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健全的农产品物流系统是有效实现农产品价值的保证.以丽水市为例,对浙西南山区的农产品物流现状进行了深入的分析,并在此基础上,提出从物流主体、物流平台、功能性物流业务和外部环境四个方面建设一个有效的农产品物流系统.  相似文献   

始自次贷危机的金融风暴正在全球肆虐,众多声誉卓著的世界知名公司轰然倒塌,其中最为引人注目的当属华尔街五大投资银行的消失.究竟是什么原因导致了如此严重的后果?通过选取投资银行倒闭案中比较有代表性的贝尔斯登案例进行研究,发现投资银行消亡的直接杀手是现金流断流.而在这一直接原因的背后存在着鲜为人知的"幕后杀手".通过使用案例研究以及由具体到一般的研究策略,探寻出了企业现金流管理的一般规律.  相似文献   

城市社区公共空间违法侵占,不仅影响市容市貌,同样制约城市规划与社区治理现代化的进程,其产生与城镇化引起的农民居住空间变迁密切相关。目前,拆迁安置社区中不同程度地存在空间违法侵占现象。拆迁安置空间的形成不是市场自主选择的结果,而是社会转型中政治权力与社会权利共作用的产物,空间违法侵占便产生于这一政治性空间中。以NJ市H社区空间违法侵占为例,以列菲弗空间生产理论为框架进行实证研究:通过"空间再现—空间实践—再现空间"三个层次系统,从国家视角、居民视角及博弈视角分析"规训—反规训"空间生产的逻辑脉络,并为解决空间冲突提出建议。  相似文献   


Expressed personality traits can play a pivotal role in convincing investors in crowdfunding. Our study answers the research question: What is the current body of knowledge regarding the relationship between personality factors and crowdfunding success and where are knowledge gaps where the literature is silent? In our literature review, we therefore analyze and categorize (1) the results provided by quantitative studies on the relationship between the personality of entrepreneurs and crowdfunding success and (2) the research gaps identified by the authors investigating personality in crowdfunding. We find that studies investigating the entrepreneur's personality, i.e. the Big Five, other baseline personality traits (self-efficacy, innovativeness, locus of control, and need for achievement) and the Dark Triad, find positive relationships between openness and crowdfunding success, while narcissism shows an inverted u-shaped relationship with crowdfunding success across articles. However, the effects of other personality traits on crowdfunding success are largely inconclusive. Further, we identify four main gaps in the literature. First, future studies should examine non-linear relationships between expressed personality traits and crowdfunding success. Second, there is a need for more studies that employ different methods like qualitative or mixed-method approaches. Third, replication studies in similar and different contexts are urgently needed. Fourth, a plurality of personality perspectives would strengthen future research (e.g., investor perspective, third party perspective). To our knowledge this is the first literature review of personality traits in crowdfunding. Our work aims to enrich our understanding of individual-level components in the underexplored alternative finance market.


搞好搞活国有企业一直备受社会瞩目,在东北老工业基地,很多国有企业都走上了破产重组的道路。企业破产对职工来说在不同程度地存在思想波动和对抗情绪等问题,破产工作稍有不慎,就容易引发职工群体上访等事件。本文主要是从破产企业注重人文关怀,帮助职工提高思想认识,确保企业破产的顺利进行。  相似文献   

上沙是我国“乡镇之星”———广东省东莞市长安镇 1 2个村中其中的一个。它位于长安镇区的中部 ,全村土地面积 6 5平方公里 ,有本地户籍人口 2 4 80多人 ,外来、流动人口约 4 50 0 0人。作为我国农村最基层的行政组织 ,上沙村早些年并没有什么可以让媒体可圈可点的。但近些年随着社会经济的持续、稳定、健康发展 ,人们对上沙的关注越来越密切 :一是他的人文历史 ;二是他的发展变化。人文历史。据文史资料记载 ,上沙村是我国革命的先行者孙中山先生祖先的故乡。孙中山为孙氏第十七世孙。现在上沙村还完整地保存着孙氏宗祠 ,每年都有散居各…  相似文献   

Another Approach to Data Envelopment Analysis in Noisy Environments: DEA+   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
In this paper a DEA+ labeled approach for efficiency measurement in the stochastic case is presented along with a consistency proof and some preliminary evidence illustrating the small sample performance. DEA+ can basically handle multi-output technologies like standard DEA but allows to filter noise, that might have disturbed production and unlike a related approach does not require panel data. Consistency of DEA+ relies on the assumption of i.i.d. distributed and bounded noise and requires radial efficiency measurement. First Monte Carlo experiments show that a DEA+ based average inefficiency estimator performs well for samples of size n=100 in one-output, two-input settings compared to the corresponding Stochastic Frontier Estimator. Sensitivity of DEA+ performance with respect to parametrization of noise is weak, but higher noise contribution requires much larger sample size for satisfactory results.  相似文献   

李川川 《价值工程》2015,(21):187-188
高校帮困助学工作是高校学生工作的一个重要方面,近几年来备受各大高校的重视。通过对做好高校帮困助学工作之重大意义的梳理,详细阐述了高校帮困助学工作的主要内容。从辅导员的角度谈对于帮困助学工作的一些认识与思考,以期指导高校辅导员更加合理地开展帮困助学工作。辅导员应该带着情感认真、细致地做好经济困难学生的认定工作,加强对受助学生的教育管理。  相似文献   

中国过去30年的城市建设以增量扩张为基本范式,背后是一套由城市政府掌握的"开发体制"。以西部欠发达城市忠县为研究样本,通过批判性地分析其6年来的城市空间生产过程及相应的城市设计实践,指出城市设计是"开发体制"中的一种经济化的操作性制度,其主要作用是为政府主导的城市大开发行为构建"合理性"与"正当性"。但在新常态下,既有的城市建设范式面临坍塌,城市设计面临着需求萎缩、转型困难、后患众多的危机;其在未来所面临的主要挑战将是:从单一增长走向多元发展、从形态设计走向机制设计、从空间生产走向空间修补。  相似文献   

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