for credit. Elasticities of demand are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract. Most disequilibrium and shortage models of centrally planned economies fall into three categories: testable excess demand (the Portes school), disequilibrium indicators, and Kornai's economics of shortage. These models have generated numerous controversies and conflicting empirical results. However, this paper argues that some disputes are not caused by the theoretical features of the models but rather by the utilisation of different estimation methods that are not directly comparable. This suggests that several controversies are more apparent than real and can be resolved through the improvement of computational techniques and statistical hypothesis testing theory.  相似文献   

Continuous excess demand systems which do not obey homogeneity of degree zero or Walras's Law are proved to have equilibria if they satisfy certain mild regularity conditions when prices tend to the extremes of a price domain which need not be closed or bounded. A straightforward generalization of Brouwer's theorem is used. Systems also obeying a weak balance condition (of which Walras's Law is a special case) and homogeneity are treated as corollaries to the main theorem. Sufficient conditions for differentiable excess demand systems to have unique equilibria are developed in three separate theorems. The usefulness of these general existence and uniqueness theorems is demonstrated by applying them to three specific models constructed from discrete choice theory: (1) a competitive rental housing market, (2) a regulated rental housing market with fixed rents and rationing and (3) an interregional labor market in which laborers can choose among regions for employment (or voluntary unemployment) as well as the work hours they will supply.  相似文献   

Kornai's thesis that shortage results from demand expansions bred by the soft budget constraint, derives from his implicit assumption that price regimes of input and output firms are different. Since any firm is both an input and an output firm, which discards the assumption as logically untenable, excess demand can only turn up because of lower than contracted inputs of labor and management that are not offset by an adequate downward adjustment of earnings. Expansions of demand that appear to be autonomous, are incited by uncertain deliveries of inputs, that is, by inefficiency (of output firms) as well. A by far the largest part of excess demand can be explained by state preferences for fast growth. As planners are more successful in generating investment, and the ensuing consumer, demand than in expanding production, shortage is inevitable regardless of the character of the firms' budget constraints.  相似文献   

Conclusion By modelling the private sector on the basis of self-employment, rather than the wage employment assumed by Hare (1987), we are able to proceed without making strong restrictions on functional forms. Our main conclusion is that the supply multiplier equationis affected by the inclusion of the private sector. The immediate effect of an increase in state sector goods purchases by the government is that there is an equal reduction in the amount of state sector goods available for the household sector. This is assumed to affect household demand for private sector output and household supply of labour to the private sector (as well as affecting household labour to the state sector, as in the Barro-Grossman model). The change in labour supply to the private sector affects the supply of goods by the private sector. The net result is that an excess demand (or supply) is created for private sector output and so the price of this output rises (or falls). In general, a change in private sector price leads to a change in state sector labour supply and output, a result, which, by definition, does not occur if the private sector is not included in the model. Thus, the supply multiplier in general takes a different value from that found by Barro and Grossman.Given that the rate of change of labour supply to the state sector with respect to the price of the private sector good is negative we obtain the following conclusion. (a) If a marginal decrease in the availability of state output results in an excess supply of private sector output (before price changes), the supply multiplier is not as negative as in the Barro-Grossman model and may even be zero or positive. (b) If, however, an excess demand for private sector output is created, the supply multiplier is actually more negative than in the Barro-Grossman model. Should, instead, the rate of change of labour supply to the state sector with respect to the price of the private sector good be positive these conclusions are reversed, in the sense that the terms excess supply in (a) and excess demand in (b) are interchanged.(The views expressed in this paper should not necessarily be attributed to the Department of Trade and Industry.) We would like to thank an anonymous reference for helpful comments, particularly in pointing out an inconsistency in our treatment of the individual and the aggregate behaviour of households in an earlier version of the paper.  相似文献   

Queues are puzzling because they are consistent with wasted profit in equilibrium. Standard rationales trace the puzzle to the pricing of goods. This article uses field experimental evidence from large‐scale restaurants to trace the puzzle to the pricing of labor. The customary wage contract in these settings fosters congestion and longer queues because it can encourage workers to emphasize the quality rather than quantity of output. To study this problem, the field experiment pays waiters bonuses for customer volume on days with excess demand, in addition to the tips and hourly wages they customarily receive. The experimental contract shortens queues substantially, generating surplus gains for consumers with no discernible cost in terms of perceived service quality. Workers earn more via the bonuses and because they earn more in tips. Short‐run profits increase by at least 49%. There is no discernible reduction in long‐run profit. The firm reverted to the baseline contract on excess demand days after many months of evidence, even after acknowledging the gains from the experimental contract. The evidence suggests the puzzle may partly be explained by inefficient wage contracting.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the properties of aggregate excess demand functions for economies with an arbitrary finite set of N commodities where agents face trading restrictions of a general, abstract form: their budget set is defined by K-dimensional planes in N. It is shown that, if there are at least K agents in the economy, the only general property satisfied by the value of aggregate excess demand and its derivative, at any arbitrary point, is Walras Law. The result is established by considering an economy where agents' preferences are of a ‘generalized Leontief' type.  相似文献   

The paper uses annual data from a panel of 334 Polish industrial enterprises over the period 1983–1988 to test empirically a simple neoclassical approach to the socialist labor market. First, an enterprise production function is estimated. The paper finds that for most enterprises, the resulting estimated marginal product of labor exceeds the wage paid by the enterprise by a considerable margin, suggesting general excess demand for labor. The paper then looks at how the difference between the MPL and the wage is related to the rate of change of employment, and finds that firms where the MPL is higher than the wage — firms which in a neoclassical model would have a large excess demand for labor — do not shed labor any more slowly than other firms.  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展,石油的需求急剧增加。利用石油消费的历史数据,构建了二次趋势-ARMA(2,1)石油需求组合预测模型,并对ARMA模型和组合模型的预测精度进行了比较,证明该组合模型的预测精度较高,可以作为我国未来石油需求预测的有效工具。  相似文献   

The choice of the scale variable in the money demand function is important because of its striking implications on the magnitude and direction of the domestic monetary and fiscal policy effects and effectiveness of international policy coordination. In this study several tests are applied to the money demand functions of Japan, Germany, Canada, France, and Italy in an open economy context to determine the appropriate scale variable for each country. Both narrow and broad definitions of money are used. Income, disposable income, consumption, private spending, and domestic absorption are investigated as contenders for the scale variable. The findings indicate that the scale variable is country-specific, rather than universal, and it is sensitive to the definition of money.  相似文献   

This paper identifies retail firms as an economic institution which delivers explicit products or services to consumer together with a variety of distribution services that determine the levels of distribution costs experienced by consumers in their purchase activities. The demand for the retailer's product is derived from a household production model in which the levels of distribution services provided by the retailer play the role of fixed inputs in the household's production functions. The supply of the retailer's product is derived from a joint cost function which is non-decreasing in the levels of distribution services provided. Profit-maximizing behavior in monopolistically competive markets shows that retail firms have special economic incentives to become complex organizations by integrating backwards, offering multiple explicit products and operating in more than one market. In addition, monopolistically competitive retail firms in long-run equilibrium will exhibit excess capacity, price dispersion and product choice in distribution services.  相似文献   

Performance standards are designed to ensure a basic level of quality, and through public reporting of firm performance, encourage firms to compete on quality thus allowing the market to determine the optimal level of quality. In markets with substantial excess demand, however, demand effects may be insufficient to induce any change in firm behavior and enforcement may be required to ensure high quality. Even with enforcement, quality still may not improve at underperforming firms if gaming the system is less costly than improving quality. We test whether information alone or with regulatory enforcement improves outcomes or elicits gaming behavior in our study of 266 kidney transplant centers between 2001 and 2012. In a context of excess demand induced by price controls, we show that information alone has no impact and enforcement may actually increase market inefficiencies; firms respond to costly quality requirements, not by improving quality, but by reducing supply, which exacerbates the disequilibrium between supply and demand, and by cream‐skimming, which reduces access to transplantation among sicker patients.  相似文献   

This study examines off-farm labor supply in the rapidly changing conditions of Bulgaria during the 1990s. In doing so, we make use of three different waves of the Bulgarian Integrated Household Survey, each reflecting remarkably different environmental conditions. The results suggest that standard theories of off-farm labor supply provide little guidance in situations characterized by chronic excess supply in the off-farm labor market and/or rapidly changing circumstances. In particular, the results show (1) that off-farm employment throughout the transition was predominantly determined by demand rather than by supply, and (2) that the magnitude and statistical significance of the various determinants are very sensitive to changing environmental conditions. As such, the results can be extremely relevant for both theory and policy for the many countries which may still need to go through privatization and painful restructuring as a result of financial crises and globalization.  相似文献   

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