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This paper questions the dominance in textbooks of a management accounting grounded largely in neo-classical economics and scientific management. In New Zealand the most popular textbook used in introductory management accounting courses is Horngren and Foster's Cost Accounting - a Managerial Emphasis.The current seventh edition of the text, although extensively used, is not regarded as adequate for the purpose by many New Zealand educators. The text is seen as being rootd firmly in the traditional understandings of the role of management accounting which are subject to increasing challenge. Other popular texts which are influencing the content of management accounting courses also are reviewed. We conclude that, despite much criticism over many years, modern textbooks have failed to evolve; change is overdue.  相似文献   

The increasing number of master's degrees in accounting as well as specialist MBA's mean that an understanding of research methods is now an important part of the toolkit of accounting educators. In the literature there has been an increasing interest in qualitative accounting research. Whilst this interest has been mirrored by an increase in qualitative methods textbooks, less is known about the experience of undertaking such research. This presents a problem for educators, as they need material for students to work with and analyse before they are able to design their own research projects. This paper presents a case study based upon an extensive piece of qualitative research concerned with the use of accounting information in decision-making processes in banking. Review, exploratory and application questions provide a framework through which the case study can be used as a learning resource for accounting educators, supervisors and students.  相似文献   

Most introductory and intermediate textbooks in accounting provide a discussion of the time value of money and include a presentation of the calculation of bond values as an example. The bond valuation model is needed primarily for the valuation of debt on the firm's balance sheet when the issue is placed in the market at an amount other than its face value. Often, however, these texts present this information in an incorrect or confusing manner. The errors arise from improperly determining the appropriate discount rate to use when interest payments are other than annual. This paper briefly summarizes prior efforts to correct this problem and offers a consolidated and intuitive approach for accounting instructors to use in presenting this information to students. Examples are provided which can be used in the classroom to explain differences in the alternative techniques, as well as explain the types of errors caused by use of incorrect procedures under different assumptions. Present value concepts play an important role in the recognition and measurement of many accounting transactions, including those in such areas as corporate bonds, long-term notes, long-term investments, capital leases, pension cost components, and capital budgeting. The importance of present value issues is also evident from a Discussion Memorandum entitled “Present Value-Based Measurements in Accounting,” issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB, 1990). Given the importance that time-value-of-money concepts play in accounting, and the scope of the current FASB agenda project dealing with present-value measurements, it is important for the accounting instructor to correctly understand and present this information.  相似文献   

This paper explores the production of introductory financial accounting textbooks in the UK. Despite being a pervasive pedagogical device (see Brown and Guilding, 1993, Accounting Education: an international journal, 4(2) pp. 211–218), there has been little research carried out which examines the role or contents of textbooks in accounting education. This is a surprising gap in the literature when one considers the numerous concerns that have been expressed regarding the content of accounting education, the values which it projects and the type of student which it produces. Drawing on contemporary research into textbooks, this paper considers accounting textbooks to be ‘cultural artifacts’ which may reflect the cultural, ideological, and political interests of particular groups in society. In this regard, introductory financial textbooks have the potential to reinforce cultural homogeneity through the advancement of shared attitudes. This study is based upon 12 semi-structured interviews with both textbook authors and commissioning editors. Results indicate that the contents of textbooks are the product of complex social and cultural relations. Whilst conflicts and negotiations may characterize the production process, the knowledge that is considered most ‘legitimate’ tends to be mandated, either directly or indirectly, by professional accounting bodies through course accreditation requirements. Furthermore, this knowledge reflects wider cultural issues and assumptions regarding the structure of society and of how it should be organized.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the typical modes of ideology in introductory financial accounting textbooks and training materials. Drawing on Thompson's [Thompson JB. Ideology and modern culture: critical social theory in the era of mass communication. Cambridge: Polity Press; 1990] schema concerning the typical linguistic modes through which ideology operates, this research suggests that the operation of ideology is apparent within educational accounting texts, with particular strategies being more evident than others: in particular, the strategies of universalization, narrativization, rationalization and naturalization. Given the predominantly technical nature of introductory financial accounting textbooks and training manuals, the modes of ideology identified in the texts were often quite subtle; more specifically, the ideological characteristics displayed in each of the six texts analyzed were often expressions of implicit or taken for granted assumptions.  相似文献   

This study presents the critique of new manufacturing regimes that is emerging out of debates within the U.S. labor movement over the merits of union/management cooperation as a strategy for revitalizing American manufacture. The research focuses on the labor histories of three union locals in Decatur, Illinois and their critique of new forms of factory governance such as teams, quality circles and employee participation programs. The paper examines the implications of the labor critique for management accounting's attempt to establish its relevance within contemporary manufacturing environments.Introduction A new conventional wisdom has found its way into management accounting theory and practice. Accounting academics, industry consultants, the media, trade journals and accounting textbooks now almost uniformly accept that traditional cost accounting, with its emphasis on controlling production workers, is no longer relevant to contemporary management and manufacturing strategies (Johnson @2e Kaplan, 1987). Consequently, traditional cost accounting is being re-thought, revised and revolutionized (Johnson, 1992; Shank @2e Govindarajan, 1993).  相似文献   

This study examines financial accounting educators' views about, and use of, recommended course textbooks in the UK. In particular, this research explores the factors that influence the selection of a recommended text, the role it plays on the course, and educators' perceptions of the worldview that underpins their chosen text. Drawing on the results of a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews with introductory financial accounting educators, this study draws attention to ideological issues concerning accounting textbooks. In particular, findings from this research suggest that a number of educators feel that their recommended textbooks should discuss the information needs of a broad range of stakeholders and supplement their text with materials that provide alternative perspectives or which draw attention to current issues in accounting. Moreover, a number of the participants indicated that their textbook had ideological characteristics in so far as they had an overly technical focus which ‘obscured’ the values that underpinned them.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the topic of Japanese management accounting, we provide here a review of the literature and an attempt to categorize what has been written previously on the subject. One obvious characteristic that emerged during this review is that Japanese management accounting is designed to operate in a 'Japanese setting', not a Western one. Much of the literature on Japanese methods recognizes some aspect of that setting when describing the techniques. During the review process, several related clusters of recurring practices surfaced. We have crystallized these clusters into five themes. They are: (1) examining work using the 'eyes' of the market; (2) focusing on the quality of work; (3) employing 'waste' as the measure of cost; (4) continually improving the way work is done, and (5) sharing knowledge through vertical and horizontal communication. It is our contention that the Japanese management accounting techniques described in the literature cannot be sensibly and effectively used in Western venues without an understanding of how the Japanese employ these particular management accounting techniques to pursue the multiple themes behind their use.  相似文献   

Accounting education reform is being called upon by the profession and business communities in many countries under new business environment with high-tech production, economic globalization and intensified market competition. This study, by applying the factor analysis research method, has empirically-developed 6 latent constructs about the desirable knowledge and skill components that should be emphasized in accounting education in order to meet the challenges stemming from the changing business environment, i.e., business/management skills, business/management knowledge, core accounting knowledge, personal characteristics, general knowledge, and basic techniques. The structural order of, or the interrelationship among, these six dimensions of the knowledge and skill requirements in accounting education is also elaborated based on the analysis of factor loading results. The findings of this study should assist various groups of stakeholder (e.g., accounting practitioners, educators and students) to gain a better understanding of needed changes in accounting education and provide input for redesigning accounting curriculum to promote a smooth progress of accounting education reform in China and other countries.  相似文献   

Understanding the statement of cash flows requires that students have some knowledge of accrual-basis accounting. This means that coverage of the statement of cash flows is deferred until late in the introductory financial accounting course and related textbooks, a time when student motivation and retention may be waning. The timing of statement of cash flow coverage is unfortunate for two reasons. First, the statement of cash flows is an important topic that all business students need to understand. Second, most students understand cash flows at the start of their financial accounting class, so there is no reason to defer coverage of this topic.This paper describes a user-oriented, pedagogical approach to integrating the statement of cash flows throughout the first financial accounting course. The essence of this approach is the use of an expanded accounting equation with temporary cash accounts corresponding to the major categories on the statement of cash flows. Directly capturing cash flow information simplifies the preparation of the statement of cash flows.  相似文献   

This paper examines the accounting treatment of convertible loan stock (CLS), a popular vehicle for raising finance during the past decade. At present, CLS is treated as part of a company's borrowing with the interest charge thereon deducted in arriving at the pre-tax profit in the profit and loss account. The Technical Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (1987) has proposed that the annual interest charge in the profit and loss account relating to CLS be adjusted so that the charge reflects ‘a fair interest cost’ and that the adjustment be treated in the balance sheet as a ‘payment received for an option’. To date that guidance appears to have been ignored by UK companies. Our approach is different from that of the Technical Committee. We recommend that the accounting treatment of CLS should reflect its economic substance and argue that it be decomposed into two components: a straight bond component and a component which offers the holder an option to convert into equity. The straight bond component should be shown as part of a company's borrowing and the conversion option component as part of the shareholders' funds. The different approaches to accounting for CLS are illustrated by means of a case study.  相似文献   

Traditionally, management accounting has been regarded as a monodisciplinary field of study that mainly focuses on calculating costs and prices. Today, it is seen that the field encompasses an ever-increasing number of knowledge domains including, for example, economics, sociology, psychology, and ethics. Modern-day management accountants have to be able to apply elements from all of these domains when solving concrete, real-life problems. The Open University of the Netherlands has therefore tried to construct a competencies-based management accounting curriculum that uses the well-known case method and integrates issues from various knowledge domains. In the curriculum, a unique problem-solving strategy is introduced that helps students to tackle as management accountants problems they may encounter during their studies, as well as the decision-making in their daily practice. This paper aims to give an overview of one of the courses in this curriculum, highlighting the use of the aforementioned problem-solving strategy.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The purpose of this short paper is to alert teachers of management accounting to a perceived inadequacy in the prevailing textbook treatment of a commonly taught and examined management accounting technique, the limiting factor rule, which, in many textbooks, functions as a preface to the exposition of linear programming. Having explained the manner in which the use of the limiting factor rule can lead to the discovery of the optimal production plan where there is just one constrained resource, it is common to assert the necessity of using linear programming in situations where there are multiple resource constraints. In this paper, the possibility of applying the limiting factor rule where more than one resource is constrained is explained more precisely than in existing textbooks. The significance of this discussion, it is suggested, lies as much in its contribution to intellectually sound exposition in textbooks as in its practical significance.  相似文献   

Management accounting is commonly understood to be a set of techniques for collecting and processing useful facts about organisational life. The information obtained is viewed as an objective form of knowledge untaited by social values and ideology; the practitioners as technically skilled professionals whose political and social allegiances have no bearing on their practices. In this paper these views are brought into question through the “genealogical” method of looking in detail at one period in the history of accounting, examining the interplay between knowledge, techniques, institutions and occupational claims. In the period and place chosen — Britain during the First World War and the immediately following years, society was in a state of turmoil and this provides an ideal context for considering one part of the genealogy of management accounting.  相似文献   

The academic literature is critical of management accountants for their failure to initiate change and their inability to promote changed accounting information systems and performance measurement. The motivation for this study is provided by Kaplan (1986) who suggests that ‘when manufacturing operations change, the last and most difficult component to change is the accounting system’, and by Dunk (1989) who finds that accounting innovations lag operational innovations and that there are benefits arising from minimizing the time taken to adopt new accounting measures.The introduction of new management accounting systems to support management initiatives, provides the opportunity to investigate those factors contributing to accounting lag, and to determine those strategies which might usefully be employed to reduce accounting lag. This study examines the responses of accounting systems to TQM implementations at six diverse manufacturing sites in Adelaide, South Australia.Wolfe (1994), Rogers (1995), Gosselin (1997) and Bjornenak (1997) provide a theoretical framework for the investigation of the diffusion of accounting innovation and suggestions of the contextual factors which will influence its impact. This study suggests that industry sector, management commitment, organizational structure, participation and financial performance are all influential in the diffusion process, but in an inconsistent manner.  相似文献   

How have we come to know the economy and the firm? This is the question confronted in this article. The argument is that it is through forms of visualisation (tables, charts, figures, diagrams, pictures and so on) that our knowledge and sense about the firm and the economy are constructed. Accounting and economics texts abound with these visual techniques, which gives them a certain affinity. Common techniques of visualization shared by both accounting and economics are used as a basis for a reflection on the theoretical and practical nature of the “encounter” between these two intellectual domains. The term “encounter” is used instead of the more obvious term “relationship” to indicate the contingent and problematic character of the common use of visual techniques. These encounters are situated within a framework that stresses the epistemic diversity of the forms of visualisation and their meaning. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   

This paper seeks to establish if top management (the board) of a firm should extend its overview of the governance process to the execution of strategy (i.e., strategic governance) and, if so, does the management accounting information system (MAIS) have a role in facilitating this strategy execution process. This study investigated the role of the board and MAIS in strategic governance by examining a company with a public record of both successful governance and integrated strategic management accounting processes in a high‐risk industry. The analysis demonstrates that boards should go beyond the minimum conformance (compliance) requirements of the governance‐regulatory legislation and assume ultimate responsibility for strategy execution and enterprise performance. However, while management accounting techniques, processes and reports were found to be used extensively in strategic governance to integrate the policy‐management interface in numerous conformance–performance domains, the traditional role of the management accountant was found to be limited in terms of their role in such governance. The study demonstrates that a more strategic governance role offers the management accountant a way back into senior management by using the routines of management accounting to socialize the board and curb any opportunism that may arise.  相似文献   

This instructional case is intended to introduce graduate and undergraduate financial accounting and finance students to derivatives using interest rate swaps. The major learning objective is to understand derivative accounting methods, using interest rate swaps, as proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board's recent Exposure Draft. A secondary learning objective is to understand key features of a management control system for derivatives' activities. Both matched and unmatched interest rate swap examples are used in this case. The matched swap is based on an actual swap done by a bank for one of its customers. The case is written from the perspective of an audit partner writing a report summarizing interest rate swap accounting and related management controls for a client who wanted to recognize all gains and losses related to its interest rate swaps immediately in current earnings.  相似文献   

Recently, many organizations and the general public have called for increased attention to, and improvements in, the effectiveness and quality of higher education. To this end, a multinational field study of the teaching techniques and attributes of master accounting educators was conducted, the findings of which are reported in this paper. Results of the study reveal that master accounting teachers in several nations employ interactive learning techniques extensively, exhibit genuine interest in and concern for students, and possess strong communication and organizational skills. Additional insight is provided into specific attributes of highly effective accounting educators, their lecturing and questioning techniques, techniques of enhancing student interest and participation, and syllabus and examination construction.  相似文献   

Given the increased emphasis on individual factors in knowledge management research, this study proposes a research model that examines the effects of personal information management capabilities and social-psychological factors on the knowledge-sharing intention of accounting professionals. The survey results from 136 accounting professionals reveal that both personal information management capabilities and perceived image can positively influence knowledge-sharing behavior. Conversely, reciprocity and loss of knowledge power do not exhibit a significant role in knowledge-sharing intentions. The comparison analyses between pre- and post-COVID-19 sample groups indicate similar results for the hypothesized relationships while there are notable mean differences in knowledge sharing intention, image and information processing capabilities. This study extends current research by incorporating personal information management capabilities to examine the power of the “individual” in knowledge sharing and offers timely evidence of accounting professionals’ personal knowledge management practices during the period of COVID-19. This study raises implications for researchers and practitioners interested in knowledge management in the accounting profession.  相似文献   

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