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The scientific and technological sphere of Ukraine is considered in terms of its cooperation with CIS and EU countries. The considerable potential of Ukraine is visible in the intermediate technological sectors of its economy, which is seen in the stable quantities of its export to CIS countries. The prospects and preconditions for scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Russia are examined.  相似文献   

This paper presents an expert assessment of the present state of cooperation of Ukraine and Russia in the innovation sphere, outlines its main stages and analyzes the quality of the process of formation of legislative framework in state regulation of innovation-oriented transformations in the economy of the two countries. A comparative study is made and a quantitative estimate of the level of innovation activities in industrial production and the degree of innovation shifts in the technological structure of manufacturing in Russia and Ukraine is given.  相似文献   

A number of issues related to the functioning of the agrarian market in conditions of increasing export supplies are considered in the paper using the example of the grain sector of the Russian economy, and ways of overcoming possible disproportions in this sphere from the standpoint of national economic efficiency are proposed. The prospects of mutually beneficial Russian-Chinese cooperation in the agrarian sphere are shown.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(9):1627-1650
Recent cluster literature suggests that joint action is essential for responding successfully to major challenges. This article investigates whether enterprises in the export-oriented Sinos Valley (South of Brazil) have stepped up cooperation in response to intensified global competition in leather footwear. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, it shows a substantial increase in bilateral vertical cooperation, contributing to a major advance in raising product quality, speed of response and flexibility. In spite of these advances, the cluster has not been able to raise exports and profits have fallen. This seems related to the fact that upgrading was largely limited to the sphere of production. Upgrading in other areas such as marketing, design and image was attempted in an ambitious program of multilateral cooperation. The program failed for two reasons: some leading enterprises put their alliance with a major global buyer above cooperation with local manufacturers; and the state failed to mediate at critical moments between conflicting business associations and entrepreneurial alliances. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research on global competition and local upgrading.  相似文献   

The article analyses the meaning, theory and key policy instruments of economic integration among LDCs and reviews the experience of various regional cooperation efforts in the Third World.It starts from the basic premise that economic integration is not an end in itself nor are its outcomes value-free; rather its social legitimacy depends on the socio-economic and political interests which are served by regional cooperation. Power commanding local hegemonic groups as well as foreign economic and political actors (governments and the transnational enterprises) play a determining role in the orientation, content and performance of regional cooperation.The article also explores the implications for integration of certain structural economic characteristics of LDCs involving key production, technological, trade and distributional considerations. They are interpreted as calling for regional cooperation mechanisms which are non-wholistic in the sense that they are directed towards the fulfilment of specific objectives, activities and tasks which require (a) programmed yet not comprehensive harmonization policies, (b) a subordination of trade to a planned and significant expansion of economic activities in new fields, and (c) the pursuit of certain outcomes whose values are not adequately reflected by the market system and whose inducement requires more explicit government intervention.Finally the article argues that since regional cooperation is by its nature conflict-prone and subject to strong polarization forces, and since, furthermore, the above-raised considerations call for a significant role to be played by the member countries' governments, the viability of the process is subject to a continuous commitment and manifestation of political support.  相似文献   

运用DEA—Tobit两步法对我国2010年的区域产学研合作效率及影响因素进行了评价和分析。研究结果表明:我国产学研合作的综合技术效率水平为0.846,综合技术无效率主要来源于纯技术无效率;区域产学研合作效率出现东西高、中部低的局面,且技术无效率是中部地区产学研合作无效率的重要原因;地区GDP增长率、教育经费占GDP的比重、技术市场交易金额占GDP的比重,以及区域内具有Rb-D活动的企业数与我国区域产学研合作效率显著正相关。  相似文献   

运用DEA-Tobit两步法对我国2010年的区域产学研合作效率及影响因素进行了评价和分析。研究结果表明:我国产学研合作的综合技术效率水平为0.846,综合技术无效率主要来源于纯技术无效率;区域产学研合作效率出现东西高、中部低的局面,且技术无效率是中部地区产学研合作无效率的重要原因;地区GDP增长率、教育经费占GDP的比重、技术市场交易金额占GDP的比重,以及区域内具有R&D活动的企业数与我国区域产学研合作效率显著正相关。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the international monetary system will evolve into a bipolar structure consisting of a dollar area and a euro area, each of which attracting other countries to their gravitational centers. A deepening and widening of NAFTA and the EU will enlarge the sphere of influence of both currencies; trade wars will restrict them. The yen is a big question mark. The deep and still unresolved financial crisis in Japan works against the enlargement of the yen; deregulation of its financial markets, with the attendant decline in transaction costs, goes in the opposite direction. Our conclusion is that the yen area will be much smaller than the dollar and the euro area and, consequently, the two large blocs will shape the international monetary system of the 21st century in a critical way. We also discuss feasible scenarios of interaction between currency blocs. A large EMU works in favor of cooperation because fewer players imply lower decision-making costs in reaching a cooperative solution. The relative closeness of the EMU and the United States, on the other hand, works against cooperation and in favor of benign neglect. Exchange-rate agreements are fragile unless supported by strong commitment to economic policy cooperation, and such a commitment may well be premature. The article advocates that the United States and EMU target common inflation rates, an idea that Keynes proposed back in 1923.  相似文献   

The methodical approaches to analysis and forecasting of economic dynamics are considered in the paper in terms of the arrangement of the interrelations between private business and the state. An approach is suggested, which connects the development parameters of the country’s economy, some types of economic activities, and corporations into one analytical complex during the development and discussion of key measures in the sphere of the management of the national economy.  相似文献   

企业价值最大化是一个具有前瞻性、复合性、实在性的企业目标,不仅在学术领域得到广泛认同,也在实践中得到有力支持.企业管理的每一活动必须基于价值创造.文章从企业目标价值最大化出发,论述了企业员工培训活动能创造价值,必须坚持在培训的各环节以提升绩效为前提;增加企业价值为原则;高层领导积极参与、组织实施为基础.企业价值评估等式表明,创造价值的业绩衡量应从三方面进行,即有助于最大获取现金净流入;有助于加强风险控制;有助于企业可持续发展.  相似文献   

党建合作目前仍是校企合作的薄弱环节,但今后应当成为全面深化校企合作的重要内容,成为创新点和闪光点.全面深化校企党建合作是新形势下高职院校和企业迎接挑战实现双赢的共同需要,是创新当前高职院校校企合作机制、注入活力、提升合作水平的现实需要,是丰富校企深度合作内容、搭建校企合作制度化建设平台的需要,是实现校企之间优势互补、推动双方党建工作的需要.深化校企党建合作应着力从指导思想、组织建设、党建活动、文化交流等方面展开,全面整合校企合作资源,提升校企合作水平.  相似文献   

今年春节以来,我国的香港和澳门相继爆发“奶粉荒”,据报道,“奶粉荒”的源头是大量内地客涌至港澳抢购各品牌进口奶粉。 笔者对身边有宝宝的家庭做了一个简单的调查.发现几乎没有家庭是给宝宝吃国产奶粉的,倒不是这些家庭条件有多好.而是他们对国产奶粉已经失去信任。那么,国内奶粉到底好不好?  相似文献   

邓慧灵  李世平 《乡镇经济》2009,25(12):95-97
目前,我国农产品经纪人队伍存在经纪行为不成熟、职业行为不规范、综合素质低、活动资金匮乏等不足,根本原因在于我国农产品经纪人的分散性。农业合作组织是推进农业和农村市场发展的中坚力量之一。依托农业合作组织,有了组织保障,农产品经纪人可以获得开展经济活动的资金;方便从外部和内部进行监督以使经纪活动规范化操作;通过合理的内部利益分配机制,可以促使经纪行为走向成熟;利用合作组织的信息资源,有利于提高经纪人的专业能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

This microhistory explores the activities of one of the many trade associations created in the nineteenth century in the US. Qualitative evidence is used to engage with the concepts of competition, cooperation, and social capital. This article explores the reasons why cooperation emerged between competing economic agents, as an intended outcome of associational activity. It is argued that trade associations are forms of voluntary association consciously established to achieve economic aims and create networks of sociability. These, in turn, generated social capital used by economic agents to avoid ruinous competition and to capture political, economic, and social resources.  相似文献   

本文利用正在兴起的企业知识基础观(KBV)来研究建立在供应链生产性活动基础上的企业间合作,重点在于研究企业间知识合作的影响因素。文章从知识基础观入手,剖析了供应链企业间知识合作的具体内容,并结合知识利用效率以及知识合作风险,总结了影响供应链企业间知识合作的基本要素和路径,从而建立了企业间知识合作影响因素的分析框架。  相似文献   

张德海 《科学决策》2009,(12):49-53
目前供应链的各种创新活动都偏重于追逐经济利益而忽视环境保护,但外部压力促使供应链必须进行多主体与多任务的绿色合作创新。本文构建了绿色合作创新的多任务委托代理模型,从供应商努力成本的交叉系数和可观测性等角度探讨了制定绿色合作创新激励机制的影响因素和方法,提出了整合多种创新资源,顺利实现绿色供应链合作创新的决策建议。  相似文献   

长期以来,在中日政府间科技合作机制框架下,双方在产学研联合研究、技术合作、人才交流等方面开展了多方位的合作,促进了中日两国经济的健康发展。通过长期的合作与磨合,中日科技合作形成了完善的合作机制与渠道,具有互补性强、合作领域广泛、潜力巨大、双赢共赢效果突出等基本特点,结出了累累硕果。但是,随着国际政治与大国间博弈的加剧,日本对华科技竞争与防范意识提升已然影响双方高科技领域的合作。鉴于此,中国应立足双方互补性,系牢与日本在前沿与关键科技领域的利益链条,降低日本对华局部"脱钩"的可能性;聚焦双方共同利益,力争在碳中和领域深化中日合作,拓宽科技合作的领域边界。  相似文献   

技术预见与闽台科技协同创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闽台科技必须在明确自身定位的同时加强区域协同创新。作为区域创新的战略导航系统,开展技术预见已成世界潮流。联合开展闽台技术预见活动,有利于推进跨省区域合作,促进闽台科技协同创新走向深入,构建更加紧密有效的闽台合作机制,统筹协调闽台科技交流合作的功能分工,提升海峡西岸经济区与台湾地区的对接能力。  相似文献   

在当前世界经济发展中,我国对外经济合作呈现越来越强劲的增长势头,并且大部分的合作项目都同时伴有较大规模的对外投资及自然资源的贸易往来。本文运用引力模型研究了我国的对外经济合作及与其相关的投资流,模型中额外加入了基于资源及经济安全角度考虑的其他因素。研究结果显示,经典引力模型中通常会影响对外投资的各要素同样会作用于我国的对外经济合作,同时合作国的自然资源禀赋亦表现出较强的吸引华资优势,此外,我国在选择合作伙伴国时倾向于较弱的政治自由度,较低的腐败程度及较稳定和持续的经济增长环境。  相似文献   


The study deals, on one hand, with the international politics connections, and, on the other, the endogenous economic policy implications of Finland's relationship with West European economic arrangements from the Marshal! Plan up to the FINN-EFTA Agreement. In the 1950s, the Finnish economy was, in fact, a closed economy, albeit highly dependent on foreign trade. Finland's international position in the Soviet sphere of influence imposed restraints with regard to participation in international economic integration. Finland, for example, remained outside the Marshal! Plan and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), and even Nordic cooperation was a delicate matter from the point of view of relations with the Soviets. However, the protectionist foreign trade policies, consisting of both tariffs and quantitative restrictions, explain at least as much of the relative isolation of the Finnish economy. In these circumstances, Finland's participation in EFTA cooperation, within the framework of the FINN-EFTA agreement, from 1961 onwards was the decisive turning point towards an opening economy.  相似文献   

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