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企业开拓者杰克·韦尔奇是20世纪后期企业职业经理人精英中的代表.直到2000年,作为通用电气公司(GE)的首席执行官任期届满之时,他一直都足首席执行官这个角色的最佳楷模.韦尔奇的赫赫声名部分来自他所创造的巨大财富.在1981年4月1日愚人节这天,韦尔奇走马上任,当时通用电气公司的市值是139亿美元.时至1999年秋,通用电气公司的市值已飙涨了将近30倍,高达4108亿美元.  相似文献   

杰克·韦尔奇是20世纪后期企业职业经理人精英中的代表。直到2000年,作为通用电气公司(GE)的首席执行官任期届满之时,他一直都是首席执行官这个角色的最佳楷模。韦尔奇的赫赫声名部分来自他所创造的巨大财富。在1981年4月1日愚人节这天,韦尔奇走马上任,当时通用电气公司的市值是139亿美元。时至1999年秋,通用电气公司的市值已飙涨了将近30倍,高达4108亿美元。这个令人惊叹的业绩使美国(然后是全世界)的企业相信,首席执行官真正的任务是使股东的财富增值,而且这是极为切实的,尤其是当他们采用了韦尔奇的方法的话。许多人在采用韦尔奇的实践经验,例如,利用重组使企业简化,效率更高。从而降低成本;通过领导层专注于核心业务而向下属授权并让他们承担相应的责任。  相似文献   

大师课堂1 领导一个团队每个领导者都要完成某种任务和领导某个团队.要想像杰克·韦尔奇那样工作.你不仅要自己尽力做到最好,你还必须能让整个团队取得最佳成绩.  相似文献   

杰克·韦尔奇对竞争如痴如狂,但只是对他能获胜的竞争才如此.他指出,去打那些注定要失败之仗是毫无好处的.韦尔奇的主张,表达了他在GE早期经历中萌生的那种坚定不移的哲学:成为你所在市场的第一或第二,否则,拿不起就放下.  相似文献   

5开发变革力量●互联网怎样创造了无限商机●为什么到达最高点只是开始而不是结束●韦尔奇怎样发现GE剧增的订单背后潜在的危机●在公司里强行推行变革的方法显然是成功的●深入组织基层去鼓舞每一个人●通过专注于单一的、强有力的理念来把握战略的方法  相似文献   

企业开拓者 杰克·韦尔奇是20世纪后期企业职业经理人精英中的代表。直到2000年,作为通用电气公司(GE)的首席执行官任期届满之时,他一直都是首席执行官这个角色的最佳楷模。韦尔奇的赫赫声名部分来自他所创造的巨大财富。在1981年4月1日愚人节这天,韦尔奇走马上任,当时通用电气公司的市值是139亿美元。时至1999年秋,通用电气公司的市值已飙涨了将近30倍,高达4108亿美元。  相似文献   

科学的管理思想对于经营者.创业者是方法、是勇气、是力量、是宝剑……要经营,要创业,想赢.光敢拼还不够.敢拼、会拼才能赢。怎样才能会拼呢?《荀子·劝学》中“吾尝终日而思矣。 不如须臾之所学也。吾尝而望矣,不如登高之博见也。登高而招.臂非加长也.而见者远。  相似文献   

科学的管理思想对于经营者,创业者是方法、是勇气、是力量、是宝剑……要经营。要创业,想赢,光敢拼还不够,敢拼、会拼才能赢。怎样才能会拼呢?《荀子,劝学》“吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也。吾尝 而望矣,不如登高之博见也。登高而招。臂非加长也,而见者远。顺风而呼,声非加疾也,而闻者彰。假舆马者,非利足也,而致千里。假舟楫者,非能水也,而绝江河。君子生非异也,善假于物也。”要学习,还要善于学习,在学习中得到方法:“登高而招”、“顺风而呼”、“假舆马”、“假舟楫”善假于物也。本刊将以连载的方式,陆续刊出几位大师和商界精英的管理思想,以飧读者。  相似文献   

大师课堂1领导一个团队每个领导者都要完成某种任务和领导某个团队。要想像杰克·韦尔奇那样工作,你不仅要自己尽力做到最好,你还必须能让整个团队取得最佳成绩。  相似文献   

The recent emergence of total quality management (TQM) in the U.S. has spawned a great deal of interest in management circles as well as in the mass media. However, despite the growing number of firms that have adopted this management technique, few formal tests exist concerning the pattern of adoption as well as the changes that accompany the adoption of TQM. This paper contrasts models of production for TQM and non-TQM firms in order to explore reasons why some firms but not others have adopted the TQM approach to quality improvement. Predictions arising from such a comparison are tested using a unique data set that combines data on firms from three different sources. Our findings tend to support the proposed theory of systematic differences between firms that find it advantageous to adopt TQM and firms that do not. We also find evidence that firms adopting TQM experience greater growth in sales, employment, and capital stock.  相似文献   

尽管格罗夫的战略转型点是所有重大变革中的一例,但还有很多别的例子.他平淡地说:作为经理人,我们憎恶变化,尤其是这些改变将我们卷入其中的时候.不管喜欢与否,他们都是人,而且他们的大部分感情都耗尽在他们自身和事业的兴旺发达上.  相似文献   

基于价值链(VC)发展的制造企业业务流程再造(BPR)实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以价值链工程发展为基础,从深度和广度两个层面对业务流程再造进行剖析;指出BPR随着价值链的发展经历了四个阶段:企业局部流程再造,企业整体流程再造,多个企业间流程再造(虚拟企业)和循环经济模式下流程再造(绿色价值链);并分析了每个阶段BPR的特点。再以制造企业为例,引用相应的案例进行实证分析,从而指出企业获得核心竞争力的途径之一就是不断进行价值链的重组;实际上,也就是根据企业自身发展,以价值链为核心,对业务流程进行再造。  相似文献   

Much of the recent literature about local governance of Britain’s cities has examined the power of a newly evolving ‘business elite’. However, in trying to understand changing governance forms, these analyses have generally lacked sensitivity to the role of actors (businesspeople) and their representative organizations. Analytical categories drawn from social movement theory (SMT) are introduced to develop a more actor‐centred approach to the role of business interests in urban management. While not attempting to claim that business represents a social movement within Britain’s cities, it does illuminate how effectively or otherwise businesspeople develop an identity based around their representative organizations and specific business agendas, define non‐business actors as opponents, and deploy and implement the agendas they create. We then use these SMT categories to examine the creation of business agendas in three English towns – Barnsley, Mansfield and Accrington.  相似文献   

Statistical offices are responsible for publishing accurate statistical information about many different aspects of society. This task is complicated considerably by the fact that data collected by statistical offices generally contain errors. These errors have to be corrected before reliable statistical information can be published. This correction process is referred to as statistical data editing. Traditionally, data editing was mainly an interactive activity with the aim to correct all data in every detail. For that reason the data editing process was both expensive and time-consuming. To improve the efficiency of the editing process it can be partly automated. One often divides the statistical data editing process into the error localisation step and the imputation step. In this article we restrict ourselves to discussing the former step, and provide an assessment, based on personal experience, of several selected algorithms for automatically solving the error localisation problem for numerical (continuous) data. Our article can be seen as an extension of the overview article by Liepins, Garfinkel & Kunnathur (1982). All algorithms we discuss are based on the (generalised) Fellegi–Holt paradigm that says that the data of a record should be made to satisfy all edits by changing the fewest possible (weighted) number of fields. The error localisation problem may have several optimal solutions for a record. In contrast to what is common in the literature, most of the algorithms we describe aim to find all optimal solutions rather than just one. As numerical data mostly occur in business surveys, the described algorithms are mainly suitable for business surveys and less so for social surveys. For four algorithms we compare the computing times on six realistic data sets as well as their complexity.  相似文献   

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