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房价与房租间具有内在的传导机制,并对居民买租选择产生影响。研究发现,影响房租上涨的直接因素不是房价,而是市场交易量;房价通过影响交易量间接影响房租。住房租赁市场与商品房交易市场相互影响,因此,必须从政策上保证二者协同发展。当前如外科手术似的宏观调控,为政策性住房介入房地产市场调节赢得了时间,通过平衡租赁市场和交易市场供求,形成合理的房价租金比水平,是房地产业达到系统性稳定的基础。  相似文献   

考察住房机制市场化程度的高低,有两项指标,一项是房价/收入比,另一项是房租/收入比。 房价/收入比是指某一住宅单元的自由市场价格的中间值和住户年收入中间值的比例,通常情况下,房价高,购买住房的有效需求就减少,当这项指标高得不正常时,就表  相似文献   

基于单位根右侧ADF泡沫检验方法(BSADF)对中国一、二、三线城市在2010-2016年期间的住宅价格泡沫程度进行动态监测,进而比较各线城市房价泡沫分布特征差异,最后采用马尔科夫区制转换向量自回归模型(MS-VAR)来分析一、二、三线城市住宅价格泡沫之间在不同区制下的交互溢出效应。研究结果表明:在整个时期内,一、二、三线城市住宅市场均出现多次周期性泡沫,但差异明显;一、二、三线城市房价泡沫程度依次降低。一线城市住宅价格泡沫会向二、三线城市传染,而二、三线城市住宅价格泡沫之间会相互传染。一、二、三线城市住宅价格泡沫均存在三种区制(负泡沫、潜伏、膨胀)状态,各线城市住宅价格泡沫之间存在区制依赖的非对称溢出效应。  相似文献   

消息称,北京市住建委正着手建立全市统一的房屋租赁信息平台,显示真实的房屋数量、租赁价格等信息。住宅租赁价格,这个一直被简称为"房租"的消费价格指数,在全国房地产调控政策不断推进中被层层推高。如今,它已经和房价一样,成为中国住宅市场"刚需"们诟病的要素之一。  相似文献   

一长期以来,我国实行住房统建统配、低租福利制,职工的住宅消费基本上没有纳入工资的范围,而是以暗贴的方式摆到社会扣除那里去了。职工拿到工资后,只需交纳一点象征性房租。1985年广州市职工家计调查资料表明,职工家庭每人每月房租支出仅是0.92元,占每人月生活费支出84.29元的1.09%,仅相当于食品消费  相似文献   

房地产市场垄断与住宅价格的关系目前,我国住宅价格持续上涨,但对住宅的需求却不降反升,有悖于一般价格规律。房价指标是房地产市场运行的综合反映,分析房价上涨原因是复杂、多方面的,除了分析供求关系外,还要从房地产市场结构上进行研究。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城镇住宅价格不断过快高涨,房价问题成为全国的焦点。住宅价格高涨的原因很多,住宅本身的特殊性是根本原因。本文尝试从住宅性质的角度来分析价格过快上涨的原因。住宅是必需品,超出基本需求的高档住宅就成为奢侈品,住宅还具有储藏财富功能。房价的急剧攀升带来一系列负面影响。本文根据住宅的特殊性,针对房价过快上涨提出以下建议:保证居民合理的住宅需求,抑制高档住宅需求,限制住宅市场的投资需求。  相似文献   

尚春香 《产权导刊》2010,(10):18-20
两难!这是杨女士观望数月后的感慨,“可以买吗?房价会不会再降?都说政策调控后房价会降,可现在好像更复杂了。租房价不断上涨,买房却仍觉得价高。”杨女士在北京海淀区租了一套5000多元的公寓,每月花在房租上的钱比买房还贷的钱少不了多少,而楼市的不明朗让她始终犹豫不决,左右为难。  相似文献   

多年来,我国一直视住宅为福利设施,规定房租不能超过职工收入的3一5%,这种计租办法与房屋成本脱解,影响“以租养房。”本文采用统计工作中的相关分析与图表法,对现行租金与成本租金的计算加以比较,提出应按有关因素计租的根据。指出按有关因素计租,应包括折旧费、修缮费、管理费、利息、税金,以及与居住余件密切相关的楼层高低、室内设施、房屋朝向、周围环境等因素来计算租金,以此加以论证。  相似文献   

随着住宅商品化的逐步推行,住房问题已越来越成为普通百姓关注的话题,其中房价更是成为各类新闻媒体、公众密切关注的焦点问题。近年来,我国部分地区商品房价格出现持续大幅上涨,一些城市的房价可以用飙升来形容,如宁波房价在连续三年涨幅位居全国35个大中城市之首后,2003年房价涨幅又达到16.6%;杭州房价涨幅从1999年  相似文献   

Studies of the factors that influence housing prices have focused on housing characteristics, governmental policies, environmental goods, macroeconomic and social fundamentals, and so on. However, the effect of industrial structural adjustment on housing prices is worthy of further investigation. In China, it would be helpful to measure this effect to coordinate housing policy and the ‘Made in China 2025’ strategy, which aims to accelerate industrial restructuring. We selected a spatial panel data model to quantify the effects of the industrial rationalisation and sophistication attributable to spatial dependence in housing prices. Estimation results show that structural adjustment has a statistically significant effect on housing prices that varies widely across regions. In descending order, the impact of industrial structure sophistication decreases in eastern, central, western, and northeastern China. This finding suggests that the government should match housing with local industry, prevent excessive real estate development in conventional agricultural areas, and pay close attention to changes in housing prices caused by increasing industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

是土地供应量与房地产税赋提高了房价吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘金霞 《南方经济》2013,31(11):27-37
自分税制实施后,“土地财政”成为我国地方政府获取收入以支撑财政支出的主要选择,而与此同时房价也在不断上涨。中央政府从民生角度要求地方政府对房价实施调控,地方政府则主要通过调整土地供给量和房地产税税赋来施加影响。土地供应量和税赋会影响供需双方从而影响房价,反过来房价又会影响税收收入及开发商对土地的需求,进而影响社会民生。本文对我国东、中、西部地区住房价格和土地供给量、房地产税税赋之间的关系进行分析,探讨各地区的住房价格上涨原因。通过构建住房价格和土地供给量、房地产税税赋之间的PVAR模型,利用格兰杰因果检验、脉冲分析和方差分解方法来透视地方政府行为对住房价格的影响。分析结果显示,地方政府行为和房价之间存在着联动关系,但在推动住房价格上涨的原因上存在着区域差异:在东部地区,土地供应量影响房价;中部地区,二者联合推动了房价上涨。而在西部地区,房地产税税赋对房价的影响明显。在政策建议上,对地价推动房价的地区要从丰富住房来源和数量入手,而税赋影响房价的地区则要完善相关税制改革。  相似文献   

China's over 25% aggregate household saving rate is one of the highest in the world. One popular view attributes the high saving rate to fast-rising housing prices in China. However, cross-sectional data do not show a significant relationship between housing prices and household saving rates. This article uses a simple consumption-saving model to explain why rising housing prices per se cannot explain China's high household saving rate. Although borrowing constraints and demographic changes can translate housing prices to the aggregate saving rate, quantitative simulations of our model using Chinese time-series data on household income, housing prices, and demographics indicate that rising mortgage costs can increase the aggregate saving rate by at most 2 to 4 percentage points in the best down-payment structure.  相似文献   

The present study explains the reasons for the imbalanced development of the Chinese housing market. Using the quantile autoregression unit‐root test, we examine housing prices in China's five major cities. The results show that the rising and falling of housing prices in these cities exhibits asymmetric reversion. When housing prices fall, market capital is highly sensitive to housing prices, and housing prices resist the pressure to fall further. However, when housing prices rise, the housing market becomes imbalanced, with housing prices tending to overreact in an upturn. The results of this study indicate that when housing prices rise irrationally, the government should intervene in the housing market promptly to prevent housing bubbles.  相似文献   

在房价不断上涨的现象面前,房价上涨源于货币幻觉的观点具有一定影响。通过对房价上涨是虚涨还是实涨的分析,从而说明房价虚涨论的片面性。实际情况是,货币幻觉对房价上涨的影响是短暂的;收入的增长幅度低于房价的上涨幅度等因素,决定了房价是实涨而非虚涨。房价虚涨论的危害在于,如果房价上涨被房价虚涨论所误导,将会影响政府抑制房价过快上涨政策措施的制定和实施,也将对居民的住房投资和消费产生负面影响。  相似文献   

This article investigates the effect of house prices on household savings rates in urban China employing the 2002 and 2007 data of the Chinese Households Income Project (CHIP). We find that the rapid appreciation of house prices cannot explain high Chinese households’ savings rates and the rising of Chinese savings rates. On the contrary, we find a negative relationship between house prices and household savings rates for home renters and homeowners. We do not find any evidence of ‘savings for housing purchase’ for young home renters when house prices increase. Their savings rates declined during housing market booms in recent 10?years. Savings rates of homeowners possessing multiple housing have decreased more because of ‘the pure housing wealth effects.’  相似文献   

刘宏 《特区经济》2010,(8):84-85
个人住房抵押贷款一直被国内外研究和实践公认为商业银行的优质资产,近年来,这一业务在我国获得了快速稳定增长,住房抵押贷款余额占各项贷款的余额的比重也越来越高。但是,由于我国金融体制不健全,个人住房抵押贷款存在商业银行房贷风险控制意识薄弱、房价虚高、银行间恶性竞争等问题,对此,政府部门应加强调控和监管,商业银行应建立住房抵押贷款担保、保险机制,推行抵押贷款证券化。以保证我国商业银行经营稳健。  相似文献   

Using the Pooled Data of housing market of 30 provinces during 1995-2003, this paper investigates the micro-level influence factors of housing prices fluctuation in China. We have found out that income, cost and lagged housing prices are important factors to housing prices fluctuation. The influence factors do not change with time, but vary in different regions. In addition, cost and lagged housing prices are not only the influence factors of the state housing prices, but also the notable impact factors to each region. Thus, we suggest that the government should take different policies in different regions, control the demander and supplier and guide fight expectations.  相似文献   

张素群  陈嘉威 《特区经济》2013,(11):192-194
近十几年来,随着我国经济快速发展,人民币持续升值与房地产价格不断攀升的问题成为全社会关注的热点。本文先从理论层面分析人民币汇率与房地产价格的关联效应,接着对人民币汇率与广州房地产价格之间的关系进行了实证检验,在此基础上得出相关结论,并为协调和稳定我国房地产价格提出对策建议。  相似文献   

“十二五”开局之年的我国房地产市场走向评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在2011年及十二五期间,基于价值规律的制导,房价构成要素的上涨、房地产市场刚性需求的继续释放,许多城市的房地产价格还存在上涨压力。要有效调控房价,必须从土地供应、房地产银行贷款、税收、保障性住房等方面进行综合的、互动的、配套的松紧适度和有差别的结构性调控,以此为改进与优化取向,藉以防止房地产市场与房价的大起大落,促进房地产市场的稳健发展。  相似文献   

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