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Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Enterprise systems present a new model of corporate computing. They allow companies to replace their existing information systems, which are often incompatible with one another, with a single, integrated system. By streamlining data flows throughout an organization, these commercial software packages, offered by vendors like SAP, promise dramatic gains in a company's efficiency and bottom line. It's no wonder that businesses are rushing to jump on the ES bandwagon. But while these systems offer tremendous rewards, the risks they carry are equally great. Not only are the systems expensive and difficult to implement, they can also tie the hands of managers. Unlike computer systems of the past, which were typically developed in-house with a company's specific requirements in mind, enterprise systems are off-the-shelf solutions. They impose their own logic on a company's strategy, culture, and organization, often forcing companies to change the way they do business. Managers would do well to heed the horror stories of failed implementations. FoxMeyer Drug, for example, claims that its system helped drive it into bankruptcy. Drawing on examples of both successful and unsuccessful ES projects, the author discusses the pros and cons of implementing an enterprise system, showing how a system can produce unintended and highly disruptive consequences. Because of an ES's profound business implications, he cautions against shifting responsibility for its adoption to technologists. Only a general manager will be able to mediate between the imperatives of the system and the imperatives of the business.  相似文献   

华夏银行网上银行分为个人银行和企业银行,选用IBMWebSphereBusinessComponentsCom-poser4.0.2作为开发工具,采用IBMWebSphereApplicationServer3.02作为生产系统的应用服务器,个人银行采用美国VeriSign公司的SSL协议证书进行128位的加密传输,企业银行则采用人行金融认证中心(CFCA)的企业高级证书进行身份验证、加密传输和数字签名,从而实现交易的不可否认性。对于SSL协议的使用比较简单,本文主要讨论CFCA证书与网上企业银行集成时,相关硬件设PersonalOnlineBankWebAppLocation:personal_bank_host…  相似文献   

Bradley D. Parrish 《Futures》2007,39(7):846-860
Visions of the future informed by sustainable development couple the long-term survival of humanity with a qualitative improvement in the human experience of life on earth. While the future cannot be designed explicitly, the artifacts that we create today will partially constitute the future that is tomorrow. Design is a way of organizing those artifacts, both human activity systems and technologies, so that they may contribute to an envisioned future. A design science of sustainable enterprise seeks to marry scientific and practitioner knowledge to guide the creation of enterprises (a meso-scale social artifact) that will contribute to a future consistent with the vision of sustainable development. This article addresses the question of what constitutes a sustainable enterprise by examining its essence and its purpose. Through this process two organizing principles of sustainable enterprise are identified. These organizing principles are integrated into a model of sustainable enterprise design, which provides useful insights both for advancing a design science of sustainable enterprise, and for those leaders of enterprise dedicated to making the sustainable enterprise a reality. In so doing, enterprises are positioned to contribute to the co-creation of a future of sustainable human development.  相似文献   

These days more companies are inviting customers to help them design products. Now a few are taking things further and including their other stakeholders--employees, suppliers, distributors, and even regulators--in "co-creation" efforts, too. By focusing on improving the experiences of everyone involved, such firms are achieving breakthrough insights, lower costs, new revenues, and new business models. Consider how this worked at France's La Poste, which wanted to expand package delivery and banking services in light of a decline in its mail business. La Poste had three obstacles: unmotivated union tellers, customers disgruntled by long waits, and frustrated local managers, who felt caught in between. The company set some high-level goals and invited all three groups to decide how to reach them together. To get tellers' buy-in, La Poste gave them a say in their schedules. In workshops, the groups figured out when each office should be open and how its space should be configured. The results: a 50% decrease in waiting time, a jump in satisfaction for customers, soaring job satisfaction among tellers, and significant growth in package delivery and banking, despite the recession.  相似文献   


This article examines the critical leadership actions that support collaborative public service innovations, drawing on evidence from UK local government led partnerships. It concludes that success is more likely if leaders help the partnership to: build mutual trust; agree clear, well thought through, politically supported ambitions; invest time, resources and energy; galvanize managers and staff; make a long term commitment to achieving the objectives, learning, adapting and growing innovations together.  相似文献   

Executing complex initiatives like acquisitions or an IT overhaul requires a breadth of knowledge that can be provided only by teams that are large, diverse, virtual, and composed of highly educated specialists. The irony is, those same characteristics have an alarming tendency to decrease collaboration on a team. What's a company to do? Gratton, a London Business School professor, and Erickson, president of the Concours Institute, studied 55 large teams and identified those with strong collaboration despite their complexity. Examining the team dynamics and environment at firms ranging from Royal Bank of Scotland to Nokia to Marriott, the authors isolated eight success factors: (1) "Signature" relationship practices that build bonds among the staff, in memorable ways that are particularly suited to a company's business. (2) Role models of collaboration among executives, which help cooperation trickle down to the staff. (3) The establishment of a "gift culture," in which managers support employees by mentoring them daily, instead of a transactional "tit-for-tat culture", (4) Training in relationship skills, such as communication and conflict resolution. (5) A sense of community, which corporate HR can foster by sponsoring group activities. (6) Ambidextrous leadership, or leaders who are both task-oriented and relationship-oriented. (7) Good use of heritage relationships, by populating teams with members who know and trust one another. (8) Role clarity and task ambiguity, achieved by defining individual roles sharply but giving teams latitude on approach. As teams have grown from a standard of 20 members to comprise 100 or more, team practices that once worked well no longer apply. The new complexity of teams requires companies to increase their capacity for collaboration, by making long-term investments that build relationships and trust, and smart near-term decisions about how teams are formed and run.  相似文献   

企业拥有众多的利益主体,企业管理目标应该与企业利益主体有关,各个利益主体的目标都可以折衷为企业长期稳定发展和企业总价值的不断增长。企业的经营绩效应以最大限度地实现各利益主体的目标为已任, 企业绩效评价以企业价值最大化为核心符合现代企业管理方向。  相似文献   

企业总体架构方法概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业总体架构(EA,Enterprise Architecture)是世界上企业规划和IT建设的通用方法和手段.能够对企业的发展起着推动性作用。我们希望把这一国外广泛运用的企业总体架构方法引入国内,以推动中国企业健康发展。由于企业总体架构的内容非常庞杂,因篇幅所限。本只能简要地介绍企业总体架构的概念、发展历史、框架、实施方法、工具等内容。并分两期刊载.更详细的内容请参见作撰写的专业书籍《企业总体架构》。[编按]  相似文献   

企业文化建设,很像园丁培育苗木。苗木是在园地里生长出来的,它必须与当地水土相服,否则,园丁本事再高也是无济于事;当苗木长势良好时,园丁要做的只是顺势而为,让它自由生长;当苗木长势不正,枝叶旁逸斜飞时,园丁就得费大力气将它扶正,痛下决心剪除它的歪枝赘叶。自然界暗含天机,从事企业文化建设也是如此,应当领悟其内在规律。  相似文献   

人是企业的第一要素,企业文化的重要特点是重视人的价值。坚持以人为本,推崇人性管理,达到人企合一,实现企业与员工共成长、共发展是企业人本文化的核心,也是企业文化能否实行的关键。从心理学的角度,科学运用相关理论知识来激发员工的主体意识,从根本上调动员工的积极性和创造性,将企业价值观、企业理念内化于心,并外化为价值实践,推动企业进步和发展,是本文的目的所在。  相似文献   

企业文化是企业在长期的经营过程中形成并被企业员工普遍认同和遵从的思想观念、价值标准、思维方式和工作作风的总和,是物质文化、制度文化和精神文化的复合体。企业文化是企业生存和发展的灵魂和原动力,是企业凝聚人心、增强企业竞争力的无形资产和力量。对外,它是企业的面旗帜;对内,它是一种向心力。  相似文献   

浅谈银行企业价值观的内在力量与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的价值观问题就是企业为什么生存和发展的问题,它是一个企业生存发展的根本问题。一个银行企业有了正确的价值观,同时也就有了内在自发的自我约束管理力量,以及自我拼搏、发展,为员工和社会多做贡献的成长进步力量。而且这一力量是自发的,内在的,并且是长效的、持久的。  相似文献   

成功的信息管理始于最佳的数据库设计,最佳的数据库设计来自最佳的企业数据模型。可重用的企业数据模型是企业节省成本和降低实施难度的关键环节。成功的企业数据模型有利于提高企业产品质量和提高生产力,有利于分享结果和提高数据标准的执行能力。企业数据模型能够为业务人员提供一个图形化的展示;是连接业务专家和技术专家的桥梁;能够建立业务需求的共识和协议;是建立关于公司的数据资产的知识基础;能够使不同业务处理和系统之间的数据实现整合和共享。  相似文献   

洪峥 《国际融资》2008,97(11):34-37
对于广大企业家来说,既希望融到企业生存发展急需的资金,又希望保留必要的控制权,因此,“我的企业值多少钱”是首先遇到的极其重要的难题,因为它直接关系到控制权和股东权益的重新分配  相似文献   

四十多年前,雷锋的一笔100元存款,把雷锋储蓄所与伟大的共产主义战士雷锋的名字联系在一起了。几十年来,尽管岁月流逝,形势变化,但雷锋储蓄所一代又一代员工,始终把雷锋精神作为企业文化建设的核心理念,充分利用他们长期以来在学习和弘扬雷锋精神过程中所积淀的雷锋文化资源,逐步形成了以学习雷锋精神,全心全意为客户服务为内涵的企业文化,我们称之为雷锋文化。正是这种独特的企业文化,创造了企业效益和社会效益的双赢,推动着雷锋储蓄所不断发展壮大。  相似文献   

今年是工商银行企业文化推进年。怎样做好创新型企业文化的宣传和推广,用新的理念指导工商银行的企业文化建设,使我行的企业文化充满生机和活力,这是每一个企业文化工作者都应该认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

文化内涵博大精深,对于企业文化我同样不敢妄言,只能谈点在基层单位工作时对企业文化的点滴感悟。  相似文献   

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