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Although recent scholarly work on business relationships often discusses relationship quality as a major issue, especially with regard to the phenomenon of vendor stratification, there is still little empirical research on this important construct. In this paper, the authors provide a thorough conceptualization of relationship quality and its possible antecedents, i.e., the direct and indirect functions of the relationship for the customer. Drawing on an empirical base of 230 buyer questionnaires, the authors show that the extent to which a supplier fulfills direct and indirect functions in a relationship has a direct positive impact on the relationship quality perceived by the customer. This impact is especially strong when the customer can easily replace the supplier or, in other words, when the supplier faces competition. The findings are discussed and the authors provide managerial implications for decision-makers from both buyer and supplier organizations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of organizational learning (OL) on satisfaction and loyalty in industrial markets. A conceptual model, in which the unit for analysis is the dyadic relationship between manufacturers and their main distributor, is proposed and tested. The empirical results showed that the manufacturer's OL is an antecedent of the relational outcomes achieved in business relationships. Specifically, increased OL in the manufacturer has a direct effect on the main distributor's degree of satisfaction and an indirect effect on his loyalty. It is also confirmed that the manufacturer's OL has a direct effect on the manufacturer's business performance. However, we found that links between OL and satisfaction and OL and loyalty are not changed by market turbulence.  相似文献   

Researchers have only begun to provide explanations of how top executives' experiences and perceptions influence organizational decisions. Drawing from a broad theoretical base, this study tests the contention that top executives' personal experiences (age, educational background, and work experience), their perceptions of their firms' attitudes toward technology and risk, and their perceptions regarding their firms' past success with collaborative technological development influence their cognitive assessments of potential technological alliances. Results from the study suggest that top executives with a technical education place more weight on the opportunities provided by the alliance than those with other types of education. Moreover, executives from firms that are perceived to emphasize technology and to have had success with technological alliances in the past tend to focus more on the opportunities provided by the alliance and less on the riskiness of the venture. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

In this paper we use a relational approach to investigate how employee perceptions of their relationships with three types of managers—senior, line, and human resource managers—are related to employees’ job satisfaction and intention to quit. Based on an employee survey (n = 1,533), and manager network data (n = 140) in ten organizations operating in Australia, we found that the extent of agreement between employees’ perceptions of their relations with senior and line management was positively related to these outcome variables. In addition, we found these relationships were strengthened in organizations where HR and line managers reported high-frequency communication between the two groups. Implications of our findings are briefly canvassed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate how buyers' usage of electronic marketplaces was influenced by their perceived risks and expected benefits associated with such markets. A large scale survey involving 359 professional buyers was performed. Results indicated that buyers' perceived risks and expected benefits had an influence on their usage extent of electronic marketplaces. In addition, buyers' e-business readiness moderated the relationship between expected benefits and usage of electronic marketplaces. Managerial and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

A model of the purchaser's satisfaction with supplier response to a formal buyer complaint is developed and tested. The authors answer two important questions: (1) what variables affect the purchasing agent's satisfaction with a supplier's response to a complaint? and (2) how can the supplier respond so as to keep that customer in the future?  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of genetic polymorphisms of salespeople on their motivation and job satisfaction. We hypothesize that psychological attachment styles (anxious, avoidance, and secure) and role conflict interact with variants of three genes (dopamine DRD4, COMT and OXTR) to influence motivation and satisfaction. Our approach follows the spirit of the emerging subfield of organizational neuroscience and biological foundations of social behavior recently introduced into the literature and is one of the first studies to uncover complex dependence of behavior on genes and to employ a large enough sample to reduce false positive inferences. Variants of the DRD4 and COMT genes are found to interact with avoidance and secure attachment style, respectively, to influence motivation, under conditions of felt role conflict. Variants of OXTR have main effects on job satisfaction, as do anxious attachment styles and felt role conflict. Hypotheses are tested on a sample of 334 salespersons selling goods and services to business customers. The role of genetic endowment represents untapped origins for research into the behavior of salespeople and has a number of managerial implications that we discuss.  相似文献   

By drawing on new institutional economics, this paper contends that the “rules-of-law” specified by the World Trade Organization (WTO), as an exogenous institution for the member states, will theoretically influence its members’ domestic telecommunications regulatory institutions, but that the actual effects will be different and will depend on the institutional endowments of host countries and their institutional stances. Empirically, this paper examines the impact of China's prospective membership status in the WTO on its telecommunications regulatory reform and industrial liberalization and explores the institutional barriers preventing China from fully implementing the WTO Agreements in this sector.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the impact of the Internet on industrial purchase decisions is of critical importance for industrial marketers seeking to incorporate the Internet in their overall communication strategy. Accordingly, this study examines (1) the degree to which purchasing professionals perceive the Internet as useful, (2) how purchasing professionals are using the Internet for communication activities, (3) how the Internet compares to other promotional tools in influencing buyers' purchase decisions, and (4) whether differences among buyers can be identified relative to the perceived influence of suppliers' websites. The results provide some practical implications for industrial marketers regarding the use of the Internet relative to other promotional tools.  相似文献   

A new venture team is a particular type of top management team neglected by the literature. This study investigated the effects of team inputs and processes on team members' perceptions of team viability and satisfaction in nascent ventures. These outcomes are important as they may be antecedents of team perseverance. The study of 51 new venture teams showed that the presence of a distinct leader was positively related to team satisfaction, while member diversity in educational backgrounds was positively related to perceived team viability. Intrateam processes of social integration and open communication were positively related to both perceived team viability and member satisfaction. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sellers are embracing technology-mediated sales communication tools such as videoconferencing systems, cellular phones, web sites, and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems in an attempt to control selling costs while maintaining the personal touch. What is unclear at this point, however, is if investment in communication technology actually pays dividends for industrial suppliers. This research explores the topic by examining the effects of buyer satisfaction with the adoption of technology-mediated communication (STMC) on channel partner relationships. STMC is found to have significant, positive, direct effects on future intentions (FI). Furthermore, these effects are found to be partially mediated by trust and commitment.  相似文献   

Consumers’ perception of, and satisfaction with, fruit quality is an important issue for both public policy and commercial reasons. However, because of information problems, consumers cannot easily choose fruits of a quality most likely to satisfy their preferences and health needs. The research reported here employed an experimental auction method to test perceptions of fruit quality by evaluating the willingness to pay (WTP) of consumers for five different varieties of soft citrus under three different information conditions: visual inspection of the fruit before peeling; visual inspection after peeling; and after consumption. Significant differences were found in valuations of the different varieties as consumers gained information. Conclusions are drawn about the value of the methodology and the results themselves, and implications are inferred for policy and for growers and traders. It is argued that product information should be oriented not just towards nutritional education but also towards increasing the pleasure of healthy eating.  相似文献   

Growing skepticism about green advertisements calls for a thorough investigation of the environmental claims made by firms. This is particularly important in the context of industrial and international markets, where research on the subject is virtually non-existent. By employing legitimacy theory, this article develops several research hypotheses linking various dimensions of environmental claims made in green advertisements (i.e., focal points, evaluation areas, leverage aspects, driving forces) with advertising greenness (i.e., shallow, moderate, deep). It then tests these hypotheses with data obtained from a content analysis of 383 green magazine advertisements by multinational firms producing industrial goods. In accord with legitimacy theory, the results indicate that, the stronger the greenness of an advertisement: (a) the greater the use of focal points relating to a product, processes, image, and facts; (b) the more specific, strong, substantive, and acceptable are the issues raised; (c) the higher the employment of rational, emotional, and moral points to leverage environmental matters; and (d) the sharper the driving forces relating to the planet and its flora, fauna, and human entities. Several important conclusions, managerial implications, and directions for future research are derived from these findings.  相似文献   

Extant literature on ingredient branding is directed at tangible products but does not account for the role of services as ingredients. For B2B suppliers, however, service is emerging as the dominant route to achieving competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to investigate how ingredient service brands impact customer preferences on B2B markets. We specifically assess how ingredients might impact industrial buyers' quality perceptions of the end product. By conducting a within-subjects scenario-based experiment among industrial buyers, we find a positive effect of the presence of an ingredient service brand on buyers' perception of the end product's service quality, whether the host brand is of higher or lower quality. The effect is stronger when the quality of the host brand is lower. Furthermore, results indicate that the host brand generally has a stronger impact on the quality evaluation of the end product meaning that an ingredient service brand cannot fully compensate for a lower-quality host brand. For managers, our findings indicate that ingredient service brands provide a cue to product quality of the end product, indirectly improving purchase intentions. As a result, branded service ingredients offer host service brands as well as ingredient service brands a potentially powerful strategy for improving competitive position in B2B markets.  相似文献   

The study develops a general analytical framework of heterogeneous consumer preferences to examine the effects of country of origin labeling (COOL) regulation on consumer purchasing decisions and welfare. We show that while differences in consumer perceptions about COOL information, namely, whether it is viewed as an attribute that differentiates products vertically or horizontally, do not alter the nature of the market and consumer welfare effects of mandatory COOL, the relative strength of consumer preferences for COOL are shown to be important in determining the magnitude of these effects. In addition, our results show that the benchmark used (a no COOL versus a voluntary COOL regime) is critical in evaluating the effects of the policy. We show that, under both horizontal and vertical product differentiation, a change from a no COOL to a mandatory COOL regime decreases (increases) the welfare of consumers with weak (strong) preference for COOL while a change from a voluntary to a mandatory COOL regime leads to an unambiguous loss in consumer welfare.  相似文献   

Suppliers and customers work within a network in which they have a vast array of diverse relationships they have to manage [Easton, G. (1992). Industrial networks: A new view of reality. London: Routledge; Turnbull, P. W., & Moustakatos, T. Int. J. Bank Mark. 14 (1996) 26]. Past research in relationship portfolio analysis [Turnbull, P. W., & Cunningham, M. T. (Eds.). (1981). International marketing and purchasing: A survey among marketing and purchasing executives in five European countries. London: Macmillan Press; Fioca, R. Ind. Mark. Manage. 11 (1982) 53; Campbell, N. C. G. & Cunningham, M. T. Strateg. Manage. J. 4 (1983) 369; Reicheld, F. F. & Sasser W. E. Harv. Bus. Rev. (1990) 105; Krapfel, R. E., Salmond, D., & Spekman R. Eur. J. Mark. 25 (1991) 72] has sought to enable companies to allocate resources efficiently and effectively to different kinds of relationships. However, little research has been carried out to investigate how this concept can be applied across sectors, across functions, across manufacturing and financial services, and across suppliers and buyers. This research explores three methods of managing relationships: formal, documented systems, personal judgement, and meetings. The perceived usefulness of each method and combination of methods used varied across industrial sectors and functions. All three methods were used by the majority of financial suppliers and buyers and manufacturing buyers while manufacturing suppliers tended to use personal judgement and meetings. Overall, meetings were perceived as the most useful method for managing relationships. Formal, documented systems were generally perceived as the least useful method by all of the groups except the financial services buyers. Since relationship portfolio analysis is generally perceived as being less useful than personal judgement and meetings, researchers must reexamine the models put forward to improve their applicability and usefulness in industrial settings.  相似文献   

The studies of influence strategies in channel relationships have focused on western, individualistic countries. This study seeks to extend the empirical findings in Taiwan's motor industry to elucidate differences among diverse context. The results reveal that the promise strategy must be separated from coercive strategies and the request strategy must be separated from noncoercive strategies under the context of Taiwan's motor industry. Moreover, discrimination between economic and social satisfaction helps relationships between influence strategies and satisfaction and the effects of satisfaction on performance to be understood. The dealer's satisfaction is positively related to his performance, and social satisfaction is more important than economic satisfaction.  相似文献   


Management researchers have paid more attention to the role of affect in the workplace in the last two to three decades. While it is clear that positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) should be associated with positive and negative employee attitudes and behaviors, respectively, we know little about their combined effects. In this study, we provide preliminary evidence concerning the potential complexity of the interplay between PA and NA in affecting job satisfaction and counterproductive work behaviors (CWB). Results of polynomial regression analyses from a sample of 216 employees showed that congruence of PA and NA at high level leads to the higher level of job satisfaction and CWB than they are congruent at low level. For incongruence situations, PA higher than NA leads to higher level of job satisfaction and a lower level of CWB than when NA is higher than PA. Theoretical implications, limitations and future directions are discussed.


Superior corporate reputations can have strategic value for firms. Of the “multiple reputations” associated with each firm, we focus on the perceptions of the general public. The public represents the most widely defined stakeholder group but has attracted the least amount of research interest to date. Drawing on data for German firms, this study demonstrates that superior reputation perceptions issued by the general public increase shareholder value, as measured by future stock returns. This study provides a more nuanced understanding for this novel finding. Applying a conceptualization of reputation that balances both its affective and cognitive components, we find that reputation perceptions that are driven by nonfinancial aspects are more value relevant in the future than reputation perceptions that are driven by previous financial performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以广州南沙区外江堤防整治工程水闸施工为例,分析了水闸施工设计与组织的主要过程及可能出面的问题,并提出了解决措施.同时,阐述了笔者对水闸施工质量管理的几点认识.  相似文献   

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