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Given the credit market imperfections in Taiwan, this paper examines the threshold effects in the adjustment towards the long‐run equilibrium relationship between housing prices and household credit. The empirical findings verify the potential for regime shifts in the dynamically adjusted relationship between housing prices and household credit. Only when the benefits cover the cost of market imperfections, do housing and credit markets trigger convergence to their long‐run equilibrium. The hidden effect of the limitations on housing and credit markets is to raise the thresholds of the self‐adjustment mechanisms. As a result, economic boom‐bust cycles will be more severe and increase the fragility of financial sectors.  相似文献   

Gary Smith 《De Economist》1980,128(1):50-74
Summary Keynesian IS-LM models assume the production of a single homogenous commodity which can either be consumed or added to an immobile capital stock. Elsewhere the short run implications of both fixed and flexible wage versions of this model were found altered when consumer and investment goods are produced in separate industries and sold for different prices. This paper reports the long run implications of such models. It turns out that qualitatively the steady state multipliers for the one and two commodity models are virtually identical.The research described in this paper was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Ford Foundation. This paper has benefited from suggestions by William Starnes and James Tobin.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) to inflation in Nigeria and South Africa by incorporating structural breaks and using time series variables, namely the consumer price index, nominal effective exchange rate, gross domestic product, and crude oil price. Based on the Maki cointegration test and a flexible estimation approach of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, our empirical evidence suggests that the long‐ and short‐run ERPT to inflation is complete for Nigeria, while for South Africa it is incomplete both in the long run and short run. This result indicates that prices are stickier in South Africa compared to Nigeria. The comparison between Nigeria and South Africa confirms the role of inflation targeting and central bank credibility on the ERPT. The results divulge further that output growth in Nigeria increases inflation in the long run while it is anti‐inflationary in the short run. For South Africa, the effect of output growth is negatively insignificant. In addition, the long‐run effect of oil price is negative and significant for Nigeria, while for South Africa the short‐run effect of oil price is positive and significant. Therefore, the findings of this paper will assist the monetary authorities to achieve monetary policy objectives.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a general equilibrium model that embodies: the elasticities approach to the trade balance in the long run, but allows for inelastic short run demand; and an asset market approach to the capital account, with uncovered interest parity and consistent expectations.Two policies are examined: increased government expenditure and an increased import tariff. The effects of these policies on net exports, the exchange rate, and other variables are determined. A phase diagram demonstrates the dynamic adjustment paths of the exchange rate and the trade balance, and provides a general equilibrium explanation for overshooting and the J-curve as a result of real shocks. Extensions are made to account for policy pre-announcement, the Laursen-Metzler effect, and large-country effects.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have focused on the relationship between American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and their foreign underlying stocks, because of the price interaction and arbitrage opportunities provided by the dual listings. The cointegration and its corresponding error correction model employed in some recent studies assume that the tendency to move towards a long‐run equilibrium is present all the time. However, the presence of costs of adjustments may prevent economic agents from adjusting continuously. As an extension of previous studies, this paper applies the threshold cointegration model that allows for asymmetric adjustment towards a long‐run equilibrium to inspect the linkage between Taiwanese ADRs and their underlying shares. By employing the threshold error correction model, the short‐term adjustments also are examined. We find some evidence of asymmetric adjustments in our data. The tests for asymmetries are also implemented with the maximum likelihood estimation for the complete multivariate threshold cointegration model instead of the univariate model.  相似文献   

The adjustment of product prices in open economies is analyzed by use of a model encompassing different product market structures and quarterly data for Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. In general, support is found in favor of a specialized production model implying that prices are affected by internal and external factors. Price adjustment displays substantial inertia and is in the short run driven by real shocks to both supply and demand, as well as being characterized by nominal rigidities, whereas in the long run relative prices are driven solely by supply variables.  相似文献   

This paper examines inflation dynamics in Greater China. Using an asymmetric error correction model, we investigate how inflation in Hong Kong and Macao are related to inflation in Chinese Mainland. Our results based on data from July 1997 to December 2012 reveal that a long‐term equilibrium relation exists between inflation in Chinese Mainland and inflation in both Hong Kong and Macao, the two Special Administrative Regions of China. The degree of inflation pass‐through is higher for Macao than for Hong Kong. Moreover, we find no evidence of asymmetries in either Hong Kong and Macao's adjustment speeds towards long‐run equilibrium or in the short‐run pass‐through of accelerating or decelerating inflation in the Mainland. Collectively, our results show a close relationship among price dynamics of the three economies and call for a reconsideration of the exchange rate anchor in the Greater China Region.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the long‐run determinants of house prices, and analyzes the house price dynamics using Korean data taking into account the close relationship between house prices and household debt. The results of cointegrating regression indicate that the major portion of the rise in house prices in Korea over the last 15 years can be explained by changes in macro variables such as household income, the demographic structure, the user cost of home ownership and the housing stock supply. The results also confirm that house prices are, indeed, closely linked to the steep increase in household debt seen over this period. Estimation of an error correction model shows that the extent of convergence of actual house prices to their long‐run equilibrium path has weakened somewhat since the global financial crisis while the speed of convergence has slowed, indicating structural changes in the Korean housing market. Finally, a forecast for house prices over the next several years suggests that they are unlikely to rise as sharply as they did in the 2000s, given the likely changes in the macro‐financial environment, and that their future path will be closely associated with that of the household debt‐to‐income ratio.  相似文献   

Abstract: The cereal market of Togo was liberalized in 1987. This policy aims to improve markets' spatial integration through the development of arbitrage. The paper assesses the extent of maize market spatial integration in order to understand how it has been affected by price liberalization. The monthly retail maize prices collected on 13 markets for the period from 1980 to 2001 are considered. The results show that the impact of price liberalization on markets integration is moderate. The liberalization has not significantly improved the extent of long‐run and short‐run integration of maize markets. The speed of price adjustment is relatively weak for most of the markets. In order to improve market efficiency, it is suggested that the government should create a market information service (SIM) which will be entrusted in collecting and disseminating weekly cereal prices all over the country.  相似文献   

A basic tenet of microeconomics is that for a competitive industry in equilibrium the market price of a product will be equal to its marginal cost. This paper develops a model framework and a corresponding empirical inference procedure for estimating long‐run marginal cost in industries where production costs decline over time. In the context of the solar photovoltaic (PV) module industry, we rely primarily on firm‐level financial accounting data to estimate the long‐run marginal cost of PV modules for the years 2008–2013. During those years, the industry experienced both unprecedented price declines and significant expansions of manufacturing capacity. We compare the trajectory of average sales prices with the estimated long‐run marginal costs in order to quantify the extent to which actual price declines were attributable to reductions in production costs. The trajectory of estimated product costs is then extrapolated to forecast an equilibrium trend line for future PV module prices.  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the government revenue and expenditure relationship in South Africa using Enders and Siklos' Threshold adjustment and Granger causality tests. The paper allows for structural breaks in the unit root and cointegration tests. The results indicate the absence of any asymmetries in both the threshold autoregression and momentum threshold autoregression specifications of adjustments in the South African's budgeting process. The estimated symmetric error‐correction models provide support for the fiscal synchronization hypothesis of government revenues and expenditures for long‐run and short‐run dynamic equilibrium. These findings indicate that the South African fiscal authorities should try to maintain or even improve the control of their fiscal policy instruments to sustain the prudent budgetary process.  相似文献   

Using daily data from between 1993 and 2003, covered interest differential and cointegration tests are applied to examine short‐run and long‐run international capital mobility for Japan, Singapore and Taiwan, and, for comparison purposes, the UK. Despite the high short‐run mobility in Japan (Singapore and Taiwan), being slightly (significantly) lower than in the UK, perfect long‐run mobility exists in all three Asian economies, especially when the Asian currency crisis is excluded. Different short‐run and long‐run mobility implies the existence of a response lag in the financial market. As expected, although the impulse response reaches the significant long‐run equilibrium level shortly after the shock in the UK, lagged responses appear in the three Asian economies, particularly in Singapore and Taiwan.  相似文献   

The article investigates the dynamic interactions between seven macroeconomic variables and the stock prices for an emerging market, Malaysia, using cointegration and Granger causality tests. The results strongly suggest informational inefficiency in the Malaysian market. The bivariate analysis suggests cointegration between the stock prices and three macroeconomic variables – consumer prices, credit aggregates and official reserves. From bivariate error-correction models, we note the reactions of the stock prices to deviations from the long run equilibrium. These results are further strengthened when we extend the analysis to multivariate settings. We also note some evidence that the stock prices are Granger-caused by changes in the official reserves and exchange rates in the short run.  相似文献   

A major concern for developing economies is a dependence on commodities when their prices are volatile as a major change in the international commodity price can have important implications for economic growth. While some cross‐country studies exist, there is lack of country specific studies that take into account the different characteristics of low‐income economies. This paper contributes to the growing literature by considering the case of Malawi and the macroeconomic impact of price shocks in its major export crop of tobacco. Using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) approach on quarterly Malawian data from 1980:1 to 2012:4, the paper establishes that a positive tobacco price shock has a significant positive impact on the country's gross domestic product, decreasing consumer prices and inducing real exchange rate appreciation. The results are robust to alternative specifications of a SVAR on difference stationary data and cointegrating VAR. The cointegrating VAR confirms the existence of a long run‐relationship among the variables and causality that runs from tobacco prices.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there exists a long‐run relationship between the real exchange rate and the commodity terms of trade in the so‐called Mediterranean or MENA countries. These economies are good candidates for this type of formulation, as are commodity exporting countries. Using cointegration techniques, we find long‐run relationships linking the real exchange rate and a commodity‐based measure of the terms of trade. Therefore, commodity terms of trade are a potential explanation for the apparent nonstationarity of MENA countries’ real exchange rates previously found in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

We assess the short‐ and long‐run impacts of tariff reform policies on Bangladeshi households' poverty and income distribution by developing an 86‐sector, four‐factor, and nine‐household‐group computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The main findings are that the complete removal of tariffs leads to a decrease in overall poverty with rich household groups in a relatively better position. In the short run poverty incidence increases for rural landless, urban illiterate, and low‐educated household groups whereas rural large farmer and urban medium household groups enjoy improvements in all poverty indicators. In terms of income distribution, trade liberalization enhances inequality slightly, but there is a tendency towards more equitable distribution in the long run. The choice of a fiscal compensatory mechanism with consumption tax is likely to play a negative role in terms of poverty and inequality in the short run; however, interestingly, the results are pro‐poor in the long run.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the interest rate transmission mechanism for South Africa as an emerging economy in a pre‐repo and repo system. It explains how the money market rate is transmitted to the retail interest rates both in the long run and short run, and tests the symmetric and asymmetric interest rate pass‐through using the error‐correction model (ECM) and the adjusted ECM‐exponential generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ECM‐EGARCH) (1,1)‐M methodology. This permitted the examination of the impact of interest rate volatility, along with the leverage effect. An incomplete pass‐through is found in the short run. From the entire sample period, a symmetric adjustment is found in the deposit rate, which had upward rigidity adjustment, while an asymmetric adjustment is found in the lending rate, with a downward rigidity adjustment. All the adjustments supported the collusive pricing arrangements. According to the conditional variance estimation of the ECM‐EGARCH (1,1), negative volatility impact and leverage effect are present and influential only in the symmetric deposit interest rate adjustment process in South Africa.  相似文献   

黄志刚 《南方经济》2010,28(4):52-64
本文构建了一个具有粘性价格的一般均衡模型,分析不同商品价格非平衡变化的现象。分析表明,当经济中不同商品的价格调整具有异质性时,货币冲击将导致灵活价格产品的价格水平变化超过货币增长率,表现为不同的商品价格调节快慢不同。货币冲击将拉动粘性价格产品的产出增加,表现为货币非中性。相对价格的变化使得消费支出发生结构性转移,导致灵活价格产品的需求下降。财政冲击也具有类似的效应,它将拉动价格不平衡上涨,并带动产出上升,同时会挤出消费。这种价格非平衡变化的机制很好的解释了我国2007—08年发生的所谓的“结构性通货膨胀”现象。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibility that the adjustment towards long‐run relative purchasing power parity (PPP) is dependent upon the nature of deviations from PPP that are experienced. While existing studies involving developed and less developed countries often find against PPP having employed linear tests of non‐stationarity or non‐cointegration, we employ a new cointegration test, recently advocated by Enders and Siklos and Enders and Dibooglu, that tests for an asymmetric adjustment towards parity with respect to positive and negative deviations of the real exchange rate from its equilibrium value. Using a sample often African economies with data taken from the post‐Bretton Woods floating exchange rate era, long‐run PPP holds in eight of these cases if an explicit distinction is made between positive and negative deviations. Across the sample, we find variation in the type of asymmetry experienced and the roles played by price and nominal exchange rate adjustment.  相似文献   

This paper considers the integration of financial markets and mutual influences of monetary policies in the USA and Asia based on monthly data from 1994 to 2007. We used panel‐type and time‐series and quantile panel‐type error correction models to test the influences of expected and unexpected monetary policy impulses on the interest rate pass‐through mechanism in the financial markets of 9 Asian countries and the USA. The empirics show that if interest rate integration exists in the financial markets, the following effects are observed: (i) positive impulses of unexpected monetary policy will lead to an increase in the long‐run multiplier of the retail interest rate; (ii) the adjustment of retail interest rates with short‐run disequilibrium will lead to an increase in the long‐run markup; and (iii) the empirical results of quantile regression prove that when the interest variation is greater than the 0.5th quantile and unexpected monetary policy impulses are greater than the expected monetary policy impulses, the short‐run interest rate pass‐through mechanism becomes more unstable.  相似文献   

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