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Globally, foreign direct investment (FDI) assets are expropriated more in resource extraction industries compared to other sectors. Despite the higher apparent risk of expropriation in resources, countries more likely to expropriate also have a larger share of FDI in the resource sector. An incomplete markets model of FDI is developed to account for this puzzle. The type of government regime is stochastic, with low penalty regimes facing a relatively low, exogenous cost of expropriating FDI, and country risk is measured by the variation in these costs across different regimes. The key innovation of the model is that the government, before the regime type is known, is able to charge different prices to domestic and foreign investors for mineral rights. Granting cheap access increases FDI and reduces the country's share of resource rents, increasing the temptation to expropriate in a relatively low penalty regime. In very high-risk countries, subsidizing resource FDI increases the total value of output by raising investment, and the net gains from expropriating in a low penalty regime outweigh the rents foregone under a high penalty one. However, a stochastic resource output price results in relatively low-risk countries restricting FDI inflows to the resource sector instead — “windfall profits” in this sector raise incentives to expropriate when prices are high, yet minimization of the ex ante risk of expropriation is preferred owing to the relatively high penalty for expropriating. These results imply a higher average share of resource-based FDI in countries most likely to expropriate, while resources account for a high share of expropriated assets compared to the sector's global share of FDI. We show that the model is able to reconcile observed patterns of foreign investment and expropriation for a sample of 38 developing and emerging economies.  相似文献   

Recently, the global economy assumed a new setting in which emerging economies began to make substantial investments in the international market. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of outward foreign direct investment from Brazil from 2002–2011. The proposed models developed included attractiveness of the host country, characteristics of home country, and firms’ strategies. The results corroborate the existing argumentations concerning adaptation of mainstream theory with respect to the realities of emerging economies. Brazilian multinationals do not internationalize their activities in pursuit of cost reduction, efficiency, or to explore new markets or natural resources of the host countries. Results show that Brazilian investments were attracted by the availability of skilled labor, openness of the host market, geographic proximity, improved financial conditions of Brazilian companies, and national companies’ strategy of reaffirmation and consolidation as global players.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of human capital and political development in determining the magnitude of the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on growth for a panel of 61 transition and developing countries for the period 1989 to 2013. A baseline growth model incorporating these variables is tested and then extended to include FDI interaction effects with human capital (measured using secondary school enrollment data) and political development (based on Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index scores). These growth interaction effects between FDI and human capital vary according to regime type. Political development in conjunction with FDI appears to suppress the effects of FDI on growth in authoritarian countries while enhancing them in hybrid democracies. For more democratic countries, domestic investment is a more important driver of growth. The effects of FDI on growth in the ten transition economies included in the sample data set are found to be insignificant. Although this result might seem to differ from a priori expectations, it is in line with the findings of most earlier studies that cover the period up to 2004. The paper also provides no strong evidence that a critical threshold of human capital is required to generate beneficial spillover growth effects from inflows of FDI. The paper provides new and more detailed insights into the effects of FDI on growth with particular respect to human capital and political regime covering a large number of transition and developing countries based on an up‐to‐date data set covering a 25‐year period to 2013. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing on the investment development path (IDP) framework and foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover literature, this study attempts to identify the contingent and dynamic effect of inward FDI (IFDI) on outward FDI (OFDI) at a provincial level. Using panel data from China, our findings reveal that the positive effect of IFDI on OFDI is stronger in provinces with high economic development, albeit at a diminishing rate over time. However, the level of corruption weakens the effect of IFDI on OFDI over time. Despite that, we find that the effect of IFDI on OFDI is not contingent on trade openness overall. By decomposing trade openness into two dimensions, that is, import intensity and export intensity, our findings indicate that the effect of IFDI on OFDI depends on export intensity, rather than import intensity. Our study provides insights into the complex effect of IFDI on OFDI from a contingent and dynamic perspective.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the causal relationships between exports, FDI and economic growth among the ASEAN5 countries. We have used a three-stage procedure based on unit root, co-integration and causality tests applied to the panel data from 1981 to 2013. The results reveal that there is a bi-directional causal relationship between FDI and growth in the long run, while there is a unidirectional causal relationship from FDI to exports in the short run. Our results also confirm that the export-led growth (ELG) and FDI-led growth hypotheses hold true in the long and short run. To reinforce the FDI inflows, authorities should continue the progressive reduction of barriers, and increase the sophistication of quality exports to compete in the global market. This paper is the first of its kind to analyze the role of both FDI and exports in the ASEAN5 economies using panel analysis.  相似文献   

以2006年中国大陆244个地级及以上城市为样本,利用空间计量经济学方法对外商直接投资的区位决定进行实证研究。对全国城市分析的结果发现:除了劳动力素质、市场规模、基础设施以及集聚经济以外,空间相关性也是影响FDI区位分布的重要因素;一个城市吸引的FDI不仅取决于自身的区位条件,还与周边城市的FDI正相关;劳动力成本在区位决定中的影响不显著。进一步分地区的分析发现,FDI在东、中、西部城市的区位选择具有明显的差异。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市吸引FDI(外商直接投资)的规模已经跻身西部省市前列,该成绩的取得主要是基于外资集聚程度、市场规模、基础设施水平和市场化程度方面的显著优势。FDI在重庆市的行业选择主要受行业比较优势、行业外资集聚程度和行业资本密集度等因素影响。因此,重庆市还应在提高研发能力、引导FDI在第三产业内部平衡布局、促进重点行业形成集聚效应等方面作出进一步的努力。  相似文献   

The internationalisation of multinationals from emerging economies raises the question of whether mainstream theory can explain this phenomenon. We combine the explanations of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) provided by the institution-based view and the investment development path (IDP) and suggest that the combined use of these explanations contributes to the reconciliation of the mainstream and emerging views of internationalisation. We argue that although OFDI is undertaken by firms to overcome the competitive disadvantages resulting from home country regulative voids, escapist investment is facilitated if these firms possess certain competitive advantages that help them overcome the liability of foreignness when expanding abroad. We thus expect the impact of regulative voids on OFDI to vary with the level of local firms’ ownership advantages. Our analysis of OFDI flows from 29 emerging economies over 17 years (1995–2011) provides support for the direct effects of two types of regulative voids and for the three suggested moderating effects of firms’ competitive advantages.  相似文献   

拉丁美洲农业利用外国直接投资的实践及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拉美农业利用外国直接投资(FDI)的实践表明,外国直接投资在促进拉美农业发展的同时,也给拉美农业带来了诸如被跨国公司支配、转移不适宜技术、造成单一的农业生产结构、环境破坏和劳动力失业等一系列社会经济问题.文章针对拉美农业利用外国直接投资的教训,提出我国农业利用外国直接投资必须遵循的原则.  相似文献   

本文通过1985—2007年的实际利用外资和国内生产总值统计数据,运用协整检验,实证分析了外资在我国经济增长中的作用,得出了二者存在正向的长期均衡关系。并对利用外资引起的问题做了分析,给出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

技术创新推动下的边际产业对外直接投资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈恒 《商业研究》2003,(11):13-16
依照“产业时空观”,在技术创新的推动下,出现两种类型的边际产业。技术创新对产业时间方向的影响主要体现在产品寿命周期上,对产业空间方向的影响则受到国内市场因素和国内资源因素的制约,特别是存在着要素节约型和要素节约与耗费复合型的技术创新,两种创新都会导致边际产业。促进中国经济边际产业发展的有效途径之一是扩大对外直接投资,实施“走出去”战略。  相似文献   

基于东道国引资政策对跨国企业行为的影响,研究建立一个由跨国企业与东道国企业构成的寡头垄断竞争模型,分析跨国企业的选择行为及东道国的最佳优惠政策,结论表明东道国最佳优惠政策与跨国企业直接投资的固定成本密切相关。因此,东道国制定引资政策时应以本国国民福利为首要目标,针对不同类型的FDI给予不同的优惠政策。  相似文献   

外资对中国经济的影响:基于来源地差异视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何艳 《财贸研究》2007,18(4):12-16
文章在经济增长理论模型的基础上纳入不同来源地的外资,发现外商直接投资不仅与国内资本异质,而且其内部因来源地不同也存在着差异。这种异质性不仅体现在其对中国经济增长的影响上,而且还体现在对技术进步、人力资本等的外溢效应上。来源于港澳台地区的华资对中国经济增长的促进作用在所有外资中最大,而来源于美国和欧盟国家的外资的作用较小。  相似文献   

FDI流入对我国价格贸易条件影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对FDI影响我国价格贸易条件变动的路径进行了理论研究,利用OSL建立回归模型及参数计量经济模型对我国贸易条件变动进行实证分析。研究表明FDI流入对我国平均工资水平产生了正面的溢出效应,同时促进我国贸易结构的一定程度的改善,但它并没有从根本上改善我国的价格贸易条件。  相似文献   

基于VAR模型的理论基础,本文运用协整分析和误差修正(VEC)模型,通过脉冲响应分析方法,实证研究FDI流动对我国区域就业的不均衡影响,旨在揭示FDI对区域就业动态作用的路径变化。结果表明:FDI与三大区域就业人数之间存在长期协整关系。FDI流入对东部地区的就业效应为负,对中西部地区的就业效应为正;FDI流出对中部的就业效应为正,对东西部的就业效应为负;总体上,FDI流动的就业负效应明显;FDI的区域就业效应具有滞后性,且长期吸纳效应和短期挤出效应并存,对东部地区和中部地区的动态冲击效应显著。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of globalization in the creation and dissemination of technology across firms operating in 30 emerging and developing economies. Firm-level data from four rounds of Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Surveys from 2002 to 2014 is pooled to assess whether international exposure translates into greater propensity for firms to innovate. The viability of different channels of international technology transmission, i.e. exporting and importing activities, foreign licensing agreements and foreign direct investment are studied to analyze whether they indeed succeed in delivering the push to the firms operating in developing countries to innovate and as a result push them closer to the world's technology frontier. The empirical results endorse the view that exporting and importing activities and foreign licensing agreements are important channels for technology transfer. This study also acknowledges country, sector and firm specific characteristics and their differential capacity to benefit from foreign exposure.  相似文献   

张天桂  王瑛 《商业研究》2005,(9):167-169
无论按照对外直接投资理论,还是从我国的实际出发,中小型企业作为外经贸领域的一支生力军,应当成为实施“走出去”战略的积极实践者。或将某些正在逐步丧失比较优势的劳动密集型产业转移到国外,规避激烈的市场竞争和越来越多的反倾销诉讼,使比较优势得以继续保持;或到发达国家跟踪先进技术,将静态比较优势动态化,形成跨越式发展,积极促进国内产业结构的调整  相似文献   

汇率波动是影响FDI流入的重要因素。基于1994~2012年的时间序列数据,本文构建带有金融危机变量的模型和利用邹氏检验法对后危机时代人民币实际汇率波动与FDI流入的关系进行实证分析。经过实证检验发现,金融危机改变了人民币实际汇率波动与FDI流入之间原有的负相关关系,中国成为外资的"避风港"和外商规避贸易壁垒是后危机时代人民币实际汇率波动有利于FDI流入的两个主要因素。同时,人民币实际汇率的波动更加贴近市场实际汇率水平,会增加FDI的流入,有利于我国经济的发展与稳定。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between exploitation/exploration strategy and foreign direct investment (FDI) involving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on qualitative data collected from 45 FDI projects reported by 38 SMEs in a small open economy (SMOPEC), we develop an empirically grounded framework and research propositions that suggest inward FDI (into the SME) is associated with exploration driven by a strategic asset-seeking motive, and outward FDI (by the SME) is associated with exploitation driven by market and efficiency-seeking motives. Further, for the SMEs in this study, ambidextrous exploration and exploitation appear complementary and co-occur either simultaneously through an inward FDI project, or sequentially through separate inward and outward FDI projects, respectively. Our findings, however, reveal a lack of clear sequencing between inward and outward FDI, in contrast to previous research that has conceptualised inward FDI as a strategic means to achieve outward FDI. Implications for theory, practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relevance of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in Turkey for the period 1974–2010 using carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, energy consumption, economic growth, and foreign direct investment (FDI) variables. The long-run equilibrium relationship among CO2 emissions, energy consumption, economic growth, and FDI is revealed using the bounds test. The error correction model under autoregressive-distributed lag mechanism suggests that CO2 emissions converge to their long-run equilibrium level by a 49.2% speed of adjustment every year by the contribution of energy consumption, economic growth, and FDI. The Toda–Yamamoto (1995 Toda, H.Y., and T. Yamamoto. 1995. “Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions with Possibly Integrated Processes.” Journal of Econometrics 66 (1): 225250.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) causality test results imply that carbon emissions and FDI, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions have bidirectional causal relationships. On the other hand, there are unidirectional causal relationships running from economic growth and energy consumption to FDI and from economic growth to energy consumption. Our findings provide evidence of the validity of the pollution haven hypothesis, in addition to the scale effect, and the EKC in the case of Turkey.  相似文献   

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