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研究目的:基于土地立体利用趋势,剖析秉承三维思维的产权管理,以期为土地领域的实践问题解决提供思路.研究方法:文献分析法,归纳演绎法,对比分析法.研究结果:传统土地管理不能精细化描述、界定和管理三维产权空间,需法律界定空间权利、三维宗地、立体土地一级开发、空间供应、立体相邻空间利用关系、已出让用地的空间范围和空间登记等规则;需从编制立体空间规划和优化空间管理等角度变革行政程序;需三维地籍、三维土地核查、立体可视化技术和三维管理信息系统等技术支撑.研究结论:应加快土地立体利用专门立法,优化行政审批流程,并以三维地籍为核心,开展相关技术和标准规范研究,创新三维认知理念,以推动土地立体利用及其产权管理.  相似文献   

研究目的:对已有研究文献涉及土地产权三维界定的技术路线进行结构性把握,梳理研究脉络与趋势,以期为土地产权三维界定在研究方法和范式上的改进提供思路。研究方法:文献分析法、比较分析法。研究结果:从理论基础、界定起点和界定方案看,国内外学界对土地产权三维界定大致存在三条技术路线:基于空间分离原理的技术路线、基于空间区分原理的技术路线和基于三维地籍原理的技术路线,分别反映了法学和地籍学对土地产权形态和产权客体进行三维界定的技术方案。研究结论:未来应将土地产权形态与产权客体三维界定统一起来,厘清其内在逻辑与生成路径,深化三维土地产权客体特定化实现机制、国家公权力植入三维土地产权实现机制和三维土地产权排他性支配机制研究,加快构建三维土地产权范式。  相似文献   

三维地籍的建立分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
三维地籍是土地利用和社会、经济发展的必然结果,它将会在土地管理和社会经济发展规划中发挥重要的作用,但是在现有的技术、经济和法律条件下将土地空间信息进行登记、利用还存在着一定困难.通过阐述我国土地利用发展对三维地籍的需求,从经济、法律和技术方面讨论了目前三维地籍在建立过程中存在的障碍.  相似文献   

三维地籍形态分析与数据表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:建立三维地籍模型,描述三维地籍产权体并兼容二维地籍宗地,实现不同维度土地权属的统一管理和登记。研究方法:结合中国城市发展的实例和地籍管理需求,分析三维地籍基本形态,比较各类三维空间数据模型。研究结果:提出适应三维地籍管理功能需求的三维地籍空间数据模型及其相应的数据自动组织方法和思路。研究结论:三维地籍通过地理空间坐标这个“基因”来管理不动产,为土地和房产的统一登记提供了统一的技术框架,是对现行不动产管理技术的升级和超越。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于地下空间立体开发趋势及其制度创新需求,构建立体空间一级开发制度,以期为地下空间开发的实践问题解决提供思路。研究方法:文献分析法、对比分析法。研究结果:由于地下空间开发具有不确定性、复杂性、渐进性、不可逆性等特征,预先确定产权边界并划分三维宗地极为困难;由于制度建构的维度之别,现行土地一级开发难以容纳地下空间立体开发情境的一级开发需求。研究结论:区分土地空间与建筑空间,沿着工程手段实现地下空间建设用地使用权客体特定化的方向,将三维地籍管理理念引入地下空间开发,从法律地位、实施主体、资金来源和管理流程等方面构建立体空间一级开发制度,以化解地下空间三维宗地划分技术难题和行政管理制度困境。  相似文献   

俄罗斯农地地籍管理的现状、特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农地地籍管理是国家为获取农地地籍资料、建立农地地籍而实施的一系列地政措施。20世纪90年代初俄罗斯实行的农地私有化改革使农地权利内容和产权主体发生了巨大变化。为了能够使土地发挥其在国家经济中的重要作用,俄罗斯在进行农地私有化改革的同时确立和完善了农地地籍管理。本文认为,现阶段俄罗斯农地地籍是多用途的现代地籍,其构建过程中有较完备的法律体系、技术和人员作保障。  相似文献   

正问题甲公司计划在A市进行地铁项目开发建设,是否可以取得该地下空间的建设用地的使用权?解答一、地下空间开发对地下建设用地使用权的需求随着城镇化进程的加快,城市可供利用的土地日趋减少,为了节约利用土地,很多大城市都开始探索城市地下空间的开发利用,地铁的建设就是其中的典型。从法律的角度来看,现代公司开发建设地铁,首先须解决的就是土地权利问题,因为这关系到投入大量资金建设的地铁项目所代表的这部分资产权属是否明晰,这也将成为未来产权顺畅流转的基础。  相似文献   

统筹城乡背景下农村集体所有土地法律制度的不足与创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村改革中,土地问题永远是一个无法绕开和回避的核心问题.统筹城乡的改革也是首先围绕土地制度的创新和改革进行的.一直以来,国家的经济发展思路是建立在工业优先和城市优先的基础上,从而导致城乡分割和三元经济结构.为了推行这一发展思路,在农村集体土地法律制度方面,国家采取制度歧视.本文指出了在农村集体所有土地法律制度方面存在的不足,同时也提出了应加强农民土地权利的法律保障、放松对农地产权主体行为能力的约束等创新思路.  相似文献   

地籍是土地管理的基础.不同的社会制度、历史条件下,地籍发挥了不同的功能和作用.改革开放三十年来,地籍管理紧紧围绕国土资源中心工作,以服务经济社会更好更快发展为最终目标,通过逐步夯实土地确权、登记、调查等各项基础业务工作,加强土地产权管理等各项制度建设,积极推广高新技术在地籍中的应用,强化地籍成果的整理、汇交和共享,逐渐丰富地籍事业的投资主体、拓宽地籍事业投资渠道,全面推进了地籍的系统化、制度化、信息化和社会化,不断强化地籍的基础和保障作用,为经济社会发展提供了有力的支撑和服务.  相似文献   

“十五”期间,我国将以土地产权管理为核心,努力实现地籍管理的“三个迈进”,尽快建立完善的地籍管理制度,初步实现地籍管理的科学化和现代化。一是以法制建设为突破口,向全面提高土地登记地位迈进。在现有法律、法规的基础上,进一步加强土地登记的法制建设,提升法规档次,细化法规内容。建立土地登记的利益机制,强化土地登记在经济运行及执法中的作用,使权利人通过土地登记受益。强化土地登记的约束机制,使不登记不受法律保护的规定细化,增强权利人土地登记的自觉性和主动性。二是以地籍信息系统建设为突破口,向全面实现地籍管…  相似文献   

Digital 3D cadastres are often envisaged as the visualisation of 3D property rights (legal objects) and to some extent, their physical counterparts (physical objects) such as buildings and utility networks on, above and under the surface. They facilitate registration and management of 3D properties and reduction of boundary disputes. They also enable a wide variety of applications that in turn identify detailed and integrated 3D legal and physical objects for property management and city space management (3D land use management).Efficient delivery and implementation of these applications require many elements to support a digital 3D cadastre, such as existing 3D property registration laws, appropriate 3D data acquisition methods, 3D spatial database management systems, and functional 3D visualisation platforms. In addition, an appropriate 3D cadastral data model can also play a key role to ensure successful development of the 3D cadastre.A 3D cadastral data model needs to reflect the complexity and interrelations of 3D legal objects and their physical counterparts. Many jurisdictions have defined their own cadastral data models for legal purposes and have neglected the third dimension, integration of physical counterparts and semantic aspects.To address these problems, this paper aims to investigate why existing cadastral data models do not facilitate effective representation and analysis of 3D data, integration of 3D legal objects with their physical counterparts, and semantics. Then, a 3D cadastral data model (3DCDM) is proposed as a solution to improve the current cadastral data models. The data model is developed based on the ISO standards. UML modelling language is used to specify the data model. The results of this research can be used by cadastral data modellers to improve existing or develop new cadastral data models to support the requirements of 3D cadastres.  相似文献   

The use of three-dimensional (3D) property rights has for many years been a tool for providing secure and lasting rights for the use of land and its volume of space in complex situations involving land use in the urban society. The aim of this article is to investigate the reasons for introducing 3D property in a legal system. This is illustrated by using the Swedish system as an example. In general, without the possibility of forming 3D property units with direct ownership, other forms have to be used, such as indirect ownership or granted user rights. Benefits of ownership in comparison with different types of rights include a more secure way of guaranteeing the possession of real property and the possibility of mortgaging the property. There are lower transaction costs compared with user rights, arising from legally securing three-dimensionally delimited parts of real property. 3D property also enables an increase in the density of private ownership. 3D property is a useful way of solving problems related to the use of space by different parties with different needs. In the Swedish legislation the introduction of 3D property formation has increased the possibility of constructing and financing in particular large and more complex facilities. It has created more secure and clear ways of constructing infrastructure objects and separating them from other types of use within the space of the same traditional property.  相似文献   

Much of 3D cadastre research and development targets high valued urban land, including condominiums, apartment buildings, and office complexes. The value of the land and the economic activity generated from transactions in this urban space potentially support the cost and time spent on establishing and maintaining a 3D cadastre. Methods for data acquisition and for construction and maintenance of the 3D cadastre are also simpler in the regular and formally planned and surveyed structures of the high value urban environment. Low-income, urban areas of informal tenure and informal development, however, also need and can benefit from a land administration system supported by a 3D cadastre but are neglected in the 3D cadastre research. Mechanisms are required for quick and cost effective construction of a 3D cadastre in this type of area to support land management and regularisation procedures, and to provide security of tenure. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is one technology that may be examined to differentiate structures in densely occupied environments where limited information and limited resources must be able to be used for managing the land and also protecting informal rights.This paper initially posits the need for 3D cadastres in low-income but densely structured urban settlements. It then tests the ability of an existing LiDAR dataset together with orthoimagery, derived to be low cost so therefore having limited specifications, for capturing sufficient definition of 3D occupation in the low-income, densely structured case study area of Laventille in Trinidad and Tobago.The difficulties of manually or automatically discriminating between close and overlapping structures and boundaries are highlighted and it is found that there is still a need for adjudication and verification of boundaries on the ground, even when physical features can be discerned from the software.  相似文献   

Managing land information effectively is a key factor in achieving successful land administration and sustainable land development. To manage land, each government has a land policy and administration system. A land administration system (LAS) enables identification, registration and sharing of information about land in compliance with land policies by using information technologies effectively. In this context, land information systems (LISs) are designed to fulfill the requirements related to land, to provide tenure assurance and to manage natural resources sustainably. In Turkey, the necessity of information technologies and geographic information systems (GIS) was recognised by public institutions in the early 1990s. The Land Registry and Cadastre Information System Project (TAKBIS in Turkish) started to manage land registry and cadastre data and processes throughout Turkey. By using a standard framework, the project aimed to digitise land registry and cadastre data and to perform all activities and queries in a digital environment. However, the project did not reach the expected level of success because the data infrastructure was not standardised and did not meet the data requirements of other stakeholders at the national and international level.On the other hand, studies of a new e-government project called Turkish National GIS (TUCBS in Turkish) was initiated to establish a national geographic data infrastructure (GDI) which allows efficient management of geographic data and corresponds to national-level user requirements and Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) specifications. In this study, to provide data interoperability among different institutions and meet stakeholder needs, the data model of the Land Registry and Cadastre Data Theme is examined and improved. Within the design process, the ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) and INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels are examined and applied as the baseline international standards. In addition, main land and land group parcel types in the Turkish cadastral system, the main rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land in the Turkish registration system, mortgages established over rights, cadastral maps, standard subdivision of two-dimensional (2D) space with special names, surveyed point and monumentation types were explained briefly within the revised land registry and cadastre data model. As a case study, data sets from different sources were transformed to open data sets compatible with the model. This model enables data interoperability in land-related applications. However, models should be kept as simple as possible for effective data transformation and management.  相似文献   

Thomas Sikor   《Land use policy》2006,23(4):617-628
Land registration has been perceived as a precondition for secure property rights and agricultural development. Yet land registration has often failed to achieve its presumed benefits. This article explores the relationship between land registration, tenure security, and agricultural development in the context of post-socialist transformations. It focuses on one key difference between socialist property and the notions underlying post-socialist land laws: socialist property law accommodated the existence of multiple layers of social control over land whereas post-socialist land legislation promotes exclusive land rights. Post-socialist land rights are exclusive in the sense that the new laws do not recognize any intermediate layers of control between the landholder and the state. The paper draws on a case study of land registration in a commune in north-western Vietnam. The research included semi-structured interviews with 65 randomly selected households and informal conversations during extended stays in the commune as well as the collection of government statistics and interpretation of SPOT images. Its results demonstrate that villagers opposed land registration and refused to comply with its rules, although registration would have strengthened villagers’ legal rights to land. The villagers resisted land registration because the new land rights conflicted with their actual land relations, which included more layers of social control than land registration could accommodate. At the same time, although land registration failed to take effect in the villages, agricultural output expanded and the forest regenerated. The findings therefore suggest the need for adjusting land registration to accommodate intermediate layers of control over land where land claims are not as exclusive as assumed by the existing legislation.  相似文献   

[目的]改革开放40年来,为适应人口流动性提高、改进资源配置的需要,农村各类集体资产的产权结构发生了较大变化,但变化的方向和程度并不一致。面向未来,为促进乡村振兴,应重构农用地、集体经营性建设用地和集体非土地经营性资产等农村集体产权的权利结构,允许部分权能跨村流转和配置,提高乡村资源配置效率。[方法]在系统梳理文献、借鉴地方实践经验的基础上,阐述了农用地产权结构、集体经营性建设用地产权结构、集体非土地经营性资产产权结构开放性的历史演变与未来走向。[结果]随着农户的逐步分化,应以促进流转集中、扩大经营规模为目标,进一步扩大农用地产权结构的开放性;随着城乡统一的建设用地市场的发展,应以提高配置效率为目标,进一步扩大集体经营性建设用地产权结构的开放性;随着集体经济组织成员收入的多元化,应逐步扩大集体非土地经营性资产产权结构的开放性。[结论]必须在坚持农村集体所有制的前提下,逐步重构农村集体产权的权利结构,让稀缺的农用地不因集体经济组织成员的进城而荒芜,让进村创业和生活的非本集体经济组织成员能够获得必要的土地要素和居住空间,让村庄和集体资产治理结构能够更有效率。  相似文献   

With the booming development of urban underground space in China, “fuzzy” property rights of this special form of land use type are not only the cause of ownership disputation and registration chaos, but also may seriously delay the undertaking of related underground land laws or regulations. China's emerging property rights issue of urban underground space, especially the delimitation of the surface and ground or underground, is facing such a challenge. This article aims to identify the property rights of urban underground space by using a practical method that classifies the underground space as economic goods, and to analyze attributes of different property rights of urban underground space within the theoretical framework of public goods. We use civil defense projects and underground parking lots as case studies. Both case studies are the most utilized types and controversial ownership cases of urban underground space in present China. Our case studies indicate that it is a feasible method to avoid the delimitation of the start-stop height of 3D property right vertically, and directly define the attributes of surface and underground property rights in line with the supply mode of goods. Our results show that the method proposed in this study can effectively solve the dispute of property rights against problems rising with unclear contract and lags in the legislation of urban underground space and clearly delimited the interests boundaries among different parties of property rights for urban underground space. Ultimately, this study may offer better insight into the utilization and registration work of urban underground space in China as well as reference for countries with similar property rights issues.  相似文献   

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