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With a vast territory, the space-time distribution of water resources is uneven in China. There is a great dif ference in natural conditions and farmland management of agricuttural production in different regions. The areal differentiation of agricultural products virtual water is obvious. Comparison with the agricultural products virtual water from 1995 to 2007 in China shows an increase in the first ten vears and a little decrease in recent years. There has been a tendency of increase all the time in Northeast and Northwest. but a decrease after an increase firstly in other regions. The virtual water offood crops is the maximum which accounts for more than 70% in China. and that of vegetables is in a fast growth. The proportion of agricultural products virtual water to the total water resources in each region has a large difference, showing the imbalance of agricultural water in different regions, which accounts for 50%-90% in Northeast, and 125%-185% in North China. Under the guidance of virtual water strategy, based on the differences of resource endowment, each region should adjust agricultural structure, decide production by water, and select water suitable crops. In water-rich region, agricultural produets of high water consumption should be planted appropriately, which will make full use of the abundant local water resources. In water-shortage region the crop production of high water consumption and low efficiency should be depressed, and that of low water consumption and high efficiency should be supported and increased. It will achieve reasonable disposition of water resources, promote ecological restoration and environmental protection, as welt as ensure food security.  相似文献   

Involuntary resettlenment caused by project construction is a difficult problem over world. In the past, therestoration of livelihoods in the event of involuntary resettlementhas been based purely on providing compensation to those who are displaced. Evidence has shown that compensation-based involuntary resettlement can not realize the objective of restoring and improving resettlers' living standard. With a view to improve this outcome, the concept of Resettlement with Development (RwD) was envisaged and is now generally heralded as the means to mitigate catastrophic failures of the past. However, few developing countries have included the concept of RwD into th, ational policies and China is one of them. The Chinese government has taken resettlement as an opportunity to help resettlers restore and improve their living standards and develop economy in reservoir areas by implementing RwD olicy including giving compensation and subsidies at early stage and offering production assistance at late stage, citing up reservoir construction fund, initiating partnership programs and preferential policy as well as enhanc infrastruture construction. The preliminary experience from the TGP resettlement has verified that the transformation from compensation-based resettlement to RwD is a right policy, choice. Meanwhile. because ofthe changing political environment and the complexity of involuntary resettlement there is still room for china to improve its RwD policy.  相似文献   

It is significant for the study on the sustainable development of regional agriculture to monitor and measurethe trend of agricultural development with an effective method. The sustainable development of regional agricultureshould accord with regional population, rural economic development, social progress, resource and environmentalsupport. This paper establishes the evaluating indicators system of sustainable development of regional agriculture,evaluates the agricultural sustainable development in Shaanxi Province with a comprehensive multi-indicator method,analyzes the support of resource and environment for regional agriculture by the resource-development index and theenvironment-development index, and gets the conclusion that the indicators, such as education level, the income gapbetween urban and rural residents, the per capita area under cultivation and the consumption of pesticides and chemicalfertilizers per hectare, are the main factors to restrict agricultural sustainability, and that the pressure of the developmentof subsystems of population, economy and society on the subsystems of resource and environment turns out to bestronger and stronger. Agricultural environment gets better, but resource becomes one of the important factors to restrictthe development of regional agriculture. In a word, this paper highlights the potentials and limitations of sustainableagriculture of Shaanxi and helps identify the development direction in the future.  相似文献   

With the aim of the harmonious development of economy-environment system in Tianjin Municipality, an index system used to evaluate the circular economy (CE) is presented in this paper. The index system consists of the index of economy development, green development, human and culture development. According to the evaluation results, this paper brings forward the countermeasures including industry structure adjustment, improving city infrastructure system, increasing the level of habitation environment, establishing the system of green social consumption to improve the development of circular economy in Tianjin.  相似文献   

After more than 20 years' high speed growth, the sustainable growth of Chinese economy faces serious limitation of resources and factors now and in the future. In order to maintain the economic growth. China has to trans-form the way of economic growth, Based on the analysis on the related theories of economic growth and the structural transformation in factors of production, this paper proposes that the transformation of the economic growth way has to impel the optimization and the promotion of the utilization structure of factors of production. Finall.v, based on the analysis of the necessity to change the pattern of economic growth, this paper proposes' the strategic measures to promote the continuous economic growth and the transformation of patterns of economic growth.  相似文献   

Regional agriculture is the basis of regional sustainable development, so sustainable regional agricultural development is essential to the sustainable development of the whole society and becomes the focus of global research. The classification of regional agricultural structure is the basic work of regional agriculture study. This paper constructs index system (27 indices) of regional agricultural structure types with the three big indices: natural resources, developmental level of the agro-economy, and agro-ecological conditions. This paper also endows weight to every sub-classification index by means of AHP and obtains the comprehensive evaluation value of the three types of indices with arithmetic average weight approach. The regional agricultural structure can be classified into eight types in accordance with this evaluation results. The empirical study of China shows that the 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) are of different agriculture structural types. Finally, countermeasures of sustainsable agricultural development are put forward for the different agriculture structure features.  相似文献   

The economy of China has been developing fast after the beginning of the new century, but the 31 provinces or municipalities (excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao) develop disparately. So, finding an appropriate way to analyze and compare the economic situations of various regions is of great significance for the balanced development of the east coastal area and the hinterland. With the DEA method, on the basis of regionalism, this paper analyzes various regions of China, and gets the conclusion that the effective proportion of DEA of the coastal developed areas is relatively higher, and the extremely tittle foreign investment makes the relative efficiency of DEA of frontier areas pretty high. In addition, through the analysis parameters of the regions where DEA is relatively ineffective, this paper points out that the surplus labor force is the most influential factor, and the spare foreign investment is the main reason for the lack of efficiency of relatively developed regions.  相似文献   

This paper, based on the investigation of the statistics in the years of 1980-2005, using Shift-Share Method model, studies systematically the relation between the evolution of industrial structure and regional economic growth in five economic regions in He'nan to offer the foundation of policy for optimizing the industrial structure and promoting regional economic development in phase, and thereby comes to the conclusions: (1) the industrial structure level of He'nan, in comparison with the evolution of the industrial structure across the country, remains low, but yet the evolutional tendency of industrial structure in He'nan complies with the Clark taw of the industrial structure evolution; (2) the spatial difference of He'nan industrial structure evolution is comparatively large, (3) the evolution of industrial structure in He nan that influences economic growth can be categorized into three types: in eastern and southern regions, the shift-share of the industrial structure is negative, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative, in western and central regions, the shift.share of the industrial structure is positive, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is positive; in northern regions; the shift-share of the industrial structure is positive, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative: (4) the evolution of industriai structure influences greatly the development of the regional economy of He nan As the results of the researches shown, it can innovation of He'nan tra:ditional industry with high-tech the vast development of the tertiary industry, the expansion of He'nan overall level o industrial structure, the growth of deep-processing manufacturing of agricultural products, and the increase of He'nan agricultural products subsidiary value Will be the strategic choices of the rearrangement of He'nan industrial structure.  相似文献   

The water body of Taihu Lake has been eutrophicated because of area-source pollution. 83% of the total nitrogen and 84% of the total phosphorus of the pollutant that have washed into Taihu Lake originated from the fertilizer of crop land, rural animal husbandry and living sewage and rubbish in rural area. The goal of adjusting agricultural structure is to improve agricultural development, and to increase the peasants' income by planting non-grain crop, centralizing animal husbandry, and intensifying aquaculture, etc. It is necessary to research on the influences of agriculture industrial structure on area-source pollution. This paper studies a case of Dapu Town in Yixing City, which is a typical drainage place beside Taihu Lake. On the basis of the analysis on the status quo of area-source pollution and agriculture industrial structure in Dapu Town, the conflicts between them are discussed. Non-grain crop production with a great deal of fertilizer and developing aquaculture with a great deal of organic pollutant, which are directly discharged, make area-source pollution more serious and accelerate the eutrophication in Taihu Lake. This paper suggests taking corresponding technological measures and policies, which have been tested in Dapu Town and demonstrated in Taih, Lake area.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the existence of developmental views and compares the results of previous studies for underdeveloped regions.In view of the limitations of previous studies,this study details regional unit,expands index system,applies factor-analysis to structure index system,uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to improve analytic hierarchy process,and identifies the economic developmental levels of 384 regions,including 4 municipalities,333 cities at prefecture level,and 47 counties under the jurisdiction of province.The levels of the 47 counties are identified by dividing the rank of comprehensive values of more than 337 regions unit into five equal graduations and then matching the 47 counties with the five-graduation results.This study provides the distribution of resources-rich region in China qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of coal,oil gas and other 14 kinds of metal mineral resources.Finally,by matching the two parts of results,this study identifies the distribution of underdeveloped resource-rich regions (URRRs).URRRs are mainly distributed in Shaanxi,Shanxi,Guizhou,Yunnan,Sichuan,He 'nan,Shandong,Guangxi and Gansu provinces,which accounts for 78.57% of the total in China.To a certain degree,the result of this paper proves that "resources curse " existing in the national stratification plane in later 20^th century still takes places in some cities in China,especially in the counties of these cities 'jurisdiction.  相似文献   

This paper studies the endogeneity of WTO dummy variable in the gravity model about the trade in the region of China and ASEAN. We first present a two-stage test approach for the endogeneity of WTO dummy, then transform the endogeneity problem to a simultaneous system about WTO and trade, and construct an MLE estimation approach to the simultaneous model. The estimate of the coefficient of WTO dummy is positive, as opposed to the negative sign in the exogeneity case. From the estimation of the endogenous model, WTO has creation fold effect and strong trade diversion effect on export model in the region.  相似文献   

Qingtian County of Zhejiang Province, China has maintained the traditional rice-fish agriculture for about 2,000 years and formed exceptional cultural heritage based on this kind of production mode, so it was ed by FAO as a pilot site for the rice-fish agricultural heritage systems in 2005. This research has applied the indicators of ecological footprint and biocapacity to monitor the environmental conditions of Qingtian County, aiming to find the impact that the traditional agricultural production mode and the local inhabitants lifestyle have placed on the local environmental conditions as well as the role they have played in maintaining ecological balance, cultural inheritance and regional sustainable development. Results show that Qingtian County is characterized by a nearly breakeven total ecological balance, as opposed to Zhejiang Province, the world and other agricultural regions. However, compared with another rice-fish agricultural region, Congjiang County which enjoys a considerable ecological reserve, Qingtian County has consumed a greater amount of environmental resources. Specifically, about half of the ecological footprint of Qingtian County can be attributed to the cropland (50.8%) while the CO2 area only accounts for 11.2%, which is dramatically different from that of the modern industrialized regions. And a vast of percentage of energy is caused by the combustion of fuelwood which not only requires the land to absorb the CO2 emission it has generated but also occupies the forest where it has been chopped.  相似文献   

This paper points out that one of the main reasons for income gap between urban and rural areas in china is difference of human capital reserve on education which are decided by Chinese government's urban area privileged policy and the current education system. This paper also compares the different human capital reserve in two area, and analyzes the under-qualified human capital reserve in rural areas is resulted by these following reasons: The shortage of public spending in compulsory education for several decades has contributed to low school attendance and the great illiteracy beyond urban areas; the inefficient educational system has caused peasants to lose interest in education; No support for adult education has closed the doors for adults to earn money in non-agricultural industries. Vocational schools cannot attract the huge number of potential customers since their curricula and skills are out of date. As policy suggestions, governments should invest enough money in compulsory rural education, and creating a pragmatic rural education system is also vital.  相似文献   

In the past, evaluations of ecosystem functions were mostly based on Costanza's model, whereas the spatial, quality and temporal characteristics of regional ecosystems were not considered in the model. Focusing on these issues, coefficients of regional difference, spatial heterogeneity and willingness-to-pay (WTP) were established to modify Costanza's model, and a new comprehensive valuation model of ecosystem functions is proposed. The analytical results indicate that the comprehensive model could evaluate regional ecosystem functions in China accurately and provide more helpful information for decision-making. The empirical study on Zhangbei County in Hebei Province shows that the intensive human activities could limit the provision of ecosystem functions while the planned ecological programs might promote the restoration of ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

From the view of system theory, modern agriculture in a region embodies elements conformity, structure optimization, multi-functionality and sustainable development. This paper first expounds on the relationship among agricultural elements, structure, function and development theoretically, compartmentalizes agriculture types based on human-land elements matching, and depicts the development path of agricultural multi-functionality. it shows that the matching of human-land elements is a key to agricultural types, and the multi-functionality is an indication of agricultural development stages. At last, as a case study of Suzhou in eastern coastal area, the paper analyzes the evolvement situation and developing mechanism and some typical models of modern agriculture which suit to agriculture system evolvement. The results .show that in Suzhou the agriculture productivity, has improved greatly; And along with the agriculture structure optimizing, agriculture function has translated from "production " to "non- production and production ". With simulation of agricultural trend in Suzhou, it is .found that Suzhou has a LP- dependence (labor productivity) on agricultural element, so Suzhou will has much more potential in land productivity. Based on the above analysis on agricultural system, some typical patterns on modern agriculture in Suzhou are brought up, such as export-oriented agriculture, enterprises-leading agriculture, science and technology, parks agriculture, stereoseopic agriculture, and tourism and sightseeing agriculture.  相似文献   

This study uses the rural tourist motivation scale to measure the motivations, expectations, and satisfaction of nearly 200 rural tourists in five areas of Hainan, China by importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and factor analysis. The results show that the main motivation for participating in rural tourism is to be close to nature, improve family rela-tionship and relaxation. Tourists are highly satisfied with the landscape and pastoral views as well as the friendliness of the local people and hotels. The results also show that the sample people most care about easy parking and reasonable prices, and they expect ethnic festivals and farm life experiences. Besides the environment, facilities, recreational activities and psychological experience of rural tourism, the overall satisfaction is high. The results of this study can be used by local government leaders as well as the tourism industry to devise ways to promote and improve rural tourism.  相似文献   

Energy plays an important role in the economic life. With the rapid development of economy, the constraint of energy on the sustainable development of economy is becoming more and more obvious. This paper just Studies the factors influencing energy efficiency of China and the relationship between energy efficiency and China's economic: growth. By using time series multivariable linear regression methods with China's relevant data from 1953 to 2006, this paper constructs the regression model to analyze the factors that would impact energy, efficiency. After that, a regression model of China's real output to capital, labor and energy e lficiency is conducted to estimate the marginal contribution of every factor to the real output to prove the fundamental influence of energy efficiency to the economic growth. In the end, some policies and recommendations are also put forward in order to improve the energy efficiency; of China.  相似文献   

China is facing severe problem of water scarcity.Agricultural sector,the main consumer of water resource,has remarkably changed its institutions on water resource deployment,due to heavy environmental pressure.As a new and spontaneous institution,groundwater market has developed rapidly in northern China,and has impacts on waterusing behaviors and benefits of farmers.Using household survey data from Hebei and Henan in 2007,this paper attempts to pin down the development and operating of groundwater market in rural China.We focus on the monopoly and competition in the market.Empirical analysis reveals that Chinese farmers are trying to make rational decision when they compete with others in groundwater market.In general,monopoly is not fierce in Chinese rural groundwater market,with great variations among different villages and even different tubewells within one village.Tubewell costs,regulation and the density of tubewells are the main determinants that affect monopoly level of groundwater market.To make water market benefit more and more farmers of low income,corresponding policies are needed to modify its development in the future.  相似文献   

Thailand has currently enhanced and promoted intensive trade and investment liberalization and implemented long-term growth policy according with current regional economic integration, WTO obligations and globalization. Nevertheless, several recent internal and external factors e.g. the massive SARS and avian flu outbreaks, the Indian Ocean tsunami devastation, the Asia financial crisis and domestic policy reforms (ICSEAD, 2006) have also impeded this policy. While the issues are important for Thailand and developing countries in Asia, only limited research has been undertaken to investigate them. The paper conducts a substantive quantitative study to contribute to these trade and development policy issues. A new econometric modelling policy method, namely the generalized gravity theory (Tran Van Hoa, 2004) is used to develop a simple flexible simultaneous-equation econometric model of Thailand's openness model with its seven major trade partners (ASEAN-4, Australia, the USA, the EU, China, Japan and India). Using data from the ICSEAD, the World Development Indicators and the Bank of Thailand databases, the paper reveals efficient and reliable empirical findings on trade-growth causality, trade determination including the impact of shocks and policy reform on trade and growth between Thailand and its major trade partners over the past two decades. The paper also provides evidence on the linkages between trade in goods, FDI and services and regional economic integration for more credible policy implications.  相似文献   

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