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为了增加学生实践操作能力,高职院校设有系列校内校外的职业模拟实训。转账支票的使用是财会专业学生必开的实训操作课,如何合理安排实训操作流程,有效利用模拟的课堂教学,提高教学效率是实训课关注的问题。本文以浙江商业职业技术学院财会金融学院的会计表单模拟实训课中的转账支票使用课为例,应用运筹学中的网络计划技术对课堂教学中的授课安排进行调整和优化,实施分层次教学,更有效地利用课堂资源。  相似文献   

对于被财务评价为不可行的项目投资方案,本文运用网络计划技术,合理而有效地把需要动用的人、财、物力组织起来,以最短的时间和最低的固定资产投资完成建设期工程,使极接近可行的项目投资方案变为可行,并提出应绝对控制垫支流动资金数额的预警。  相似文献   

本文基于关键路线法的基本原理,构建了利用.Excel规划求解完成相应功能的数据结构.实现了规划求解的计算和模型应用的拓展分析,表明将Excel规划求解用于关键路线确定是可行、可靠、可信的。  相似文献   

张秋月 《价值工程》2010,29(5):124-125
同异反网络计划方法是一种有别于传统但更加符合工程实际的新型网络计划方法,它能表达和处理网络计划中工序变量因随机、模糊、不确知和中介等多种不确定性以及突发性。本文在推广同异反联系数概念的基础上,提出了在多种影响因素下工程工期的预测方法,并分析每种因素对工程关键路线造成的影响以进行相应的控制。  相似文献   

区分关键路线的项目二级挣值进度偏差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从项目挣值进度偏差分析指标现状及存在问题谈起,区分关键与非关键线路,在一级项目挣值进度绩效偏差的三种可能状态下,关键线路与非关键线路进度绩效偏差存在十三种可能状态,分析全部可能偏差状态产生原因,并设计相应的项目进度偏差控制方法及管理策略。  相似文献   

生产物流是企业物流中的重要组成部分。为了提高企业生产物流的效率,需根据生产工艺进行合理的生产流程编制和设备布局规划。金秋农药有限公司的生产物流优化提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

在工程项目进度控制的网络计划中,关键路线的确定一般都以路长作为判断标准。对于工期不确定下的工程网络计划来说,采用单一的路长指标确定关键路线可能会与实际之间产生较大的误差。对此,可以引入度量不确定性的随机变量的数字特征来确定该类型工程网络的关键路线以降低进度控制的风险。  相似文献   

物流配送中心作业流程的统筹优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐慧星 《物流科技》2009,32(3):53-55
针对配送中心作业流程的合理规划问题,对配送中心的作业时序进行分析,寻找每道工序的时差,运用统筹方法中的关键路线法寻找缩短工期的最优方案,建立线性规划模型,计算出最佳作业时序,实现配送中心内部作业优化问题,降低配送中心的运营成本。  相似文献   

低成本战略是增加企业价值的有效途径。随着世界经济一体化进程的加快及全球金融危机所带来的影响,企业管理者所面临的最具挑战性的问题是为了保证持续发展,如何控制成本。企业对成本的控制和管理已经引起国内外企业的高度重视,它是企业获  相似文献   

计划评审技术是对不确定性高的项目进行时间估计而采用的一种方法。通过计划评审技术可以对交通基础设施建设项目进行概率分析,得出项目得以完成的可能性,为决策提供依据。本文以高速公路建设为例,阐述了计划评审技术在基础设施建设中的应用,实现对项目进行有效的管理,从而达到降低成本,缩短工期,挺高质量的目的。  相似文献   

ERP中的自动生产调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍传统的调度方法的基础上,引进了关键路径法在自动生产调度上的运用,并介绍了关键路径法中的网络优化方法。  相似文献   

当前我国汽车保有量正以惊人的速度增长,我国汽车产业进入自主创新,加快发展的重要机遇期。本文针对制约我国汽车产业升级的市场集中度偏低、汽车零部件发展滞后、研发经费与人才不足等问题,尝试探讨了合资模式、自建模式和发展战略性新兴产业、构建全球价值链等模式下我国汽车产业升级的路径。  相似文献   

我国金融改革虽然取得了一定的成绩,但仍未突破以银行为主导的金融发展路径,存贷款利差扩大成为利率市场化的阻碍因素。本文运用金融发展的路径依赖理论对此进行了分析,指出在实行赶超型金融发展战略中,为不被旧的路径锁定,使利率市场化顺利进行,减少金融改革中银行业的风险,必须在既有路径中边发展边修正改造,变银行主导型为资本市场主导型金融体系,促使政府主导的供给型金融向市场主导的需求尾随型金融转变。  相似文献   

城镇化发展的“差异化”路径研究——以广东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,受区位条件、资源禀赋、政策措施的影响,我国的东、中、西部区域城镇化发展呈现明显的梯度差异,针对不同发展阶段的地区实施不同的城镇化政策已成为共识.本文以广东省为例,针对不同发展阶段的城市,划分不同类型的政策地区,从各类地区的现状特征与发展挑战入手,探讨“差异性”的城镇化发展路径,为未来具有操作性的城镇化政策...  相似文献   

The research about the innovation production process (IPP) is burgeoning. Our understanding of the interdependent interactions between functionally distinct innovation activities during it from a systemic perspective is rather unclear, yet, which is beneficial to empirical innovation management. This study, based on systems thinking, presents a novel analytical framework to empirically and quantitatively map the IPP jointly associated with a path modeling approach, which helps in untangling the interactive mechanism between stage-specific innovation activities with distinct functions within an IPP from accumulative advantage to economic outcomes. We use the attractive analytical framework to guide an empirical investigation to the China's high-tech industries' IPP at the macro-regional level. Our empirical study confirms the dominant role of previous innovation capital accumulation in the whole IPP embedded into regional innovation systems of China's high-tech industries. That is, we prove the existence of accumulative advantage phenomenon in the regional IPP. The examination results show that there is a significant Matthew effect of technological innovation accumulation on technological innovation inputs as well as the Path dependence of technological innovation outputs/outcomes on technological innovation accumulation. This indicates that the innovation-practitioners should promote innovation capital accumulation for sustainable innovations and economic profits in a long time. At the same time, our findings suggest that, in order to alleviate the cross-regional unbalance of innovation development and promote radial innovations in China's high-tech industries, both policy-makers and innovation-practitioners should try to get rid of the dependence on the previous accumulated innovation capital.  相似文献   

This paper examines the significance of the time path of a given productivity increase on growth and inequality. Whereas the time path impacts only the transitional paths of aggregate quantities, it has both transitional and permanent consequences for wealth and income distribution. Hence, the growth-inequality tradeoff generated by a given discrete increase in productivity contrasts sharply with that obtained when the same productivity increase occurs gradually. The latter can generate a Kuznets-type relationship between inequality and per-capita income. Our results suggest that economies with similar aggregate structural characteristics may have different outcomes for income and wealth inequality, depending on the nature of the productivity growth path.  相似文献   

研究目标:构建了可以调节追踪误差和超额收益的增强型指数追踪模型,并给出了广义最小角度回归算法(GLARS),用以计算调节参数作用下模型解的折中路径。研究方法:通过模拟数据和五组世界主要股票市场指数的历史数据,对本文提出的模型和算法与同类模型和算法进行了性能比较;同时追踪上证50指数构建若干稀疏且稳定的资产组合模型,通过信息比率等指标对投资组合进行评价。研究发现:本文构建的模型可用以构造权衡追踪效果和超额收益,且稀疏的资产组合,GLARS算法相对传统预设参数的算法具有良好的求解能力和计算速度。研究创新:引入调节参数平衡追踪效果和超额收益,并针对中国股票市场的特点,在增强型指数追踪模型施加非负约束;GLARS算法可遍历所有折中意义下的最优解。研究价值:本文提出的增强型指数追踪模型在国内具有较强适用性,在保证资产稀疏性的前提下可以得到超额收益,同时丰富了目前投资组合中的方法论研究。  相似文献   

基于模型动态稳定性的要求,本文改进了半非参数(SNP)模型的选择方法,使所选择的SNP模型既能很好地拟合真实样本又能模拟出与真实样本统计特征相近的时间序列。其次,本文得到了二维随机过程情形下赫米特展开项的理论结果。第三,实证结果表明:上交所旧质押式回购利率初始、插值后样本两组数据的最优SNP模型均为Semiparametric AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)(即11118000)模型,但是两者的系数估计值却不相同。最后,本文的实证结果表明了所提出的SNP模型选择改进方法的合理性与稳定性。  相似文献   

This research note builds upon recent discussions in this journal in an exploration of different scenarios for the way that critical management education and studies can relate to mainstream management education and studies. It is argued that there is no choice but for there to be a relationship of some sort between the two, albeit of a complex sort. Three scenarios are envisaged. In one, the two approaches largely ignore each other and their relationship is left tacit and covert. In the second, there is an engagement between the two. In the third, critical approaches gain ascendancy and become the mainstream. Whilst fraught with difficulties, the conclusion is that the second scenario, that of engagement, is preferable.  相似文献   

Support to enhance early growth of academic spin-off firms is at the core of many economic policies. Efficiency of this support has been recently questioned due to slow growth of spin-off firms in various European countries. However, despite many studies to improve support, there is virtually no empirical insight into resistance of obstacles that constrain growth over time and how this differs between distinct types of spin-offs. This article explores the incidence and nature of obstacles to growth in a cross-section and longitudinal approach, and uses Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) as a case study. We find evidence that (1) the overall ability to overcome obstacles decreases at the age of four, most probably reflecting the rise of the so-called credibility juncture, and that (2) highly innovative spin-offs start with an accumulation of obstacles but move relatively quickly to sustainable growth. The paper concludes with recommendations for the design of new (renewed) incubation policies and for further research.  相似文献   

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