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黄克毅,男,1939年生,浙江省黄岩人。中国书法家协会会员、中国工艺美术学会会员、山西省书法家协会理事、山西国际文化交流画院秘书长,山西省文史研究馆馆员。毛笔作品曾获全国一等奖,硬笔作品获全国三等奖。  相似文献   

老农 《经济》2010,(1):152-153
老墨,本名刘咏阁,毕业于中国艺术研究院研究生班,对外经济贸易大学艺术教研室副教授、高级工艺美术师。系美协、书协、影协、工艺美术、装帧艺术、以及中国诗歌学会会员,北京雨山湖书画院副院长。  相似文献   

李书成,男,1962年5月出生,海南文昌人,毕业于广州美术学院;现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省人民政府文史研究馆馆员、广东省人民政府文史研究馆画院副院长、广东书画艺术研究会会长、《广东书画艺术》杂志社主编。  相似文献   

李书成,男,1962年5月出生,海南文昌人,毕业于广州美术学院:现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省人民政府文史研究馆馆员、广东省人民政府文史研究馆画院副院长、广东书画艺术研究会会长、《广东书画艺术》杂志社主编。  相似文献   

毛丽冰  刘稚亚 《经济》2013,(7):74-76
脱口而出的流利英语、信手拈来的经济学术语、滔滔不绝快言快语中不失自嘲、时而低头沉思时而爽朗大笑,在《经济》记者走访的众多经济学家中,像他这一范儿的还不多见。受教于多位知名大师,曾在驻外大使馆工作,连续10年参与中央经济工作会议文件  相似文献   

吹响了唤醒塔里木河的号 角长期以来,塔里木河由于上游进行大规模的农业开发且水利建设的滞后,致使下游320公里的河道断流,大片胡杨林干枯死亡,绿色走廊开始衰败萎缩,生态环境变得极其恶劣。近几年,塔里木河的治理引起高层的关注。2000年9月,朱镕基总理视察新疆时亲临塔里木河,明确指出:要下决心治理塔里木河,力争用4年至10年时间,使塔里木河流域生态环境建设有一个突破性的发展。2000年,水利部门先后两次从博斯腾湖调水3.2亿立方米补给塔里木河;2001年6月,国家批准了总投资107亿元的“塔里木河流域近期综合治理规划”,构筑…  相似文献   

As the fate of endangered species may largely depend on human decisions, we analyzed the effect of species attractiveness to humans on conservation efforts devoted to captive breeding. Our respondents were asked to rank photographs of 56 species of boas and pythons according to perceived attractiveness. Surprisingly, attractiveness, body size and, marginally, also taxonomic uniqueness of the species were the only significant predictors of the size of zoo population. On the other hand, variables putatively associated with species rarity (inclusion in the Red List or protection by international law, geographic range size, and commercial price) had no effect. The range size was, however, positively correlated with attractiveness. As the perceived attractiveness affects at least some components of the conservation effort, it should not be further neglected but should be routinely included into conservation reasoning.  相似文献   

Consumption over the life cycle: How different is housing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Micro data over the life cycle show different patterns for consumption for housing and non-housing goods: The consumption profile of non-housing goods is hump-shaped, while the consumption profile for housing first increases monotonically and then flattens out. These patterns hold true at each consumption quartile. This paper develops a quantitative, dynamic, general equilibrium model of life-cycle behavior, that generates consumption profiles consistent with the observed data. Borrowing constraints are essential in explaining the accumulation of housing stock early in life, while transaction costs are crucial in generating the slow downsizing of the housing stock later in life.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of life insurance upon the individual's ‘value of life’. In a single period framework we analyse the factors which determine whether life insurance and safety will be treated as substitutes or complements.  相似文献   

本文认为,上市公司关联方交易的存在有利也有弊。不公允性是关联方交易的本质特征,因此,对关联方交易的监管重点不应放在禁止不公允关联方交易的发生上,也不宜放在对关联方交易的显失公允价格的会计处理上。关联方交易监管的重点应当是保证关联方交易的充分公开,保证公司现在的中小股东能参与公司关联方交易的决策和日常监督,保证公司的投资者、债权人、监管者及其他有关人士能及时、全面、如实地获悉公司关联方交易的相关信息。  相似文献   

Consumption over the life cycle: The role of annuities   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We explore the quantitative implications of uncertainty about the length of life and a lack of annuity markets for life cycle consumption in a general equilibrium overlapping generations model in which markets are otherwise complete. Empirical studies find that consumption displays a hump shape over the life cycle. Our model exhibits life cycle consumption that is consistent with this pattern. Our calibrated model, which includes an unfunded social security system, displays a hump shape but the peak occurs later in the life cycle than in the data. Adding a bequest motive causes this decline to begin at a younger age.  相似文献   

This letter addresses the second-degree price discrimination issue when a monopolized product is tied with environmental quality. The monopolist may degrade environmental quality too much when marginal valuations of environmental quality and the good itself are positively related across consumers.  相似文献   

周保松不仅阐述了这样的命题:罗尔斯的正义原则完全蕴含在自由平等的道德人的理念中,而且还将客观善的目的论契合到康德式的自主伦理学中.这样,周保松一方面通过强调早期罗尔斯自由主义中的康德伦理学路径来维系了"公平式的正义"的道德吸引力,另一方面又通过契合论路径来抗辩了施特劳斯以及甘阳等对自由主义的虚无主义指控.惟就后一点而言,这一契合论抗辩似乎尚未弥合古典的自然正当或目的论和现代的自主伦理之间的巨大分歧.此外,忽略了契约论工具和理性选择等因素则可能削弱了差异原则在证成上的技术可信度.  相似文献   

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