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本文将人民币名义有效汇率(NEER)和海外人民币无本金交割远期汇率(NDF)引入分析国内通货膨胀的框架中,对中国的通货膨胀进行研究分析.结论认为:人民币即期汇率和预期汇率都对国内通货膨胀具有一定的传导机制,并且人民币预期汇率对通胀的影响比即期汇率大得多.文章的结论启示我们:当前治理通货膨胀不应对升值人民币即期汇率期望过高,而应更多的将注意力放在如何稳定和调节人民币升值预期上.  相似文献   

周茂 《中国外资》2010,(20):32-32
本文将人民币名义有效汇率(NEER)和海外人民币无本金交割选期汇率(NDF)引入分析国内通货膨胀的框架中,对中国的通货膨胀进行研究分析。结论议为:人民币即期汇率和预期汇率都对国内通货膨胀具有一定的传导机制,并且人民币预期汇率对通胀的影响比即期汇率大得多。文章的结论启示我们:当前治理通货膨胀不应对升值人民币即期汇率期望过高。而应更多的将注意力放在如何稳定和调节人民币升值预期上。  相似文献   

文章试图研究通货膨胀与汇率变动两者间的关系。通过分析1998—2010年期间中国通货膨胀的动态传导机制和驱动因素,文章发现,人民币升值带来的流动性过剩所导致的通胀效应远超过升值对通胀的抑制作用。为应对通货膨胀,我国需要有针对性的对当前的货币政策体系进行变革,从过度依赖数量性政策工具向以汇率和数量性政策工具并重的政策体系过渡。  相似文献   

在当前通货膨胀预期不断增强的背景下,如何稳定物价总水平已成为央行金融宏观调控的重要目标.2010年6月份我国重启人民币汇率改革,人民币汇率弹性增强.本文运用VAR模型研究了人民币汇率变动对以CPI为衡量指标的我国通货膨胀水平的影响,结果验证了学界关于人民币汇率升值能够通过传递效应降低国内的通货膨胀压力的观点,并提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

本文通过构建人民币汇率与通货膨胀率的传导模型,探讨汇改前后两个时期人民币汇率与通货膨胀的动态相关性。实证研究显示,短期内人民币汇率对通货膨胀有一定的逆向冲击,这种逆向冲击的强度在汇改后表现得更强,从长期来看,两者协整且呈显著的正相关性,但短期内人民币升值带来的通货膨胀抑制效应弱于长期内人民币升值对通货膨胀的驱动效应。从这个角度来看,新汇制对我国货币政策绩效的改善效应并不明显。  相似文献   

詹小颖 《新金融》2011,(8):20-23
本文通过构建人民币汇率与通货膨胀率的传导模型,探讨汇改前后两个时期人民币汇率与通货膨胀的动态相关性。实证研究显示,短期内人民币汇率对通货膨胀有一定的逆向冲击,这种逆向冲击的强度在汇改后表现得更强,从长期来看,两者协整且呈显著的正相关性,但短期内人民币升值带来的通货膨胀抑制效应弱于长期内人民币升值对通货膨胀的驱动效应。从这个角度来看,新汇制对我国货币政策绩效的改善效应并不明显。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国凭借国内生产的成本优势在国际贸易中获取了大量利益。出口刺激了经济的快速增长,然而持续顺差带来的本币升值问题却成为我国经济发展中的两难。虽然汇率升值可能造成出口部门竞争力下降,但是,理论上讲,汇率的升值也能够缓解国内通货膨胀的压力,并且能够降低进口原材料价格,从而降低国内的生产成本。然而,自汇改以来,人民币的升值并没有减缓通胀压力,相反的,升值一直伴随着物价的上涨,于此同时,人民币汇率、国内资产价格和物价之间的联动越来越明显。本文从人民币汇率预期、资产价格和物价的关系入手,研究人民币汇率升值预期对我国国内生产成本的影响。结果表明,人民币升值预期会导致我国国内生产成本的上涨,即成本优势的丧失。  相似文献   

人民币汇率正在稳中趋升人民币汇率问题专家陈全庚认为,从长期趋势看,未来人民币有可能对美元保持稳中趋升的走势。据统计,从1994年汇率并轨时算起,如果考虑通货膨胀因素,人民币对美元汇率升值了40%多,远高于名义升值5%的幅度。根据国际货币基金组织的测算,人民币汇率的综合实际升值20%多,并且这种升值伴随着中国外汇储备的大幅增加。主要原因:(1)中国目前总储蓄大于投资,国内资源尚未得到充分利用,经济增长低于潜在的水平。从长远看,中国经济发展还有相当大的潜力。(2)中国经济规模已名列世界前茅,国内市场…  相似文献   

赵勇 《国际融资》2008,91(5):23-24
关于人民币升值能否缓解日益严峻的通胀压力,舆论界和学界存在很大争议。本文认为虽然从长期来看,人民币升值无疑会抑制通货膨胀,但从短期来看,由于价格传导机制不畅、进出口刚性和汇率政策的外部效应,人民币升值对通货膨胀的影响将十分有限  相似文献   

股票市场、人民币汇率与中国货币需求   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在开放经济条件下考察了1999年1月至2010年5月期间中国货币需求函数的特征。研究结果表明通胀预期、股票价格波动和人民币汇率是影响长期货币需求的重要因素。股票收益率和通胀预期都是衡量企业和居民持有货币的重要机会成本变量,但通胀预期占主导地位。人民币升值和升值预期通过货币替代效应和国际资本流动效应增加了长期实际货币余额需求。研究结果还表明在样本期间人民币汇率波动的短期国际资本流动效应是造成中国A股市场动荡加剧的重要原因之一。这意味着中国货币政策的制定与实施应该至少关注资产价格波动和考虑人民币汇率因素,尤其是当前应特别注重稳定人民币升值预期。  相似文献   

The importance of innovation is reflected in the policy strategies that have been adopted by countries that have gained competitive advantage over the last two decades. In today's competitive global economy, Ireland has been acknowledged for its governmental policies and policy dynamics that have created a competitive market site for FDI. These policies have been based on continual policy innovation. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the governmental policies and policy dynamics within the Irish context of internationalisation. From this analysis a model of government influence on FDI in Ireland is developed. The main conclusions are that the success of the Irish model of internationalisation can be attributed to its innovative character. If Ireland's success is to extend into the future, it will have to continue to pursue innovation in the approach it adopts to internationalisation.  相似文献   

A large sample of developed and emerging economies is utilized to investigate import exchange rate pass-through. Panel models reveal that various economic aspects of the destination country can explain about one third of the total variation in pass-through elasticities and the remaining variation comes largely in the form of unobserved country-specific effects. Inflation, exchange rate volatility, openness and relative wealth play a clear role as drivers of emerging markets’ pass-through whereas the output gap and protectionism appear influential more generally. Nonlinearity regarding large-versus-small changes in the exchange rate is quite pervasive. Our evidence challenges the widely-held view that pass-through has been universally falling in developed markets and that it is higher for emerging markets. The economic drivers are shown to play a role as out-of-sample predictors of pass-through. The findings confirm pricing-to-market theories and have implications for the optimal conduct of monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper applies the overreaction hypothesis of De Bont and Thaler [De Bont, W., Thaler, R., 1985. Does stock market overreact? Journal of Finance 40(3), 793–805], developed for stock price behavior, to capital flows to emerging markets. We find that a surge in capital flows, or what we call a capital boom, can predict future sharp contractions in capital flows, or sudden stops. We use a large list of possible economic fundamentals as control variables, and the results show that the best predictor of a sudden stop is a preceding capital boom. Moreover, the probability of a country undergoing a sudden stop increases considerably with the length of the boom: this probability more than doubles when the boom is three years old, and rises by three to four times when the boom lasts for four years. These results are interesting for two reasons. In the first place, they contradict previous studies that emphasize worsening fundamentals as the ultimate cause of a sudden stop. Second, they are of policy interest because of the enormous negative impacts that sudden stops have on the real economy.  相似文献   

We examine benefits of international diversification for the period 1 January 1988 to 30 June 2000. We introduce a new variable (lambda) that measures these benefits more directly than do the pairwise correlations among equity markets, which are used in most other studies. Our study shows that despite international integrations, the benefits of international diversification measured in USD persist. Using lambda, we provide evidence that the increase in co-movements between equity market returns (measured in local currencies) has been counterbalanced by movements in exchange rates. We confirm our results by subjecting the trend in lambda to several tests.  相似文献   

This paper explains why relative PPP should hold more tightly in emerging markets, and why pricing to market would be observed more frequently in the OECD countries. It studies the endogenous determination of pricing to market, in a real option model with time-dependent transportation costs, where the future terms of trade are random. Allowing time-dependent transportation costs adds a dimension of investment to the pre-buying of imports, implying that financial considerations determine the frequency of pricing to market, and the deviations from relative PPP. If the expected discounted cost of last minute delivery is higher than pre-buying, one exercises the option of spot market imports if the realized terms of trade are favorable enough. Pricing to market is observed in countries characterized by low terms of trade volatility and low financing costs. In these circumstances, imports are pre-bought, and the spot market for imports is inactive. In countries where the financing costs and the terms of trade volatility are high, few imports are pre-bought, the price of imports is determined by the realized real exchange rate, and a version of relative PPP holds. With an intermediate level of terms of trade volatility and of financing costs, a mixed regime is observed. If the realized real exchange rate is weak, pricing to market would prevail, increasing consumers’ welfare by shielding them from the adverse purchasing power consequences of weak terms of trade. If the realized real exchange rate is favorable enough, more imports are purchased in the spot market, and the relative PPP would hold. Higher financing costs increase the cost of pre-buying imports, reducing thereby the frequency of pricing to market, increasing the expected relative price of imports, reducing the expected deviations from relative PPP, and reducing welfare.  相似文献   

Drawing on new data and advances in exchange rate regimes’ classification, we find that countries appear to benefit by having increasingly flexible exchange rate systems as they become richer and more financially developed. For developing countries with little exposure to international capital markets, pegs are notable for their durability and relatively low inflation. In contrast, for advanced economies, floats are distinctly more durable and also appear to be associated with higher growth. For emerging markets, our results parallel the Baxter and Stockman classic exchange regime neutrality result, though pegs are the least durable and expose countries to higher risk of crisis.  相似文献   

We examine real returns to government debt of the G7 countries, for both short and long maturities. Our focus is on returns to fixed income investing rather than contemporaneous yields. We find evidence that investments in the same maturity across countries may be modeled as a cointegrated process, in a vector error correction framework, with common trends separated into their permanent and transitory components for the system. Our findings are based on analysis of both short-term maturities and long-term maturities. However, the structure varies excessively across maturities and time frames, with recent data showing less integration.  相似文献   

How effective are capital account restrictions? We provide new answers based on a novel panel data set of capital controls, disaggregated by asset class and by inflows/outflows, covering 74 countries during 1995–2005. We find the estimated effects of capital controls to vary markedly across the types of capital controls, both by asset categories, by the direction of flows, and across countries' income levels. In particular, both debt and equity controls can substantially reduce outflows, with little effect on capital inflows, but only high-income countries appear able to effectively impose debt (outflow) controls. The results imply that capital controls can affect both the volume and the composition of capital flows.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether domestic or foreign net saving predominantly influences an economy’s international borrowing and lending with reference to the experience of western European economies that have had sizable current account surpluses and deficits since the turn of the century. It proposes that if an international lender country’s current account surplus is positively (negatively) related to its real long term interest rate, then foreign (domestic) factors are driving its external imbalance. On the contrary, for a foreign borrower country if its current account deficit is positively (negatively) related to its real long term interest rate, domestic (foreign) factors drive its external imbalance. On this basis, it shows econometrically for major European lender economies, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden, that external imbalances this decade were mainly determined by foreign factors, though by domestic factors for Norway. For major borrower economies, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the United Kingdom, the results were not significant implying that neither domestic nor foreign factors predominated over this time.  相似文献   

In this lecture I document the proliferation of gross international asset and liability positions and discuss some consequences for individual countries’ external adjustment processes and for global financial stability. In light of the rapid growth of gross global financial flows and the serious risks associated with them, one might wonder about the continuing relevance of the net financial flow measured by the current account balance. I argue that global current account imbalances remain an essential target for policy scrutiny, for financial as well as macroeconomic reasons. Nonetheless, it is critically important for policymakers to monitor as well the rapidly evolving structure of global gross assets and liabilities.  相似文献   

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