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以我国 A股上市公司为研究对象,考察签字注册会计师行业专长对会计信息可比性的影响.结果显示:由拥有行业专长的签字注册会计师审计的配对客户公司会计信息可比性要强于其他公司,特别地,在拥有行业专长的签字注册会计师审计的配对客户公司中,来自同一事务所的签字注册会计师审计的配对客户公司可比性要高于其他客户公司;进一步,地区分签字注册会计师角色差异后发现,这一现象在项目负责人签字注册会计师和复核人签字注册会计师中同时存在,但其影响在项目负责人当中更加显著.  相似文献   

In response to concerns about unreliable information systems, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) have launched a new assurance service called SysTrust. The objective of a SysTrust engagement is for the practitioner to issue an attestation/assurance report on system(s) reliability.The development and deployment of the CPA/CA SysTrust service, however, is done in a high litigation risk environment, especially in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Our purpose is to evaluate the legal environment in these five nations so CAs and CPAs can comprehend the issues involving potential litigation prior to initiating SysTrust engagements. Presently, no legal case in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom has yet been reported which addresses directly accountant liability to third parties for negligent information system assurance services. An analysis of related legal cases sheds light on the potential liability of SysTrust providers. However, the current international legal environment is characterized by a high level of uncertainty. Several risk management strategies, including risk exposure analysis, client engagement evaluation, engagement letters, loss-limit clauses, and alternative dispute resolution, are presented that SysTrust providers may implement to minimize litigation risk.  相似文献   

通过建立和求解一种基于审计质量和注册会计师行为的委托代理模型,探讨了注册会计师的收入水平、政府监管的力度、法律的有效性及经济业务的复杂性等对审计质量的影响.结果表明,提高注册会计师收入、完善监管是提高审计质量的主要途径.  相似文献   

In an effort to contribute to improved audit efficiency and quality, an experiment was administered to 596 CPAs to study the potential effects on materiality judgments of auditors' personal characteristics. A multivariate analysis indicates that age and place of employment can affect materiality decisions, while years of external auditing experience, place of employment, frequency of materiality decisions, and gender may affect confidence in materiality decisions.  相似文献   

注册会计师审计质量控制的博弈分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
注册会计师审计质量优劣直接影响证券市场的有效程度,而审计质量实际状况一定程度上是注册会计师与上市公司管理当局及监管机构、上市公司管理当局与监管机构及股东之间互相博弈的结果。业界对审计质量博弈论研究主要集中于两个局中人的单阶段静态分析。本文构建了四个局中人的多阶段动态博弈模型,对注册会计师审计质量控制的行为选择及其影响因素进行了分析,其结论是:注册会计师审计策略与审计成本和审计风险高度相关,公司管理当局委托注册会计师的行为与审计报告意见紧密联系,独立董事行为影响注册会计师审计质量,管理当局的披露策略与期望收益和风险损失高度相关。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the factors affecting auditors in evaluating information technology (IT) control structures by employing the COBIT framework, a popular IT internal control with integrated platform, and examines the relationship between monitoring function and other COBIT dimensions. The results of our empirical analysis indicate that key factors of IT governance endorsed by certified public accountants (CPAs) in Taiwan match fairly well with those prescribed in the COBIT framework. CPAs can utilize COBIT as a guideline for developing their approach to internal control structure and further limiting their audit liabilities.  相似文献   

反倾销会计研究中的若干问题辩析   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
孙铮  刘浩 《会计研究》2005,(1):67-76
国内会计学术界对反倾销予以了充分的关注 ,但是已有的研究尚存在一些误区。本文通过对WTO和美国欧盟等反倾销法律的分析 ,结合国内近年来应对反倾销的实践 ,得到的主要结论包括 :(1)应对反倾销过程中不应任意夸大企业会计师和注册会计师的作用 ,他们的工作集中在会计问卷、成本追溯和内控环节 ;(2 )中国的会计制度和会计准则已可以满足应对反倾销的要求 ;(3)加强企业的会计实务与内部控制是目前最迫切需要解决的问题 ,《内部会计控制规范》的出台非常及时 ;(4)中国管理会计特别是成本核算制度在严格执行的情况下可以满足美欧反倾销调查的需要 ,但需加强应对反倾销“导向” ;(5 )一些国家已经给予中国“市场经济”待遇 ,“反补贴”问题将是我们必须面对的另一个重要问题 ;(6 )在上述研究的基础上 ,动态的站在贸易救济的高度综合研究相关会计问题  相似文献   

2020年9月22日,证监会就"康得新"和相关责任人员的信息披露违法行为作出了行政处罚.处罚决定显示这又是一起有关体外循环式收入造假的案例.体外循环式收入造假的源头在哪里,始作俑者又是谁,已经无从考证.但有一点可以肯定,这一造假方式绝非"康德新"的发明,历史上的"新大地""绿大地""万福生科"等曾经轰动一时的大案,都牵...  相似文献   

一、考试现状 注册会计师考试如今已成为国内声誉最高的执业资格考试之一.为更好、更快、更广泛地选拔、培养能够在英语环境中从事注册会计师业务的国际化人才,为使中国注册会计师考试制度与国际普遍认可的注册会计师考试制度相趋同,将中国注册会计师考试打造成中国注册会计师走向国际的"通行证",注册会计师全国统一考试英语测试(以下简称"注会英语测试")于2006年开始实施.  相似文献   

Complete membership records of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel are analysed to determine the level of concentration and growth of the accounting profession. This study differs from previous studies in that it concentrates on the supply side of the market. Previously, because of the unique characteristics of auditing services, they were assumed to have no substitute. An analysis of firm switching by CPAs in Israel indicates the existence of substitutes in production. Low levels of overall concentration were found, although large clients are generally audited by large public accounting firms. The profession appears to be competitive as entry is quite easy and switching between firms by CPAs is common.  相似文献   

注册会计师发展非审计业务探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对比考察国内外注册会计师发展非审计业务的实践和遇到的问题后得出以下结论:会计师事务所超出审计范围从事会计服务和管理咨询服务等非审计业务,属于注册会计师职能的拓展;注册会计师有能力和优势从事非审计业务服务;非审计业务是一把双刃剑,它需要在政府的监管下规范发展。这些研究有利于进一步规范非审计业务的发展,促进注册会计师深度服务于中国经济发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which accounting, licensing legislation and the courts have intersected over time, shaping and reshaping the contours of the CPA's economic jurisdiction and thereby restricting and/or enhancing competition between CPAs and the uncertified. While much attention has focused on the use of legislation and favorable interpretations of these statutes as a means of obtaining and expanding exclusive areas of work, little work has considered the role of the courts as a forum in which to contest and thereby limit the expansion activities of CPAs. The courts have played an important role in deciding issues such as who can be called a CPA, who can be called an accountant and when can a CPA be called a CPA. In deciding these issues, the courts have relied upon shifting constitutional arguments to advance and curb the jurisdiction building activities of CPAs. Early arguments called upon notions of the freedom of contract to challenge legislatively imposed limits on who might perform accounting work. Such arguments were later supplemented and eventually supplanted by those based upon freedom of speech, a freedom only recently held to extend to commercial speech. These shifting arguments are traced in the paper which concludes with some observations about the changing significance of the CPA designation.  相似文献   

论注册会计师责任保险制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
注册会计师责任保险对于提高会计师事务所的风险抵御能力和保护投资者利益两方面都具有重要意义.在我国,注册会计师责任保险尚处于起步阶段,无论是需求还是供给都存在不足.但随着我国虚假陈述民事诉讼制度的不断完善,注册会计师的法律诉讼风险将大大提高.为了降低事务所的执业风险、保护受到虚假陈述侵害的投资者利益,我国应当借鉴其他国家和地区的经验,完善我国的注册会计师责任保险制度,并建立相关的配套措施,促进注册会计师责任保险制度的发展.  相似文献   

When liabilities are accounted for at fair value, a deterioration of a company’s credit risk results in the reporting of an income statement gain; an improvement in a company’s credit risk results in a loss. Many argue that these income statement effects are counterintuitive and that financial statement-users are likely to misinterpret fair value gains as positive signals and fair value losses as negative signals. Utilizing an experiment with CPAs as participants, we find that these arguments are indeed valid. Specifically, we find that over 70% of the participants incorrectly assess a company’s credit risk as improving (deteriorating) when a fair value gain (loss) is recognized. We also find that disclosures that explicitly specify the relation between the direction of the credit risk change and the income statement effect significantly reduce participants’ misinterpretations, and are more beneficial when fair value gains versus losses are recognized. These findings provide empirical evidence in the debate over the recognition of company-specific credit risk changes and offer direction for improving disclosures in the area of fair value accounting.  相似文献   

本文以2001—2004年间上市公司会计估计变更过程中暴露出的失当会计估计为研究对象,检验注册会计师的独立审计质量。在控制了重大未决诉讼、债务水平、重大会计差错调整等因素后,研究发现:1.在会计估计变更前一年,注册会计师对公司的失当会计估计已有觉察并在审计意见中反映。会计估计涉及的项目个数、线上会计估计变更金额占全部会计估计变更金额的比例、客户规模以及会计师事务所规模等因素对非标意见的出具具有显著的解释力。2.在会计估计变更当年,注册会计师非标意见的出具与会计估计变更涉及的项目个数、线上会计估寸变更金额占全部会计估计变更金额的比例以及客户规模显著相关。3.注册会计师的审计质量明显受到客户规模的影响。上市公司的规模与注册会计师的审计质量负相关。  相似文献   

心理学研究发现,人们在运用代表性启发法进行概率性判断任务时,会产生忽视基准比率和忽视信息可靠性的偏误。本文以我国注册会计师审计为背景,采用实验的方法,对我国注册会计师在运用代表性启发法进行审计判断时,是否会产生忽视基准比率和信息可靠性的偏误进行了检验。实验结果表明,注册会计师在判断过程中产生了忽视基准比率的偏误,但没有产生忽视信息可靠性的偏误,对可靠性不同的证据比较敏感。  相似文献   

陈秘书长指出,内部控制审计制度是推进内部控制实施的关键环节和重要的监督、保障机制。实施内部控制审计制度是服务国家建设的新任务,是市场监管的新抓手,是提高财务报表审计质量的新支撑,是拓展注册会计师服务领域的新机遇。要充分认识实施内部控制审计制度的挑战,推动内部控制审计的实施,把内部控制审计业务切实做实做好做到位。  相似文献   

This study examines attitudes about professionalism in accounting shortly before the debacles of Enron and Andersen. Interviews with experienced Canadian chartered accountants (CAs) conducted mostly in late 2000 and early 2001 indicate significant doubts about the notion of auditor independence and a relatively high degree of uncertainty about the future of the profession. Accountants also expressed significant difficulties in describing the basic features of what it means to be a professional accountant. On the basis of these observations, we introduce and detail the construct of “professional insecurity". Relying on Giddens's theoretical developments on the role of trust and systems of expertise in today's society, we reflect on the significance and implications of the professional insecurity of CAs, particularly its impact on accountancy's ability to hold on to its jurisdictional boundaries. Our thesis is that the difficulties that accountants experienced in their day‐today lives in sustaining a coherent sense of self‐identity were particularly stressful to them given people's fundamental need for coherence, and this significantly affected the capacity of their profession to hold jurisdiction.  相似文献   

本文利用我国注册会计师行业的历史数据,系统研究了我国注册会计师行业发展问题.研究发现,我国注册会计师行业在促进我国社会经济发展过程中发挥了积极作用,做出了显著贡献.与此同时,也存在因不当审计行为招致的行政处罚、诉讼仲裁案件趋于增长和近年来屡屡遭遇声誉危机事件等问题,未来发展也面临行业过度竞争、薪酬竞争力不足、事务所分所...  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实会计师事务所执业质量检查制度改革精神和《上市公司年报审计监管工作规程》要求,中注协在系统总结2010年年报审计监管约谈经验的基础上,通过创新约谈工作思路、健全约谈工作机制、加强约谈工作技术支持力量,进一步加大年报审计事前事中监管力度,有效抵制不正当低价竞争,更好地引导和帮助事务所防范审计风险。2012年,中注协先后约谈了9次(其中,当面约谈6次,书面约谈3次)、共20家证券资格事务所,就部分上市公司2011年年报审计风险进行提示,引起社会各界的高度关注和积极反响。为帮助广大读者深入了解中注协年报审计监管约谈机制和全面把握风险提示内涵,现接上期,继续将有关约谈的情况予以刊发。  相似文献   

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