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于博 《活力》2022,(20):76-78
区域经济发展水平受到区域文化、经济特点、地理位置和人才数量及质量的影响,而人才的数量和质量与区域的高等教育水平息息相关,地方高校在一定程度上决定了该区域高等教育的水平。基于此,如何利用高校教育促进区域经济发展至关重要,探索高校促进区域经济发展的路径具有现实意义。  相似文献   

本文首先对皖北行政区域进行的界定,然后详细分析了皖北六市的经济状况,找出经济发展落后的原因,在此基础上结合实际情况,提出皖北区域经济协调发展的策略.  相似文献   

秦荣炎 《价值工程》2010,29(28):18-18
行政区域经济是依靠行政区域规划推动发展的一种经济形态。一般来说,行政区域经济的发展模式主要有内聚型、辐射型、互补型三种。研究行政区域经济发展模式可以借鉴更多的经验,对我们经济发展规划有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

本文从定量角度研究了区域物流业对区域经济的增长作用,运用Logistic模型确定区域物流业与区域经济增长之间的数量关系,并采用边际分析和弹性分析计算出区域物流业的单位增长带来的区域经济的增长额度.最后以京津冀地区为案例进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

徐胜 《企业经济》2004,(1):34-35
区域经济一体化是当今国际经济与贸易发展的主导形式。我国在加入WTO以后,尤其要注意区域经济一体化的动向,并以此为依据来制定我国的贸易发展战略。本文从中国现阶段的区域经济现象出发,在国家和地区两个层面上解释区域发展状况及其战略研究。  相似文献   

在发展我国县域经济中,不能不顾自身经济要素禀赋结构的阶段性,盲目地实行赶超战略——就县域而言,要大力发展以县城为中心的中小城市——以县城作为我国城镇化的重中之重——区域经济合作是推动县域经济发展的新支点——有必要探索行政区域合作发展的利益协调机制,可以借鉴国际贸易体系中的利益协调机制——淡化政府的经济政绩考核,发挥市场机制的基础性作用,把经济发展的区位选择权还给市场。  相似文献   

中央直辖市的设立,开辟了重庆发展的新天地。区域物流在促进地区经济发展的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。为了验证重庆区域物流与区域经济增长的互动关系,作者以统计分析为基础,建立数量模型来分析重庆区域物流与区域经济的内在联系,最后证实重庆区域物流可以促进该区域经济的发展;另一方面随着经济不断增长和对物流固定资产投资的不断增加,也可以加快区域物流产值的迅速提升。  相似文献   

珠三角洲区域物流与区域经济互动机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴晔 《物流科技》2009,32(2):21-23
珠三角的经济发展倍受关注,区域物流在该区域经济发展的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。为得出殊三角区域物流增长与区域经济增长的互动关系,文章以统计分析方法,构建数量模型分析珠三角区域物流与区域经济之间的关系.最后证实殊三角一方面通过区域物流发展可以促进经济增长;另一方面随着经济不断增长和物流固定资产的不断投入也可以促进区域物流产出的迅速增加。  相似文献   

试论县域经济的特点和发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
县域经济是国民经济的基本行政区域经济,是我国相对独立运行的基本经济单元.在县域经济发展中,存在着不同于一般意义上的区域经济的运行规律,具有自身的一些特点.  相似文献   

中国区域经济一体化进程,正以空前的速度全面推进。长三角,继16城市以城市经济协调会的形式率先开始区域经济一体化合作尝试之后,随着国务院相关规划的出台,区域经济一体化范畴扩大到苏浙沪两省一市;安徽等周边省份,也开始通过越来越频繁紧密的合作,实质上纳入长三角区域经济一体化的范畴。  相似文献   

本文以海南建省为案例,采用差分法和准实验法从纵向和横向两个方面估计了行政区划调整对缩小区域差距的影响。研究发现,行政区划调整对缩小区域差距既有正面影响,也有负面影响。其正面影响的原因是行政区升格对地方官员的政治激励、中央的优惠政策和分权,其负面影响的原因是经济增长质量不高和人口的过量流入。本文认为,行政区划的调整有利于缩小区域差距。  相似文献   

The present study aims to test relative welfare differences among regions in Europe, so as to examine whether the post-communist era has led to more socio-economic cohesion in Europe. The performance of European regions is analysed, compared, and assessed by using the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) and stylised fixed nominal categories. The current status of regional cohesion is tested on the basis of detailed data on 268 NUTS 2 European regions by using a robust methodology oriented towards univariate comparison of location parameters, multivariate classification by the decision tree and CHAID algorithm, and comparison of nominal variables with four values based on density plots.Multivariate classification appears to offer statistically excellent results with an overall correct prediction rate for post-socialist and capitalist regions in Europe of 99.6%. The research results from the Higher education and Innovation pillars, reveal a convergence of capitalist and post-socialist regions with capital cities and a divergence of regions with administrative capitals and other regions. Relatively, the two groups which perform best are both groups with capitals, while the group of capitalist regions with a capital city is significantly better in almost all pillars.The key message is that the transition of post-socialist regions is not yet over. Capitalist regions in Europe perform better than post-socialist regions in eight of the nine pillars of regional competitiveness. Our research results also reveal that the group of post-socialist regions without capital cities are significantly lagging behind the rest of the regions in Europe, and thus form the most vulnerable group of European regions. As there is data continuity in the official RCI classification and measurement, policy makers will be able to compare the performance of their own regions over time and to design appropriate concerted strategies accordingly. From this perspective, our study draws several interesting lessons and results for policy makers at various levels. Place-based regional planning and policy based on our analysis framework may be helpful in developing effective measures to cope with the socio-economic legacy of the “Iron Curtain” and get closer to regional cohesion in Europe.  相似文献   

行政区划调整在不同的时代背景下具有不同的特征,但无论是20世纪90年代的“县改市”热潮,还是近年来重新进入大众视野的特大镇改市,其实质都是在城镇化发展的不同阶段背景下,对资源配置格局再调整的需求体现。长期来看,行政区划调整要充分考虑区域资源优化配置,形成高效率的组织体系。但也要看到,中国所特有的行政区经济模式在短期内难以改变,一定时期内行政等级仍将是不同行政单元间资源配置的重要依据。短期内,要抓紧解决一批矛盾集中的行政区划调整问题,解决当前行政区划与承载人口不匹配的突出矛盾。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the experiences of debordering and deinstitutionalization of regions. It approaches territories as processes and borders as multilayered social constructs. The article utilizes some key ideas on institutionalization and sees regions as ‘Leviathans’ that are entities ‘thick with things’, both human and nonhuman. Through 10 focus group discussions, the article discusses the sense of belonging and how a region ‘holds onto’ both human and nonhuman actants even after it loses its status in the legitimate regional structure. Due to this stickiness, it concludes that deinstitutionalization is never complete in a sense that all regional consciousness would disappear entirely. After their administrative status is removed, regions remain in a state of in betweenness: not quite fully existing, not quite fully extinct. This makes the concept of deinstitutionalization highly contested and one that eludes easy definitions. However, it is useful to understand deinstitutionalization as a process that turns regions into palimpsests or sets of assemblages that vary in time. Relatedly, regions that are officially deinstitutionalized can endure in ‘penumbral’ form, and can remain meaningful for their inhabitants for a long time.  相似文献   

只有创新地方政府管理体制,调整行政区划、转变政府职能、改革政府机构、重塑府际关系以及创新区域管理运作机制,才能解决区域经济一体化发展中的制度瓶颈问题,促进地方政府管理体制与区域经济一体化发展之间的和谐互动。  相似文献   

雷湖 《价值工程》2011,30(35):125-126
区域贸易是指不同区域之间进行商品交换的活动。历史证明:存在区域贸易的区域比那些自给自足的封闭型地区更能够促进国民经济的发展。目前,我国各省区之间的区域贸易仍然比较弱,地方保护主义仍旧盛行。各地区没有充分利用各自的比较优势、以专业化生产来提高各自的贸易利益。本文通过对我国地区贸易冲突及生成机制的研究,找出出现这种现象的根本原因。同时,借鉴美国促进国内区域贸易的措施,给我国合理的区域贸易建言献策。  相似文献   

抛开行政因素,单纯从市场经济的视角来看,滨海新区可以被放在不同尺度的空间范围内去考量,这些空间依次为天津市、京津冀、环渤海、中国北部、东北亚乃至全球范围。实际上在目前经济全球化的背景下,滨海新区可以被看作是在不同空间尺度内发挥作用的经济增长极。本文从不同的空间尺度的视角对滨海新区的功能定位进行分析,并提出通过临海工业带建设在京津冀区域中实现以天津滨海新区为引擎的区域一体化的途径。  相似文献   

工业经济的区域协调发展是整个社会区域协调发展的迫切需要,也是工业大国迈向工业强国的关键所在。本文研究表明,改革开放以来中国地区工业经济发展是不平衡的,地区间的差距经过了先缩小再扩大又缩小的过程。在中国工业经济发展的众多影响因素中,除了地区的自然条件差异外,地区物质资本的投入、国外直接投资、工业基础设施和市场开放程度等都对地区工业经济发展具有重要影响。  相似文献   

Although network analysis has gained increasing attention over the last years, the literature on Regional Innovation Systems thus far has not embraced network methods. This study is an attempt to enrich the Regional Innovation System concept by applying social network methods to quantitatively assess the extent to which innovating actors in a region engage in systemic forms of knowledge exchange and collaboration. On the basis of a comparison of three rather different regional innovator networks, the paper suggests that regions with a strong knowledge base that are specialized in broad technology fields tend to have relatively fragmented network structures.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of the positive impact of economic integration on EU regions’ business cycles convergence by focusing on two neighbouring countries: Spain and Portugal. We show that while a rise in cross‐country business cycle correlation has also been experienced by other European countries, it has been relatively more pronounced for Iberian regions. Econometric evidence suggests that the existence of an administrative border, the economic size of regions and their industrial structures can explain a substantial proportion of regional cycles.  相似文献   

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