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The realization of securities gains and losses to manage earnings in publicly-traded bank holding companies has been documented in a large number of studies, but very little is known about why managers engage in this behavior. Two possible explanations for earnings management put forth by Warfield, Wild, and Wild (1995) are that managers engage in this behavior either to circumvent accounting-based contracts designed to mitigate agency problems, or to reduce information asymmetry.We compare public and private banks' realizations of securities gains and losses to determine how their earnings management differs. We find that public banks consistently engage in more earnings management than private banks, and that the portion of their current period securities gains and losses attributable to earnings management is more positively associated with next period's earnings before securities gains and losses. These findings are consistent with earnings management occurring due to greater information asymmetry in public firms, and suggest that earnings management may not necessarily lead to the erosion in the quality of earnings suggested by Levitt (1998).  相似文献   

Utilizing a large sample of non-financial public firms in China from 2009 to 2016, we find robust evidence that non-financial firms smooth their earnings through realized gains and losses on available-for-sale (AFS) securities. This effect is more pronounced for firms with weaker internal and external corporate governance. Firms with an incentive to manipulate up their earnings are also less likely to smooth earnings through AFS securities. Moreover, firms with more accrual earnings management or real earnings management tend to smooth earnings to a greater extent through AFS securities. Firms smooth earnings only when their net income is positive or when net income is negative and the gains from AFS securities are large enough to offset negative earnings. We do not find supporting evidence for engaging in big bath earnings management through the realization of losses on AFS securities. These findings suggest that gains and losses on AFS securities allow non-financial firms to actively smooth their earnings. Last, the accounting standards amendments in 2017 that essentially disable earnings smoothing through AFS securities increase price efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper applies the multi-period investment model to a universe of international securities on the basis of the simple probability assessment approach. Our principal findings are: 1) the gains from including non-U.S. asset categories in the universe were remarkably large (in some cases statistically significant), especially for the highly risk-averse strategies, 2) the gains from removing the no leverage constraint were more substantial than they were in the absence of non-U.S. securities, and 3) there is strong evidence of market segmentation in that the optimal levels of investment in U.S. securities were mostly zero in the presence of the non-U.S. asset categories.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the productive differences of banking among countries. It proposes a Malmquist type index that allows intercountry productivity differences to be broken down into pure technological differences and differences due to environmental effects. The most relevant feature of this index is its symmetry, since it avoids the problem of measurements being sensitive to the choice of the benchmark country. This index is used to explain the productivity gaps of banking industries across four major countries in Europe as well as the productivity gains that banks could obtain using alternative technologies or with different environments. An output distance function is defined and the stochastic frontier approach used to carry out the comparison.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether fair value accounting contributes to the procyclicality of bank lending. Using banks’ approval/denial decisions on residential mortgage applications to capture banks’ supply of credit, I find no evidence that fair value accounting has procyclical effects on bank lending over the past two business cycles. I further identify two reasons for this result. First, the main accounting item distinguishing fair value accounting from historical cost accounting—unrealized gains and losses on available‐for‐sale securities—does not affect lending decisions. Second, unrealized gains and losses on available‐for‐sale securities are not procyclical, as the risk‐free interest rate rises during some expansionary periods, resulting in unrealized losses, while the risk‐free interest rate (and sometimes the default spread) falls during some recessionary periods, resulting in unrealized gains.  相似文献   

This paper develops a post-tax asset pricing model under the assumption that investors cannot defer the taxation of capital gains by costlessly short selling tax exempt perfect substitute securities. Contrary to existing literature, it is demonstrated that trading rules of immediate realization of losses and voluntary deferral of gains may not be optimal. Further, equilibrium prices are shown to be higher for stocks held by investors with large accrued capital gains and lower for stocks held by investors with small accrued capital gains or losses.  相似文献   

非经常性损益的列报:理论、准则与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国证券市场监管者对盈余构成中的非经常性损益正在经历一个制度变化的过程。2008年证监会又发布了《公开发行证券的公司信息披露解释性公告第1号——非经常性损益(2008)》。然而,对于非经常性损益是否应该计入企业损益这个问题,理论研究中的当期营业观和损益满计观各执己见。各国的准则制定基本采纳损益满计观,但具体发布的准则、公告存在着差异。本文基于对理论的分析和准则的比较,认为在我国目前非经常性损益监管采取"突击式"增减列举项目的方式下,财务报告使用者有必要结合宏观经济形势的发展以及公司自身特点,对非经常性损益展开动态评价和嵌入性分析,合理评价非经常性损益的影响。  相似文献   

We examine how tax rates impact investment by corporations in the stock market. We regress changes in intercorporate investment on changes in the various individual and corporate top statutory marginal tax rates (MTRs). We find a significant negative association between changes in individual capital gains MTRs and changes in intercorporate investment, while no such association is evident for changes in either individual ordinary or dividend MTRs. These results support the notion that corporations respond to the after-tax rate of return and/or market efficiency consequences brought about by a change in individual capital gains MTRs. We find a significant positive relation between changes in intercorporate investment and changes in corporate MTRs on ordinary income. These results are consistent with corporations scaling back expansion plans and instead investing free cash flows in equity securities as MTRs increase.  相似文献   

Guided by the Gervais and Odean (2001) overconfident trading hypothesis, we comprehensively investigate the trading behavior of individual vs. institutional investors in Taiwan in an attempt to identify who is the more overconfident trader. Conditional on the various states of the market, on market volatility, and on the risk level of the securities they trade, we find that both individual and institutional investors trade more aggressively following market gains in bull markets, in up-market states, in up-momentum market states, and in low-volatility market states and that only individual investors trade more in riskier securities following market gains. More importantly, we find that individual investors trade more aggressively following market gains in the three conditional states of the market and in high-volatility market states than institutional investors. Also, individual investors trade more in relatively riskier securities following gains than institutional investors. These findings provide evidence that individual investors are more overconfident traders than institutional investors.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical test results of alternative hypotheses regarding differences in returns to shareholders of bidding firms that choose different payment methods (cash or securities). The evidence is consistent with the payment method signaling hypothesis, which asserts that when management of the bidding firm believes its own stock to be overvalued (undervalued), securities (cash) will be the preferred payment method. The results are not consistent with either the overpayment hypothesis or the present value/hubris hypothesis. The findings also explain the conflicting results reported in prior work on gains to bidding firms.  相似文献   

Other comprehensive income (OCI) items are often considered to be transitory (Chambers et al. 2007; IASB 2013; CFA2014). In this paper, we show that a significant portion of OCI, namely unrealized gains and losses (UGL) from available-for-sale (AFS) debt securities, is non-transitory: a negative correlation between accumulated unrealized gains and losses in the current period and next period UGL is predicted, and we show that this correlation is economically and statistically significant. This correlation is due to a mix of accounting methods of measurement of income from fixed-income securities: UGL are recognized based on fair values, whereas interest income is measured based on historical cost. We document that (1) this negative correlation helps explain a previously unexplained negative correlation in other comprehensive income (OCI), and (2) investors seem to price total UGL disregarding (or not understanding) the predictable, accounting-driven component of UGL.  相似文献   

从中国证券业市场结构的现实特征入手,研究市场结构这一中观因素对证券公司效率的作用。通过实证检验,发现相对市场势力假说在中国证券业成立的证据,但进一步分析表明,市场份额的扩张并没有带来显著的效率损失,这与典型的相对市场假说并不相同。  相似文献   

This paper examines twenty-seven international real estate securities indices from twenty countries and regions for calendar effects. Two methodologies are employed. The first is the standard approach which detects statistically significant anomalies via linear regression of returns. The second, new to the real estate securities literature, tests for economically significant effects through two tests specifically designed to compare multiple forecasts to a benchmark, White’s (Econometrica, 1097–1126, 2000) Reality Check and Hansen’s (J Bus Econ Stat 23(4):365–380, 2005) Superior Predictive Ability test. The standard approach tells us that while some effects have disappeared over time, statistically significant calendar anomalies persist. However, the tests of White and Hansen strongly suggest that they are not economically significant and thus should not be the basis of an investor’s trading strategy nor be considered as a challenge to market efficiency, as has been claimed previously.  相似文献   

流动性压力测试是宏观审慎工具箱的重要内容,由于其能够定量测算未预期的尾部风险而受到越来越多的重视。本文以分析近期国际组织关于各国监管当局和业界开展流动性压力测试情况的调研为基础,提出对我国管理部门和商业银行开展压力测试的建议:增加风险因子范围和冲击幅度;延长压力测试时间窗口;将市场风险、信用风险和流动性风险进行综合考量;进一步研究次轮效应。  相似文献   

Based on a large sample of publicly listed and non-listed US commercial banks from 1996 to 2011, we find robust evidence consistent with banks using realized available for sale (AFS) securities gains and losses to smooth earnings and increase low regulatory capital. We also find that (i) banks with positive earnings smooth earnings, and banks with negative earnings generally take big baths; (ii) regulatory capital constrains big baths; (iii) banks with more negative earnings and more unrealized beginning-of-quarter losses (gains) take big baths (smooth earnings); and (iv) banks with low regulatory capital and more unrealized gains realize more gains. Also, banks with negative earnings take big baths (avoid or reduce the earnings loss) if their unrealized gains are insufficient (sufficient) to offset the negative earnings. Our inferences apply to listed and non-listed banks, which indicates that the earnings management incentives do not derive solely from public capital markets. Our findings reveal that the accounting for AFS securities gains and losses enables banks to manage regulatory capital and earnings in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationship between the capital structure and the systematic risk of common equity for a firm whose capital structure includes convertible securities. Adding warrants to the capital structure reduces the systematic risk of equity, which is consistent with the fact that warrants dampen the volatility of equity by reducing the upside potential gains of existing stockholders. Expressions showing the impact of conversion features in debt and preferred stock on the systematic risk of equity are derived, and contrasted with the systematic risk effects of non-convertible debt or non-convertible preferred stock financing. Failure to incorporate conversion features may lead to serious errors in assessing the impact of financing alternatives on the risk of equity.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether gains in bank megamergers occur due to efficiency improvements or the exercise of market power using financial statement line item forecasts from Value Line to infer the effect of the merger on prices and quantities. The average megamerger is associated with cost‐efficiency improvements. In the cross‐section, efficiency gains are limited to market expansion mergers while market overlap mergers and Too‐Big‐To‐Fail (TBTF) mergers exhibit monopoly gains. Efficiency gains dissipate when the resulting megabank size exceeds $150 billion in assets or 1.5% of gross domestic product indicating that banks thought to be TBTF are likely to be “Too‐Big‐To‐Be‐Efficient.”  相似文献   

This study analyzes effects on debt and equity claimants of asset sales into securitizations. Shareholders' returns are increasing in shareholder capitalization. Average losses to shareholders in mortgage-backed securities issuers are explained historically. First time issuance and increased securitization frequency are shareholder-wealth-increasing. Securitizers with actively traded bonds enjoy substantial and significant shareholder gains, which are greater the poorer the creditworthiness of the seller. Wealth transfer from bondholders to shareholders occurs in asset-backed securities among sellers with low credit ratings. Banks' claimants have benefited significantly more than other FIs' claimants, suggesting that securitization can alleviate regulatory burden. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: G14, G21.  相似文献   

基于银行业在宏观风险来临时出现的流动性不足和系统性风险,通过建立 DSGE-VAR 模型,考量银行业在宏观经济运行框架下的系统流动性风险,结果发现:银行同业借贷、其他证券资产和交易性负债业务的综合作用会使得银行系统流动性风险总体增大,银行如果想要降低存款提取率对其流动性的影响,就要在银行间市场停止拆出资金、出售政府证券及其他流动资产,并出售潜在的流动性较低的资产.从监管层面来讲,应当通过监管的引导效应将交易性负债进行转化,引导同业借贷和其他证券资产业务向平衡区域集中,并在一定范围内减少银行其他证券资产业务的规模.  相似文献   

随着我国融资融券业务逐步扩容,投资者向证券公司融券卖出的卖空交易成为市场消化负面信息的重要机制。本文以高管减持事件窗口期的超额融券量为研究对象,采用事件研究法考察我国企业高管减持所任职公司股票对市场预期的影响。实证结果表明,相比估计期,高管减持窗口期超额融券量显著增长,并且减持比例越高或者减持金额越大,超额融券量越高,表明高管减持显著降低了外部投资者对公司股票的价值预期。进一步研究显示,良好的信息透明度能够显著降低高管减持对超额融券量的正向影响。本文用超额融券量直观地度量投资者预期变化,丰富和发展了高管减持经济后果的研究,对规范我国上市公司高管减持行为及监管部门完善相关监管规定具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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