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孔繁娟 《商》2013,(9Z):199-199
妇幼保健工作直接关系到人口素质,对社会的稳定和经济的发展都有重要的意义。随着人们对于医疗水平要求的提高,尤其是改革开放的进一步发展,政工干部能力的培养已成为妇幼保健院各部门工作的重点。本文首先针对妇幼保健院政工干部的现状,阐述了政工干部能力方面存在的问题;然后,针对新时期形势下对于妇幼保健院政工干部的能力要求,提出了政工干部能力培养的方法。  相似文献   

妇幼保健院的财务管理直接影响着医院的正常运行,医院的管理水平也反映整个医院的整体水平,有效的妇幼保健院财务管理有利于医院的长远发展,但是目前我国很多妇幼保健院的财务管理还存在着一些问题,为了提高医院的管理水平,必须予以解决,本文从妇幼保健院财务管理中存在的问题出发,谈谈几点对策。  相似文献   

妇幼保健院的财务管理直接影响着医院的正常运行,医院的管理水平也反映整个医院的整体水平,有效的妇幼保健院财务管理有利于医院的长远发展,但是目前我国很多妇幼保健院的财务管理还存在着一些问题,为了提高医院的管理水平,必须予以解决,本文从妇幼保健院财务管理中存在的问题出发,谈谈几点对策。  相似文献   

朱波 《中国市场》2014,(3):114-119
采用面板数据模型方法,分析20世纪90年代以来历次重大医疗改革对我国城乡居民医疗消费的影响情况。实证结果显示:在医疗改革背景下,城乡居民人均收入和医疗消费支出之间存在结构变化的均衡关系,这种变化主要表现在医疗改革实施后,城乡居民医疗消费支出的收入弹性都呈显著下降趋势;各地区居民医疗消费支出行为差异比较明显,经济发达地区的医疗保障水平较高,居民的医疗负担相对比较低。  相似文献   

段亚丁  车维汉 《财贸经济》2015,(10):148-160
本文用多国多产业李嘉图比较优势模型估计了跨国制造业在1995-2009年期间的相对技术水平系数,并从劳动投入占比、高技能人才占比、研发支出和人力资本外流占比等方面对制造业相对技术水平的影响进行了实证分析.结果显示,中国制造业的相对技术水平整体呈现出上升的趋势,在部分中高技术制造业和世界先进水平的差距明显缩小.实证检验的结果发现:高技能人才和研发支出对制造业相对技术水平有显著正向影响;劳动投入对中低技术制造业的相对技术水平具有显著正向影响;人力资本外流对制造业相对技术水平有负向影响,但不显著.最后结合中国制造业在劳动投入、高技能人才、研发支出以及人力资本外流方面的现状和跨国比较分析,本文为中国提高制造业相对技术水平给出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

目的探讨实施药品零差率对妇幼保健机构收支结构的影响。方法以青岛市首批实施药品零差率试点的黄岛区妇幼保健院为研究对象,收集实施药品零差率前后的收入、支出、收支结余及诊疗人次等数据进行分析。结论医院业务收入有所下降,药品收入明显下降,业务收支亏损增大,财政补助幅度加大。建议药品零差率对妇幼保健院的收支情况影响大,建议构建规范的政府投入长效机制,完善补偿机制,加强医院内部综合改革,调整收支结构。  相似文献   

伴随着医疗市场竞争越来越激烈,保健院日益增多。要想实现保健院的可持续发展,必须加强保健院财务管理。然而,由于受到不同因素的影响,使得保健院财务管理上存在风险,进而影响了保健院财务管理水平。因此,本文则对保健院财务风险提出几点防范策略,以望对同仁提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

在DEA-Tobit两阶段分析框架下,本文使用1998-2011年省际面板数据,研究了中国地方政府卫生支出效率.应用非参数数据包络分析(DEA)方法测算地方政府卫生支出的综合技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率,并利用受限因变量Tobit模型对效率评价结果与其影响因素之间的关系进行实证分析.研究结果表明,地方政府卫生支出效率存在显著的地区差异,而决定效率差异的重要因素包括财政分权和医疗卫生体制改革等政策变量,以及人均GDP、居民受教育水平、人口密度、城市化水平等经济与社会因素.  相似文献   

伴随着医疗市场竞争越来越激烈,保健院日益增多。要想实现保健院的可持续发展,必须加强保健院财务管理。然而,由于受到不同因素的影响,使得保健院财务管理上存在风险,进而影响了保健院财务管理水平。因此,本文则对保健院财务风险提出几点防范策略,以望对同仁提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

滕柯 《江苏商论》2023,(1):56-61
文章利用中国家庭金融调查数据,运用两部模型,研究了人口负担对中国家庭旅游决策及支出水平的影响。发现:1)人口负担对家庭旅游决策和支出水平的影响机制存在差异,决策阶段更易受到人口负担的影响;2)人口负担对旅游参与决策的影响具体表现为少儿负担比的正效应和老年负担比的负效应,旅游支出影响方面则表现为少儿负担比显著的正向影响;3)乡村家庭旅游支出水平低于城镇,其中高少儿负担比的乡村家庭参与旅游的概率更低,但选择出游的乡村家庭中,少儿负担明显拉动了旅游支出水平;4)家庭旅游支出水平存在区域异质性,即中西部家庭旅游消费水平显著低于东部,但人口负担对家庭旅游消费的影响却不存在区域异质性。  相似文献   


Service quality is important to health care. The research took advantage of a unique opportunity to study health care from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders. The major results of this research were insights concerning the structures and processes that characterise successful professional health care services and, more broadly, professional services generally. Rather than just communicating in a system prescribed way, successful professionals combine an ambiguous system with extensive interaction with other stakeholders to develop networks. In this way they achieve superior service quality for their patients.  相似文献   

Reforms in the German health care system in the attempt to bring more competition into health care have increased the sovereignty of the insured or patients, who have finally been allowed to make choices. "The start of a reorientation of the statutory health insurance system and hospital care are to be welcomed as first steps towards a supply of health services that reflects individual preferences." The authors can be contacted care of Prof. Dr. Oberender at Rechts- und Wirtschafswissenschaftliche Fakulät, Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, where Dr Oberender is Professor in the Faculty of Law and Economics, and Ansgar Hebborn is his Assistant. The authors wish to record their gratitude to Jan Hacker for translating this article.  相似文献   

Measures of attitudes of health care consumers toward their own health behaviors and health care institutions reveal the overall pattern of their views as well as their segmented views. Results suggest that some consumers may take a more scientific approach to health care and prevention than others and that demographics, health status, and health consciousness are partial predictors of that consumer approach. Policy makers for health care should formulate and target programs with different segments of the population in mind.  相似文献   

Providing health care involves a complex enterprise, and the trade‐off between quality and cost has been particularly stark compared to other industries. However, a recent focus on health sector supply networks is now producing significant innovations and improvements. This Special Topic Forum illustrates for the academic and practitioner community how health care supply chain research can benefit from our evolving understanding of supply chains and help push that understanding even further. We classify health care supply chain research into two broad categories—supply chain in health care and supply chain of health care—to set an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

中国城乡老年健康及照料状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人口老龄化背景下我国城乡的老年健康及老年照料问题日益严重.利用中国城乡老年人状况调查数据、全国残疾人抽样调查数据以及国家卫生服务利用调查数据,从两周患病率、慢性病患病率、残疾水平、自评健康以及健康预期寿命等方面分析了我国城乡老年人的健康状况,探讨了目前我国城乡老年人的照料提供来源.提出了人口老龄化趋势下提高老年健康水平,应时老年人口照料危机的政策建议.  相似文献   

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) has a number of provisions that aimed at slowing the rate of growth of health care spending. This paper examines the most prominent of these provisions and finds them to be seriously flawed and unlikely to deliver savings as intended. They are either too weak or liable to compromise quality. Moreover, some of the most important drivers of health care costs, such as fee for service payments to physicians under Medicare or limitations on physician liability are not addressed adequately. Thus, it is unlikely that the PPACA in its present form will do much to reduce the growth rate of health care expenditures.  相似文献   

Although U.S. economic growth is likely to continue to be robust, the growth of private and public spending on health care presents long-run public policy challenges. To meet these challenges health care resources must be used more efficiently. Currently, there are few incentives to put health care dollars to the highest value use. This is true in both public and private spending. An important element of the problem lies in the tax-preferred treatment given to employer-provided insurance but not to out-of-pocket spending. The resulting bias towards first-dollar insurance coverage means that consumers are insulated from the real costs of the health care that they consume and have little reason to evaluate whether the benefits are greater than those costs. Moreover, they seldom have sufficient price and quality information to make informed decisions. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a promising way to remove the tax-penalty for enrolling in catastrophic insurance and paying for routine care out of pocket. Given the information that they need, consumers would then have more choices and more control, strengthening their role in reducing waste, improving efficiency, and promoting competition. Coupled with other policies, HSAs can be a critical component in moving toward an efficient and equitable health care system. JEL Classification I11  相似文献   

The way that we finance health insurance today is both unfair and inefficient. The tax code subsidizes the most expensive employment-based policies while penalizing those who buy insurance on their own or choose more basic policies. By reforming this system, we can both make health care more affordable for millions of people and get higher-value care for the money that we spend. These reforms should be coupled with policies to ensure that basic private insurance is affordable for everyone, including those with chronic health conditions or low income, and to ensure that patients and physicians have the tools that they need to make well-informed decisions. JEL Classification I11  相似文献   

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