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Compared with the rich literature on urban sprawl in Western cities, relatively little is known of the driving factors, processes, and future trends of urban sprawl in China. This research analyzes the socioeconomic forces behind two parts of urban sprawl in China: urban decentralization and urban renewal, and reveals two basic characteristics of Chinese urban sprawl: de-densification and expansion of urbanized areas. It uses the term “urban sprawl” to consider the reasons behind urban transformation on a regional level in China. This research begins with definitions of sprawl in Western and Eastern countries, and follows with a dynamic analysis of the social, political, and cultural aspects of sprawl. Three case studies focus on three urban regions in China: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. This research provides a comprehensive definition of “urban sprawl” in China, identifies the patterns of urban sprawl and growth, and indicates possible alternative strategies for urban expansion. Finally, it offers suggestions on how to effectively control urban sprawl in China, and provides a pathway to achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the development of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the problem of how to combine sustainable outcomes from activities with sustainable organizations. It seeks to blend concept with practice via the development and application of a model of the NGO as an entrepreneurial organization. The context is that of the experience of (and work undertaken with) the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) funded Competency-based Economies through the Formation of Enterprise (CEFE) Network of NGOs in South Africa. The paper argues that viewing NGOs as entrepreneurial small organizations with a focus upon dynamic stakeholder network development, entrepreneurial management, strategic business development, and strategic alliance building is the key to the much sought after combination of sustainable outcomes and organization. After briefly reviewing some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the role of NGOs in small enterprise development and the context of the operation of the CEFE Network of NGOs in South Africa, a model of entrepreneurial NGOs is proposed and then applied to South African CEFE Networks. In the conclusion a final outline of NGO sustainability criteria is offered and implications for donor approaches are briefly explored.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how business strategies affect firms' sustainable development from the view of green innovation. We show that firms following prospector strategy engage in less sustainable development behaviors than those following defender strategies. The negative relation between business strategy and green innovation continues to hold when addressing robustness with alternatives of business strategy and green innovation and addressing potential endogeneity with instrumental variable. We further find that political connection strengthens whereas environmental regulation weakens the negative relation between business strategy and green innovation. Finally, we explore the economic consequences of green innovation caused by strategic differences. Regrettably, the win–win situation of environment and development does not come true.  相似文献   

本文通过分析中国目前的经济形势,从市场化、全球化、城镇化和工业化四个方面深入阐述了中国面临的具体问题及其应对措施,对提升中国经济的发展水平、促进经济发展方式转变,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

建设绿色交通的新北京--对北京市交通规划的建议   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李伟 《城市问题》2001,(6):63-66
回顾近20年来北京市交通的发展,可以说喜忧参半.喜的是,由于政府加大了对道路基础设施的投入,使得道路等基础设施有了突飞猛进的发展,这是有目共睹的巨大成绩.忧的是,由于机动车保有量以惊人的速度上涨,道路交通的拥挤程度逐年增加,出行不仅时间加长而且变得困难;同时,机动车交通所引起的环境污染日益严重.我国加入WTO以后,随着私人购车热潮的到来,道路交通环境将面临更大的压力.北京市已经到了必须对现行交通政策进行反思和认真研究交通需求管理(TDM)的时候了.  相似文献   

我国城市可持续发展中的环境问题   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
段小梅 《城市问题》2002,(2):48-52,79
可持续发展是当今世界发达国家与发展中国家共同追求的理想模式 ,也是实现经济与生态环境协调发展的明智选择。然而产业革命以来 ,由于工业的发展 ,城市的膨胀 ,带来的环境污染和生态破坏 ,对人类的生存和发展已构成了严重的威胁 ,成为了当今国际社会普遍关注的重大问题。保护生态环境 ,实现可持续发展 ,已成为全世界紧迫而艰巨的任务。我国作为发展中国家 ,也只有走可持续发展道路 ,才能协调好经济发展与环境保护的关系。目前 ,随着我国工业化、现代化进程的加快 ,城市化水平不断提高 ,由此造成的生态环境问题也越来越严重。在城市的发展过…  相似文献   

城市建筑可持续发展战略初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者从城市土地利用、城市空间设计、城市生态和环境改善、节约材料和建设资金、“绿色”建筑材料使用等方面,分析了城市建筑可持续发展方法及实施措施,研究了城市建筑对环境和资源利用的不利影响及其原因,提出了减少这些不利影响的基本原则和相应政策法规的建议,论证了高层建筑在减少土地耗费、增加城市公共空间(绿地、交通通道和采光空间)、构造城市空间美感、节约材料和能源等方面的巨大作用,并阐述了高层建筑经济性最优化高度的观点及计算思路,批评了确定建筑高度和体量的随意性行为。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study on the identification of key sustainable development issues for the transmission system of an electric utility. It provides a structured approach to identifying priorities for action within existing corporate infrastructure. The application of the process is discussed, with an emphasis on strategies for the selection of priorities for immediate action, illustrating linkages between the selected key issues and lessons learned. To demonstrate how the issues may lead to the development of indicators, example sustainable development indicators are presented for a selected key issue. The case study illustrates that key stakeholders must be involved throughout the entire process, that the process of developing the issues and indicators is just as important as the final result and that any indicator development process must build on existing corporate infrastructure wherever possible. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Agribusiness enterprises link rural landscapes to global and regional markets. The nature of these business–landscape relationships is vital to the sustainability transition. Decisions by farmers and agriculture policymakers aggregate to changes in the ecology of landscapes, but the influence of food supply system businesses on rural landscape sustainability also requires scrutiny. This article uses four international cases to present a conceptual framework for investigating how different business strategies can support agricultural landscape sustainability. Insights from North America, New Zealand, The Netherlands, and Denmark inform the framework dimensions of horizontal/territorial and vertical/systemic business–landscape relationships. Three types of business model that promote rural sustainability are highlighted: provenance, cogovernance, and placemaking. These models engage strategies such as environmental management systems, certification, ecosystem and landscape services, and spatial planning. Research directions that will improve understanding about how business can engage with rural stakeholders for more sustainable rural landscapes are identified, including the need for cross disciplinary perspectives incorporating social, ecological, and business knowledge.  相似文献   

可持续发展管理会计是现代管理会计的一个新领域。基于企业角色的转换,本文系统阐述了企业生态环境责任目标的内涵和外延,提出了可持续发展管理会计的三层次目标体系,并认为可持续发展管理会计目标与企业的生态环境责任目标是协调一致的,旨在认定和解除企业的生态环境责任。  相似文献   

This research explores the need to establish new sustainable business models in China and uses multiple objectives to examine in a sample of Chinese companies the reality of the level of sustainable development, environmental awareness and performance, community responsibility, performance barriers and drivers and other sustainability issues. A mixed methodology was adopted, using a questionnaire survey and interviews with 20 manufacturing companies in Guangzhou and Shenzen. Evidence from the small sample of companies demonstrates the lack of significant sustainable development practices in China, although small and medium sized companies appeared to show interest in this area and would like to further contribute to for example triple bottom line objectives. Increasing concerns are found from the company level regarding the need to use renewable energy, source alternative sustainable materials, close the loop of the supply chain, improve the quality of products produced rather than reducing cost, export to Europe and treat employees as an asset. The lack of skills, finance and knowledge are found to be prohibiting the effective embedment of sustainable development within companies and hence cause an under‐performance in this regard. The study concludes that the establishing of a new business model for sustainable development in China is needed urgently, and this should be a joint effort with the Chinese government. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

2012年,全球经济在震荡减速中寻求转型,中国城市在从工业化推动到追求内涵提升中转变,房地产开发模式亦从单一走向复合,进而成为助推城市升级不可或缺的力量。城市的转型升级,正引爆一场涉及产业、经济、城市布局、建筑空间等各个形态的系统性革命。应随这一趋势,房地产导刊主承办的"201 2’未来城市可持续发展论坛暨第十届中国地产经济主流高峰论坛"将于2012年9月20日在中国沈阳拉开帷幕,为期两天的论坛,在坦承中国城市化进程中一些突出问题的同时,将探讨寻找出中国未来城市可持续发展的前瞻路径以及转型困境中企业战略抉择,推进新型城市化与产业转型升级互动发展。  相似文献   

An economic growth target is a declaration by policy authorities of commitment to that target and the corresponding allocation of resources. The constraints created by economic growth target are an important economic management method in China, which has helped China's economy to achieve remarkable achievements. However, it has also brought about serious environmental problems, threatening China's sustainable development. Using the data about economic growth targets in the work reports of 30 Chinese provincial governments from 2006 to 2017, this paper constructs several spatial measurement methods, such as the spatial Durbin model, to examine the constraints created by economic growth target's impacts on air pollution. The main conclusions are as follows. First, a significant “U-shaped” relationship exists between the constraints created by economic growth targets and air pollution. Second, the spatial Durbin model analysis revealed that PM2.5 across China's provinces display significant positive spatial spillover effects and spatial agglomeration characteristics. Third, the direct, indirect, and total effects of constraints created by economic growth targets on air pollution are all statistically significant and depict a “U shape.” Finally, the constraints created by economic growth targets have an apparent threshold effect on air pollution, and the inhibiting effects increase with human capital and industrial restructuring. However, with the increase in foreign direct investments, constraints created by economic growth targets may increase air pollution. The conclusions of this paper are of great significance for improving the management of local government economic growth targets and sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of customer concentration on green innovation in Chinese listed firms between 2006 and 2018 through the dynamic panel generalized method of moments regressions. It is reported that major customers positively impact corporate green innovation, indicating that firms have more incentives to engage in innovative green practices to maintain stable relationships with major customers. In addition, the positive relationship between customer concentration and green innovation is more pronounced in state-owned enterprises, firms located in the provinces with a high level of marketization, and after China's new Environmental Protection Law implementation. Moreover, we observe that the positive impact of customer concentration on corporate green innovation is more significant among industrial firms and firms operating in heavily polluting industries. Furthermore, industrial competition is an essential channel for major customers to affect corporate green innovation.  相似文献   

可持续发展时代的环境观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
评述了古代西方与中国哲学家的环境观,并对两者的差异进行比较.以马克思主义环境观为基准,对现代环境观的三种主流意识进行辨析,在此基础上,提出可持续发展时代的环境观.同时认为,可持续发展的环境观包括环境整体观、环境系统观、环境资源观和环境伦理观.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,城市化水平的提高,人们深刻认识到:合理、科学利用城市湿地,改善人居环境,优化自然生态,实现社会经济可持续发展,已成为我国城市化进程中的重要环节.从经济学角度分析了城市居民对城市湿地的需求、城市湿地的供给以及城市湿地开发、利用带来的成本和收益.产权、公共财产资源、公共品和外部成本是分析、认识城市湿地可持续利用的关键因素.  相似文献   

Forgiveness is an ethical ideal that advocates that a fresh start should be conferred upon those individuals who have changed their preferences and regret their previous decisions. Despite the ethical debate that such an idea generates, only a few papers have dealt with this issue in depth, and they have just focused on the case of full compensation for regret. Therefore, based on efficiency, robustness, and ethical requirements, we characterise a social ordering function that formally connects the ideal of forgiveness to the problem of compensating individuals when they differ in both their preferences and their initial endowment. This social ordering allows us to rank allocations that may or may not be associated with different concerns for forgiveness. Specifically, it proposes reducing inequality between reference-comparable budget sets.  相似文献   

Many companies decide which services, products, and technologies to include in their product portfolio using evaluation criteria, which often consider cost, quality, risk, revenue, time, and market position. Incorporating sustainability in the portfolio evaluation criteria could ensure the development of sustainable solutions from the early stages of the product development process, where there is more room for innovation. The aim of this paper is to understand how sustainability can be integrated in the company portfolio development. Semi-structured interviews were performed with experts in the field and representatives from multinational manufacturing companies with operations in Sweden. Main findings from this study include a proposed definition of a sustainability product portfolio concept and suggested portfolio evaluation criteria from an industry perspective. Future research will develop a method to guide manufacturing companies in sustainability integration and implementation in product portfolios.  相似文献   

我国从今年1月1日起开始实行质量专业技术人员职业资格考试制度的消息发布后,质量工作者们都在关心:今年什么时候进行考试?考试大纲确定了吗?辅导教材什么地方可以买到?什么机构可以进行辅导培训?--现在,这一切都有了答案:我国首次质量专业资格考试大纲、教材已经付印;师资培训将于5月底在北京和上海(上海质量管理科学研究院)举办;第一次考试定于今年9月23日在全国统一进行.  相似文献   

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