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诉讼法作为一门传统的部门法,在面对当今社会环境侵害时,亦不得不更新,以对付日趋凸现的环境危机,而有关诉讼法在环境时代的应因措施则是以对超诉资格的放宽、被诉对象的扩大、诉讼费用预防方式的改进和集团诉讼的扩张为主要内容的。  相似文献   

张贵友 《特区经济》2007,224(9):247-248
本论文首先探讨了开发性金融的涵义,继而对开发性金融研究进行了综述;在简要论述融资难已成为县域经济发展的重要制约因素这一论断的基础上,论文对开发性金融推动县域经济发展作了逻辑判断。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates evidence relating to the belief, long held by tropical health workers, that schistosomiasis control would contribute significantly to economic development. The many attempts to estimate the macro benefits of control in terms of the ‘economic loss’ due to the disease are criticized for their emphasis on aggregate output benefits and for the unrealistic assumptions made in estimating the increment in, and marginal product of, efficiency labour units which might result from control. Micro research has so far failed to establish a clear empirical basis for the assumption that schistosomiasis seriously impairs labour productivity — but this may be attributable to sampling bias resulting in the exclusion of workers with severe disease.  相似文献   

There is an increasing realization, world‐wide and in Southern Africa, that conservation and development are compatible.

Because human communities in the less developed rural areas are dependent on a renewable group of resources, including soil, water and forests, it is imperative that land use systems that protect these resources are introduced.

The predominance of subsistence agriculture in these areas is the most difficult syndrome of under‐development. An overall rural development strategy is required that integrates human development with resources management Where the population carrying capacity of the land has already been exceeded, a process of rapid villagization/urbanization is required. Village/urban growth and agricultural development require a carefully co‐ordinated programme of land capability analysis and planning, as well as active investment in infrastructure and the introduction of appropriate technologies and institutions.  相似文献   

The changing perceptions among demographers concerning their roles as social and policy scientists are discussed in order to show their involvement in development efforts in developing countries. Although demographers regard development as a concept that has not as yet been adequately defined, the current view is that the variables, development and population, are inseparable, and that the explanation of trends for one of these cannot be sought in isolation from the other. The article concludes that demographers in South Africa regard development as the predictor variable in demographic trends. They are also of the opinion that the course of demographic trends will in future have an important influence on development trends.  相似文献   

Corruption is studied as a form of decision-taking under uncertainty and separate reaction functions are derived for the briber and bribee that shed light on the determination of the bribe. A typology of corruption is established drawing the distinction between extortionary, subversive and benign corruption and their effects on allocative efficiency are explored. It is argued that while the economic effects of corruption are likely to be unfavourable there may be circumstances where the converse holds. The discussion does not extend to the moral and social aspects of corruption.  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the human needs and purposes to be served by science and technology are increasingly subject to greater social control. People in developing countries are also preoccupied with controlling choices in the development and application of technology - and the priceless ingredient in controlling their own destiny.The encounter between the more and less dynamic societies makes developing countries the targets of an ‘information bombardment’. Science, technology, values and organization - the ‘active ingredients’ in development - are all forms of information (a resource that is not merely renewable but expandable). The capacity of indigenous people to understand and manipulate the information flow - linking science (‘know what’) and technology (‘know-how’) to human values (‘know why’) and social authority and organization (‘know who’) - is consequently the key to the dynamics of ‘development’.  相似文献   

After commencing with a brief exposition of some salient characteristics of modern geography attention is given to the state of development thinking within the discipline. Various approaches to geographical studies of development are alluded to, whilst some major contributions are cited. This is followed by a brief discussion of the main research fields relevant to South African development issues. Some major research contributions are cited and a list of perceived deficiencies given. In conclusion it is stated that economic development always takes place within a spatial framework and always affects spatial structures as well as the man‐environment system. Geography, as a spatial science, is primarily concerned with these issues and therefore has a crucial role to play in development studies.  相似文献   

西藏地区生态旅游开发与可持续发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙丽坤 《特区经济》2009,(4):130-131
近年来,西藏旅游资源开发取得了长足的进步,通过发展旅游业,带动了该地区社会和经济的发展,改善了人们的生活,加深了人们对旅游资源的认识。随着21世纪旅游市场的需求,西藏地区生态旅游项目的开发也受到了极大的关注,从某种意义上说它是西藏地区增强自身能力的现实选择,对区域经济的发展起着促进作用。本文试图在可持续发展原则指导下,以该地区生态旅游开发为契机,探讨西藏地区生态旅游开发战略、旅游市场定位和精品组合,达到西藏地区旅游业发展和生态建设的"双赢"。  相似文献   

虽然同属于“东亚模式”,但日本和台湾在信息化赶超过程中却形成了显著不同的模式,并导致了二者在新经济条件下经济赶超的失败和成功对比;以日本和“四小龙”为借鉴,东亚发展中国家在新经济条件下,只有充分利用跨越式发展的机遇,才能成功实现经济赶超;为了实现东亚经济整体的可持续发展目标,必须重塑“东亚模式”。  相似文献   

黄利春 《特区经济》2007,(12):46-47
本文在理解人力资源开发内涵的基础上,通过分析并评价珠江三角洲人力资源的现状及其对区域可持续发展的影响,探讨了珠江三角洲全方位开发人力资源,促进区域可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

段雪梅 《特区经济》2007,221(6):138-140
人类的发展进程是有成本的,它由发展的资源成本、环境与生态成本、时间成本和社会成本构成。各国都在探索自己的最优发展路径—低成本发展。而我国新型工业化道路的确立,就旨在利用低成本发展这一后发优势。  相似文献   

金花 《特区经济》2011,(12):119-121
对国内外高技术开发区的基本规律与趋势进行研究,有助于推动我国高新区"二次创业",实现又好又快发展。国内外高新技术开发区的发展过程,大致经历了3个时期,即初创期、成长期和成熟期。其发展的基本规律主要表现在:注重以先进理念引领规划编制工作;政府统一调控土地市场与开发管理;制定优惠政策吸引人口和产业集聚;超前建设基础设施并注重完善环境;以多元化投融资渠道筹集建设资金。未来发展的启示有:加突显城区功能和发展定位;更加突出产业集聚和支撑力度;更加体现以人为本和生态文明;更加注重循环经济和环境保护;更加突出国际化和数字化发展。  相似文献   

After a discussion of the background of development, the evolution of social work and its place in development is examined. Internationally, social work has only lately started focusing on community work rather than just on case or group work. In South Africa such concern with development has not been so evident, although there have been some dramatic turns in the past decade.

The profession of social work and its training are discussed and finally attention is drawn to the need for cooperation with a number of other professions. The author's conclusion is that social work in South Africa has not kept in close enough touch with social changes taking place.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Energie und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. — Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie best?tigen nicht die vielfach vertretene Auffassung, daΒ der Energiemangel für den geringen industriellen Fortschritt in den Entwicklungsl?ndern verantwortlich ist. Im Falle Indiens wird festgestellt, daΒ (a) importiertes ?l nur einen kleinen Teil der insgesamt verwendeten Energie ausmacht, (b) sehr wichtige Energiequellen wie Kohle und Elektrizit?t im Inland vorhanden sind und (c) die meisten Industrien betr?chtliche Wahlm?glichkeiten beim Einsatz der Energietr?ger haben. Die Wahl h?ngt weitgehend von der N?he, Verfügbarkeit und den technischen VerWendungsm?glichkeiten ab. Die ungleiche Verteilung der Kohle wird durch das Vorhandensein von Wasserkraft gemildert. Die Untersuchung zeigt, daΒ die Textilindustrie, die chemische Industrie, die Energieerzeugung, der Maschinenbau, der Bergbau und die Zuckerindustrie zu den Wirtschaftszweigen geh?ren, die bei der Wahl der Energietr?ger weitgehend flexibel sind, w?hrend dies für den Transportmittelsektor nicht gilt.
Résumé L’énergie et le développement économique. — Les résultats de cette étude ne confirme pas l’opinion souvent exprimée que la pénurie d’énergie est responsable pour l’insuffisance du progrès industriel dans les pays en voie de développement. En cas de l’Inde nous trouvons (a) que le pétrole importé n’est qu’une petite partie de l’énergie totale utilisée, (b) que les sources énergétiques les plus importantes, le charbon et l’électricité, sont produites localement et (c) qu’il y a une marge considérable de choix en usage des combustibles pour la plupart des industries. Le choix largement dépend de la proximité, disponibilité et possibilité d’utilisation. La distribution inégale du charbon est redressée par l’énergie hydro-électrique. L’étude démontre que les industries textiles et chimiques, la production d’énergie, l’industrie mécanique, l’industrie minière et carrière et les sucreries étaient parmi les industries avec des grandes possibilités inter-combustibles pendant que le secteur de matériel de transport ne possédait pas beaucoup de flexibilité en utilisant des combustibles différentes.

Resumen Energfa y desarrollo econ?mico. — Los resultados de este estudio no corroboran la teoria ampliamente compartida, de que la escasez de energía es la causa de la falta de progreso industrial en los pafses menos desarollados. En el casa de India, se hallan los siguientes resultados: (a) El petroleo importado es solo una pequefia parte del total de energfa consumida. (b) Fuentes más importantes de energfa taies como carb?n y electricidad son producidas domésticamente. (c) En la mayorfa de las industrias, existe un numéro considerable de alternativas en el consumo de combustibles. La elección dépende en gran parte de la proximidad, obtenibilidad y posibilidad de uso. La distribución desigual del carb?n se compensa con energfa hidroelectrica. Industrias con grandes posibilidades de sustitución de combustibles, son segün los resultados del estudio, las industrias textil y qufmica, gereradoras de energfa, de ingenierfa, minera y azucarera. Por el contrario, en el sector de bienes de transporte no existe mucha flexibilidad en el uso de diferentes combustibles.

Law is often used as a means of social engineering, an analysis of which requires an understanding of the nature, possibilities and limits of law. It is closely related to the way of life of the people it is to serve, it is both dynamic and conservative in nature, and it follows, as well as at times directing, change.

Africa is faced with a plurality of legal systems, posing the need for unification, integration, and modernisation. Indigenous or customary law is often regarded as an obstruction to development in Africa. Since customary law is closely related to the life of the people it serves, it cannot be disregarded in programmes of economic and social development.  相似文献   

Public Administration is the study of the activities of government. Where governments accept responsibility for development, public administration is the administration of development.

The approach of public administration to development is one of contingency: to ascertain what a situation is in terms of its environment and devise strategic, structural and procedural interventions appropriate to the situation.

A contingency approach to public administration fits into a social knowledge paradigm which posits that development happens by capacity building through social learning.  相似文献   

"This paper seeks to contribute to the discussion on the relationship between the levels of urbanization, levels of economic development and the pattern of economic activities." The focus is on the situation in developing countries, and the data are from published World Bank sources. Data on per capita income are used to stratify countries into development levels. The study includes data on centrally planned economies and on African countries.  相似文献   

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