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Based on the concept and theory of Development Power, this paper analyzes the transferability and the diffusibility of industrial development power, points out that the chaos is the extreme of DP releasing and order is the highest degree of DP accumulating, puts forward A-C strength, the index of adjusting and controlling strength, and sets up the derivative process model for industrial development power on the Partial Distribution By the derivative process model, a kind of time series model, we can describe the process of industrial development effectively, and can forecast the future direction of industry or economy. Finally, by making use of the actual data of Chinese software industry and data of USA GDP (chained) price index, we give the examples of empirical analysis, and forecast the future of Chinese software industry and USA economic development. The conclusions in this paper are believed to be valuable and significant to guide the establishment of the industrial policy and to control the industrial development.  相似文献   

Wind power, as a kind of renewable energy, has been developing rapidly. Taking the wind park investment as an engineering project, this paper utilizes cost collecting approach of accounting theory to calculate the static and dynamic cost of the wind power in China. The factors of reducing the wind power cost are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the request of "Five Unifications" put forward on the Third Session of the sixteen's CCP Congress, the Unified Regional Development occupies a very important position. The new concept of this new strategy has exceeded all regional development strategies in the past. The macro-nature of implementation scale and gradual characteristic of implementation steps show that the Unified Regional Development is a long-term strategy, which is given consideration to both equity and efficiency and fully reflects the art of regional management.  相似文献   

田燕 《魅力中国》2014,(27):57-57
Martha, the female character in the play Who' s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? tries to dominate in the family, and after long fighting with her husband George, she lost the power. This paper attempts to use Michel Foucault' s theory of "power of discourse" to analyze the change of power in this absurd play.  相似文献   

China is a country with great territory and the price level has remarkable disparity among various regions, which affects the accuracy of many economic indexes. Using the calculating way of the purchasing power parity of the United Nations International Comparison Project (ICP), this paper chooses 127 samples of commodities and services as comparison programs for 31 provinces and calculates purchasing power parity of every province in 2002 by taking Shanghai as a norm. The aim of this article is to study the method of regional purchasing power parity of our country.  相似文献   

According to everyone average welfare value of land resources; this paper constitutes the base line of glebe usufruct deal value by analyzing the factors, which are affecting glebe usufruct deal value. Having adopted share's quotient of ownership and contracting power, the paper erects assigning mechanism to the income of glebe deal. Because of the share dynarnicity being adopted which shows the flexible strong points, the shares of ownership and contracting power avoid many unnecessary otiose disputes on income of glebe deal, adding the stability to the glebe usufruct deal. It is beneficial to the freedom flow and validity manufacture factor installment and also to the nonagricultural changing course.  相似文献   

This paper aims to form a new model of the types of organizational leaders from the perspective of Chinese culture. Following the comparison between the western and Chinese leadership theories, we conclude that leaders home and abroad should equip themselves with both scientific managerial traits and the personality referent traits; each corresponds to position power and tongyu power. With such groundwork, we divide Chinese leaders into five categories: the mediocre leader, the powerful leader, the wise leader, the capable leader and the sage leader, which on a certain degree accomplishes the work of constructing the leadership model with strong Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Financial Heads Gather in Shanghai for ADB Meetings The east China metropolis of Shanghai has once again drawn worldwide attention as senior executives of the world‘s financial giants gather for the 35th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Among the high-profile bankers and financiers are Stanley Fischer, vicechairman of CitiGroup; Stuart Gulliver. general manager of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC); George Dallas. managing director of Stand...  相似文献   

According to the business survey, we found that there are some problems in the practice of the Chinese B to B product strategy. The business should take the following countermeasures: Setting up a marketing concept of customer oriented; Upgrade the integration power of product strategy; Do well the job of market segmentation and product positioning; Improve the rate of successful new product development through reinforcing marketing research, innovating the process of new product development and increasing consumers' participation.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether a power and leverage perspective, successfully applied to analyse extended buyer-supplier relationships in a western context, can be used to analyse business relationships in China. A single embedded case study is presented in this paper and a power and leverage approach is used to analyse business relationships. The power and leverage perspective is applicable for investigating buyer-supplier relationships in a Chinese cultural context. However, in this context using power as coercion is an extremely counterproductive relationship management strategy, which can draw both buyers and suppliers in to a "no-win" or negative sum situation. The findings are based upon a single case, which makes drawing generalisable conclusions more difficult. In addition, although every effort was made to limit the subjectivity of the power and relationship analysis, researcher interpretation of the data was required. In the Chinese business context, it may not be advisable to manage any relationships in an arms-length manner. Chinese business networks are centred on less explicit or formal power relationships and therefore companies that have learnt the rules of the game of exchange in the west need to modify their approach in China. This work extends the understanding of buyer-supplier relationships and provides additional empirical evidence validating a power and leverage perspective. In addition, the paper provides the first assessment of whether this approach can be used in a non-western context without significant modification.  相似文献   

At present, developed countries pay more attention to personal power training; they plan a new personal power strategy. Since the successful personal power strategy needs multi-opening thought, it is necessary to contact those factors which correlate with the development of economy and society in the world. It needs to harmonize with the economy and society strategy and develop with times. It needs to not only summarize one's own experience, but also compare with other country's, to analyze and reference their personal power strategy, and to increase its rationality.  相似文献   

Each company has to reopen different new methods and means in order to maintain high degree of competitive power on the market. The theory of trust developed by the author on the ground of his observations of many years on the market and formed respectively in theory and laws and practices to be applied in the contemporary life of every company, acting on the market have been presented. The theory gives every company concrete decisions to reach a better competitive power on the market in the globalization. The described below theory of degree of trust was developed by Dobrev, M. as a president of consulting company "D&M Dobrev Consulting House" (Dobrev, M., 1993)for analysis and trading.  相似文献   

The article introduces the impact and essence of climate change and analyzes the attitudes and measures of international community to fight global climate change. From the perspectives of Clean Development Mechanism, Voluntary Carbon Market, energy audit and potential carbon asset investment, this paper discusses the feasible paths of Chinese steel & iron industry against global climate change and summarizes the main fields of adapting to the development of CDM project activities.  相似文献   

It is the effective way of improving enterprise's competitive power to integrate innovation. This paper summarizes the concept, form and characteristic of integrated innovation, analyzes the motive force for promoting integrated innovation of enterprise.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessedsignificant changes in the Asia-Pacific regionalstructure featuring the shift in power balance among related countries as well as adjust-ments in their respective regional strategies. So what is the prevailing trend in thistransformation and what kind of regional order will likely emerge in the future? To an-swer these questions, the paper tries to explore the following dimensions: the evolvingregional context, shift in power balance and power conversion, geo-political and geo-e-conomic developments and interactions between them, and evolving regional order. Asthe study shows, the broadening of regional geographical scope, the rise in the numberof actors involved, as well as changesin the relations among them, have combined tocast a pluralistic and complex flavor to the regional structure. While the power balanceamong China, the United States and Japan shifts, and power conversion is also occur-ring. China and Japan are paying increasing attention to their security roles, whereasthe United States under the Obama administration laid more stress on expanding itsgeo-economic clout. In spite of the intensifying geopolitical competition among China,the United States and Japan in recent years, a Sino-US strategic compromise-whichholds the key to regional geopolitics-isother front, some kind of geo-economicmore likely to take place in the future. On thecooperation will probably emerge. In the longerterm, it will be the geo-economic trend thatwill prevail over the geopolitical trend inthe region. Finally, the future evolution of regional order wiI1 mainly follow the eco-nomic logic, accompanied by the dilutionof its hegemonic and hierarchical nature.Hence, a pluralistic and complex regional community will emerge.  相似文献   

No.1 3‘‘China and ASEAN Can Share the Prosperity Together” ——Interview with Zhang Yunling,Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies,CASS 9 The Feasibility of Establishing a Free Trade Area among Japan,South Korea and China15 East Asian Monetary Cooperation:Necessities and Constraints20 Farmer Preferences in Choosing Health Programs with Insurance Components29 Analysis of the Development of China’s Money Market38 Change ofRegional Financial Development Disparity in China(1978…  相似文献   

New tricks of five provinces and six ministries in the National People's Congress and CPPCC
Director of China Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Ping expressed during People's Congress and Political Consultative Conference that this year's work should focus on maintaining the basic stability of the overall price level. Prices still contains the risk of rising. Flow of hot money from overseas impacts the domestic market Therefore.  相似文献   

In memory of the 11th anniversary of the development and opening up of Pudong New Area. this issue publishes the article written by Vice Mayor Zhou Yupeng on "Innovation, Power for Pudong to Accelerate in a New Round of Development". In view of Zhou Yupeng, who is also Secretary of CPC Pudong New Area Committee, the achievement of the local social and economic targct for the year 2005 depends on innovations in various aspects. Firstly, in terms of governmental administration,investmen…  相似文献   

The small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) is the organization which has high status in national economic system, but weak competitive power in the market and financing difficulty becomes the main handicap of development. The mason why the SME has financing difficulty in terms of enterprises themselves, banks and government is analyzed, some countermeasures are given: strengthen the construction of SME; ameliorate the credit service for SME; perfect the guaranty system and direct finance system.  相似文献   

Each company has to reopen different new methods and means in order to maintain high degree of competitive power on the market in the period of economic crisis today. The described and developed method and procedure by the author give every company concrete decisions to reach a better competitive power on the market in the globalization and mostly in the economic worldwide crisis today. The described method sand procedures below was developed by the author 1993 as a president of consulting company "D & M Dobrev Consulting House" for analysis, trading.  相似文献   

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