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周爽 《活力》2013,(17):47-47
长期以来,各供电局提供给用户的都是人工窗口服务,即:用户必须来到所在供电局收费窗口后方可了解到自己的用电量或是购电卡上的电费余额(或亲自抄表再根据购电卡上的计算公式,进行繁琐的计算),这给用户的查询带来诸多不便.据统计,目前供电业务窗口工作量中至少30%以上处理的是电费咨询服务,而这些工作都可以由电脑语音系统来完成.关键词:语音系统;查询;催缴;综合服务  相似文献   

一、相互提供电力是否全额申报纳税。电力企业一般都存在互供电力(特别是农村小水电上网倒供),企业纳税是否采取了电量(金额)互抵后的差额作为销售额。税务稽查不能仅看发票、账簿,首先请企业财务部门提供本期销售电能,电费汇总表,请经营部(用电所)提供抄表员抄录各电站、变电站电度计量表原始记录,然后“两表”相互印证应收、应付电费金额和开出(接受)发票的电力度数、金额,从而界定是全额还是按互抵后的差额纳税。二、职工(包括主管部门)用电是否和居民同价交纳电费;有无以福利形式优惠职工(限量或降低售价)。税务稽查要摸清职工工资发放…  相似文献   

作为消费者,我们似乎都期待着这一切的发生,因为不管洗牌结局如何,只要这项行业标准能顺利实施,只要同行企业之间还有不断的竞争,我们就能够远离那些概念性冰箱的欺诈,远离交纳高电费的 困扰。可以说,在标准的实施中最终得到实惠的还是我们这些最广大的消费者。  相似文献   

宫本超  陈斌  王晶晶 《价值工程》2010,29(33):289-290
随着电力经营业务的不断扩展,用电客户数量的增加以及供电企业优质服务的更高要求,以银行代收为主要收费方式的营销模式已经呈现出一系列不足,哈尔滨电业局在全国首家建立完善的POS机银行卡实施查询交费系统,解决电费回收难,方便广大电力客户进行多样化、方便化自助交费方式。从系统投入使用已经实现了电费回收五百余万元,充分说明了POS机交费得到了广大用户的认可。  相似文献   

高清互动电视作为信息化、数字化时代的产物,它的出现是一种不断满足人们的审美需求的社会表现,更是一项重大革命,它加速地推动了数字化、信息化的发展。本文主要讲述了现今出现的高清互动电视的相关方面内容,然后针对陕西广电网络推出的高清互动电视如何高效推广问题做一简要说明。  相似文献   

微博以信息公开化、碎片化、参与性和时效性强等特点风靡全球,成为重要的信息传播渠道。电视主持人作为引领潮流与先锋的群体,不仅有传统电视媒体主持人的形象定位,还应更注重互动性。于是,微博成为电视主持人与观众互动最直接、最有效的工具。文章通过研究微博的传播过程和特点,为广大电视主持人高效利用微博进行互动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

微博以信息公开化、碎片化、参与性和时效性强等特点风靡全球,成为重要的信息传播渠道。电视主持人作为引领潮流与先锋的群体,不仅有传统电视媒体主持人的形象定位,还应更注重互动性。于是,微博成为电视主持人与观众互动最直接、最有效的工具。文章通过研究微博的传播过程和特点,为广大电视主持人高效利用微博进行互动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现在的电视越来越“轻薄”、越来越“宽广”、越来越时尚,可是只有一种电视才是真正划时代的突破,那就是为互联网时代应运而生的的ITV宽带互动电视。  相似文献   

文章通过实例介绍了教学互动系统的总体结构设计以及登陆认证、数据库连接、管理员、教师、学生管理模块、资料上传、下载、信息查询、互动交流等功能的实现。实际使用表明,该系统实用、简便、有效。  相似文献   

互动电视最大特点让观众可以随时观看自己喜爱的节目,举个例子,如果你错过的晚上9:30的新闻,你可以利用互动电视,通过存在伺服机上的资讯,补看错过的新闻.  相似文献   

文章探讨了电视产业发展的历史过程及存在的问题,阐述了集团化发展的必要性和可行性及基本原则和目前常见的电视产业集团化模式。  相似文献   

This paper develops hypotheses on the effects of various attitudinal and perceptual variables as well as socio‐demographic characteristics of residential electricity customers on an individual's willingness to pay a mark‐up for electricity generated from renewable energy sources compared with the price due for electricity from conventional sources. The hypotheses are tested with data from a standardized telephone survey of 238 household electricity consumers in Germany. 53.4% of the participants are willing to pay a mark‐up for green electricity. 26.1% report a price tolerance equal to a 5–10% increase in their current electricity bill. Binary logistic and ordinal regression analyses indicate that price tolerance for green electricity is particularly influenced by attitudes (1) towards environmental issues and (2) towards one's current power supplier, (3) perceptions of the evaluation of green energy by an individual's social reference groups, (4) household size and (5) current electricity bill level. The findings are used to derive suggestions for energy related informational activities of public institutions, green marketing strategies of energy companies and future consumer research regarding demand for pro‐environmental goods. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

孙俊峰 《价值工程》2010,29(27):46-46
村村通工程是一项重要的民生工程,该工程具有项目散、范围广、任务多、工期紧、监管难度大等特点。因此,要搞好村村通工程应该重视施工质量管理问题,制定有效的施工管理措施。  相似文献   

刘海兵 《价值工程》2014,(10):195-196
用电信息采集是对配电变压器和终端用户的用电数据的采集和分析,实现实时用电监测、推行阶梯电价、负荷管理、线损分析,最终达到自动化抄表、错峰用电、用电检查(反窃电)、负荷预测分析和节约用电成本的目的。系统上线以来,大大降低抄表人员外出抄表的工作量以及车辆的危险,抄表员还可利用采集系统召测实时抄表数据,及时对用户进行预收电费的催缴,提升预收电费比重,大大降低电费回收风险,提升自动化水平,对抄核收全过程管理有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

魏江霞 《价值工程》2011,30(24):133-133
广播电视是党和政府的宣传舆论工具。如何维护好硬盘播出系统安全是我们工作所必须关注的。文章主要对此进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

Terrestrial broadcasting network is the main delivery platform of terrestrial broadcasters and its coverage represents the capacity. We study economic impacts of coverage on TV service markets, which consist of broadcasters and pay‐TV operators with retransmission, by dividing the market into “inside” and “outside” the coverage. Our results suggest that the broadcaster ends up with two extreme options in equilibrium: not operating networks or operating networks at a full capacity. However, the former option is not desirable if the retransmission fee changes according to the coverage. On the basis of the main results derived, implications for broadcasters and the government are discussed.  相似文献   

Globally, consumers are beginning to be able to choose their electricity supplier. Increasing concerns about the environment are prompting some of them to consider ‘green’ electricity—that is, electricity that has been generated by more environmentally sustainable means (for example, solar power or wind power). This article profiles the potential purchaser of green electricity. Drawing upon the literature on green product purchasers more generally, three sets of hypotheses are presented—more specifically, it is proposed that those who would pay increasingly higher premiums for green electricity are more likely to possess particular demographic characteristics, attitudinal characteristics and socialization characteristics. Responses from a survey distributed in a major Canadian metropolitan area are then examined. Attitudinal characteristics—specifically ecological concern, liberalism and altruism—best identify the potential purchasers of green electricity. Suggestions for managers and marketers are made following these findings. Directions for future research are also presented. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

At first sight it appears plausible that customers who display more positive evaluative reactions to a company, which previously had sold goods to them (=?supplier-related attitudes [SRA] such as customer satisfaction or loyalty), generally should be willing to pay higher prices for additional offerings of this supplier than their counterparts with less positive SRA. However, sizes of the respective correlations reported in past empirical research diverge considerably. Therefore, two empirical studies were conducted to explore the extent to which eight socio-demographic and psychographic customer characteristics influence relationships between SRA and willingness to pay intentions in the sense that the characteristics systematically increase or decrease (moderate) the considered relationships. In a first study of 238 customers of power companies, four characteristics (age, female gender, household size, electricity bill) were found to significantly negatively moderate the relationship between customers’ attitude toward their electricity supplier and their price tolerance for “green electricity” and one characteristic (involvement) was detected to have a significant negative moderating influence. A second study of 319 mobile communication customers suggested that customers’ involvement and relationship length with their current mobile services supplier positively moderated the association between the customers’ attitude toward their supplier and willingness to pay for a packet offer of their mobile service provider, whereas female gender exerted a negative moderating influence. The results imply that companies should conduct analyses aiming at the identification of socio-demo- and psychographic moderators or customer segments with heterogeneous impacts of SRA on behavioral price intentions respectively as part of their marketing planning process.  相似文献   

Facing the challenge of attracting consumers and winning market share under the proliferation of TV stations and channels, the traditional TV stations often make some marketing strategies. However, how to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies and select the best one is a key issue. This study proposes to resolve this problem. We develop an innovative structural model to simulate the dynamic choices consumers make under two interactive behaviors: learning and forgetting. Learning behavior refers to updating programme quality assessment by using experience, while forgetting behavior prevents the use of previous experience. The Bayesian rules are employed to model learning behavior, and they are extended by incorporating an exponential decay function to measure the effect of forgetting behavior. The structural model is tested and validated by using Hong Kong television viewing data. The empirical results show that when modeling consumer choice decisions, considering learning and forgetting behavior significantly improves the performance of the model in regard to rating prediction and marketing strategy evaluation. Five cases are simulated to show how the model is used to evaluate marketing strategies. Managerial implications are then discussed to guide the decision-making of traditional TV broadcasters and advertisers.  相似文献   

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