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土地收购储备制度推行几年来,在显化土地资产、合理利用土地资源、落实城市规划、规范土地市场等方面发挥了巨大的作用,但依然存在法律依据缺失、部门配合不力、资金来源单一等共性的问题,成为土地收购储备制度进一步完善的障碍。除了上述问题之外,土地收购储备具体工作中几种常见难题,也值得我们研究。他项权利设定致使土地难以收购他项权利设定包括几种情况,最常见的是拟收购的土地或地上建筑物被查封、抵押。按照我国现行法律规定,如果查封、抵押的财产短期内无法解除,将不能进行处置。因此,抵押的土地必须在解除抵押后,或者抵押人与抵押…  相似文献   

<正>一、改善养殖环境选择和保持无公害水产养殖环境是无公害养殖的前提,包括大气环境质量、渔业水域环境和渔业水源水质。养殖环境应选择空气清新,水源洁静充足,灌、排水方便,交通较好,周边无造纸厂、酿造厂、食品加工厂以及轻纺工业等污染排放。必须符合国标  相似文献   

正随着中办国办印发的《关于完善农村土地所有权承包权经营权分置办法的意见》的实施,农村土地流转数量、规模也在逐步增加。为有效防止或减少流转纠纷的发生,保护流转双方的合法利益,以下9个方面问题必须在流转合同中约定清楚明白:流转土地交付日期的约定。一定要注意当地农作物茬口衔接,建议一般安排在上季作物收获后下季作物播种前之间进行。流入方中途要变更或解除流转合同的,应该提前半年当面或书面告知流出方,便  相似文献   

目前,全国耕地面积不实,原统计数字已冻结不能用,急需通过调查来填补空白。1979年以来,各地在农业区划和土壤普查中,普遍进行了土地资源调查,但由于受技术条件所限,多为概查,或用小比例尺图件量算,或用抽样法、典型推算法,只能以县或公社为单位提出几种大地类的概数,不能落实到大队和地块,不能用于更换现有统计数据,也不能满足土地规划、地籍整理和指导社队农业生产的要求。  相似文献   

收购资金封闭运行是党中央、国务院对农业发展银行的基本要求,也是农业发展银行的工作目标。为了实现收购资金的封闭运行,笔者认为应从收购资金的运动规律入手,紧紧抓住影响封闭运行的"四个环节",加大信贷管理的力度。一、抓住资金供应环节。资金供应是实现封闭运行的前提条件和关口。因此,要坚持"收多少粮,给多少钱"的原则,转变农发行"包企业资金供应"的观念和企业"依赖农发行供应资金"的思想,严格执行政策,把好第一个关口。二、抓住资金使用环节。资金使用关键是确保专款专用,防止挤占挪用。  相似文献   

土地整理项目管理应注意的六个环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、规划设计当前规划设计中的突出问题是规划与实际不符,导致规划变更。究其原因,一是规划设计时基础资料收集不全。如漯河市一个国投项目,批准后发现有一条省道要穿过项目区,致使规划不得不变。二是规划技术人员责任心不强,简单地到项目区看一下就开始闭门造车,按“规程”方方正正地做规划,规划出来后不征求群众意见就直接上报,规划图很漂亮,实际却谬之千里。如漯河市正在实施的一个省投项目,将一条弯曲、宽阔的排水沟取直变窄后成为一条整齐漂亮的排水沟。但实际上不仅项目区的积水从这里排走,方圆几个村的水都要从这里排走,现有的设计根…  相似文献   

建立土地收购储备制度的前提是政府要有一定数量的土地储备,其来源主要有两个方面:一是征用集体所有的土地;二是收回、收购国有划拨土地。对于征用集体土地的补偿、安置,《土地管理法》等作了明确规定。而现行法律对收回、收购国有划拨土地的补偿问题没有具体规定,值得深入探讨  相似文献   

信贷资金投入到粮食收储企业,它不再是以单纯的货币资金的形态存在,而是随着粮食收储企业经营依次进入到购买阶段、储存阶段、销售阶段。驻库信贷员如何根据企业的这一运行规律,在具体实践中对收购资金的使用实行全方位的监控管理,笔者就此谈点粗浅看法:1、收购环节。企业收购是政策性信贷资金投放的初始环节。首先是在收购方面,驻库信贷员要求收购网点开出的五联码单留存联上有售粮农户、过磅员、验质员签字或盖章,并填明售粮农户详细地址,以作备查。其次在结算方面,出纳员付款必须将农户拿出的结算凭证与过磅单的留存联配对,核对无误后方可付款。驻库信贷员根据配对的付款联进行逐笔核对,核打码单,并加盖已核印章,装订成册,然后填写资金汇总日记表一式两份,出纳留一份,并注明当期收购的数量、品种、等级、价款。第三在入库方面,驻库信贷员凭结付汇总日记表再与管库  相似文献   

土地收购如何界定价格内涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地储备以土地收购为前提,以促进城市土地合理利用和政府宏观调控土地市场为目标。在土地收购过程中,首先涉及土地产权关系的变化,产权关系的变化必然引起经济关系的转移,因此准确界定土地收购价格是合理实现土地收购过程中产权经济关系的关键。价格确定中存在的问题目前各地土地收购储备机构在实际操作过程中,对土地收购价格所应包含的具体内容,不同收购对象、不同收购方式应如何合理地确定收购价格,在认识上存在着很大的差异,因此在操作中也就存在着诸多困难。三种性质定位,适用条件不明确。目前在实践中对土地收购价格的性质定…  相似文献   

While many crop insurance systems have been reformed around the world, few academic researches have addressed the determinants of the decision on crop insurance at the farm's micro level. In this article, both the financial and the agricultural literature lead to the identification of many rationales for the crop insurance decision. Using data from the period 2003–2006 on a representative survey of French farms (FADN‐RICA), we investigate the different factors that incite farmers to insure against crop risk. We emphasize that the highest risk farms are more likely to have insurance and this decision is positively related to the past amount of claims. Insurance is subscribed by larger farms because insurance appears too expensive for smaller farms, which are indeed naturally less diversified. Interestingly, financial variables (such as capital structure or return on investment) do not significantly determine the insurance decision.  相似文献   

夏粮收购即将由南至北展开.作为粮食流通第一个关键环节的收购工作.每年都是各级政府关注的重点。今年,我国主要产麦区受旱面积较大,加之受通胀预期和国际粮价上涨等因素影响.国内粮食市场涨价预期较强,企业抢购囤积心理较重。市场秩序面临冲击。  相似文献   

Land consolidation is an effective technique in land management that contributes to sustainable rural development. Land valuation is one of the most important steps in land consolidation because it plays an important role in the reallocation process. Land valuation is also an important problem in Turkey as in many countries in the world. Because the lands will be reallocated at the end of the consolidation process, it is very important to determine the precise value of each parcel. However, the methods used in land valuation in many countries lag behind current techniques and technologies. For this reason, a new method for land valuation is needed. The purpose of this study was to develop a new model based on multi-criteria calculations that is suitable for today's technologies and addresses the weakness in the current land valuation methods. In a case study of Solak, Antalya, Turkey, we identified fourteen key land value factors. Those factors were assigned weights by the Land Valuation Committee, academic staff, engineers, and local landowners. The weights were then integrated into a framework called the Land Quality Index. The land quality index factors are the criteria for evaluating the geographical, physical, and socio-economic structure of the region. The scores for each factor on each parcel were determined using GIS software. The total score of fourteen factors was then converted to a 100-point scale, that comprised the Land Quality Index. The land value of each parcel was determined by adding the soil index to the Land Quality Index. In our study, we also created three different models to investigate how the parameters were apportioned during the land valuation. We found that, while the current method used by the government agency (General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works) classified the lands into five groups, our methods classified the lands into 17, 20, 24 groups, respectively. In addition, while the deduction rate was 4.97 % in the current method, they were 4.89 %, 4.86 % and 4.85 % in our new models, respectively. The method we proposed in this study determined land values more accurately, precisely, and fairly compared to current method used by General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. It is suggested that our models could be used instead of the current method in the land consolidation works in Turkey.  相似文献   

将农用地分等成果应用到第二次土地调查中,可对土地条件调查进行探索;土地数量与土地质量信息的结合,为土地利用总体规划修编、基本农田划定、占补平衡管理、土地开发整理规划、土地整理项目后评价等提供技术支持,进而实现土地数量与质量管理并重.  相似文献   

Land fractioning is a continuous process that could lead to land abandonment. In this work, the relationship between the speed of land market dynamics and land fractioning were studied and compared in two rural parishes of Ecuador. For this study, a database with relevant information extracted from land property deeds was generated for both study areas. Additionally, 193 land buyers and sellers were surveyed to determine the factors influencing/motivating land transactions. We observed a gradual increment of land fractioning with the mean ‘fractionated parcel surface’ independent of the speed of land market dynamics. Instead, the purpose assigned to the land by the actors involved in the land market seems to be the factor influencing the mean fractionated parcel surface and average parcel surface the most. The similarities of the studied areas with others inside and outside Ecuador makes the study relevant in a wider context. Our results could aid local governments in improving their land administration strategies in a deregulated land market context.  相似文献   

丁美来 《中国土地》2005,(12):28-29
节约集约用地是现阶段国土资源管理工作的重中之重。土地登记作为国土资源管理的一项基础性工作,为国家掌握土地动态变化提供重要的信息,同时,它又是土地用途管制制度的重要组成部分,也是国土部门的一项主要管理职能。当前,研究和探索土地登记制度改革,规范土地登记行为,加强土  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss the linkages between land use management and land use change, as well as the impacts of land use policies at the local level. Specifically, I suggest the current land tenure regime in Panama is the outcome of a path-dependent process that includes a Spanish legacy of land tenure institutions and beliefs, a policy-making process that responds to immediate or short-term development outcomes, and the broader political economic context. First, I introduce theoretical perspectives on land policy and development. These are followed by a narrative of the evolution of land tenure in Panama, in the context of develoment processes and land policies in Latin America. In the final section, with the case of lifestyle migration to Bocas del Toro, Panama, I illustrate how the pathways between land management and land use, in the context of political economic development drivers and outcomes, have significant local outcomes.  相似文献   

我国城市用地扩展与土地集约利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了我国城市用地增长弹性系数和城市用地扩展幂指数规律,发现土地利用效益偏低、扩张速度偏快是目前我国城市用地扩展的主要特征;分析了城市用地扩展的主要驱动力,发现固定资产投资和人口增长是城市扩展的主要动力,而第三产业发展有助于抑制城市用地扩张;认为城市扩展是我国现阶段经济发展的必然结果,但我国城市土地利用应变外廷扩展为外延扩展和内涵挖潜相结合的利用方式,提高土地利用的集约度与综合效益.  相似文献   

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